// Constructors public Player(int starting_funds, int buy_in, int big_blind, int small_blind, int ante, Card[] starting_hand, Deck deck, int max_size, string name, bool is_male) { money_p = new Money(starting_funds, buy_in, big_blind, small_blind, ante); hand_p = new Hand(starting_hand, deck, max_size); is_out_p = false; folded_p = false; all_in_p = false; refresh_bluff(); name_p = name; is_male_p = is_male; n_times_this_turn = 0; tell_type_p = (Tell_Types)rand.Next((int)Tell_Types.END); tell_p = decide_tell(); last_action_p = Actions.CALL; last_bet_p = 0; }
protected int get_tell_tier(Tell_Types tell_type, string tell) { string[] tell_arr = get_tell_array(tell_type); int tier = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tell_arr.Length; i++) { if (tell.Equals(tell_arr[i])) { tier = i; break; } } return(tier); }
protected int get_tell_tier(Tell_Types tell_type, string tell) { string[] tell_arr = get_tell_array(tell_type); int tier = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tell_arr.Length; i++) { if (tell.Equals(tell_arr[i])) { tier = i; break; } } return tier; }
protected string[] get_tell_array(Tell_Types tell_type) { const int n_tiers = 4; string[] tell_array = new string[n_tiers]; tell_array[0] = "is doing nothing out of the ordinary"; string possessive = "his"; string referral = "he"; if(!is_male){ possessive = "her"; referral = "she"; } // set the other tiers switch (tell_type) { case (Tell_Types.SCRATCH_EAR): tell_array[1] = String.Format("taps {0} ear", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("scratches {0} ear", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("tugs lightly on {0} ear", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.BEND_CARD): tell_array[1] = String.Format("is rubbing one of {0} cards with {0} thumb and forefinger", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("is lightly tugging {0} cards", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is squeezing {0} card and bending it slightly", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.RUB_NOSE): tell_array[1] = String.Format("sniffs and shifts a bit"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("rubs {0} nose for a second", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is sniffing uncontrollably"); break; case (Tell_Types.LOOK_AROUND): tell_array[1] = String.Format("glances around at the other players when they aren't looking"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("darts quick glances around the table"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is intently watching your every move"); break; case (Tell_Types.SHIFT_UNCOMFORTABLY): tell_array[1] = String.Format("sniffs and shifts a bit"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("scoots back in {0} chair a bit", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("shifts uncomfortably until {0} sees you looking", referral); break; case (Tell_Types.BITE_LIP): tell_array[1] = String.Format("makes a bit of an odd face"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("is nibbling on {0} lip", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is chewing on {0} lip", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.TAP_FINGER): tell_array[1] = String.Format("is tapping one of the cards {0}'s staring at", referral); tell_array[2] = String.Format("taps the table impatiently"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("drums {0} fingers on the table regularly", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.CLEAR_THROAT): tell_array[1] = String.Format("quietly clears {0} throat", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("clears {0} throat", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("sharply and suddenly clears {0} throat", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.LEAN_BACK): tell_array[1] = String.Format("leans back slightly"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("leans back"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("leans back with a confident smile"); break; case(Tell_Types.COVER_MOUTH): tell_array[1] = String.Format("touches {0} lower lip", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("slightly covers {0} mouth in a thoughtful way", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("covers {0} mouth intently", possessive); break; default: tell_array[1] = String.Format("is doing something slightly out of the ordinary"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("is doing something pretty out of the ordinary"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is doing something really out of the ordinary"); break; } return tell_array; }
protected string[] get_tell_array(Tell_Types tell_type) { const int n_tiers = 4; string[] tell_array = new string[n_tiers]; tell_array[0] = "is doing nothing out of the ordinary"; string possessive = "his"; string referral = "he"; if (!is_male) { possessive = "her"; referral = "she"; } // set the other tiers switch (tell_type) { case (Tell_Types.SCRATCH_EAR): tell_array[1] = String.Format("taps {0} ear", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("scratches {0} ear", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("tugs lightly on {0} ear", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.BEND_CARD): tell_array[1] = String.Format("is rubbing one of {0} cards with {0} thumb and forefinger", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("is lightly tugging {0} cards", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is squeezing {0} card and bending it slightly", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.RUB_NOSE): tell_array[1] = String.Format("sniffs and shifts a bit"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("rubs {0} nose for a second", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is sniffing uncontrollably"); break; case (Tell_Types.LOOK_AROUND): tell_array[1] = String.Format("glances around at the other players when they aren't looking"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("darts quick glances around the table"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is intently watching your every move"); break; case (Tell_Types.SHIFT_UNCOMFORTABLY): tell_array[1] = String.Format("sniffs and shifts a bit"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("scoots back in {0} chair a bit", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("shifts uncomfortably until {0} sees you looking", referral); break; case (Tell_Types.BITE_LIP): tell_array[1] = String.Format("makes a bit of an odd face"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("is nibbling on {0} lip", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is chewing on {0} lip", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.TAP_FINGER): tell_array[1] = String.Format("is tapping one of the cards {0}'s staring at", referral); tell_array[2] = String.Format("taps the table impatiently"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("drums {0} fingers on the table regularly", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.CLEAR_THROAT): tell_array[1] = String.Format("quietly clears {0} throat", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("clears {0} throat", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("sharply and suddenly clears {0} throat", possessive); break; case (Tell_Types.LEAN_BACK): tell_array[1] = String.Format("leans back slightly"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("leans back"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("leans back with a confident smile"); break; case (Tell_Types.COVER_MOUTH): tell_array[1] = String.Format("touches {0} lower lip", possessive); tell_array[2] = String.Format("slightly covers {0} mouth in a thoughtful way", possessive); tell_array[3] = String.Format("covers {0} mouth intently", possessive); break; default: tell_array[1] = String.Format("is doing something slightly out of the ordinary"); tell_array[2] = String.Format("is doing something pretty out of the ordinary"); tell_array[3] = String.Format("is doing something really out of the ordinary"); break; } return(tell_array); }