Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Raises and handles the <see cref="Window.ContentRendered"/> event.</summary>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// An <see cref="EventArgs"/> object containing event data.</param>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>OnContentRendered</b> raises the <see cref="Window.ContentRendered"/> event by
        /// calling the base class implementation of <see cref="Window.OnContentRendered"/>.
        /// </para><para>
        /// <b>OnContentRendered</b> then handles the <see cref="Window.ContentRendered"/> event by
        /// starting a background thread that attempts to open the XML scenario or session
        /// description file supplied to the constructor. The background thread will raise the <see
        /// cref="TaskEvents.TaskComplete"/> event when the operation has completed.
        /// </para></remarks>

        protected override void OnContentRendered(EventArgs args)

            // show activity message on status bar
            MainWindow.Instance.StatusMessage.Push(this._openScenario ?
                                                   Global.Strings.StatusScenarioStarting : Global.Strings.StatusGameOpening);

            // set progress bar range
            StatusProgress.Minimum = 0;
            StatusProgress.Maximum = (this._openScenario ? 13 : 16);

            // attach task events to dialog methods
            this._threadEvents               = new TaskEvents(Dispatcher);
            this._threadEvents.TaskMessage  += ((sender, e) => StatusInfo.Text = e.Value);
            this._threadEvents.TaskProgress += ((sender, e) => StatusProgress.Value += e.Value);
            this._threadEvents.TaskComplete += ((sender, e) =>
                                                { this._thread.Join(500); this._thread = null; Close(); });

            // create and start background thread
            this._thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ThreadMain));
            this._thread.IsBackground = true;
            this._thread.Name         = "CreateSession";
        private IEnumerable <string> CheckTaskEvents(string solutionDirectory, TaskEvents taskEvents)
            var errors      = new List <string>();
            var preMessages = taskEvents.Messages
                              .SkipWhile(m => !Equals(m.Message, "Adaptation: DefinitionLibrary.Assembly.AllAttribute"))
                              .TakeWhile(m => !Equals(m.Message, "------------"))

            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, @"|Simple string|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, @"|AnyCPU|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, $@"|{solutionDirectory}UsageLibrary\|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(2, $@"|{solutionDirectory}packages\Newtonsoft.Json.10.0.3\|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, @"|Newtonsoft.Json|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, @"||"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, @"|10.0|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, "|{env}|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(1, "|{nuget.Newtonsoft}|"));
            errors.AddRange(preMessages.AssertContains(2, "|" + Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows) + "|"));

            var preWarnings = taskEvents.Warnings;

            errors.AddRange(preWarnings.AssertContains(1, "{boo.Platform:2df}"));
            errors.AddRange(preWarnings.AssertContains(1, "Package 'Newtonsoft' not found"));
            errors.AddRange(preWarnings.AssertContains(1, "Illegal environment variable"));
            errors.AddRange(preWarnings.AssertContains(1, "Invalid time option"));
            errors.AddRange(preWarnings.AssertContains(1, "Invalid uid option"));
            errors.AddRange(preWarnings.AssertContains(1, "Invalid SpecialFolder option"));
            errors.AddRange(preWarnings.AssertContains(1, "Not supported 'notexisted' folder"));
            Assert.AreEqual(7, preWarnings.Count);


Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns state after starting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TaskEventState Start()
            if (!Current.Start())
            {   // if we cannot start, that means it is running or completed
                switch (Current.State)
                case TaskEventState.TaskEventNew:
                    // illegal, should have been able to start from the Start method
                    Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] illegal, should have been able to start from the Start method");

                case TaskEventState.TaskEventRunning:
                    // illegal
                    Console.WriteLine("[ERROR] illegal, should not try starting a task that was already running");

                case TaskEventState.TaskEventComplete:
                    // make new, and start it
                    TaskEvents.Add(new TaskEvent());

        void btnTask_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (sender == btnTasks[0])
                #if (!XBOX)
                    UserInterfaceManager.Cursor = Skin.Cursors["Busy"].Cursor;

                btnTasks[0].Enabled = false;
                TaskDialog tmp = new TaskDialog();
                tmp.Closing += WindowClosing;
                tmp.Closed += WindowClosed;

                Thread.Sleep(2000); // Sleep to demonstrate animated busy cursor

                #if (!XBOX)
                    UserInterfaceManager.Cursor = Skin.Cursors["Default"].Cursor;

            else if (sender == btnTasks[1])
                btnTasks[1].Enabled = false;
                TaskControls tmp = new TaskControls();
                tmp.Closing += WindowClosing;
                tmp.Closed += WindowClosed;
            else if (sender == btnTasks[2])
                btnTasks[2].Enabled = false;
                TaskAutoScroll tmp = new TaskAutoScroll();
                tmp.Closing += WindowClosing;
                tmp.Closed += WindowClosed;
            else if (sender == btnTasks[3])
                btnTasks[3].Enabled = false;

                Window tmp = (Window)Layout.Load("Window");
                tmp.Closing += WindowClosing;
                tmp.Closed += WindowClosed;
                //tmp.SearchChildControlByName("btnOk").Click += Central_Click;
            else if (sender == btnTasks[4])
                btnTasks[4].Enabled = false;

                TaskEvents tmp = new TaskEvents();
                tmp.Closing += WindowClosing;
                tmp.Closed += WindowClosed;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Silently replays all commands in the original command history up to the specified full
        /// turn and active faction indices.</summary>
        /// <param name="turn">
        /// The index of the full turn where replay should stop.</param>
        /// <param name="faction">
        /// The index of the faction whose activation during the specified <paramref name="turn"/>
        /// should stop the replay.</param>
        /// <param name="events">
        /// An optional <see cref="TaskEvents"/> object used for progress display.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if all commands in the specified range were successfully replayed, and if
        /// more commands remain in the original command history; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</returns>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>SilentReplay</b> is called by <see cref="Skip"/> to skip over part of an ongoing
        /// interactive replay.
        /// </para><para>
        /// <b>SilentReplay</b> shows a dialog and returns <c>false</c> when an <see
        /// cref="InvalidCommandException"/> occurs during command replay.</para></remarks>

        private bool SilentReplay(int turn, int faction, TaskEvents events)
            string           progressMessage = Global.Strings.StatusReplayCommandsCount;
            WorldState       worldState      = Session.Instance.WorldState;
            ExecutionContext context         = new ExecutionContext(worldState, null, null);
            IList <Command>  commands        = this._originalWorldState.History.Commands;

             * We only replay up to the next-to-last command because
             * there is nothing left to resume after the last command,
             * and the caller will invoke Stop anyway at this point.

            while (this._commandIndex < commands.Count - 1)
                // show running count every 0.5 seconds
                if (events != null && events.RestartTimer(500L))
                    events.OnTaskMessage(this, progressMessage,
                                         this._commandIndex + 1, commands.Count);

                // fetch next command and increment counter
                Command command = commands[this._commandIndex++];

                try {
                    // attempt to validate & execute command
                catch (InvalidCommandException e) {

                // check if specified turn reached
                if (command is EndTurnCommand && worldState.CurrentTurn >= turn)
                    // succeed if specified faction dead or active
                    if (faction >= worldState.Factions.Count ||
                        worldState.ActiveFactionIndex >= faction)

            return(false); // no commands left
 public static void executeTask(ITask task, Control controlToHostTask,
                                TaskEvents.TaskEvent_StatusChanged onTaskStatusChange)
     if (controlToHostTask != null && controlToHostTask.InvokeRequired)
         controlToHostTask.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
                                                           executeTask(task, controlToHostTask,
         task.onTaskStatusChange += onTaskStatusChange;
         var taskControl = new ascx_Task(new TaskThread(task));
         if (controlToHostTask != null)
        public static void executeTask(ITask task, Control controlToHostTask,
                                       TaskEvents.TaskEvent_ResultsObject onTaskExecutionCompletion)
            if (controlToHostTask != null && controlToHostTask.InvokeRequired)
                controlToHostTask.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
                                                                  executeTask(task, controlToHostTask,
                task.onTaskExecutionCompletion += onTaskExecutionCompletion;

                var taskControl = new ascx_Task(new TaskThread(task));
                if (controlToHostTask != null)
Exemple #8
        private void ConnectHooks()
            // get events component instance (component)
            sdeClientEvents = TaskEvents.Instance;

            var producerConfig = new ProducerConfig
                BootstrapServers = serviceUrl

            // Create producers
            this.taskProducer = new ProducerBuilder <Ignore, SDETaskProto>(producerConfig)
                                .SetValueSerializer(new ProtobufSerializer <SDETaskProto>())

            this.taskNoteProducer = new ProducerBuilder <Ignore, SDETaskNoteProto>(producerConfig)
                                    .SetValueSerializer(new ProtobufSerializer <SDETaskNoteProto>())

            // register callback when events are triggered
            sdeClientEvents.onTaskCreateHook += OnTaskCreateHook;
            sdeClientEvents.onTaskUpdateHook += OnTaskUpdateHook;
            sdeClientEvents.onTaskCreateHook += OnTaskCreateHook;
 public static void executeTask(ITask task, TaskEvents.TaskEvent_ResultsObject onTaskExecutionCompletion)
     executeTask(task, null, onTaskExecutionCompletion);
 public static void executeTask(ITask task, TaskEvents.TaskEvent_StatusChanged onTaskStatusChange)
     executeTask(task, null, onTaskStatusChange);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Replays commands starting at the specified full turn and active faction indices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="turn">
        /// The index of the full turn at which to start interactive replay.</param>
        /// <param name="faction">
        /// The index of the faction whose activation during the specified <paramref name="turn"/>
        /// should start interactive replay.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException"><para>
        /// <paramref name="turn"/> is greater than the <see cref="WorldState.CurrentTurn"/> of the
        /// current <see cref="Session.WorldState"/>.
        /// </para><para>-or-</para><para>
        /// <paramref name="faction"/> is less than zero.</para></exception>
        /// <exception cref="PropertyValueException">
        /// The current session <see cref="Session.State"/> is neither <see
        /// cref="SessionState.Closed"/>, <see cref="SessionState.Computer"/>, nor <see
        /// cref="SessionState.Human"/>.</exception>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>Start</b> sets the session <see cref="Session.State"/> to <see
        /// cref="SessionState.Replay"/> and <see cref="CurrentState"/> to <see
        /// cref="ReplayState.Play"/>, skips ahead to the specified <paramref name="turn"/> and
        /// <paramref name="faction"/> indices, and then begins an interactive replay of all
        /// remaining commands stored in the session's <see cref="WorldState.History"/>.
        /// </para><para>
        /// <b>Start</b> shows an informational message and returns immediately if there are no
        /// commands to replay.
        /// </para><para>
        /// If the specified <paramref name="turn"/> is negative, <b>Start</b> shows a <see
        /// cref="Dialog.ChangeTurn"/> dialog, allowing the user to enter the turn at which to start
        /// interactive replay.
        /// </para><para>
        /// If the specified <paramref name="faction"/> is greater than the number of surviving
        /// factions at any point while skipping ahead, interactive replay will begin with the first
        /// active faction during the specified <paramref name="turn"/>.</para></remarks>

        public void Start(int turn, int faction)
            Session    session = Session.Instance;
            WorldState world   = session.WorldState;

            if (turn > world.CurrentTurn)
                    "turn", turn, Tektosyne.Strings.ArgumentGreaterValue, "CurrentTurn");

            if (faction < 0)
                    "faction", faction, Tektosyne.Strings.ArgumentNegative);

            // show message and quit if no commands to replay
            if (world.History.Commands.Count == 0)
                                Global.Strings.DialogReplayNone, Global.Strings.TitleReplay,
                                MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

            if (turn < 0)
                // ask user to specify starting turn
                var dialog = new Dialog.ChangeTurn(
                    world.CurrentTurn, Global.Strings.TitleReplayFromTurn);
                dialog.Owner = MainWindow.Instance;
                if (dialog.ShowDialog() != true)

                // get turn entered by user
                turn = dialog.Turn;
                Debug.Assert(turn >= 0);
                Debug.Assert(turn <= world.CurrentTurn);

            // save current session data
            this._originalWorldState = session.WorldState;
            this._originalSelected   = Session.MapView.SelectedSite;
            this._originalState      = Session.State;

            // switch session to Replay state
            Session.State = SessionState.Replay;

            // show replay control message...

            // ...but wait for new world state

            TaskEvents events = new TaskEvents(Application.Current.Dispatcher);

            events.TaskMessage += ((sender, args) =>
                                   MainWindow.Instance.StatusMessage.Text = args.Value);

            try {
                // create world state from scenario
                WorldState worldState = new WorldState();

                // copy original turn count
                session.WorldState = worldState;
            finally {

            AsyncAction.Run(delegate {
                // skip to specified turn & faction
                this._commandIndex = 0;
                if (turn > 0 || faction > 0)
                    Skip(turn, faction);

                // set default map view to new world state
                AsyncAction.Invoke(() => Session.MapView.WorldState = session.WorldState);

                // show active faction's home if not skipped
                if (this._commandIndex == 0)

                // enter Play state
                CurrentState = ReplayState.Play;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Skips ahead to the specified full turn and active faction indices.</summary>
        /// <param name="turn">
        /// The index of the full turn at which to resume interactive replay.</param>
        /// <param name="faction">
        /// The index of the faction whose activation during the specified <paramref name="turn"/>
        /// should resume interactive replay.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
        /// <paramref name="faction"/> is less than zero.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="PropertyValueException">
        /// The current session <see cref="Session.State"/> is not <see
        /// cref="SessionState.Replay"/>.</exception>
        /// <remarks><para>
        /// <b>Skip</b> performs one of the following actions, depending on the specified <paramref
        /// name="turn"/> index:
        /// </para><list type="table"><listheader>
        /// <term><paramref name="turn"/></term><description>Action</description>
        /// </listheader><item>
        /// <term>Less than zero</term>
        /// <description>Silently execute history commands until the next <see
        /// cref="EndTurnCommand"/> was executed.</description>
        /// </item><item>
        /// <term>Less than or equal to the index of the currently replayed turn</term>
        /// <description>Do nothing.</description>
        /// </item><item>
        /// <term>Less than the maximum turn index in the current game</term>
        /// <description>Silently execute history commands until the index of the currently replayed
        /// turn equals <paramref name="turn"/>.</description>
        /// </item><item>
        /// <term>Greater than the maximum turn index in the current game</term>
        /// <description>Call <see cref="Stop"/>.</description>
        /// </item></list><para>
        /// If the specified <paramref name="faction"/> index is less than the number of surviving
        /// <see cref="WorldState.Factions"/> when interactive replay would normally resume,
        /// <b>Skip</b> continues to silently execute history commands until the faction with the
        /// specified index has been activated. Otherwise, the <paramref name="faction"/> parameter
        /// is ignored.
        /// </para><para>
        /// <b>Skip</b> also sets the <see cref="CurrentState"/> to <see cref="ReplayState.Skip"/>
        /// during execution, then back to <see cref="ReplayState.Play"/> when finished. <b>Skip</b>
        /// calls <see cref="Stop"/> instead if an error occurred, or if the command history is
        /// already exhausted.</para></remarks>

        private void Skip(int turn, int faction)
            if (Session.State != SessionState.Replay)
                                                                  Session.State, Tektosyne.Strings.PropertyNotValue, SessionState.Replay);

            if (faction < 0)
                    "faction", faction, Tektosyne.Strings.ArgumentNegative);

            WorldState world = Session.Instance.WorldState;

            // reset faction to zero if already dead
            if (faction >= world.Factions.Count)
                faction = 0;

            // do nothing if specified turn & faction reached
            if ((turn >= 0 && turn < world.CurrentTurn) ||
                (turn == world.CurrentTurn && world.ActiveFactionIndex >= faction))

            // stop immediately if unreachable turn specified
            if (turn > this._originalWorldState.CurrentTurn)

            // enter Skip state
            CurrentState = ReplayState.Skip;

            // clear pending command, if any
            this._command = null;

            // suspend interactive replay
            AsyncAction.Invoke(delegate {

            TaskEvents events = new TaskEvents(Application.Current.Dispatcher);

            events.TaskMessage += ((sender, args) =>
                                   MainWindow.Instance.StatusMessage.Text = args.Value);

            try {
                // skip forward to specified turn & faction
                bool resume = SilentReplay(turn, faction, events);

                if (resume)
                    // show active faction's home site

                    // update map view if replay visible
                    if (world == Session.MapView.WorldState)

                    // enter Play state
                    CurrentState = ReplayState.Play;
            finally {
                AsyncAction.Invoke(delegate {

            Stop(); // end of history or error
Exemple #13
 public Hooks()
     sdeClientEvents = TaskEvents.Instance;