// Token: 0x06003216 RID: 12822 public void Highlight() { if (this.OriTarget) { Characters.Ori.MoveOriToPosition(this.OriTarget.position, this.OriDuration); } if (Characters.Sein.Abilities.SpiritFlame) { Characters.Sein.Abilities.SpiritFlame.AddLock("savePedestal"); } Characters.Ori.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().velocity = Vector3.zero; Characters.Ori.EnableHoverWobbling = false; if (this.OriEnterAction) { this.OriEnterAction.Perform(null); } if (this.m_hint == null) { this.m_hint = UI.Hints.Show(this.SaveAndTeleportHintMessage, HintLayer.HintZone, 3f); } if (this.OnOriEnter) { Sound.Play(this.OnOriEnter.GetSound(null), base.transform.position, null); } if (this.m_sceneTeleporter) { TeleporterController.Activate(this.m_sceneTeleporter.Identifier); } }
public static void TeleportPickup(string Value) { int shardCount = -1; char colorChar = ' '; string shardPart = ""; if (Value == "Ginso") { Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(1024, 1); shardCount = RandomizerBonus.WaterVeinShards(); shardPart = "Water Vein"; colorChar = '*'; } if (Value == "Forlorn") { Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(1025, 1); shardCount = RandomizerBonus.GumonSealShards(); shardPart = "Gumon Seal"; colorChar = '#'; } if (Value == "Horu") { Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(1026, 1); shardCount = RandomizerBonus.SunstoneShards(); shardPart = "Sunstone"; colorChar = '@'; } if (Randomizer.Shards && shardCount >= 0 && shardCount < 2) { if (shardCount == 1) { shardPart = "1 more " + shardPart + " shard to activate"; } else { shardPart = "2 " + shardPart + " shards to activate"; } PickupMessage(colorChar + "Broken " + Value + " teleporter\nCollect " + shardPart + colorChar, 300); return; } TeleporterController.Activate(Randomizer.TeleportTable[Value].ToString(), false); PickupMessage(colorChar + Value + " teleporter activated" + colorChar); }
public static void TeleportPickup(string Value) { TeleporterController.Activate(Randomizer.TeleportTable[Value].ToString()); Randomizer.showHint(Value + " teleporter activated"); }
// Token: 0x0600376D RID: 14189 RVA: 0x000E2764 File Offset: 0x000E0964 public static void UpgradeID(int ID) { bool flag = ID < 0; if (flag) { ID = -ID; } if (ID >= 100) { RandomizerBonusSkill.FoundBonusSkill(ID); return; } switch (ID) { case 0: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Mortality.Health.SetAmount((float)(Characters.Sein.Mortality.Health.MaxHealth + 20)); Randomizer.showHint("Mega Health"); return; } break; case 1: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Energy.SetCurrent(Characters.Sein.Energy.Max + 5f); Randomizer.showHint("Mega Energy"); return; } break; case 2: Randomizer.returnToStart(); Randomizer.showHint("Go Home!"); return; case 20: break; case 6: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("Attack Upgrade (" + RandomizerBonus.SpiritFlameLevel().ToString() + ")"); return; } if (RandomizerBonus.SpiritFlameLevel() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("Attack Upgrade (" + RandomizerBonus.SpiritFlameLevel().ToString() + ")"); return; } break; case 8: Randomizer.showHint("Explosion Power Upgrade"); if (!RandomizerBonus.ExplosionPower()) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); return; } break; case 9: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); } else if (Characters.Sein.Inventory.GetRandomizerItem(ID) > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); } if (Characters.Sein.Inventory.GetRandomizerItem(ID) == 1) { Randomizer.showHint("Spirit Light Efficiency"); } else { Randomizer.showHint("Spirit Light Efficiency (" + Characters.Sein.Inventory.GetRandomizerItem(ID).ToString() + ")"); } break; case 10: Randomizer.showHint("Extra Air Dash"); if (!RandomizerBonus.DoubleAirDash()) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(ID, 1); return; } break; case 11: Randomizer.showHint("Charge Dash Efficiency"); if (!RandomizerBonus.ChargeDashEfficiency()) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(ID, 1); return; } break; case 12: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); if (RandomizerBonus.DoubleJumpUpgrades() == 1) { Randomizer.showHint("Extra Double Jump"); return; } Randomizer.showHint("Extra Double Jump (" + RandomizerBonus.DoubleJumpUpgrades().ToString() + ")"); return; } else if (RandomizerBonus.DoubleJumpUpgrades() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); if (RandomizerBonus.DoubleJumpUpgrades() == 1) { Randomizer.showHint("Extra Double Jump"); return; } Randomizer.showHint("Extra Double Jump (" + RandomizerBonus.DoubleJumpUpgrades().ToString() + ")"); return; } break; case 13: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("Health Regeneration (" + RandomizerBonus.HealthRegeneration().ToString() + ")"); return; } if (RandomizerBonus.HealthRegeneration() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("Health Regeneration (" + RandomizerBonus.HealthRegeneration().ToString() + ")"); return; } break; case 15: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("Energy Regeneration (" + RandomizerBonus.EnergyRegeneration().ToString() + ")"); return; } if (RandomizerBonus.EnergyRegeneration() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("Energy Regeneration (" + RandomizerBonus.EnergyRegeneration().ToString() + ")"); return; } break; case 17: if (flag) { if (RandomizerBonus.WaterVeinShards() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("*Water Vein Shard (" + RandomizerBonus.WaterVeinShards().ToString() + "/3)*"); } } else if (RandomizerBonus.WaterVeinShards() >= 3) { Randomizer.showHint("*Water Vein Shard (extra)*"); } else { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("*Water Vein Shard (" + RandomizerBonus.WaterVeinShards().ToString() + "/3)*", 300); if (Characters.Sein.Inventory.GetRandomizerItem(1024) == 1 && RandomizerBonus.WaterVeinShards() == 2) { TeleporterController.Activate(Randomizer.TeleportTable["Ginso"].ToString()); Randomizer.MessageQueue.Enqueue("*Ginso teleporter activated*"); } } Keys.GinsoTree = (RandomizerBonus.WaterVeinShards() >= 3); if (Keys.GinsoTree) { RandomizerStatsManager.FoundEvent(0); } return; case 19: if (flag) { if (RandomizerBonus.GumonSealShards() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("#Gumon Seal Shard (" + RandomizerBonus.GumonSealShards().ToString() + "/3)#"); } } else if (RandomizerBonus.GumonSealShards() >= 3) { Randomizer.showHint("#Gumon Seal Shard (extra)#"); } else { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("#Gumon Seal Shard (" + RandomizerBonus.GumonSealShards().ToString() + "/3)#", 300); if (Characters.Sein.Inventory.GetRandomizerItem(1025) == 1 && RandomizerBonus.GumonSealShards() == 2) { TeleporterController.Activate(Randomizer.TeleportTable["Forlorn"].ToString()); Randomizer.MessageQueue.Enqueue("#Forlorn teleporter activated#"); } } Keys.ForlornRuins = (RandomizerBonus.GumonSealShards() >= 3); if (Keys.ForlornRuins) { RandomizerStatsManager.FoundEvent(2); } return; case 21: if (flag) { if (RandomizerBonus.SunstoneShards() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("@Sunstone Shard (" + RandomizerBonus.SunstoneShards().ToString() + "/3)@"); } } else if (RandomizerBonus.SunstoneShards() >= 3) { Randomizer.showHint("@Sunstone Shard (extra)@"); } else { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("@Sunstone Shard (" + RandomizerBonus.SunstoneShards().ToString() + "/3)@", 300); if (Characters.Sein.Inventory.GetRandomizerItem(1026) == 1 && RandomizerBonus.SunstoneShards() == 2) { TeleporterController.Activate(Randomizer.TeleportTable["Horu"].ToString()); Randomizer.MessageQueue.Enqueue("@Horu teleporter activated@"); } } Keys.MountHoru = (RandomizerBonus.SunstoneShards() >= 3); if (Keys.MountHoru) { RandomizerStatsManager.FoundEvent(4); } return; case 28: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); } else if (RandomizerBonus.WarmthFrags() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); } if (Randomizer.fragKeyFinish < RandomizerBonus.WarmthFrags()) { Randomizer.showHint("@Warmth Fragment (extra)@", 300); return; } Randomizer.showHint(string.Concat(new object[] { "@Warmth Fragment (", RandomizerBonus.WarmthFrags().ToString(), "/", Randomizer.fragKeyFinish, ")@" }), 300); break; case 29: return; case 30: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("Bleeding x" + RandomizerBonus.Bleeding().ToString()); return; } if (RandomizerBonus.Bleeding() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("Bleeding x" + RandomizerBonus.Bleeding().ToString()); return; } break; case 31: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); } else if (RandomizerBonus.Lifesteal() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); } if (Lifesteal() == 1) { Randomizer.showHint("Health Drain"); } else { Randomizer.showHint("Health Drain x" + RandomizerBonus.Lifesteal().ToString()); } break; case 32: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); } else if (RandomizerBonus.Manavamp() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); } if (Manavamp() == 1) { Randomizer.showHint("Energy Drain"); } else { Randomizer.showHint("Health Drain x" + RandomizerBonus.Manavamp().ToString()); } break; break; case 33: if (!flag) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); Randomizer.showHint("Skill Velocity Upgrade x" + RandomizerBonus.Velocity().ToString()); return; } if (RandomizerBonus.Velocity() > 0) { Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, -1); Randomizer.showHint("Skill Velocity Upgrade x" + RandomizerBonus.Velocity().ToString()); return; } break; case 34: Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(34, 1); Randomizer.showHint("Return to start disabled!"); break; case 35: Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(34, 0); Randomizer.showHint("Return to start enabled!"); break; case 36: Randomizer.showHint("Underwater Skill Usage"); Characters.Sein.Inventory.SetRandomizerItem(36, 1); break; case 40: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Wall Jump Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.WallJump.HasAbility = false; return; case 41: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@ChargeFlame Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.ChargeFlame.HasAbility = false; return; case 42: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@DoubleJump Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.DoubleJump.HasAbility = false; return; case 43: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Bash Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.Bash.HasAbility = false; return; case 44: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Stomp Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.Stomp.HasAbility = false; return; case 45: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Glide Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.Glide.HasAbility = false; return; case 46: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Climb Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.Climb.HasAbility = false; return; case 47: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Charge Jump Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.ChargeJump.HasAbility = false; return; case 48: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Dash Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.Dash.HasAbility = false; return; case 49: if (!Characters.Sein || flag) { return; } Randomizer.showHint("@Grenade Lost!!@", 240); Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.Grenade.HasAbility = false; return; case 81: Characters.Sein.Inventory.IncRandomizerItem(ID, 1); string s_color = ""; string g_color = ""; if (Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.HasAbility(AbilityType.Stomp)) { s_color = "$"; } if (Characters.Sein.PlayerAbilities.HasAbility(AbilityType.Grenade)) { g_color = "$"; } Randomizer.showHint(s_color + "Stomp: " + Randomizer.StompZone + s_color + g_color + " Grenade: " + Randomizer.GrenadeZone + g_color, 480); break; default: return; } }