private async Task Consumer_Received(object sender, BasicDeliverEventArgs e) { try { var body = e.Body.ToArray(); var text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body); OfferFinalizedMessage message = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <OfferFinalizedMessage>(text); if (message == null) { _channel.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, false); return; } string[] holders = { message.Holder1, message.Holder2, message.Holder3 }; await using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(OTHubSettings.Instance.MariaDB.ConnectionString)) { foreach (string holder in holders) { var users = (await connection.QueryAsync( @"SELECT DISTINCT mn.UserID, COALESCE(mn.DisplayName, i.NodeID) NodeName, U.TelegramUserID, ts.NotificationsEnabled, ts.JobWonEnabled, ts.HasReceivedMessageFromUser FROM mynodes mn JOIN otidentity I ON I.NodeID = mn.NodeID JOIN users U ON U.ID = mn.UserID LEFT JOIN telegramsettings ts ON ts.UserID = U.ID WHERE I.Version > 0 AND I.Identity = @identity", new { identity = holder })).ToArray(); if (users.Any()) { var jobData = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync( @"SELECT o.TokenAmountPerHolder, o.HoldingTimeInMinutes, b.DisplayName AS BlockchainName FROM OTOffer o JOIN blockchains b ON = o.BlockchainID where o.BlockchainID = @blockchainID AND o.OfferID = @offerID", new { blockchainID = message.BlockchainID, offerID = message.OfferID }); if (jobData == null) { continue; } string blockchain = jobData.BlockchainName; decimal tokenAmount = jobData.TokenAmountPerHolder; long holdingTimeInMinutes = jobData.HoldingTimeInMinutes; foreach (var user in users) { string userID = user.UserID; string nodeName = user.NodeName; long? telegramUserID = user.TelegramUserID; bool? notificationsEnabled = user.NotificationsEnabled == 1; bool? jobWonEnabled = user.JobWonEnabled == 1; bool? hasReceivedMessageFromUser = user.HasReceivedMessageFromUser == 1; (string title, string description, string url)data = await NotificationsReaderWriter.InsertJobWonNotification(connection, message, userID, nodeName, tokenAmount, holdingTimeInMinutes, blockchain); if (data.title != null) { try { await _hubContext.Clients.User(userID).SendAsync("JobWon", data.title, data.description); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (telegramUserID.HasValue && notificationsEnabled == true && jobWonEnabled == true && hasReceivedMessageFromUser == true) { try { await _bot.JobWon(userID, telegramUserID.Value, data.title, data.description, $"{data.url}"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed send telegram notification: " + ex.Message); } } } } } } } _channel.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, false); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to process offer finalized: " + ex.ToString()); _channel.BasicNack(e.DeliveryTag, false, true); } }