Exemple #1
 public static string ToJson(TargetJoint2D data)
Exemple #2
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     target      = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
     boxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
Exemple #3
 private void Start()
     tj         = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
     tj.enabled = false;
    // grab the given object
    void Grabbed(GameObject grabbable, bool gStatic = false)
        grabbed       = true;
        grabbedGO     = grabbable;
        grabbedStatic = gStatic;
        ApplySoap ap = grabbedGO.GetComponent <ApplySoap>();

        if (ap != null)
            ap.grabbed = true;
        // handRB.gameObject.SetActive(true);
        if (!grabbedStatic)
            previousParent  = grabbedGO.transform.parent;
            storedLocal     = handRB.transform.localPosition;
            storedLayer     = grabbable.layer;
            storedLayerName = LayerMask.LayerToName(grabbable.layer);
            //  Debug.Log(storedLayerName);
            //handRB.transform.position = grabbedGO.transform.position;

            grabbable.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ignore Player");

            grabbedGO.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);

            Joint2D[] connectedJoints = grabbedGO.GetComponentsInChildren <Joint2D>();
            foreach (Joint2D joint in connectedJoints)
                if (grabbedGO.tag != "GrabbableKeepRotation")
                    joint.connectedBody.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ignore Player");
            if (grabbedGO.tag != "GrabbableKeepRotation")
                rj = grabbedGO.AddComponent <RelativeJoint2D>();
                rj.connectedBody     = handRB;
                autoCorrectNextFrame = true;
                angleOffset          = -Extensions.Angle(-transform.up) - grabbedGO.transform.eulerAngles.z;
                rj.correctionScale   = 0.7f;
                grabbedGO.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().freezeRotation = true;
                TargetJoint2D joint1 = grabbedGO.AddComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
                TargetJoint2D joint2 = handRB.gameObject.AddComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
                dtj          = new DoubleTargetJoint(joint1, joint2, handRB.transform.position);
                stillRotates = true;

                //TargetJoint2D tj = gr
            changeInAngleTime = Time.time;
            previouseAngle    = grabbedGO.transform.eulerAngles.z;

            ActivateableObject ao = grabbedGO.GetComponent <ActivateableObject>();

            // rj.breakForce = 6000;

        if (left)
            handLimiter.leftGrabbed = grabbedGO.transform;
            handLimiter.rightGrabbed = grabbedGO.transform;

        hand.grabbing  = true;
        previouseAngle = grabbedGO.transform.eulerAngles.z;

        PointGiver pg = grabbedGO.GetComponent <PointGiver>();

        if (pg != null)
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     targetJoint   = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
     spawnPosition = transform.position;
Exemple #6
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     orginalPosition = gameObject.transform.position;
     boxCollider     = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     target          = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
Exemple #7
 private void Awake()
     targetJoint = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
Exemple #8
 private void Start()
     anchorJoint = GetComponent <SpringJoint2D>();
     rb          = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     mouseJoint  = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
Exemple #9
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     Joint        = gameObject.GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
     Target1      = transform.position;
     Joint.target = Target1;
Exemple #10
        // public void ApplyAnchors(Joint2D joint) {
        //  if (jointType == JointType2D.RelativeJoint2D)
        //      return;
        //  if (jointType == JointType2D.TargetJoint2D) {
        //      ((TargetJoint2D) joint).anchor = anchor;
        //      ((TargetJoint2D) joint).target = target; // needs to be world relative
        //      return;
        //  }
        //  ((AnchoredJoint2D) joint).anchor = anchor;
        //  ((AnchoredJoint2D) joint).connectedAnchor = connectedAnchor;
        // }

        // public void ApplyLimits(Joint2D joint, GameObject go, Rigidbody2D connectedBody) {
        //     if (jointType != JointType2D.HingeJoint2D)
        //         return;
        //     Quaternion startRotation = go.transform.rotation;
        //     if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody) {
        //         go.transform.rotation = connectedBody.transform.rotation;
        //         // setting the connectedBody triggers a re-calculation of the reference angle
        //         joint.connectedBody = connectedBody;
        //     }
        //     ((HingeJoint2D) joint).limits = limits.ToJointAngleLimits2D();
        //     if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody)
        //         go.transform.rotation = startRotation;
        // }

        public Joint2D CreateOrApply(GameObject go, Rigidbody2D connectedBody, Joint2D joint = null)
            if (joint && !JointMatchesJointType(joint))
                joint = null;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.DistanceJoint2D)
                DistanceJoint2D distanceJoint = (DistanceJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <DistanceJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(distanceJoint, connectedBody);
                distanceJoint.maxDistanceOnly       = maxDistanceOnly;
                distanceJoint.autoConfigureDistance = autoConfigureDistance;
                if (!autoConfigureDistance)
                    distanceJoint.distance = distance;
                joint = distanceJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.FixedJoint2D)
                FixedJoint2D fixedJoint = (FixedJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <FixedJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(fixedJoint, connectedBody);
                fixedJoint.frequency    = frequency;
                fixedJoint.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
                joint = fixedJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.FrictionJoint2D)
                FrictionJoint2D frictionJoint = (FrictionJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <FrictionJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(frictionJoint, connectedBody);
                frictionJoint.maxForce  = maxFrictionForce;
                frictionJoint.maxTorque = maxFrictionTorque;
                joint = frictionJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.HingeJoint2D)
                Quaternion startRotation = go.transform.rotation;
                // if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody)
                //     go.transform.rotation = connectedBody.transform.rotation;
                HingeJoint2D hingeJoint = (HingeJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <HingeJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(hingeJoint, connectedBody);
                hingeJoint.limits    = limits.ToJointAngleLimits2D();
                hingeJoint.useLimits = useLimits;
                JointMotor2D m = new JointMotor2D();
                m.maxMotorTorque    = motor.maxMotorTorque;
                m.motorSpeed        = motor.motorSpeed;
                hingeJoint.motor    = m;
                hingeJoint.useMotor = useMotor;
                joint = hingeJoint;
                // if (useLimits && limits.relativeTo == AngleLimitsRelativeTo.ZeroRotation && connectedBody)
                //     go.transform.rotation = startRotation;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.RelativeJoint2D)
                RelativeJoint2D relativeJoint = (RelativeJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <RelativeJoint2D>();
                ConfigureJoint(relativeJoint, connectedBody);
                relativeJoint.autoConfigureOffset = autoConfigureOffset;
                if (!autoConfigureOffset)
                    relativeJoint.linearOffset  = linearOffset;
                    relativeJoint.angularOffset = angularOffset;
                relativeJoint.correctionScale = correctionScale;
                relativeJoint.maxForce        = maxForce;
                relativeJoint.maxTorque       = maxTorque;
                joint = relativeJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.SliderJoint2D)
                SliderJoint2D sliderJoint = (SliderJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <SliderJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(sliderJoint, connectedBody);
                joint = sliderJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.SpringJoint2D)
                SpringJoint2D springJoint = (SpringJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <SpringJoint2D>();
                ConfigureAnchoredJoint(springJoint, connectedBody);
                springJoint.autoConfigureDistance = autoConfigureDistance;
                if (!autoConfigureDistance)
                    springJoint.distance = distance;
                springJoint.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
                springJoint.frequency    = frequency;
                joint = springJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.TargetJoint2D)
                TargetJoint2D targetJoint = (TargetJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
                targetJoint.autoConfigureTarget = false;
                targetJoint.anchor       = anchor;
                targetJoint.target       = target;
                targetJoint.maxForce     = maxForce;
                targetJoint.dampingRatio = dampingRatio;
                targetJoint.frequency    = frequency;
                joint = targetJoint;
            if (jointType == JointType2D.WheelJoint2D)
                WheelJoint2D wheelJoint = (WheelJoint2D)joint ?? go.AddComponent <WheelJoint2D>();
                ConfigureJoint(wheelJoint, connectedBody);
                joint = wheelJoint;
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     targetJoint = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
 public void Clean()
     targetJoint = null;
Exemple #13
 private void Awake()
     joint         = this.gameObject.GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
     joint.enabled = false;
Exemple #14
 override protected void Initialise()
     distJoints  = GetComponents <DistanceJoint2D>();
     targetJoint = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();
 public void Awake()
     m_hinge  = GetComponent <HingeJoint2D>();
     m_target = GetComponent <TargetJoint2D>();