Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Step the motor and return the resulting current value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStep"> The current timestep of the scene </param>
        public virtual Vector3 Step(float timeStep)
            Vector3 errorValue, correctionValue;
            float   decayFactor;

            // If the motor is not enabled, we assume that we
            // have reached the target value, so simply just
            // return the target value that we have
            if (!Enabled)

            // Calculate the difference in the current and target values
            errorValue = TargetValue - CurrentValue;

            correctionValue = Vector3.Zero;

            // If the calculated error value is not zero
            if (!ErrorIsZero(errorValue))
                // Calculate the error correction value
                // and add it to the current value
                correctionValue = StepError(timeStep, errorValue);
                CurrentValue   += correctionValue;

                // The desired value reduces to zero which also reduces the
                // difference with current
                // If the decay timescale is not infinite, we decay
                if (TargetValueDecayTimeScale != PxMotor.Infinite)
                    decayFactor  = (1.0f / TargetValueDecayTimeScale) * timeStep;
                    TargetValue *= (1f - decayFactor);
                // Difference between what we have and target is small, Motor
                // is done
                if (TargetValue.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, ErrorZeroThreshold))
                    // The target can step down to nearly zero but not get
                    // there If close to zero it is really zero
                    TargetValue = Vector3.Zero;

                // If the motor is done, set the current value to the target value
                CurrentValue = TargetValue;

            // Update the last error as the most recently calculated error
            LastError = errorValue;

Exemple #2
        // Compute the next step and return the new current value.
        // Returns the correction needed to move 'current' to 'target'.
        public virtual Vector3 Step(float timeStep)
            if (!Enabled)

            Vector3 origTarget  = TargetValue;      // DEBUG
            Vector3 origCurrVal = CurrentValue;     // DEBUG

            Vector3 correction = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 error      = TargetValue - CurrentValue;

            if (!ErrorIsZero(error))
                correction = StepError(timeStep, error);

                CurrentValue += correction;

                // The desired value reduces to zero which also reduces the difference with current.
                // If the decay time is infinite, don't decay at all.
                float decayFactor = 0f;
                if (TargetValueDecayTimeScale != BSMotor.Infinite)
                    decayFactor  = (1.0f / TargetValueDecayTimeScale) * timeStep;
                    TargetValue *= (1f - decayFactor);

                MDetailLog("{0},  BSVMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},origCurr={2},origTarget={3},timeStep={4},err={5},corr={6}",
                           BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget,
                           timeStep, error, correction);
                MDetailLog("{0},  BSVMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},tgtDecayTS={2},decayFact={3},tgt={4},curr={5}",
                           BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, TargetValueDecayTimeScale, decayFactor, TargetValue, CurrentValue);
                // Difference between what we have and target is small. Motor is done.
                if (TargetValue.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, ErrorZeroThreshold))
                    // The target can step down to nearly zero but not get there.  If close to zero
                    //     it is really zero.
                    TargetValue = Vector3.Zero;
                CurrentValue = TargetValue;
                MDetailLog("{0},  BSVMotor.Step,zero,{1},origTgt={2},origCurr={3},currTgt={4},currCurr={5}",
                           BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget, TargetValue, CurrentValue);
            LastError = error;

Exemple #3
        // Compute the next step and return the new current value.
        // Returns the correction needed to move 'current' to 'target'.
        public virtual Vector3 Step(float timeStep)
            if (!Enabled)

            Vector3 origTarget  = TargetValue;      // DEBUG
            Vector3 origCurrVal = CurrentValue;     // DEBUG

            Vector3 correction = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 error      = TargetValue - CurrentValue;

            LastError = error;
            if (!ErrorIsZero(error))
                correction = StepError(timeStep, error);

                CurrentValue += correction;

                // The desired value reduces to zero which also reduces the difference with current.
                // If the decay time is infinite, don't decay at all.
                float decayFactor = 0f;
                if (TargetValueDecayTimeScale != BSMotor.Infinite)
                    decayFactor  = (1.0f / TargetValueDecayTimeScale) * timeStep;
                    TargetValue *= (1f - decayFactor);

                // The amount we can correct the error is reduced by the friction
                Vector3 frictionFactor = Vector3.Zero;
                if (FrictionTimescale != BSMotor.InfiniteVector)
                    // Individual friction components can be 'infinite' so compute each separately.
                    frictionFactor.X = (FrictionTimescale.X == BSMotor.Infinite) ? 0f : (1f / FrictionTimescale.X);
                    frictionFactor.Y = (FrictionTimescale.Y == BSMotor.Infinite) ? 0f : (1f / FrictionTimescale.Y);
                    frictionFactor.Z = (FrictionTimescale.Z == BSMotor.Infinite) ? 0f : (1f / FrictionTimescale.Z);
                    frictionFactor  *= timeStep;
                    CurrentValue    *= (Vector3.One - frictionFactor);

                MDetailLog("{0},  BSVMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},origCurr={2},origTarget={3},timeStep={4},err={5},corr={6}",
                           BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget,
                           timeStep, error, correction);
                MDetailLog("{0},  BSVMotor.Step,nonZero,{1},tgtDecayTS={2},decayFact={3},frictTS={4},frictFact={5},tgt={6},curr={7}",
                           BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName,
                           TargetValueDecayTimeScale, decayFactor, FrictionTimescale, frictionFactor,
                           TargetValue, CurrentValue);
                // Difference between what we have and target is small. Motor is done.
                if (TargetValue.ApproxEquals(Vector3.Zero, ErrorZeroThreshold))
                    // The target can step down to nearly zero but not get there.  If close to zero
                    //     it is really zero.
                    TargetValue = Vector3.Zero;
                CurrentValue = TargetValue;
                MDetailLog("{0},  BSVMotor.Step,zero,{1},origTgt={2},origCurr={3},currTgt={4},currCurr={5}",
                           BSScene.DetailLogZero, UseName, origCurrVal, origTarget, TargetValue, CurrentValue);
