Exemple #1
        //call this in Form1 if you wish for your tool to appear in taskbar: taskbar.AddTool(Form X, imageList1.Images[Y]);
        //X is the form you're currently calling, example "px" for property manager
        //Y is the image to use for taskbar icon.
        public static void AddTool(Form original, Image symbol, bool startPoppedOut = false, Window wpfWindow = null)
            original.MdiParent   = mdiParent;
            original.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

            //creating the button
            TaskbarToolButton tool_button = new TaskbarToolButton();

            tool_button.Image  = symbol;
            tool_button.Tag    = id_counter.ToString();
            tool_button.Click += new EventHandler(tipek_onclick);
            if (wpfWindow != null)
                tool_button.Text        = wpfWindow.Title;
                tool_button.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("This tool cannot be docked.") });
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Enabled = false;
                tool_button.Text        = original.Text;
                tool_button.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Undock tool"), new MenuItem("Dock tool") });
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Click  += HandleDockEvent;
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[1].Click  += HandleDockEvent;
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[1].Enabled = startPoppedOut;
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Enabled = !startPoppedOut;
            tool_button.ContextMenu.Tag = tool_button.Tag;

            strip.ImageScalingSize = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 64);
            //adding to toolstrip
            //creating new structure entry
            task_list add = new task_list();

            add.icon      = tool_button;
            add.tool      = original;
            add.ID        = id_counter;
            add.poppedOut = startPoppedOut;
            add.button    = tool_button;
            add.wpfWindow = wpfWindow;
            //counter, you be here here.
Exemple #2
        //call this in Form1 if you wish for your tool to appear in taskbar: taskbar.AddTool(Form X, imageList1.Images[Y]);
        //X is the form you're currently calling, example "px" for property manager
        //Y is the image to use for taskbar icon.
        public static void AddTool(Form original, Image symbol, bool startPoppedOut = false, Window wpfWindow = null)
            //creating the button
            TaskbarToolButton tool_button = new TaskbarToolButton();
            tool_button.Image = symbol;
            tool_button.Tag = id_counter.ToString();
            tool_button.Click += new EventHandler(tipek_onclick); //I can haz event handler? No? ORLY?!
            if (wpfWindow != null)
                tool_button.Text = wpfWindow.Title;
                tool_button.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("This tool cannot be docked.") });
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Enabled = false;
                tool_button.Text = original.Text;
                tool_button.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(new MenuItem[] { new MenuItem("Undock tool"), new MenuItem("Dock tool") });
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Click += HandleDockEvent;
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[1].Click += HandleDockEvent;
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[1].Enabled = startPoppedOut;
                tool_button.ContextMenu.MenuItems[0].Enabled = !startPoppedOut;
            tool_button.ContextMenu.Tag = tool_button.Tag;

            strip.ImageScalingSize = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 64);
            //adding to toolstrip
            //creating new structure entry
            task_list add = new task_list();
            add.icon = tool_button;
            add.tool = original;
            add.ID = id_counter;
            add.poppedOut = startPoppedOut;
            add.button = tool_button;
            add.wpfWindow = wpfWindow;
            //counter, you be here here.