private void TechSpecReport(int type) { // Check for info for choosed data var lotExtended = DataBaseClient.ReadLotsExtended(StartDate, EndDate); if (lotExtended != null && lotExtended.Count > 0) { // Variables info string path = ""; string templateFile = ""; string templatePath = @"\\\Archive\Templates\ETS\TechSpecReport.xlsx"; // Get path to save template try { path = Service.GetDirectory().FullName; } catch { path = ""; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { // Get template file templateFile = path + "\\Отчет по тех. спец. с " + StartDate.ToShortDateString() + " по " + EndDate.ToShortDateString() + ".xlsx"; if (Service.CopyFile(templatePath, templateFile, true)) { // Fill template file with info try { // Convert EF to BO var techSpecReports = DataBaseClient.ReadTechSpecReport(1, StartDate, EndDate, new List <int>() { 4 }, type == 1 ? new List <int>() { 2 } : new List <int>() { 2, 3, 4 }); if (techSpecReports != null && techSpecReports.Count > 1) { // Create report document TechSpecReportService.CreateDocument(techSpecReports, templateFile); // Open folder with file FolderExplorer.OpenFolder(path + "\\"); } else { MessagesService.Show("Оповещение", "На эти даты записей нет"); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessagesService.Show("Оповещение", "Произошла ошибка во время формирования отчета\n" + ex.ToString()); } } else { MessagesService.Show("Оповещение", "Произошла ошибка во время копирования шаблона"); } } } else { MessagesService.Show("Оповещение", "Нет данных для формирования"); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GenerateReport(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string dateFilterType, int siteId = 0, int statusId = 0, short sortMode = 0, string sortColumnName = null) { List <int> sites = new List <int>(); List <int> statuses = new List <int>(); if (siteId > 0) { sites.Add(siteId); } switch (statusId) { case (1): { statuses.Add(2); } break; case (2): { statuses.Add(1); statuses.Add(4); statuses.Add(5); } break; } List <TechSpecReportBO> reports = null; switch (dateFilterType) { case ("auctionDate"): { reports = DataManager.GetTechSpecReport(CurrentUser.CustomerId, startDate, endDate, sites, statuses, sortMode: sortMode, sortColumnName: sortColumnName); } break; case ("orderDate"): { reports = DataManager.GetTechSpecReportByOrderDate(CurrentUser.CustomerId, startDate, endDate, sites, statuses, sortMode: sortMode, sortColumnName: sortColumnName); } break; } if (reports == null || reports.Count == 0) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound); } var templateRequisite = ArchiveManager.GetTemplateRequisite(MarketPlaceEnum.ETS, DocumentTemplateEnum.TechSpecReport); if (templateRequisite == null) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented); } var localPath = ArchiveManager.LoadTemplateToLocalStorage(templateRequisite); TechSpecReportService.CreateDocument(reports, localPath); var fileName = string.Format("{0}_from_{1:dd-MM-yyyy}_to_{2:dd-MM-yyyy}.{3}", REPORT_OF_THE_PERIOD, startDate, endDate, templateRequisite.extension); var responceFile = HttpResponceFile.Create(fileName, localPath); if (responceFile == null) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); } return(responceFile); }