public async Task CreateTeamAsync_WithTestTeam_ReturnsCreatedTeam()
            // Arrange
            var teamService = Substitute.For <ITeamService>();
            var inputModel  = new TeamSubmit()
                Uuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name = "Test Team Name"

            teamService.CreateAsync(inputModel, Arg.Any <Guid>())
            .Returns(new Team()
                Uuid = inputModel.Uuid,
                Name = inputModel.Name

            var controller = new TeamController(teamService, orderByHelper, paginationHelper, mapper);

            // Act
            IActionResult actionResult = await controller.CreateTeamAsync(inputModel);

            // Assert
            var okResult = actionResult as OkObjectResult;


            var team = okResult.Value as Team;

            Assert.True(team.Uuid == inputModel.Uuid, $"Retrieved Id {team.Uuid} not the same as sample id {inputModel.Uuid}.");
            Assert.True(team.Name == inputModel.Name, $"Retrieved Name {team.Name} not the same as sample Name {inputModel.Name}.");