public async Task GetTypes(CommandContext ctx) { if (!await CanExecute(ctx, Features.Tanks)) { return; } Log.Debug($"Requesting {nameof(GetTypes)}()..."); await ctx.RespondAsync($"Valid tank types are: {string.Join(", ", TankTypeExtensions.GetGameTankTypes().Select(n => $"`{n}`"))}"); }
public async Task RandTank(CommandContext ctx, [Description("The minimum tier of the tanks")] int minTier = 5, [Description("The maximum tier of the tanks")] int maxTier = 10, [Description("Nation of the tank, or *any*. Multiple values can be sent using *;* as separators")] string nationFilter = "any", [Description("Type of the tank, or *any*. Multiple values can be sent using *;* as separators")] string typeFilter = "any", [Description("*Premium*, *regular*, or *any*")] string premiumFilter = "any", [Description("The *gamer tag* or *PSN Name*, so it only returns tanks that the player have (or had)")] string gamerTag = null, [Description("If *true* then a tank that the given player **hadn't** will be picked")] bool notOnPlayer = false) { // Yeah... it's a Player feature but it uses more calculations for tanks... if (!await CanExecute(ctx, Features.Tanks)) { return; } if (minTier < 1) { await ctx.RespondAsync("The minimum tier is 1."); return; } if (minTier > 10) { await ctx.RespondAsync("The maximum tier is 1."); return; } if (maxTier < 1) { await ctx.RespondAsync("The minimum tier is 1."); return; } if (maxTier > 10) { await ctx.RespondAsync("The maximum tier is 1."); return; } if (maxTier < minTier) { var temp = maxTier; maxTier = minTier; minTier = temp; } await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync(); var cfg = GuildConfiguration.FromGuild(ctx.Guild); Log.Debug($"Requesting {nameof(RandTank)}({minTier}, {maxTier}, {nationFilter}, {typeFilter}, {premiumFilter}, {gamerTag ?? string.Empty}, {notOnPlayer})..."); try { var provider = new DbProvider(_connectionString); var allTanks = provider.EnumTanks(cfg.Plataform).Where(t => (t.Tier >= minTier) && (t.Tier <= maxTier)).ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nationFilter) && !nationFilter.EqualsCiAi("any")) { var filtersText = nationFilter.Split(new[] { ',', ';', '-', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var filters = new HashSet <Nation>(); foreach (var filterText in filtersText) { if (Enum.TryParse <Nation>(filterText, true, out var nation)) { filters.Add(nation); } else { await ctx.RespondAsync( $"Sorry, {ctx.User.Mention}, the nation `{filterText}` is not a valid nation. Valid nations are: {string.Join(", ", NationExtensions.GetGameNations().Select(n => $"`{n.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}`"))}."); return; } } allTanks = allTanks.Where(t => filters.Contains(t.Nation)).ToList(); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(typeFilter) && !typeFilter.EqualsCiAi("any")) { var filtersText = typeFilter.Split(new[] { ',', ';', '-', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var filters = new HashSet <TankType>(); foreach (var filterText in filtersText) { if (Enum.TryParse <TankType>(filterText, true, out var tankType)) { filters.Add(tankType); } else { await ctx.RespondAsync( $"Sorry, {ctx.User.Mention}, the tank type `{filterText}` is not a valid type. Valid tank types are: {string.Join(", ", TankTypeExtensions.GetGameTankTypes().Select(n => $"`{n.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()}`"))}."); return; } } allTanks = allTanks.Where(t => filters.Contains(t.Type)).ToList(); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(premiumFilter) && !premiumFilter.EqualsCiAi("any")) { if (premiumFilter.EqualsCiAi("regular")) { allTanks = allTanks.Where(t => !t.IsPremium).ToList(); } else if (premiumFilter.EqualsCiAi("premium")) { allTanks = allTanks.Where(t => t.IsPremium).ToList(); } else { await ctx.RespondAsync( $"Sorry, {ctx.User.Mention}, the premium filter `{premiumFilter}` is not a valid value. Valid values are: `Regular`, `Premium` or `Any`."); return; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gamerTag)) { var playerCommands = new PlayerCommands(); var player = await playerCommands.GetPlayer(ctx, gamerTag); if (player == null) { Log.Debug($"Could not find player {gamerTag}"); await ctx.RespondAsync("I could not find a tanker " + $"with the Gamer Tag `{gamerTag}` on the Database, {ctx.User.Mention}. I may not track this player, or the Gamer Tag is wrong."); return; } gamerTag = player.Name; var playerTanks = player.Performance.All.Select(kv => kv.Key).ToHashSet(); allTanks = notOnPlayer ? allTanks.Where(t => !playerTanks.Contains(t.TankId)).ToList() : allTanks.Where(t => playerTanks.Contains(t.TankId)).ToList(); } if (allTanks.Count <= 0) { await ctx.RespondAsync( $"Sorry, {ctx.User.Mention}, there are no tanks with the given criteria."); return; } var number = Rand.Next(0, allTanks.Count); var tank = allTanks[number]; var platformPrefix = tank.Plataform == Platform.PS ? "ps." : string.Empty; var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"The random tank is the `{tank.Name}`, Tier {tank.Tier.ToRomanNumeral()}, {tank.Nation.GetDescription()}, {(tank.IsPremium ? "Premium" : "Regular")}, {ctx.User.Mention}!"); var embed = new DiscordEmbedBuilder { Title = $"{tank.Name} is the random Tank", Description = sb.ToString(), Color = DiscordColor.Gray, ThumbnailUrl = tank.SmallImageUrl, Url = $"https://{platformPrefix}{tank.TankId}", Author = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedAuthor { Name = "WoTClans", Url = $"https://{platformPrefix}" }, Footer = new DiscordEmbedBuilder.EmbedFooter { Text = $"Picked at {DateTime.UtcNow:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}." } }; await ctx.RespondAsync("", embed : embed); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error($"Error on {nameof(RandTank)}({minTier}, {maxTier}, {nationFilter}, {typeFilter}, {premiumFilter}, {gamerTag ?? string.Empty}, {notOnPlayer})", ex); await ctx.RespondAsync($"Sorry, {ctx.User.Mention}. There was an error... the *Coder* will be notified of `{ex.Message}`."); } }