// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { spawnManagerScript = GameObject.Find("Game Manager").GetComponent <SpawnManager>(); teleportManagerScript = GameObject.Find("Teleport Manager").GetComponent <TeleportManager>(); pauseMenuScript = GameObject.Find("Pause Menu Canvas").GetComponent <PauseMenu>(); actionsText = GameObject.Find("Actions Text").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); }
void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } }
void Destroy() { if (Instance == this) { Instance = null; } }
public void Initialize(DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface) { Interface = pluginInterface; Config = pluginInterface.GetPluginConfig() as Configuration ?? new Configuration(); Config.Initialize(pluginInterface); AetheryteDataManager.Init(pluginInterface); Manager = new TeleportManager(this); Interface.CommandManager.AddHandler("/tp", new CommandInfo(CommandHandler) { HelpMessage = "<name> - Teleport to <name>" }); Interface.CommandManager.AddHandler("/tpt", new CommandInfo(CommandHandler) { HelpMessage = "<name> - Teleport to <name> using Aetheryte Tickets if possible" }); Interface.CommandManager.AddHandler("/tpm", new CommandInfo(CommandHandler) { HelpMessage = "<mapname> - Teleport to <mapname>" }); Interface.CommandManager.AddHandler("/tptm", new CommandInfo(CommandHandler) { HelpMessage = "<mapname> - Teleport to <mapname> using Aetheryte Tickets if possible" }); Gui = new PluginUi(this); Interface.Framework.Gui.Chat.OnChatMessage += Gui.LinksWindow.ChatOnChatMessage; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); teleportManagerScript = GameObject.Find("Teleport Manager").GetComponent <TeleportManager>(); spawnManagerScript = GameObject.Find("Game Manager").GetComponent <SpawnManager>(); pauseMenuScript = GameObject.Find("Pause Menu Canvas").GetComponent <PauseMenu>(); }
private void Start() { buttonPos.line = line; buttonPos.column = column; _lvlGeneratorReference = GameObject.Find("LevelGenerator").GetComponent <LevelGenerator>(); _teleportManagerReference = GameObject.Find("TeleportManager").GetComponent <TeleportManager>(); }
private void SetupTeleported() { var tpList = TeleportManager.GetTeleportList(ChunkNumber); GameUnit unit = null; foreach (var npcName in tpList) { var pos2Int = GetFreePos(); var pos3Int = new Vector3Int(pos2Int.x, pos2Int.y, 1); if (npcName.Contains("npc")) { unit = SetupUnit(npcName, pos3Int, PlayersManager.GetMyPlayer()); } else if (npcName.Contains("item") || npcName.Contains("building")) { SetupItem(npcName, pos3Int, PlayersManager.GetMyPlayer()); } } if (unit != null) { CameraMove.SetCameraAt(new Vector2Int(unit.CurrentPos.x, unit.CurrentPos.y)); } TeleportManager.SetTeleported(ChunkNumber); }
void Start () { //theres olny one Gamemanager Obj during the lifetime of the game so we olny need to find the manager component once and we store it in a static variable(Class Variable). if(manager == null) { manager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<TeleportManager>(); } }
void Start() { //theres olny one Gamemanager Obj during the lifetime of the game so we olny need to find the manager component once and we store it in a static variable(Class Variable). if (manager == null) { manager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <TeleportManager>(); } }
private void Start() { //_colectableToSpawn = GameObject.Find _lvlGeneratorReference = GameObject.Find("LevelGenerator").GetComponent <LevelGenerator>(); _teleportReference = GameObject.Find("TeleportManager").GetComponent <TeleportManager>(); roomPos.column = GetRoomColumn(); roomPos.line = GetRoomLine(); }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(gameObject); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { playerMng = PlayerManager.instance; pauseMenu = PauseMenuManager.instance; teleport = TeleportManager.instance; tracker = ProgressionTracker.instance; collider = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); teleportPosition = transform.position; teleporter = GetComponent <Teleporter>(); }
private void Awake() //Singleton { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c) { if (active && destination != null && !skipOne) { if ((targetTag != "" && c.transform.root.tag == targetTag) || (target != null && c.transform.root == target)) { c.transform.root.position = destination.position + (c.transform.root.position - transform.position); TeleportManager tm = destination.transform.GetComponent <TeleportManager> (); if (tm) { tm.skipOne = true; } } } }
public override void Initialize() { _prefabIdentifier = GetComponent <PrefabIdentifier>().Id ?? GetComponentInParent <PrefabIdentifier>().Id; _spinTitle = Animator.StringToHash("SpinTitle"); var target = gameObject.FindChild("targetPos"); if (target == null) { QuickLogger.Error("Cant find trigger targetPos"); return; } if (_buildable == null) { _buildable = GetComponentInParent <Constructable>() ?? GetComponent <Constructable>(); } if (ColorManager == null) { ColorManager = new ColorManager(); } ColorManager.Initialize(gameObject, QuantumTeleporterBuildable.BodyMaterial); TeleportManager.Initialize(); if (NameController == null) { NameController = gameObject.EnsureComponent <NameController>(); } if (AnimationManager == null) { AnimationManager = gameObject.GetComponent <AnimationManager>(); } if (DisplayManager == null) { DisplayManager = gameObject.GetComponent <QTDisplayManager>(); } if (SubRoot == null) { SubRoot = GetComponentInParent <SubRoot>(); } if (Manager == null) { Manager = BaseManager.FindManager(SubRoot); } if (AudioManager == null) { AudioManager = new AudioManager(gameObject.GetComponent <FMOD_CustomLoopingEmitter>()); } AudioManager.LoadFModAssets("/env/use_teleporter_use_loop", "use_teleporter_use_loop"); if (PowerManager == null) { PowerManager = new QTPowerManager(this); } //var pingInstance = gameObject.GetComponent<PingInstance>() ?? // gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<PingInstance>(); //if (QTPingManager == null) // QTPingManager = new QTPingManager(); //QTPingManager.Initialize(pingInstance); DisplayManager.Setup(this); NameController.Initialize(QuantumTeleporterBuildable.Submit(), Mod.FriendlyName); NameController.SetCurrentName(GetNewName(), DisplayManager.GetNameTextBox()); NameController.OnLabelChanged += OnLabelChanged; Manager.OnBaseUnitsChanged += OnBaseUnitsChanged; AddToManager(); AnimationManager.SetBoolHash(_spinTitle, true); if (QTDoorManager == null) { QTDoorManager = gameObject.FindChild("model").FindChild("anims").FindChild("door").AddComponent <QTDoorManager>(); } QTDoorManager.Initalize(this); var trigger = target.AddComponent <QTTriggerBoxManager>(); trigger.OnPlayerExit += QTDoorManager.OnPlayerExit; _target = target.transform; IsInitialized = true; }
internal static void Postfix(ref Player __instance) { TeleportManager.Update(); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; }
private void Start() { teleport = teleport ?? gameObject.AddComponent <TeleportManager>(); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { teleport = FindObjectOfType <TeleportManager>(); this.transform.position = cameraPosition.transform.position; }
void Start() { teleportManager = FindObjectOfType <TeleportManager>(); }