Exemple #1
        public Pixelmap Rotate(double angleDegrees)
            int newWidth  = Width;
            int newHeight = Height;

            TangraModelCore.GetRotatedFrameDimentions(Width, Height, angleDegrees, ref newWidth, ref newHeight);

            uint[] pixels             = new uint[newWidth * newHeight];
            byte[] displayBitmapBytes = new byte[newWidth * newHeight];
            byte[] rawBitmapBytes     = new byte[GetBitmapBIRGBPixelArraySize(24, Width, Height) + 40 + 14 + 1];

            TangraModelCore.RotateFrame(Width, Height, angleDegrees, m_Pixels, newWidth, newHeight, pixels, rawBitmapBytes, displayBitmapBytes, (short)m_BitPix, m_MaxSignalValue.HasValue ? m_MaxSignalValue.Value : 0);

            using (var memStr = new MemoryStream(rawBitmapBytes))
                Bitmap displayBitmap;

                    displayBitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(memStr);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    displayBitmap = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);

                var rv = new Pixelmap(newWidth, newHeight, m_BitPix, pixels, displayBitmap, displayBitmapBytes);
                if (m_MaxSignalValue.HasValue)
                rv.FrameState = FrameState;

Exemple #2
        // I(x, y) = IBackground + IStarMax1 * Exp ( -((x - X1)*(x - X1) + (y - Y1)*(y - Y1)) / (r1 * r1)) + IStarMax2 * Exp ( -((x - X2)*(x - X2) + (y - Y2)*(y - Y2)) / (r2 * r2))
        private void NonLinearFit(uint[,] intensity, int x1start, int y1start, int x2start, int y2start, bool useNativeMatrix)
            m_IsSolved = false;

                int full_width = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(intensity.Length));

                m_MatrixSize = full_width;

                int half_width = full_width / 2;

                m_HalfWidth = half_width;

                switch (PSFFit.DataRange)
                case PSFFittingDataRange.DataRange8Bit:
                    m_Saturation = TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.Saturation8Bit;

                case PSFFittingDataRange.DataRange12Bit:
                    m_Saturation = TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.Saturation12Bit;

                case PSFFittingDataRange.DataRange14Bit:
                    m_Saturation = TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.Saturation14Bit;

                case PSFFittingDataRange.DataRange16Bit:
                    m_Saturation = PSFFit.NormVal > 0
                                                                ? (uint)(TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.Saturation8Bit * PSFFit.NormVal / 255.0)
                                                                : TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.Saturation16Bit;

                    m_Saturation = TangraConfig.Settings.Photometry.Saturation.Saturation8Bit;

                int nonSaturatedPixels = 0;

                double IBackground = 0;
                double r1          = 4.0;
                double r2          = 4.0;
                double IStarMax1   = 0;
                double IStarMax2   = 0;

                double found_x1 = x1start;
                double found_y1 = y1start;
                double found_x2 = x2start;
                double found_y2 = y2start;

                for (int iter = NumberIterations; iter > 0; iter--)
                    if (iter == NumberIterations)
                        uint zval = 0;

                        IBackground = 0.0;                         /* assume no backgnd intensity at first... */
                        for (int i = 0; i < full_width; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < full_width; j++)
                                if (intensity[i, j] > zval)
                                    zval = intensity[i, j];
                                if (intensity[i, j] < m_Saturation)
                        IStarMax1 = (double)zval - IBackground;
                        IStarMax2 = IStarMax1;

                    double[] dx1 = new double[full_width];
                    double[] dy1 = new double[full_width];
                    double[] fx1 = new double[full_width];
                    double[] fy1 = new double[full_width];
                    double[] dx2 = new double[full_width];
                    double[] dy2 = new double[full_width];
                    double[] fx2 = new double[full_width];
                    double[] fy2 = new double[full_width];

                    double r1_squared = r1 * r1;
                    double r2_squared = r2 * r2;

                    for (int i = 0; i < full_width; i++)
                        dx1[i] = (double)i - found_x1;
                        fx1[i] = Math.Exp(-dx1[i] * dx1[i] / r1_squared);
                        dy1[i] = (double)i - found_y1;
                        fy1[i] = Math.Exp(-dy1[i] * dy1[i] / r1_squared);
                        dx2[i] = (double)i - found_x2;
                        fx2[i] = Math.Exp(-dx2[i] * dx2[i] / r2_squared);
                        dy2[i] = (double)i - found_y2;
                        fy2[i] = Math.Exp(-dy2[i] * dy2[i] / r2_squared);

                    SafeMatrix A = new SafeMatrix(nonSaturatedPixels, 9);
                    SafeMatrix X = new SafeMatrix(nonSaturatedPixels, 1);

                    int index = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < full_width; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < full_width; j++)
                            double zval = intensity[i, j];

                            if (m_BackgroundModel != null)
                                zval -= m_BackgroundModel.ComputeValue(i, j);

                            if (zval < m_Saturation)

                                double exp_val1 = fx1[i] * fy1[j];
                                double exp_val2 = fx2[i] * fy2[j];

                                double residual = IBackground + IStarMax1 * exp_val1 + IStarMax2 * exp_val2 - zval;
                                X[index, 0] = -residual;

                                A[index, 0] = 1.0;                                 /* slope in i0 */
                                A[index, 1] = exp_val1;
                                A[index, 2] = exp_val2;
                                A[index, 3] = 2.0 * IStarMax1 * dx1[i] * exp_val1 / r1_squared;
                                A[index, 4] = 2.0 * IStarMax1 * dy1[j] * exp_val1 / r1_squared;
                                A[index, 5] = 2.0 * IStarMax2 * dx2[i] * exp_val2 / r2_squared;
                                A[index, 6] = 2.0 * IStarMax2 * dy2[j] * exp_val2 / r2_squared;
                                A[index, 7] = 2.0 * IStarMax1 * (dx1[i] * dx1[i] + dy1[j] * dy1[j]) * exp_val1 / (r1 * r1_squared);
                                A[index, 8] = 2.0 * IStarMax2 * (dx2[i] * dx2[i] + dy2[j] * dy2[j]) * exp_val2 / (r2 * r2_squared);

                    SafeMatrix Y;

                    if (useNativeMatrix)
                        Y = TangraModelCore.SolveLinearSystemFast(A, X);
                        SafeMatrix a_T    = A.Transpose();
                        SafeMatrix aa     = a_T * A;
                        SafeMatrix aa_inv = aa.Inverse();
                        Y = (aa_inv * a_T) * X;

                    /* we need at least 9 unsaturated pixels to solve 8 params */
                    if (nonSaturatedPixels > 9)                     /* Request all pixels to be good! */
                        IBackground += Y[0, 0];
                        IStarMax1   += Y[1, 0];
                        IStarMax2   += Y[2, 0];

                        for (int i = 3; i < 7; i++)
                            if (Y[i, 0] > 1.0)
                                Y[i, 0] = 1.0;
                            if (Y[i, 0] < -1.0)
                                Y[i, 0] = -1.0;

                        found_x1 += Y[3, 0];
                        found_y1 += Y[4, 0];
                        found_x2 += Y[5, 0];
                        found_y2 += Y[6, 0];

                        if (Y[7, 0] > r1 / 10.0)
                            Y[7, 0] = r1 / 10.0;
                        if (Y[7, 0] < -r1 / 10.0)
                            Y[7, 0] = -r1 / 10.0;

                        r1 += Y[7, 0];

                        if (Y[8, 0] > r2 / 10.0)
                            Y[8, 0] = r2 / 10.0;
                        if (Y[8, 0] < -r2 / 10.0)
                            Y[8, 0] = -r2 / 10.0;

                        r2 += Y[8, 0];
                        m_IsSolved = false;

                m_IsSolved    = true;
                m_IBackground = IBackground;
                m_IStarMax1   = IStarMax1;
                m_IStarMax2   = IStarMax2;
                m_X1          = found_x1;
                m_Y1          = found_y1;
                m_R1          = r1;
                m_X2          = found_x2;
                m_Y2          = found_y2;
                m_R2          = r2;

                // NOTE: The brighter object becomes the object to be tracked/returned as main object
                if (m_IStarMax1 > m_IStarMax2)
                    m_IStarMax = IStarMax1;
                    m_X0       = found_x1;
                    m_Y0       = found_y1;
                    m_R0       = r1;
                    m_IStarMax = IStarMax2;
                    m_X0       = found_x2;
                    m_Y0       = found_y2;
                    m_R0       = r2;

                m_Residuals = new double[full_width, full_width];

                for (int x = 0; x < full_width; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < full_width; y++)
                        m_Residuals[x, y] = intensity[x, y] - GetPSFValueInternal(x, y);
            catch (DivideByZeroException)
            { }