public BlockRequestBase(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, BlockType blockType, string blockExecutionId) { TaskId = taskId; TaskExecutionId = taskExecutionId; BlockExecutionId = blockExecutionId; BlockType = blockType; }
public ListBlockCreateRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, List<string> serializedValues) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, BlockType.List) { SerializedValues = serializedValues; }
public DequeueForcedBlocksRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, BlockType blockType, List<string> forcedBlockQueueIds) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, blockType) { ForcedBlockQueueIds = forcedBlockQueueIds; }
public RangeBlockCreateRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, long from, long to) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, Taskling.Blocks.Common.BlockType.NumericRange) { From = from; To = to; }
public RangeBlockCreateRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, Taskling.Blocks.Common.BlockType.DateRange) { From = fromDate.Ticks; To = toDate.Ticks; }
public BlockExecutionChangeStatusRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, BlockType blockType, string blockExecutionId, BlockExecutionStatus blockExecutionStatus) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, blockType, blockExecutionId) { BlockExecutionStatus = blockExecutionStatus; }
public StartCriticalSectionRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, TaskDeathMode taskDeathMode, CriticalSectionType criticalSectionType) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId) { TaskDeathMode = taskDeathMode; Type = criticalSectionType; }
public BlockExecutionCreateRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, BlockType blockType, string blockId, int attempt) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, blockType) { BlockId = blockId; Attempt = attempt; }
public FindBlocksOfTaskRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, BlockType blockType, string referenceValueOfTask, ReprocessOption reprocessOption) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, blockType) { ReferenceValueOfTask = referenceValueOfTask; ReprocessOption = reprocessOption; }
public ListBlockCreateRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, List<string> serializedValues, string serializedHeader, int compressionThreshold) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, BlockType.List) { SerializedValues = serializedValues; SerializedHeader = serializedHeader; CompressionThreshold = compressionThreshold; }
/// <summary> /// Get task data from xml node "task" /// </summary> private static Task GetTaskInfo(XElement xTask) { TaskId id = new TaskId(xTask.Attribute("id").Value); TaskStatus status = StatusFromString(xTask.Attribute("status").Value); Task task = new Task(); task.Id = id; task.Status = status; XAttribute xRegistrationTime = xTask.Attribute("registrationTime"); if (xRegistrationTime != null) { DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(xRegistrationTime.Value, out time)) task.RegistrationTime = time; } XAttribute xStatusChangeTime = xTask.Attribute("statusChangeTime"); if (xStatusChangeTime != null) { DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(xStatusChangeTime.Value, out time)) task.StatusChangeTime = time; } XAttribute xPagesCount = xTask.Attribute("filesCount"); if (xPagesCount != null) { int pagesCount; if (Int32.TryParse(xPagesCount.Value, out pagesCount)) task.PagesCount = pagesCount; } XAttribute xCredits = xTask.Attribute("credits"); if (xCredits != null) { int credits; if( Int32.TryParse( xCredits.Value, out credits )) task.Credits = credits; } XAttribute xDescription = xTask.Attribute("description"); if (xDescription != null) task.Description = xDescription.Value; XAttribute xResultUrl = xTask.Attribute("resultUrl"); if (xResultUrl != null) { task.DownloadUrl = xResultUrl.Value; } return task; }
protected void AssertContainsException(TaskId task, string expectedType, string expectedExceptionMessage, string expectedStackTrace) { var expectedString = string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}", expectedType, expectedExceptionMessage, expectedStackTrace); var messages = from e in messageElements where e.Name == TaskAction.Exception && task.MatchesTaskElement(e) select string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}", e.Attribute("type").Value, GetElementValue(e, "message").Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine), GetElementValue(e, "stack-trace").Trim()); var output = messages.Join("\n---\n"); StringAssert.Contains(expectedString, output); }
public TaskExecutionStartRequest(TaskId taskId, TaskDeathMode taskDeathMode, int concurrencyLimit, short failedTaskRetryLimit, short deadTaskRetryLimit ) : base(taskId) { TaskDeathMode = taskDeathMode; ConcurrencyLimit = concurrencyLimit; FailedTaskRetryLimit = failedTaskRetryLimit; DeadTaskRetryLimit = deadTaskRetryLimit; }
protected void AssertContainsErrorFinal(TaskId task, string expectedMessage) { var messages = from e in messageElements where e.Name == TaskAction.Finish && task.MatchesTaskElement(e) select new { Result = e.Attribute("result").Value, Message = GetElementValue(e, "message") }; var result = messages.Last(); Assert.AreEqual(TaskResult.Error, result.Result); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedMessage)) Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, result.Message); }
public FindFailedBlocksRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, BlockType blockType, DateTime searchPeriodBegin, DateTime searchPeriodEnd, int blockCountLimit, int retryLimit) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId, blockType) { SearchPeriodBegin = searchPeriodBegin; SearchPeriodEnd = searchPeriodEnd; BlockCountLimit = blockCountLimit; RetryLimit = retryLimit; }
public void Enqueue(TaskId id, Action task) { var entry = new TaskEntry { Id = id, EnqueuedDateTimeUtc = _dateTimeProvider.UtcNow, Action = task, StopWatch = new Stopwatch(), }; Logger.LogInfo("Queue \"{0}\": Enqueing task \"{1}\"", _description, entry.Id.Description); bool isFirstTask; lock (_lock) { if (_runningTask == null) { _runningTask = entry; isFirstTask = true; } else { _tasks.Enqueue(entry); isFirstTask = false; } } if (isFirstTask) RunTaskAsync(entry); }
public static void TaskId(this ScenarioContext scenarioContext, TaskId taskId) { scenarioContext.Set(taskId, "taskId"); }
protected void AssertSingle(TaskId task, string messageType) { var messages = (from m in messageElements where m.Name == messageType && task.MatchesTaskElement(m) select m.Name.ToString()).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, messages.Count, "Expected one item of {0} for task {1}", messageType, task); }
protected void AssertContainsCreate(TaskId taskId) { AssertSingle(taskId, TaskAction.Create); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void TestKillJob() { JobConf conf = new JobConf(); AppContext context = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <AppContext>(); // a simple event handler solely to detect the container cleaned event CountDownLatch isDone = new CountDownLatch(1); EventHandler handler = new _EventHandler_106(isDone); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(context.GetEventHandler()).ThenReturn(handler); // create and start the launcher LocalContainerLauncher launcher = new LocalContainerLauncher(context, Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <TaskUmbilicalProtocol>()); launcher.Init(conf); launcher.Start(); // create mocked job, task, and task attempt // a single-mapper job JobId jobId = MRBuilderUtils.NewJobId(Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis(), 1, 1); TaskId taskId = MRBuilderUtils.NewTaskId(jobId, 1, TaskType.Map); TaskAttemptId taId = MRBuilderUtils.NewTaskAttemptId(taskId, 0); Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job job = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job >(); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(job.GetTotalMaps()).ThenReturn(1); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(job.GetTotalReduces()).ThenReturn(0); IDictionary <JobId, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job> jobs = new Dictionary <JobId, Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job>(); jobs[jobId] = job; // app context returns the one and only job Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(context.GetAllJobs()).ThenReturn(jobs); Task ytask = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Task>(); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(ytask.GetType()).ThenReturn(TaskType.Map); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(job.GetTask(taskId)).ThenReturn(ytask); // create a sleeping mapper that runs beyond the test timeout MapTask mapTask = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <MapTask>(); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(mapTask.IsMapOrReduce()).ThenReturn(true); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(mapTask.IsMapTask()).ThenReturn(true); TaskAttemptID taskID = TypeConverter.FromYarn(taId); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(mapTask.GetTaskID()).ThenReturn(taskID); Org.Mockito.Mockito.When(mapTask.GetJobID()).ThenReturn(((JobID)taskID.GetJobID() )); Org.Mockito.Mockito.DoAnswer(new _Answer_152()).When(mapTask).Run(Matchers.IsA <JobConf >(), Matchers.IsA <TaskUmbilicalProtocol>()); // sleep for a long time // pump in a task attempt launch event ContainerLauncherEvent launchEvent = new ContainerRemoteLaunchEvent(taId, null, CreateMockContainer (), mapTask); launcher.Handle(launchEvent); Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(200); // now pump in a container clean-up event ContainerLauncherEvent cleanupEvent = new ContainerLauncherEvent(taId, null, null , null, ContainerLauncher.EventType.ContainerRemoteCleanup); launcher.Handle(cleanupEvent); // wait for the event to fire: this should be received promptly isDone.Await(); launcher.Close(); }
protected void AssertDoesNotContain(TaskId task, string action) { var messages = from e in messageElements where e.Name == action && task.MatchesTaskElement(e) select e; CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(messages); }
public override void UpdateAttempt(TaskAttemptStatusUpdateEvent.TaskAttemptStatus status, long timestamp) { base.UpdateAttempt(status, timestamp); TaskAttemptId attemptID =; TaskId taskID = attemptID.GetTaskId(); JobId jobID = taskID.GetJobId(); Org.Apache.Hadoop.Mapreduce.V2.App.Job.Job job = context.GetJob(jobID); if (job == null) { return; } Task task = job.GetTask(taskID); if (task == null) { return; } TaskAttempt taskAttempt = task.GetAttempt(attemptID); if (taskAttempt == null) { return; } long boxedStart = startTimes[attemptID]; long start = boxedStart == null ? long.MinValue : boxedStart; // We need to do two things. // 1: If this is a completion, we accumulate statistics in the superclass // 2: If this is not a completion, we learn more about it. // This is not a completion, but we're cooking. // if (taskAttempt.GetState() == TaskAttemptState.Running) { // See if this task is already in the registry AtomicLong estimateContainer = attemptRuntimeEstimates[taskAttempt]; AtomicLong estimateVarianceContainer = attemptRuntimeEstimateVariances[taskAttempt ]; if (estimateContainer == null) { if (attemptRuntimeEstimates[taskAttempt] == null) { attemptRuntimeEstimates[taskAttempt] = new AtomicLong(); estimateContainer = attemptRuntimeEstimates[taskAttempt]; } } if (estimateVarianceContainer == null) { attemptRuntimeEstimateVariances.PutIfAbsent(taskAttempt, new AtomicLong()); estimateVarianceContainer = attemptRuntimeEstimateVariances[taskAttempt]; } long estimate = -1; long varianceEstimate = -1; // This code assumes that we'll never consider starting a third // speculative task attempt if two are already running for this task if (start > 0 && timestamp > start) { estimate = (long)((timestamp - start) / Math.Max(0.0001, status.progress)); varianceEstimate = (long)(estimate * status.progress / 10); } if (estimateContainer != null) { estimateContainer.Set(estimate); } if (estimateVarianceContainer != null) { estimateVarianceContainer.Set(varianceEstimate); } } }
public TaskId GetNextIdentity() { return(TaskId.New()); }
public RecordCollector(string logPrefix, IStreamConfig configuration, TaskId id) { this.logPrefix = $"{logPrefix}"; this.configuration = configuration; = id; }
public void StreamTaskSuspendResume() { var config = new StreamConfig <StringSerDes, StringSerDes>(); config.ApplicationId = "test-app"; var serdes = new StringSerDes(); var builder = new StreamBuilder(); builder.Stream <string, string>("topic") .Map((k, v) => KeyValuePair.Create(k.ToUpper(), v.ToUpper())) .To("topic2"); TaskId id = new TaskId { Id = 0, Partition = 0 }; var topology = builder.Build(); var processorTopology = topology.Builder.BuildTopology(id); var supplier = new SyncKafkaSupplier(); var producer = supplier.GetProducer(config.ToProducerConfig()); var consumer = supplier.GetConsumer(config.ToConsumerConfig(), null); var part = new TopicPartition("topic", 0); StreamTask task = new StreamTask( "thread-0", id, new List <TopicPartition> { part }, processorTopology, consumer, config, supplier, producer); task.GroupMetadata = consumer as SyncConsumer; task.InitializeStateStores(); task.InitializeTopology(); List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> > messages = new List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> >(); int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { messages.Add( new ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> { Message = new Message <byte[], byte[]> { Key = serdes.Serialize($"key{i+1}", new SerializationContext()), Value = serdes.Serialize($"value{i + 1}", new SerializationContext()) }, TopicPartitionOffset = new TopicPartitionOffset(part, offset++) }); } task.AddRecords(messages); Assert.IsTrue(task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())); while (task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())) { Assert.IsTrue(task.Process()); Assert.IsTrue(task.CommitNeeded); task.Commit(); } task.Suspend(); task.Resume(); task.AddRecords(messages); Assert.IsTrue(task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())); while (task.CanProcess(DateTime.Now.GetMilliseconds())) { Assert.IsTrue(task.Process()); Assert.IsTrue(task.CommitNeeded); task.Commit(); } // CHECK IN TOPIC topic2 consumer.Subscribe("topic2"); List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> > results = new List <ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> >(); ConsumeResult <byte[], byte[]> result = null; do { result = consumer.Consume(100); if (result != null) { results.Add(result); consumer.Commit(result); } } while (result != null); Assert.AreEqual(10, results.Count); task.Close(); }
public virtual Task GetTask(TaskId taskID) { return(mockJob.GetTask(taskID)); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void TestPoolSize() { ApplicationId appId = ApplicationId.NewInstance(12345, 67); ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId = ApplicationAttemptId.NewInstance(appId, 3); JobId jobId = MRBuilderUtils.NewJobId(appId, 8); TaskId taskId = MRBuilderUtils.NewTaskId(jobId, 9, TaskType.Map); AppContext context = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock<AppContext>(); TestContainerLauncher.CustomContainerLauncher containerLauncher = new TestContainerLauncher.CustomContainerLauncher (this, context); containerLauncher.Init(new Configuration()); containerLauncher.Start(); ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = containerLauncher.GetThreadPool(); // No events yet NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(containerLauncher.initialPoolSize, MRJobConfig.DefaultMrAmContainerlauncherThreadpoolInitialSize ); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, threadPool.GetPoolSize()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(containerLauncher.initialPoolSize, threadPool.GetCorePoolSize ()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(containerLauncher.foundErrors); containerLauncher.expectedCorePoolSize = containerLauncher.initialPoolSize; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ContainerId containerId = ContainerId.NewContainerId(appAttemptId, i); TaskAttemptId taskAttemptId = MRBuilderUtils.NewTaskAttemptId(taskId, i); containerLauncher.Handle(new ContainerLauncherEvent(taskAttemptId, containerId, "host" + i + ":1234", null, ContainerLauncher.EventType.ContainerRemoteLaunch)); } WaitForEvents(containerLauncher, 10); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(10, threadPool.GetPoolSize()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(containerLauncher.foundErrors); // Same set of hosts, so no change containerLauncher.finishEventHandling = true; int timeOut = 0; while (containerLauncher.numEventsProcessed.Get() < 10 && timeOut++ < 200) { Log.Info("Waiting for number of events processed to become " + 10 + ". It is now " + containerLauncher.numEventsProcessed.Get() + ". Timeout is " + timeOut); Sharpen.Thread.Sleep(1000); } NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(10, containerLauncher.numEventsProcessed.Get()); containerLauncher.finishEventHandling = false; for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < 10; i_1++) { ContainerId containerId = ContainerId.NewContainerId(appAttemptId, i_1 + 10); TaskAttemptId taskAttemptId = MRBuilderUtils.NewTaskAttemptId(taskId, i_1 + 10); containerLauncher.Handle(new ContainerLauncherEvent(taskAttemptId, containerId, "host" + i_1 + ":1234", null, ContainerLauncher.EventType.ContainerRemoteLaunch)); } WaitForEvents(containerLauncher, 20); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(10, threadPool.GetPoolSize()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(containerLauncher.foundErrors); // Different hosts, there should be an increase in core-thread-pool size to // 21(11hosts+10buffer) // Core pool size should be 21 but the live pool size should be only 11. containerLauncher.expectedCorePoolSize = 11 + containerLauncher.initialPoolSize; containerLauncher.finishEventHandling = false; ContainerId containerId_1 = ContainerId.NewContainerId(appAttemptId, 21); TaskAttemptId taskAttemptId_1 = MRBuilderUtils.NewTaskAttemptId(taskId, 21); containerLauncher.Handle(new ContainerLauncherEvent(taskAttemptId_1, containerId_1 , "host11:1234", null, ContainerLauncher.EventType.ContainerRemoteLaunch)); WaitForEvents(containerLauncher, 21); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(11, threadPool.GetPoolSize()); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(containerLauncher.foundErrors); containerLauncher.Stop(); // change configuration MR_AM_CONTAINERLAUNCHER_THREADPOOL_INITIAL_SIZE // and verify initialPoolSize value. Configuration conf = new Configuration(); conf.SetInt(MRJobConfig.MrAmContainerlauncherThreadpoolInitialSize, 20); containerLauncher = new TestContainerLauncher.CustomContainerLauncher(this, context ); containerLauncher.Init(conf); NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(containerLauncher.initialPoolSize, 20); }
public DeleteCommand(string args) : base(args) { _taskId = new TaskId(args); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return(TaskId.GetHashCode()); }
protected bool Equals(TaskReopened other) { return(TaskId.Equals(other.TaskId)); }
private void Over() { WriteModelCoefs(); Log.Debug("Task " + TaskId.ToString() + " is over"); var duration = this.Time.Duration.ToArray(); var overTotals = this.Time.OverheadTotals.ToArray().ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value); var overAvgs = this.Time.OverheadAverages.ToArray().ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value); Time.Finished(TaskTimeMetric.Brokering); Log.Debug("Finished brokering"); string timeStat = ""; timeStat += "Duration:" + Environment.NewLine; timeStat += String.Join(Environment.NewLine, duration.Select(pair => " " + pair.Key.ToString() + " = " + pair.Value.ToString())) + Environment.NewLine; timeStat += "Overheads:" + Environment.NewLine; timeStat += String.Join(Environment.NewLine, overTotals.Select(pair => " " + pair.Key.ToString() + " = " + pair.Value.ToString())); Log.Over( "{0} -- {1} {2} #{3} {4}{7}{5}{7}{6}", DateTime.Now, Package, State.ToString(), TaskId, (CurrentSchedule == null)? "": CurrentSchedule.ResourceName + " [" + String.Join(", ", CurrentSchedule.Nodes.Select(n => n.Cores.ToString())) + "]", timeStat, ToJsonString(), Environment.NewLine ); try { var sb = new StringBuilder(); var head = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("{0};", WfId); head.Append("WfId;"); sb.AppendFormat("{0};", TaskId); head.Append("TaskId;"); sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Package); head.Append("Package;"); sb.AppendFormat("{0};", CurrentSchedule.ResourceName); head.Append("ResourceName;"); sb.AppendFormat("{0};", State); head.Append("State;"); sb.AppendFormat("{0};", duration.First(p => p.Key == TaskTimeMetric.Calculation).Value); head.Append("T_Calculation;"); var avgSb = new StringBuilder(sb.ToString()); var overNames = new[] { TaskTimeOverheads.WaitInQueue, TaskTimeOverheads.PackageBase, TaskTimeOverheads.Estimation, TaskTimeOverheads.Scheduler, TaskTimeOverheads.Provider, TaskTimeOverheads.InputFilesCopy, TaskTimeOverheads.OutputFilesCopy, TaskTimeOverheads.Other, TaskTimeOverheads.All, }; foreach (var overName in overNames) { if (!overTotals.ContainsKey(overName)) { overTotals[overName] = TimeSpan.Zero; } if (!overAvgs.ContainsKey(overName)) { overAvgs[overName] = TimeSpan.Zero; } } foreach (var overName in overNames) { sb.AppendFormat("{0};", overTotals[overName]); avgSb.AppendFormat("{0};", overAvgs[overName]); head.AppendFormat("T_{0};", overName); } //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", AssignedResource.ResourceName); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Duration[TaskTimeMetric.Calculation]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Duration[TaskTimeMetric.Postponed]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Duration[TaskTimeMetric.Queued]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Overheads[TaskTimeOverheads.All]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Overheads[TaskTimeOverheads.Other]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Overheads[TaskTimeOverheads.PackageBase]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Overheads[TaskTimeOverheads.Scheduler]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Overheads[TaskTimeOverheads.Provider]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Overheads[TaskTimeOverheads.InputFilesCopy]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", Time.Overheads[TaskTimeOverheads.OutputFilesCopy]); //sb.AppendFormat("{0};", 0); Time.OverheadsSpecial["pb"] = Time.OverheadTotals[TaskTimeOverheads.PackageBase] + Time.OverheadTotals[TaskTimeOverheads.OutputFilesCopy]; var specialLine = new List <string>() { TaskId.ToString() }; var specialHeader = new List <string>() { "TaskId" }; foreach (string key in Time.OverheadsSpecial.Keys) { specialHeader.Add(key); specialLine.Add(Time.OverheadsSpecial[key].TotalSeconds.ToString()); } lock (_csvFilesLock) { File.AppendAllText(CONST.Path.OverCsvFile, sb.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); File.AppendAllText(CONST.Path.OverAvgCsvFile, avgSb.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); File.WriteAllText(CONST.Path.OverHeadersFile, head.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); File.AppendAllText(CONST.Path.OverSpecFile, String.Join(";", specialLine) + Environment.NewLine); File.WriteAllText(CONST.Path.OverSpecHeadersFile, String.Join(";", specialHeader) + Environment.NewLine); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warn(String.Format("Problem with tasks over: {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace)); } }
public CompleteCriticalSectionRequest(TaskId taskId, string taskExecutionId, CriticalSectionType criticalSectionType) : base(taskId, taskExecutionId) { Type = criticalSectionType; }
public Interval(TaskId child, float delay) : base(child) { this.Delay = delay; }
private void PopulateMembers(AppContext ctx) { JobId jobID = null; TaskId taskID = null; string tid = $(AMParams.TaskId); if (!tid.IsEmpty()) { taskID = MRApps.ToTaskID(tid); jobID = taskID.GetJobId(); } else { string jid = $(AMParams.JobId); if (!jid.IsEmpty()) { jobID = MRApps.ToJobID(jid); } } if (jobID == null) { return; } job = ctx.GetJob(jobID); if (job == null) { return; } if (taskID != null) { task = job.GetTask(taskID); if (task == null) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <TaskAttemptId, TaskAttempt> entry in task.GetAttempts()) { long value = 0; Counters counters = entry.Value.GetCounters(); CounterGroup group = (counters != null) ? counters.GetGroup($(AMParams.CounterGroup )) : null; if (group != null) { Counter c = group.FindCounter($(AMParams.CounterName)); if (c != null) { value = c.GetValue(); } } values[MRApps.ToString(entry.Key)] = value; } return; } // Get all types of counters IDictionary <TaskId, Task> tasks = job.GetTasks(); foreach (KeyValuePair <TaskId, Task> entry_1 in tasks) { long value = 0; Counters counters = entry_1.Value.GetCounters(); CounterGroup group = (counters != null) ? counters.GetGroup($(AMParams.CounterGroup )) : null; if (group != null) { Counter c = group.FindCounter($(AMParams.CounterName)); if (c != null) { value = c.GetValue(); } } values[MRApps.ToString(entry_1.Key)] = value; } }
internal void SetTaskId(TaskId id) { logPrefix = $"stream-task[{id.Id}|{id.Partition}]|processor[{Name}]- "; }
protected void AssertContainsOutput(TaskId task, params string[] expectedOutput) { var messages = from e in messageElements where e.Name == TaskAction.Output && task.MatchesTaskElement(e) select GetElementValue(e, "message").TrimEnd(); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, messages); }
public UntilFail(TaskId child) : base(child) { }
public void AllowCreation() { var taskId = new TaskId("id"); taskId.Value.Should().Be("id"); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public override void ChildSuccess(TaskId task) { this.Condition = true; }
public override void ChildFail(TaskId task) { this.Success(); this.Condition = false; }
protected void AssertContainsOutput(TaskId task, string expectedOutput) { var messages = from e in messageElements where e.Name == TaskAction.Output && task.MatchesTaskElement(e) select GetElementValue(e, "message").TrimEnd(); var output = messages.Single(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput, output); }
private void GetCounters(AppContext ctx) { JobId jobID = null; TaskId taskID = null; string tid = $(AMParams.TaskId); if (!tid.IsEmpty()) { taskID = MRApps.ToTaskID(tid); jobID = taskID.GetJobId(); } else { string jid = $(AMParams.JobId); if (jid != null && !jid.IsEmpty()) { jobID = MRApps.ToJobID(jid); } } if (jobID == null) { return; } job = ctx.GetJob(jobID); if (job == null) { return; } if (taskID != null) { task = job.GetTask(taskID); if (task == null) { return; } total = task.GetCounters(); return; } // Get all types of counters IDictionary <TaskId, Task> tasks = job.GetTasks(); total = job.GetAllCounters(); bool needTotalCounters = false; if (total == null) { total = new Counters(); needTotalCounters = true; } map = new Counters(); reduce = new Counters(); foreach (Task t in tasks.Values) { Counters counters = t.GetCounters(); if (counters == null) { continue; } switch (t.GetType()) { case TaskType.Map: { map.IncrAllCounters(counters); break; } case TaskType.Reduce: { reduce.IncrAllCounters(counters); break; } } if (needTotalCounters) { total.IncrAllCounters(counters); } } }
protected void AssertContainsStart(TaskId task) { AssertSingle(task, TaskAction.Start); }
protected void AssertContainsFailingChildren(TaskId task) { AssertContainsFinish(task, TaskResult.Exception, "One or more child tests failed"); }
protected void AssertMessageOrder(TaskId task, params string[] messageTypes) { var messages = from m in messageElements where task.MatchesTaskElement(m) select m.Name.ToString(); CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(messageTypes, messages, "With task {0}", task); }
[U] public void TaskId() { TaskId fromString = "node-1:12"; DebugFor(fromString).Should().Be("node-1:12"); }
protected int GetMessageIndex(TaskId task, string messageType) { var indices = (messageElements.Select((e, i) => new {Element = e, Index = i}) .Where(x => x.Element.Name == messageType && task.MatchesTaskElement(x.Element)) .Select(x => x.Index)).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, indices.Count, "Expected single message of type {0} for task {1}", messageType, task); return indices.Single(); }
/// <summary> /// Get task data from xml node "task" /// </summary> private static OcrTask GetTaskInfo(XElement xTask) { TaskId id = new TaskId(xTask.Attribute("id").Value); TaskStatus status = StatusFromString(xTask.Attribute("status").Value); var task = new OcrTask { TaskId = id, Status = status }; XAttribute xRegistrationTime = xTask.Attribute("registrationTime"); if (xRegistrationTime != null) { DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(xRegistrationTime.Value, out time)) { task.RegistrationTime = time; } } XAttribute xStatusChangeTime = xTask.Attribute("statusChangeTime"); if (xStatusChangeTime != null) { DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(xStatusChangeTime.Value, out time)) { task.StatusChangeTime = time; } } XAttribute xFilesCount = xTask.Attribute("filesCount"); if (xFilesCount != null) { int filesCount; if (int.TryParse(xFilesCount.Value, out filesCount)) { task.FilesCount = filesCount; } } XAttribute xCredits = xTask.Attribute("credits"); if (xCredits != null) { int credits; if (int.TryParse(xCredits.Value, out credits)) { task.Credits = credits; } } XAttribute xDescription = xTask.Attribute("description"); if (xDescription != null) { task.Description = xDescription.Value; } XAttribute xResultUrl = xTask.Attribute("resultUrl"); if (xResultUrl != null) { task.DownloadUrls = new List <string> { xResultUrl.Value }; for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) { XAttribute xResultUrlI = xTask.Attribute("resultUrl" + i); if (xResultUrlI != null) { task.DownloadUrls.Add(xResultUrlI.Value); } else { break; } } } XAttribute xError = xTask.Attribute("error"); if (xError != null) { task.Error = xError.Value; } return(task); }
protected void AssertContainsError(TaskId task, string message) { AssertContainsFinish(task, TaskResult.Error, message); }
public Task(TaskId id, TaskStatus status) { Id = id; Status = status; }
public static string GetTaskProducerClientId(string threadClientId, TaskId taskId) { return(threadClientId + "-" + taskId + "-producer"); }
public void Run(TaskSchedule schedule, IEnumerable <Resource> resources) { lock (_taskLock) { try { var execStarted = DateTime.Now; CurrentSchedule = schedule; Params[CONST.Params.Method] = Method; var resource = resources.First(r => r.ResourceName == schedule.ResourceName); string incarnatedFtpFolder = GetFtpFolder(schedule.Nodes.First(), resource, CopyPhase.In); if (PackageBaseProxy.GetSupportedPackageNames() .Any(name => String.Equals(name, Package, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) ) { //ProcessInputs(); Time.AddToOverheads(TaskTimeOverheads.InputFilesCopy, () => { Log.Debug("Uploading incarnated inputs"); foreach (var file in Incarnation.FilesToCopy) { Log.Debug(file.FileName + ": started"); IOProxy.Ftp.MakePath(incarnatedFtpFolder + Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FileName).Replace("\\", "/")); Log.Debug(file.FileName + ": path been made"); IOProxy.Storage.Download(file.StorageId, incarnatedFtpFolder + file.FileName); Log.Debug(file.FileName + ": downloaded"); } Log.Debug("Uploading incarnated inputs done"); }); } else { //ApplyAdapters(Broker.Adapters.Where(a => a.Type == AdapterType.Machine), incarnatedFtpFolder); //ApplyAdapters(Broker.Adapters.Where(a => a.Type == AdapterType.Package), incarnatedFtpFolder); //ApplyAdapters(Broker.Adapters.Where(a => a.Type == AdapterType.Mixed), incarnatedFtpFolder); } Incarnation.PackageName = Package; Incarnation.UserCert = UserCert; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Incarnation.CommandLine)) { throw new Exception("Impossible to run task with empty command line"); } if (!Incarnation.CommandLine.Contains("{0}") && Incarnation.CommandLine.StartsWith(Package, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { Incarnation.CommandLine = "{0}" + Incarnation.CommandLine.Substring(Package.Length); } Log.Stats("T_adapters", this.WfId, this.TaskId, DateTime.Now - execStarted); Time.AddToOverheads(TaskTimeOverheads.Provider, () => { //var provider = Broker.ProviderByName(resource.ProviderName); var controller = Discovery.GetControllerFarm(resource); try { //Incarnation.ProvidedTaskId = provider.Run(this.TaskId, this.Incarnation, resource, schedule.Nodes); var runContext = new ServiceProxies.ControllerFarmService.TaskRunContext() { TaskId = this.TaskId, //Incarnation = this.Incarnation, UserCert = this.UserCert, PackageName = this.Incarnation.PackageName, CommandLine = this.Incarnation.CommandLine, InputFiles = this.Incarnation.FilesToCopy.Select(f => new ServiceProxies.ControllerFarmService.FileContext() { FileName = f.FileName, StorageId = f.StorageId, }).ToArray(), ExpectedOutputFileNames = this.Incarnation.ExpectedOutputFileNames.ToArray(), NodesConfig = schedule.Nodes.Select(n => new ServiceProxies.ControllerFarmService.NodeRunConfig() { ResourceName = n.ResourceName, NodeName = n.NodeName, Cores = n.Cores }).ToArray() }; Log.Debug("Running task on controller: " + TaskId.ToString()); controller.Run(runContext); Log.Debug("Run done: " + TaskId.ToString()); controller.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { controller.Abort(); Log.Error("Exception on Task.Run for task " + this.TaskId + ": " + e.ToString()); throw; } }); State = TaskState.Started; Time.Started(TaskTimeMetric.Calculation); Log.Stats("T_clust_start", this.WfId, this.TaskId, DateTime.Now); _lastEvent = Eventing.EventType.TaskStarted; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(String.Format("Error on executing task {0}: {1}\n{2}", TaskId, e.Message, e.StackTrace )); Fail(reason: e.Message); } } }
protected void AssertContainsFinish(TaskId task, string expectedTaskResult, string expectedMessage = null) { var messages = (from e in messageElements where e.Name == TaskAction.Finish && task.MatchesTaskElement(e) select new { Result = e.Attribute("result").Value, Message = GetElementValue(e, "message") }).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(1, messages.Count, "Expected single message of type {0} for task {1}", TaskAction.Finish, task); var result = messages.Single(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedTaskResult, result.Result); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expectedMessage)) Assert.AreEqual(expectedMessage, result.Message); }
public void CancelTask(TaskId taskId) { Channel.CancelTask(taskId); }
/// <summary> /// Get task data from xml node "task" /// </summary> private static Task getTaskInfo(XElement xTask) { TaskId id = new TaskId(xTask.Attribute("id").Value); TaskStatus status = statusFromString(xTask.Attribute("status").Value); Task task = new Task(); task.Id = id; task.Status = status; XAttribute xRegistrationTime = xTask.Attribute("registrationTime"); if (xRegistrationTime != null) { DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(xRegistrationTime.Value, out time)) task.RegistrationTime = time; } XAttribute xStatusChangeTime = xTask.Attribute("statusChangeTime"); if (xStatusChangeTime != null) { DateTime time; if (DateTime.TryParse(xStatusChangeTime.Value, out time)) task.StatusChangeTime = time; } XAttribute xPagesCount = xTask.Attribute("filesCount"); if (xPagesCount != null) { int pagesCount; if (Int32.TryParse(xPagesCount.Value, out pagesCount)) task.PagesCount = pagesCount; } XAttribute xCredits = xTask.Attribute("credits"); if (xCredits != null) { int credits; if( Int32.TryParse( xCredits.Value, out credits )) task.Credits = credits; } XAttribute xDescription = xTask.Attribute("description"); if (xDescription != null) task.Description = xDescription.Value; XAttribute xResultUrl = xTask.Attribute("resultUrl"); if (xResultUrl != null) { task.DownloadUrls = new List<string>{xResultUrl.Value}; for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) { XAttribute xResultUrlI = xTask.Attribute("resultUrl" + i); if (xResultUrlI != null) { task.DownloadUrls.Add(xResultUrlI.Value); } else { break; } } } XAttribute xError = xTask.Attribute("error"); if (xError != null) { task.Error = xError.Value; } return task; }
public string GetLongRunningTaskResult(TaskId taskId) { return(Channel.GetLongRunningTaskResult(taskId)); }
public Task() { Status = TaskStatus.Unknown; Id = new TaskId("<unknown>"); }
public TaskStatus GetTaskStatus(TaskId taskId) { return(Channel.GetTaskStatus(taskId)); }
public AssociateTaskToPlan(PlanId planId, TaskId taskId) { PlanId = planId; TaskId = taskId; }
public Task_is_committed_to_sprint(SprintId sprintId, TaskId taskId) { SprintId = sprintId; TaskId = taskId; }