public static async Task MethodAsync() { TaskExt.Log("B1"); await SomeClass.SomeAsyncApi().ConfigureAwait(false); TaskExt.Log("B2"); }
public async Task after_waiting_for_next_step_timeToNextStep_should_be_close_to_stepDuration_in_seconds(int stepDuration) { var calculator = new AuRaStepCalculator(stepDuration, new Timestamper()); await TaskExt.DelayAtLeast(calculator.TimeToNextStep); calculator.TimeToNextStep.Should().BeCloseTo(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(stepDuration), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)); }
public virtual Task Run(IPEndPoint http, IPEndPoint https, CancellationToken cancelToken) { var hostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder(); // .UseContentRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) ConfigureBuilder(hostBuilder); var urls = new List <string>(); if ((http == null) && (https == null)) { throw new CannotOpenApiPortException("No HTTP or HTTPS ports available"); } if (http != null) { urls.Add(http.ToHttp()); } if (https != null) { urls.Add(https.ToHttps()); } hostBuilder.UseUrls(urls.ToArray()); var webHost = hostBuilder.Build(); return(TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(() => webHost.Run(cancelToken), cancelToken)); }
public async Task <ResGetServiceRecord> GetServiceRecord(ReqGetServiceRecord req) { var escapedGt = req.Gamertag.ToSlug(); var needsQueueing = await CacheMetaHelpers.NeedsQueueing(_dbClient, $"sr-{escapedGt}"); if (needsQueueing) { await _dbClient.SetCacheMeta($"sr-{escapedGt}", "in_progress"); TaskExt.FireAndForget(() => _sqsClient.SendMessageAsync(new QueueEvent { Type = QueueEventTypes.CacheServiceRecord, Payload = new ServiceRecordPayload { Gamertag = req.Gamertag }, })); throw new BaeException("queued_for_caching"); } // TODO(0xdeafcafe): Clean this shit up 🤮 var sr = await _dbClient.GetServiceRecord(escapedGt); var p1 = Mapper.Map <ServiceRecordResponse>(sr); var p2 = Mapper.Map <ResGetServiceRecord>(p1); p2.CacheInfo = new CacheInfo(sr.CreatedAt); return(p2); }
private async Task ProducerLoop() { while (!_cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { BlockHeader parentHeader = _blockTree.Head; if (parentHeader == null) { if (_logger.IsWarn) { _logger.Warn($"Preparing new block - parent header is null"); } } else if (_sealer.CanSeal(parentHeader.Number + 1, parentHeader.Hash)) { ProduceNewBlock(parentHeader); } var timeToNextStep = _auRaStepCalculator.TimeToNextStep; if (_logger.IsDebug) { _logger.Debug($"Waiting {timeToNextStep} for next AuRa step."); } await TaskExt.DelayAtLeast(timeToNextStep); } }
IEnumerator <Task <AsyncCompletedEventArgs> > FetchOperationAsyncHelper(object state, CancellationToken token, int timeout, Action continuator) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <AsyncCompletedEventArgs>(); // prepare the timeout CancellationToken newToken; if (timeout != Timeout.Infinite) { var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token); TaskExt.CancelAfterEx(cts, timeout * 1000); newToken = cts.Token; } else { newToken = token; } /* handle completion */ AsyncCompletedEventHandler handler = (sender, args) => { if (args.Cancelled) { tcs.TrySetCanceled(); } else if (args.Error != null) { tcs.SetException(args.Error); } else { tcs.SetResult(args); } }; this.FetchOperationCompleted += handler; try { using (newToken.Register(() => { try { tcs.SetCanceled(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { /* cancel when already finished, does not matter */ #if DEBUG Tracing.WarningDAL("Canceled async db operation, when it has already completed."); #endif } }, useSynchronizationContext: false)) { this.StartFetchOperation(state); yield return(tcs.Task.Continuation(continuator)); } } finally { this.FetchOperationCompleted -= handler; } }
public async Task <(ServiceRecordResponse serviceRecord, ICacheInfo cacheInfo)> GetServiceRecord(Identity identity) { var path = $"players/{identity.Gamertag}/h4/servicerecord"; var key = $"halo-4/service-record/{identity.XUIDStr}.json"; var expire = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10); var cacheInfo = await fetchCacheInfo(key); if (cacheInfo != null && cacheInfo.IsFresh()) { return(await fetchContent <ServiceRecordResponse>(key), cacheInfo); } var response = await requestWaypointData <External.ServiceRecordResponse>(path, null, key); if (response == null && cacheInfo != null) { return(await fetchContent <ServiceRecordResponse>(key), cacheInfo); } // Transpile and enrich content var finalCacheInfo = new CacheInfo(DateTime.UtcNow, expire); var final = _transpiler.ServiceRecord(response); final = await _enricher.ServiceRecord(final, response); TaskExt.FireAndForget(() => cacheContent(key, final, finalCacheInfo)); return(final, finalCacheInfo); }
private async Task StartupUiMode(Func <Task> act) { try { ConfigureUiInstances(); var dbContextFactory = Container.GetInstance <IDbContextFactory>(); using (var scope = dbContextFactory.Create()) { await StartupInternal().ConfigureAwait(false); // We dont want the UI action to inherit our ctx.. using (dbContextFactory.SuppressAmbientContext()) await act().ConfigureAwait(false); await AfterUi().ConfigureAwait(false); await scope.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); } BackgroundActions(); await HandleWaitForBackgroundTasks().ConfigureAwait(false); // TODO: call from node? var task = TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask( () => new SIHandler().HandleSingleInstanceCall(Common.Flags.FullStartupParameters.ToList())); } catch (SQLiteException ex) { MainLog.Logger.FormattedErrorException(ex, "A problem was found with a database"); var message = $"There appears to be a problem with your database. If the problem persists, you can delete the databases from:\n{Common.Paths.LocalDataPath} and {Common.Paths.DataPath}" + "\nError message: " + ex.Message; await Container.GetInstance <IDialogManager>() .MessageBox(new MessageBoxDialogParams(message, "Sync: A problem was found in your database")) .ConfigureAwait(false); throw; } }
private static async Task LaunchSteamHelper(uint appId, SteamHelperRunner steamH) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <Unit>(); using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource()) { var t = TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask( async() => { try { await steamH.RunHelperInternal(cts.Token, steamH.GetHelperParameters("interactive", appId) .Concat(new[] { "-b", "" }), (process, s) => { if (s.StartsWith("Now listening on:")) { tcs.SetResult(Unit.Value); } }, (proces, s) => { }) .ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { tcs.SetException(ex); } finally { // ReSharper disable once MethodSupportsCancellation using (await _l.LockAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)) _isRunning = false; } }, cts.Token); await tcs.Task; } }
ReseponseFutureProcess(CancellationTokenSource cts, double timeout) { this._id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <T>(); _cts = cts; this.OutTimeSpan = timeout; var name = this.Id; var pidinfo = ProcessRegistry.Instance.TryAdd(name, this); Pid = pidinfo.Item1; if (!pidinfo.Item2) { throw new ProcessNameExistException(name); } if (cts != null) { TaskExt.Delay(this.OutTimeSpan, cts.Token) .ContinueWith(t => { if (!_tcs.Task.IsCompleted) { _tcs.TrySetException(new TimeoutException("请求超时!")); this.Dispose(); } }); } Task = _tcs.Task; }
private static Task LaunchAppThread() => TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(async() => { await LaunchWithNode().ConfigureAwait(false); var entryAssembly = typeof(Entrypoint).GetTypeInfo().Assembly; var entryPath = entryAssembly.Location.ToAbsoluteFilePath().ParentDirectoryPath; _bootstrapper = new ElectronAppBootstrapper(_args, entryPath); _bootstrapper.Configure(); await StartupInternal().ConfigureAwait(false); });
public static IAsyncEnumerable <TValue> Empty <TValue>() { return(Create(() => Create <TValue>( ct => TaskExt.Return(false, ct), () => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }, () => { }) )); }
public async Task step_increases_after_timeToNextStep(int stepDuration) { var calculator = new AuRaStepCalculator(stepDuration, new Timestamper()); var step = calculator.CurrentStep; await TaskExt.DelayAtLeast(calculator.TimeToNextStep); calculator.CurrentStep.Should().Be(step + 1, calculator.TimeToNextStep.ToString()); }
private Task InternalScheduleRepeatedly(int initialDelayMs, int intervalMs, Func <bool> action, CancellationToken token) { if (initialDelayMs == Timeout.Infinite) { return(TaskExt.CreateInfiniteTask()); } return(InternalScheduleRepeatedlyAsync(initialDelayMs, intervalMs, action, token)); }
public static async Task <int> SomeAsyncApi() { TaskExt.Log("X1"); await Task.Delay(1000).WithCompletionLog(step: "X1.5").ConfigureAwait(false); TaskExt.Log("X2"); return(42); }
async void HandleGameSetChanged(Game x) { _settings.Ready = false; _settings.GameOptions.RecentGameSet = x == null ? null : new RecentGameSet(x); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ActiveGame)); await TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(() => TryActiveGameChanged(x)) .ConfigureAwait(false); }
public Task <bool> MoveNext(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (_disposed) { return(TaskExt.Return(false, CancellationToken.None)); } return(_moveNext(cancellationToken)); }
Task RunInstaller() => TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(() => { using (var p = Process.Start(_tmpFile, "-install")) { // /vREINSTALL=ALL /vREINSTALLMODE=vomus /v/qb p.WaitForExit(); } if (!IsInstalled()) { throw new InstallationFailed(); } });
public static IAsyncEnumerable <TResult> Repeat <TResult>(TResult element) { return(Create(() => { return Create( ct => TaskExt.Return(true, ct), () => element, () => { } ); })); }
async Task PerformUnpack() { _statusRepo.Action = RepoStatus.Unpacking; _progress.Reset(RepoStatus.Unpacking); await _restarter.TryWithUacFallback(TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask( () => Tools.Compression.Unpack(_sourceFile, _destination, true)), "files").ConfigureAwait(false); _progress.Update(null, 100); _statusRepo.UpdateProgress(90); }
public override Task Start(uint appId, Uri uri) { _uri = uri; var t2 = TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(async() => { using (var drainer = new Drainer(uri)) { await drainer.Drain().ConfigureAwait(false); } }); // TODO: Test the connection? return(TaskExt.Default); }
public static IAsyncEnumerable <TValue> Throw <TValue>(Exception exception) { if (exception == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("exception"); } return(Create(() => Create <TValue>( ct => TaskExt.Throw <bool>(exception, ct), () => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }, () => { }) )); }
/// <summary> /// Wait all tasks completition with try|cathc block. /// </summary> /// <returns>True if thread terminated because of timeout.</returns> public async Task <bool> AwaitAllPending(TimeSpan?timeout = null) { var res = await TaskExt.WhenAll(_pendingTasks, timeout); foreach (var t in _pendingTasks) { if (t.IsCanceled || t.IsCompleted || t.IsFaulted) { _pendingTasks.TryRemove(t); } } return(res); }
public virtual Task Run(IPEndPoint http, IPEndPoint https, CancellationToken cancelToken) { var urls = BuildUrls(http, https); var hostBuilder = new WebHostBuilder(); // .UseContentRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) ConfigureBuilder(hostBuilder); hostBuilder.UseUrls(urls.ToArray()); var webHost = hostBuilder.Build(); return(TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(() => webHost.Run(cancelToken), cancelToken)); }
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { base.OnStartup(e); _bootstrapper = new WpfAppBootstrapper(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(1).ToArray(), Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location.ToAbsoluteFilePath().ParentDirectoryPath); _bootstrapper.Configure(); if (_bootstrapper.CommandMode) { HandleSingleInstance(); } _cmBs = new CMBootstrapper <string>(_bootstrapper); TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(StartupInternal).WaitSpecial(); }
public static Task RunningQueue <T>(this BlockingCollection <T> block, int maxThreads, Action <T> act) { var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, maxThreads > 0 ? maxThreads : 1) .Select(x => TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(() => { foreach (var item in block.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { act(item); } })); return(Task.WhenAll(tasks)); }
private static async Task <int> HandleNative(ISteamSessionLocator locator, bool inclRules, List <Tuple <string, string> > filter, Action <ArmaServerInfoModel> act) { var api = new SteamApi(locator); var degreeOfParallelism = inclRules ? 30 : 1; using (var bc = new BlockingCollection <ArmaServerInfoModel>()) { // TODO: better MT model var bcT = TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(async() => { await Task.WhenAll(Enumerable.Range(1, degreeOfParallelism).Select(_ => Task.Run(async() => { foreach (var s in bc.GetConsumingEnumerable()) { await UpdateServerInfo(s, api, inclRules).ConfigureAwait(false); act(s); } }) )); }); var c2 = await api.GetServerInfo(locator.Session.AppId, x => { try { var ip = x.m_NetAdr.GetQueryAddressString().Split(':').First(); var ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip); var map = x.GetMap(); var s = new ArmaServerInfoModel(new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, x.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort())) { ConnectionEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, x.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionPort()), Name = x.GetServerName(), Tags = x.GetGameTags(), Mission = string.IsNullOrEmpty(map) ? null : x.GetGameDescription(), Map = map, Ping = x.m_nPing, MaxPlayers = x.m_nMaxPlayers, CurrentPlayers = x.m_nPlayers, RequirePassword = x.m_bPassword, IsVacEnabled = x.m_bSecure, ServerVersion = x.m_nServerVersion }; bc.Add(s); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }, filter); bc.CompleteAdding(); await bcT; return(c2); } }
protected override IEnumerable <Task> ExtraJobs(Func <IMutagenReadStream> streamGetter) { foreach (var t in base.ExtraJobs(streamGetter)) { yield return(t); } foreach (var source in EnumExt.GetValues <StringsSource>()) { yield return(TaskExt.Run(DoMultithreading, () => { return ProcessStringsFilesIndices(streamGetter, new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(this.SourcePath)), Language.English, source, ModKey.FromNameAndExtension(Path.GetFileName(this.SourcePath))); })); } }
private Task InternalScheduleOnce(int initialDelayMs, Action action, CancellationToken token) { if (initialDelayMs == Timeout.Infinite) { return(TaskExt.CreateInfiniteTask()); } if (initialDelayMs <= 0) { action(); return(TaskExt.CreateCompletedTask()); } return(Task.Delay(initialDelayMs, token).Then(t => action())); }
public static async Task SimpleRunningQueue <T>(this IEnumerable <T> items, int maxThreads, Action <BlockingCollection <T> > mainAct, Action <T> act) { var queue = new ConcurrentQueue <T>(items); using (var blockingCollection = new BlockingCollection <T>(queue)) { var syncTask = TaskExt.StartLongRunningTask(() => mainAct(blockingCollection)); var monitorTask = blockingCollection.RunningQueue(maxThreads, act); await syncTask.ConfigureAwait(false); blockingCollection.CompleteAdding(); await monitorTask.ConfigureAwait(false); } }