Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply all values received in parameters collection to ReturnValue collection
        /// </summary>
        public override async Task <TaskResult> ExecuteTask(TaskParameters parameters)
            var result      = new TaskResult();
            var dateTimeNow = DateTime.Now;             // Use single value throughout for consistency in macro replacements

                // Iterate through all keys in incoming parameter collection:
                foreach (var key in parameters.GetKeys())
                    // Retrieve specified key value, processing date macros:
                    var value = parameters.GetString(key, null, dateTimeNow);

                    // Now process any nested macros in resulting value string - regex will capture argument-named macros,
                    // to allow keys passed as parameters to this adapter (including the keys of return values output by
                    // previous adapters in batch) to have their values updated with the value of other keys in collection
                    // (again including return values output by previous steps). For example, if a previous adapter in this
                    // batch output a return value of "@FileID"/57, placing the parameter "Command"/"echo <@@FileID>" in
                    // the collection for THIS adapter will result in value "Command"/"echo 57" being placed in the return
                    // value collection (and then placed into input parameter collections of subsequent steps):
                    var valuemacromatches = TaskUtilities.General.REGEX_NESTEDPARM_MACRO
                                            .Cast <Match>()
                                            // Flatten match collection into name/value pair and select unique values only:
                                            .Select(match => new { Name = match.Groups["name"].Value, Value = match.Value })
                    foreach (var match in valuemacromatches)
                        // Retrieve parameter matching the "name" portion of the macro - processing date/time macros
                        // again - and replace all instances of the specified macro with the string retrieved:
                        value = value.Replace(match.Value, parameters.GetString(match.Name, null, dateTimeNow));

                    // Add final value to return value collection:
                    result.AddReturnValue(key, value);

                result.Success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the specified SQL stored procedure (deriving parameters automatically, applying inputs from
        /// parameters and adding output parameters to return values collection)
        /// </summary>
        public override async Task <TaskResult> ExecuteTask(TaskParameters parameters)
            var result        = new TaskResult();
            var consoleOutput = new StringBuilder();
            var dateTimeNow   = DateTime.Now;           // Use single value throughout for consistency in macro replacements

                #region Retrieve task parameters
                // Retrieve and validate required parameters
                string connectionString    = config.GetConnectionString(parameters.GetString("ConnectionString"));
                string storedProcedureName = parameters.GetString("StoredProcedureName");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(storedProcedureName))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Missing or invalid ConnectionString and/or StoredProcedureName");

                // Retrieve optional parameters
                string returnValueRegex = parameters.GetString("ReturnValueRegex");
                bool   defaultNulls     = parameters.GetBool("DefaultNulls");
                var    dbTimeout        = parameters.Get <int>("DBTimeout", int.TryParse);

                #region Open database connection and execute procedure
                await using (var cnn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    await cnn.OpenAsync();

                    // Capture console messages into StringBuilder:
                    cnn.InfoMessage += (object obj, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e) => { consoleOutput.AppendLine(e.Message); };

                    await using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(storedProcedureName, cnn)
                        CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                        if (dbTimeout > 0)
                            cmd.CommandTimeout = (int)dbTimeout;

                        #region Derive and apply procedure parameters
                        SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters(cmd);                         // Note: synchronous (no async version available)
                        foreach (SqlParameter sqlParameter in cmd.Parameters)
                            if (sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Input))
                                // This parameter requires input value - check for corresponding parameter:
                                if (parameters.ContainsKey(sqlParameter.ParameterName))
                                    // Special case - strings are not automatically changed to Guid values, attempt explicit conversion:
                                    if (sqlParameter.SqlDbType == SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)
                                        sqlParameter.Value = (object)parameters.Get <Guid>(sqlParameter.ParameterName, Guid.TryParse) ?? DBNull.Value;
                                        // Apply string value to parameter (replacing null with DBNull):
                                        sqlParameter.Value = (object)parameters.GetString(sqlParameter.ParameterName, null, dateTimeNow) ?? DBNull.Value;
                                // If parameter value was not set above, and either we are set to supply default NULL
                                // values OR this is also an OUTPUT parameter, set to explicit NULL:
                                else if (defaultNulls || sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Output))
                                    sqlParameter.Value = DBNull.Value;
                                // (otherwise, value will be left unspecified; if stored procedure does not provide a default
                                // value, execution will fail and missing parameter will be indicated by exception string)

                        await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

                        #region Extract output parameters into return values collection, validate return value
                        foreach (SqlParameter sqlParameter in cmd.Parameters)
                            if (sqlParameter.Direction.HasFlag(ParameterDirection.Output))
                                result.AddReturnValue(sqlParameter.ParameterName, sqlParameter.Value == DBNull.Value ? null : sqlParameter.Value?.ToString());

                        // If return value regex provided, check return value against it:
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnValueRegex))
                            string returnValue = result.ReturnValues.ContainsKey("@RETURN_VALUE") ? result.ReturnValues["@RETURN_VALUE"] : null;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnValue))
                                throw new Exception($"Stored procedure did not return a value (or no value retrieved)");
                            else if (!Regex.IsMatch(returnValue, returnValueRegex))
                                throw new Exception($"Invalid stored procedure return value ({returnValue})");

                        // If this point is reached with no exception raised, operation was successful:
                        result.Success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is AggregateException ae)                 // Exception caught from async task; simplify if possible
                    ex = TaskUtilities.General.SimplifyAggregateException(ae);
                logger.LogError(ex, "Procedure execution failed");

            // If console output was captured, log now:
            if (consoleOutput.Length > 0)