private void printLabel(LabelInfo label)
            AdminController aCont = new AdminController();
            TapeFormatInfo  tf    = aCont.Get_TapeFormatById(label.TapeFormat);

            if (tf.Label == "A")
                pnlLabelA.Visible = true;
                pnlLabelB.Visible = false;
                Literal lit = new Literal();
                lit.ID    = "labelALit_" + label.Id.ToString();
                lit.Text  = "<div class=\"LabelA\">";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"customerA labelBox\">" + label.AdvertiserName + "<br /></div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"buyerA labelBox\">" + label.AgencyName + "<br /></div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"titleA labelBox\">" + label.Title + "<br /></div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"tapecodeA labelBox\">Tape Code: " + tf.TapeFormat + "</div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"descA labelBox\">" + label.Description + "<br /></div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"isciA labelBox\">" + label.ISCICode + "<br /></div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"masterIdA labelBox\">" + label.PMTMediaId + "<br /></div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"spineA labelBox\">" + label.AdvertiserName + "<br /><br />" + label.Title + "<br /><br />ISCI<br />" + label.ISCICode + "<br /><br />" + label.Description + "<br /><br />" + label.PMTMediaId + "<br />" + label.MediaLength + " " + label.Standard + "</div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"boxFrontA labelBox\">" + label.AdvertiserName + "<br />" + label.AgencyName + "<br />" + label.Title + "<br />Tape Code: " + tf.TapeFormat + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + label.Description + "<br />ISCI: " + label.ISCICode + "<br /><br /><br />" + label.PMTMediaId + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + "<br />" + label.MediaLength + " " + label.Standard + "<br />" + label.LabelNumber.ToString() + " WO# " + label.CampaignId + "</div>";
                lit.Text += "</div>";
            else if (tf.Label == "B")
                pnlLabelA.Visible = false;
                pnlLabelB.Visible = true;
                Literal lit = new Literal();
                lit.ID    = "labelBLit_" + label.Id.ToString();
                lit.Text  = "<div class=\"LabelB\">";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"DVDTLB labelBox\">" + label.PMTMediaId + "<br />" + label.MediaLength + "<br />" + label.Standard + "</div>";
                UserInfo csr = UserController.GetUserById(PortalId, label.CreatedById);
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"DVDTRB labelBox\">" + label.LabelNumber.ToString() + "<br />" + csr.DisplayName + "<br />" + label.DateCreated.ToShortDateString() + "</div>";
                lit.Text += "<div class=\"DVDBottB labelBox\">" + label.AdvertiserName + "<br />" + label.AgencyName + "<br />" + label.Title + "<br />" + label.Description + " " + label.ISCICode + "<br />" + "</div></div>";
 public abstract void Delete_TapeFormat(TapeFormatInfo TapeFormat);
 public abstract void Update_TapeFormat(TapeFormatInfo TapeFormat);
 public abstract int Add_TapeFormat(TapeFormatInfo TapeFormat);
        protected void gvLabel_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            AdminController aCont = new AdminController();

            txtSelectedLabel.Value = (gvLabel.SelectedRow.FindControl("hdngvLabelId") as HiddenField).Value;
            LabelInfo Label = aCont.Get_LabelById(Convert.ToInt32(txtSelectedLabel.Value));

            if (Label.Id != -1)
                btnDeleteLabel.Enabled           = true;
                btnSaveLabelAs.Enabled           = true;
                txtLabelCreatedBy.Value          = Label.CreatedById.ToString();
                txtLabelCreatedDate.Value        = Label.DateCreated.Ticks.ToString();
                ddlLabelTapeFormat.SelectedValue = Label.TapeFormat.ToString();
                if (Label.AgencyId > -1)
                    ddlLabelAgency.SelectedValue = Label.AgencyId.ToString();
                    if (ddlLabelAgency.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                        ddlLabelAgency.Items[ddlLabelAgency.SelectedIndex].Selected = false;
                        ddlLabelAgency.Items.FindByText(Label.AgencyName).Selected = true;
                    catch { }
                if (Label.AdvertiserId > -1)
                    ddlLabelAdvertiser.SelectedValue = Label.AdvertiserId.ToString();
                    if (ddlLabelAdvertiser.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                        ddlLabelAdvertiser.Items[ddlLabelAdvertiser.SelectedIndex].Selected = false;
                        ddlLabelAdvertiser.Items.FindByText(Label.AdvertiserName).Selected = true;
                    catch { }
                txtLabelTitle.Text             = Label.Title;
                txtLabelDescription.Text       = Label.Description;
                txtLabelISCI.Text              = Label.ISCICode;
                txtLabelPMTMediaId.Text        = Label.PMTMediaId;
                txtLabelLength.Text            = Label.MediaLength;
                ddlLabelStandard.SelectedValue = Label.Standard;
                txtLabelNotes.Text             = Label.Notes;
                txtLabelNumber.Text            = Label.LabelNumber.ToString();
                txtLabelWOId.Text              = Label.CampaignId.ToString();
                lblLabelMessage.Text           = "";

                //populate and show actual label
                litLabelAdvertiser.Text      = Label.AdvertiserName;
                litLabelAgency.Text          = Label.AgencyName;
                litLabelCampaignCreated.Text = ""; //add value when campaigns are added
                litLabelCampaignId.Text      = Label.CampaignId.ToString();
                litLabelCampaignStatus.Text  = ""; //add value when campaigns are added
                litLabelDescription.Text     = Label.Description;
                litLabelDestinationId.Text   = ""; //add value when campaigns are added
                litLabelISCI.Text            = Label.ISCICode;
                litLabelMediaLength.Text     = Label.MediaLength;
                litLabelNumber.Text          = Label.LabelNumber.ToString();
                litLabelPMTMediaId.Text      = Label.PMTMediaId;
                litLabelStandard.Text        = Label.Standard;
                TapeFormatInfo tf = aCont.Get_TapeFormatById(Label.TapeFormat);
                litLabelTapeFormat.Text = tf.TapeFormat;
                //    pnlLabelA.Visible = true;
                //    pnlLabelB.Visible = false;
                //    lblCustomerA.Text = Label.AdvertiserName;
                //    litBuyerA.Text = Label.AgencyName;
                //    litTitleA.Text = Label.Title;
                //    litTapecodeA.Text = "Tape Code: " + tf.TapeFormat;
                //    litDescA.Text = Label.Description;
                //    litIsciA.Text = "ISCI Code: " + Label.ISCICode;
                //    litMasterIdA.Text = Label.PMTMediaId + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + Label.MediaLength + " " + Label.Standard + " " + Label.LabelNumber.ToString() + " WO# " + Label.CampaignId;
                //    litSpineA.Text = Label.AdvertiserName + "<br /><br />" + Label.Title + "<br /><br />ISCI<br />" + Label.ISCICode + "<br /><br />" + Label.Description + "<br /><br />" + Label.PMTMediaId + "<br />" + Label.MediaLength + " " + Label.Standard;
                //    litBoxFrontA.Text = Label.AdvertiserName + "<br />" + Label.AgencyName + "<br />" + Label.Title + "<br />Tape Code: " + tf.TapeFormat + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + Label.Description + "<br />ISCI: " + Label.ISCICode + "<br /><br /><br />" + Label.PMTMediaId + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + Label.MediaLength + " " + Label.Standard + "<br />" + Label.LabelNumber.ToString() + " WO# " + Label.CampaignId;
                //else if (tf.Label == "B")
                //    pnlLabelA.Visible = false;
                //    pnlLabelB.Visible = true;
                //    litDVDTLB.Text = Label.PMTMediaId + "<br />" + Label.MediaLength + "<br />" + Label.Standard;
                //    UserInfo csr = UserController.GetUserById(PortalId, Label.CreatedById);
                //    litDVDTRB.Text = Label.LabelNumber.ToString() + "<br />" + csr.DisplayName + "<br />" + Label.DateCreated.ToShortDateString();
                //    litDVDBottB.Text = Label.AdvertiserName + "<br />" + Label.AgencyName + "<br />" + Label.Title + "<br />" + Label.Description + " " + Label.ISCICode + "<br />";
                litLabelTitle.Text   = Label.Title;
                pnlLabelView.Visible = true;
                btnDeleteLabel.Enabled = false;
                btnSaveLabelAs.Enabled = false;
                lblLabelMessage.Text = "There was an error loading this Label.";
Exemple #6
        public string buildRequest(string ticket)
            string req = "";

            string[] custCodes = new string[6] {
            int custIndex = 2;

            int                i         = 1;
            string             xmlString = "";
            List <InvoiceInfo> invs      = aCont.Get_InvoicesByToSend();

            if (invs.Count > 0)
                xmlString += "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><?qbxml version=\"6.0\"?><QBXML><QBXMLMsgsRq onError=\"stopOnError\">";
                //build array of xml
                foreach (InvoiceInfo inv in invs)
                    xmlString += "<InvoiceAddRq requestID=\"" + inv.Id.ToString() + "\"><InvoiceAdd>";//
                    List <int> woIds = aCont.Get_WOInsByInvoiceId(inv.Id);
                    if (woIds.Count > 0 && woIds[0] > 0)
                        WorkOrderInfo  wo1    = aCont.Get_WorkOrderById(woIds[0]);
                        AdvertiserInfo billto = aCont.Get_AdvertiserById(wo1.BillToId);
                        if (billto.Id == -1)
                            billto = aCont.Get_AdvertiserById(wo1.AdvertiserId);
                        xmlString += "<CustomerRef><FullName>" + billto.AdvertiserName.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</FullName></CustomerRef>";
                        xmlString += "<BillAddress><Addr1>" + billto.AdvertiserName.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Addr1><Addr2>" + billto.Address1.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;");
                        if (billto.Address2.Trim() != "")
                            xmlString += " - " + billto.Address2.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;");
                        xmlString += "</Addr2><City>" + billto.City.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</City><State>" + billto.State.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</State><PostalCode>" + billto.Zip.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</PostalCode><Country>" + billto.Country.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Country></BillAddress>";
                        string po = wo1.PONumber;
                        if (po == "")
                                po = wo1.Groups[0].LibraryItems[0].PMTMediaId.Replace("&", "&#038;");
                            catch { }
                        xmlString += "<PONumber>" + po.Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</PONumber>";
                        if (woIds.Count == 1)
                            xmlString += "<FOB>WO: " + woIds[0].ToString() + "</FOB>";
                        else if (woIds.Count > 1)
                            xmlString += "<FOB>SEE BELOW</FOB>";
                        xmlString += "<Memo>" + inv.Id.ToString() + "</Memo>";
                        AgencyInfo ag = aCont.Get_AgencyById(wo1.AgencyId);
                        xmlString += "<Other>" + ag.AgencyName.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Other>";
                        foreach (int woId in woIds)
                            WorkOrderInfo   wo       = aCont.Get_WorkOrderById(woId);
                            List <TaskInfo> tasks    = aCont.Get_TasksByWOId(wo.Id);
                            int             groupId  = -1;
                            bool            groupNew = true;
                            for (int j = 0; j < tasks.Count; j++)
                                TaskInfo task = tasks[j];
                                if (groupId == -1)
                                    groupId = task.WOGroupId;
                                if (task.WOGroupId != groupId)
                                    groupNew = true;
                                    groupId  = task.WOGroupId;
                                if (task.DeliveryStatus.ToLower() != "cancelled" && !task.isDeleted)
                                    if (task.TaskType != GroupTypeEnum.Delivery)
                                        WOGroupInfo       group     = aCont.Get_WorkOrderGroupById(task.WOGroupId);
                                        List <QBCodeInfo> servCodes = aCont.FindQBCodesByTask(task.Id, 0, true);
                                        LibraryItemInfo   lib       = aCont.Get_LibraryItemById(task.LibraryId);
                                        MasterItemInfo    master    = new MasterItemInfo();
                                        if (task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Non_Deliverable)
                                            master = aCont.Get_MasterItemById(task.MasterId);
                                        //foreach (ServiceInfo serv in group.Services)
                                        if (groupNew)
                                            foreach (QBCodeInfo code in servCodes)
                                                if (task.TaskType != GroupTypeEnum.Non_Deliverable)
                                                    xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd>";
                                                    xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + code.QBCode.Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</FullName></ItemRef>";
                                                    xmlString += "<Desc>" + lib.Title.Replace("&", "&#038;"); //code.QBCode.Replace("&", "&#038;");
                                                    if (woIds.Count > 1 && j == 0)
                                                        xmlString += " WO " + wo.Id.ToString();
                                                    xmlString += "</Desc>";
                                                    if (task.Quantity == 0)
                                                        task.Quantity = 1;
                                                    xmlString += "<Quantity>" + group.LibraryItems.Count.ToString() + "</Quantity>";
                                                    xmlString += "<Other1></Other1>";
                                                    xmlString += "<Other2></Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>";
                                                    xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd>";
                                                    xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + code.QBCode.Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</FullName></ItemRef>";
                                                    xmlString += "<Desc>" + master.Title.Replace("&", "&#038;");
                                                    if (woIds.Count > 1 && j == 0)
                                                        xmlString += " WO " + wo.Id.ToString();
                                                    xmlString += "</Desc>";
                                                    if (task.Quantity == 0)
                                                        task.Quantity = 1;
                                                    xmlString += "<Quantity>" + task.Quantity + "</Quantity>";
                                                    xmlString += "<Other1>" + lib.ProductDescription.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Other1>";
                                                    xmlString += "<Other2>" + lib.ISCICode.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>";
                                            groupNew = false;
                                    if (task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Bundle || task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Delivery || task.TaskType == GroupTypeEnum.Customized)
                                        LibraryItemInfo lib  = aCont.Get_LibraryItemById(task.LibraryId);
                                        bool            isHd = lib.MediaType.IndexOf("HD") != -1;
                                        string[]        pcs  = lib.MediaLength.Split(':');
                                        int             secs = 0;
                                        if (pcs.Length == 2)
                                                secs = 60 * Convert.ToInt32(pcs[0]) + Convert.ToInt32(pcs[1]);
                                            catch { }
                                        if (secs <= 120 && !isHd)
                                            custIndex = 2;
                                        else if (secs <= 120 && isHd)
                                            custIndex = 3;
                                        else if (secs >= 1500 && secs <= 1800 && !isHd)
                                            custIndex = 0;
                                        else if (secs >= 1500 && secs <= 1800 && isHd)
                                            custIndex = 1;
                                        else if (secs >= 180 && secs <= 300 && !isHd)
                                            custIndex = 4;
                                        else if (secs >= 180 && secs <= 300 && !isHd)
                                            custIndex = 5;
                                        xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd>";
                                        if (task.TaskType != GroupTypeEnum.Customized)
                                            xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + task.QBCode.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</FullName></ItemRef>";
                                            xmlString += "<ItemRef><FullName>" + custCodes[custIndex] + "</FullName></ItemRef>";
                                        xmlString += "<Desc>" + lib.Title.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;");
                                        if (woIds.Count > 1 && j == 0)
                                            xmlString += " WO " + wo.Id.ToString();
                                        xmlString += "</Desc>";
                                        if (task.Quantity == 0)
                                            task.Quantity = 1;
                                        xmlString += "<Quantity>" + task.Quantity + "</Quantity>";
                                        xmlString += "<Other1>" + lib.ProductDescription.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Other1>";
                                        if (lib.TapeCode.Trim() == "")
                                            xmlString += "<Other2>" + lib.ISCICode.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>";
                                            xmlString += "<Other2>" + lib.TapeCode.Trim().Replace("&", "&#038;") + "</Other2></InvoiceLineAdd>";
                                        WOGroupStationInfo station = aCont.Get_WorkOrderGroupStationById(task.StationId);
                                        if (station.DeliveryMethod.ToLower().IndexOf("tf_") != -1)
                                            //check to see if we need to add shipping
                                            if (station.ShippingMethodId == -1)
                                                int            weight = 1;
                                                TapeFormatInfo tape   = aCont.Get_TapeFormatById(Convert.ToInt32(station.DeliveryMethod.Replace("tf_", "")));
                                                if (station.Quantity * tape.Weight > 1.0)
                                                    weight = 2;
                                                string shippingPrice = "";
                                                if (weight == 1)
                                                    if (station.PriorityId == 1)
                                                        shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx1LbPriority"].ToString();
                                                    else if (station.PriorityId == 2)
                                                        shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx1LbStandard"].ToString();
                                                    else if (station.PriorityId == 3)
                                                        shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx1Lb2Day"].ToString();
                                                    if (station.PriorityId == 1)
                                                        shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx2LbPriority"].ToString();
                                                    else if (station.PriorityId == 2)
                                                        shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx2LbStandard"].ToString();
                                                    else if (station.PriorityId == 3)
                                                        shippingPrice = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FedEx2Lb2Day"].ToString();
                                                xmlString += "<InvoiceLineAdd><ItemRef><FullName>SHIPPING</FullName></ItemRef><Desc>P" + station.PriorityId.ToString() + " " + weight.ToString() + "LB SHIPPING CHARGE</Desc><Quantity>1</Quantity><Rate>" + shippingPrice + "</Rate></InvoiceLineAdd>";
                    xmlString += "</InvoiceAdd></InvoiceAddRq>";
                    //xmlString += "";
                xmlString += "</QBXMLMsgsRq></QBXML>";
                req        = xmlString;