Exemple #1
    //Rail charge
    private IEnumerator Step4()
        List <string> tutDeck = new List <string>();



        DeckManager.Instance.DealAmt = 3;
        BattleManager.Instance.NumEngines = 1;


        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DeckManager.Instance.CardsToBeSorted.Count == 3));

        _currentHead = Utils.GenerateTalkingHead(GameObject.Find("MainCanvas").transform);

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Oh yeah! I like what's gonna happen here! Give him hell, kid!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        Tween fadeTween = _currentHead.BG.DOFade(0f, 0.1f);

        _currentHead.BG.raycastTarget = false;

        yield return(fadeTween.WaitForCompletion());

Exemple #2
    //Buying cards
    private IEnumerator Step3()
        List <string> tutDeck = new List <string>();


        BuyManager.Instance.DealAmt = 1;

        _currentHead = Utils.GenerateTalkingHead(GameObject.Find("BuyScreen").transform);

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Yeowch! That stings!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Pain is in the mind!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        Tween fadeTween = _currentHead.BG.DOFade(0f, 0.1f);

        yield return(fadeTween.WaitForCompletion());

        _currentHead.BG.raycastTarget = false;

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "...yes. Either way, you can use the <color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                     Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether ") + "you channeled to transmute a new card.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Please note that this is not a permanent transmutation. After this encounter you'll forget about it like you never learned it!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "You have 3 <color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether, ") + "so go ahead and buy that Rail Charge.";
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DeckManager.Instance.InDiscardCount() == 4));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Transmutation Complete! Now let's see that new skill in action!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));


Exemple #3
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
            PlayerCollection pc = Utils.Load <PlayerCollection>("playercollection");
            BuyManager.Instance.DealAmt = 5;

            DeckManager.Instance.DealAmt = 9;

            BattleManager.Instance.Engines[1].GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
            BattleManager.Instance.Engines[2].GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;

            BattleManager.Instance.NumEngines = 3;


Exemple #4
    private IEnumerator Step1()
        List <string> tutDeck = new List <string>();



        DeckManager.Instance.DealAmt = 3;
        BattleManager.Instance.NumEngines = 1;

        _currentHead = Utils.GenerateTalkingHead(GameObject.Find("MainCanvas").transform);

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => _currentHead.IsIdle));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Ok kid.. now's your chance to prove yourself. Remember your training?";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        //Change Character head
        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "...";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "...I see how it is. I swear, you squires get sloppier every year.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Well kid, if you want to be a full Knight of the Rails, the number one thing is using the rails to channel <color=red>Power</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("power") + " into your attacks.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Now focus on bashing this guy over the head. You should manifest some attacks in the form of cards to do some hurt.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        Tween fadeTween = _currentHead.BG.DOFade(0f, 0.1f);

        yield return(fadeTween.WaitForCompletion());

        _currentHead.BG.raycastTarget = false;

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DeckManager.Instance.CardsToBeSorted.Count == 3));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Uuurrahh!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "There you go. Each of those strikes will give you one <color=red>Power</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("power") + ".";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "They always told us in the academy to put your mouse (whatever that is) over those cards to get a better picture.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => Utils.CurrentPreview != null));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Ok, now it's time to actually get this guy";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "As you were supposed to know, on the left side over there is the <color=orange>Engine</color>.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Our relics- our weapons, use cards to channel the energy of the rails into the <color=orange>Engine</color>.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "The <color=orange>Engines</color> let us take our individual spells and attacks and combine them into a powerful force.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Just like our knightly order... stronger together!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Exactly, kid.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Now drag those 3 Strikes into the <color=orange>Engine</color>. You can also right click each card to go to the first open <color=orange>Engine</color>.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => BattleManager.Instance.Engines[0].PendingCount == 3));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Since each of those strikes gives you 1  <color=red>Power</color>" +
                                Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("power") + ", our whole <color=orange>Engine</color> has" +
                                " 3 <color=red>Power</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("power") + " total.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Ok, you're ready. Press confirm (the big glowy ball in the corner) to lock in our engine so we can face off.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => BattleManager.Instance.BattleState == BattleStates.ChoosingAction));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Now select the engine you want to battle the enemy with and press confirm.";
        bool advance = false;

        BattleManager.Instance.ConfirmButton.onClick.AddListener(() => advance = true);

        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => advance));

Exemple #5
    private IEnumerator Step7()
        PlayerCollection pc = Utils.Load <PlayerCollection>("playercollection");

        BuyManager.Instance.DealAmt = 5;

        DeckManager.Instance.DealAmt = 9;

        _currentHead = Utils.GenerateTalkingHead(GameObject.Find("MainCanvas").transform);

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "And with that, I believe you will be quite able to handle this foe on your own.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Don't hold back. Show him what you're made of.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Alright. Here I go-";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "...";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "BRRRR";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Whoa... wait a second! what's happening to my arm!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        Tween fadeTween = _currentHead.BG.DOFade(0f, 0.1f);

        yield return(fadeTween.WaitForCompletion());

        _currentHead.BG.raycastTarget = false;

        BattleManager.Instance.Engines[1].GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;
        BattleManager.Instance.Engines[2].GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().alpha = 0;

        Sequence engineLoadTween = DOTween.Sequence();

        engineLoadTween.Append(BattleManager.Instance.Engines[1].GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().DOFade(1f, 1f));
        engineLoadTween.Join(BattleManager.Instance.Engines[2].GetComponent <CanvasGroup>().DOFade(1f, 1f));

        BattleManager.Instance.NumEngines = 3;

        yield return(engineLoadTween.WaitForCompletion());

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "I-impossible.. it's...";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "...The tri-engine Gauntlet!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "It's been thought to be lost for years... that gauntlet is the most powerful relic of the <color=purple>Locomancers</color>.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Any Knight who wields it is said to have three times the potential of an average knight.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "What he's trying to say is instead of one <color=orange>Engine</color>, you can use 3 <color=orange>Engines</color>!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Kid.. if anyone can send these <color=#730901>Followers of Dran</color> back to wherever they came... it's you.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "You've got this!";



        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DeckManager.Instance.CardsToBeSorted.Count == 3));

        TriggerAfterBattle = false;
Exemple #6
    private IEnumerator Step6()
        List <string> tutDeck = new List <string>();



        DeckManager.Instance.DealAmt = 3;
        BattleManager.Instance.NumEngines = 1;

        _currentHead = Utils.GenerateTalkingHead(GameObject.Find("MainCanvas").transform);

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Whoa. That's a sick skill!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "I feel that I have one more thing to tell you about before we let you loose: <color=yellow>Ranged</color> Tactics!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "You see, you won't always be able to simply remain in the same spot and take a beating from some ne'er-do-well." +
                                " You'll often want to <color=yellow>Move</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("move ") + "around to dodge, plan, and retreat!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Retreat?! Never! But you will need to get back up in the enemy's face if they get away from you, that's true.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "And of course, there's the matter of lining up a nicely timed <color=yellow>Ranged</color> attack.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "A shockingly salient point coming from you, John.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Try this hand of cards:";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));


        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DeckManager.Instance.CardsToBeSorted.Count == 3));

        Tween fadeTween = _currentHead.BG.DOFade(0f, 0.1f);

        yield return(fadeTween.WaitForCompletion());

        _currentHead.BG.raycastTarget = false;

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Two cards are of note in this hand. Your \"All Aboard\" and your \"Tiny Little Laser Beam.\"";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "The \"Tiny Little Laser Beam.\" has two range markers in the corner as you can see.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "That means it's a <color=yellow>long range</color> attack.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Let's go down the list!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "No Range Markers: That's a <color=yellow>melee</color> attack. It only gives you power if you're right next to the enemy.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "One Range Marker: That's a <color=yellow>short range</color> attack. It gives you power if you're next to the enemy or one car away. Any further, not gonna work.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Two Range Markers: That's <color=yellow>long range</color>. It's only working if you're not next to the enemy.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "So as you can see, <color=yellow>Moving</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("move ") + "will open up new possibilities of attack.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "The \"All Aboard\" card you see there can either be used at melee range, or can <color=yellow>Move</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("move ") + "you further from our foe.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "<color=yellow>Moving</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("move ") +
                                "one space away will let you use that laser beam.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Since the enemy is only attacking us at melee range, you'll not only dodge it's attack, but you'll have more power and win the exchange!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Give it a try!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

Exemple #7
    //Using aether
    private IEnumerator Step5()
        List <string> tutDeck = new List <string>();



        DeckManager.Instance.DealAmt = 3;
        BattleManager.Instance.NumEngines = 1;

        _currentHead = Utils.GenerateTalkingHead(GameObject.Find("MainCanvas").transform);

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Now do you see the value of <color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                     Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether ") + "transmutation?";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Oh yeah! Did you see how powerful I was?";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "<color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                     Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether ") + "is more than just for building your skillset. It also enables the use of far more powerful and risky techniques!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Sounds dangerous! I want to try!";


        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DeckManager.Instance.CardsToBeSorted.Count == 3));

        Tween fadeTween = _currentHead.BG.DOFade(0f, 0.1f);

        yield return(fadeTween.WaitForCompletion());

        _currentHead.BG.raycastTarget = false;

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "\"Quick Jolt\" is stronger than the average attack, and it bestows bonus <color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                     Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether ") + "upon use!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "All it takes is one <color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether ") + "to make those sparks fly. You can see how much a card costs in <color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether ") + "right by its name.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Our common \"Mana Boil\" is enough for us right now.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

Exemple #8
    private IEnumerator Step2()
        List <string> tutDeck = new List <string>();



        DeckManager.Instance.DealAmt = 3;
        BattleManager.Instance.NumEngines = 1;

        _currentHead = Utils.GenerateTalkingHead(GameObject.Find("MainCanvas").transform);

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Whoa! I hit him!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir John";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Just barely. If you want to actually hurt your opponent, you'll have to have a higher  <color=red>Power</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("power") + "than them.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "As long as you keep training for the next few years, keep pushing your body to the limit, you'll win every battle- morally that is.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "...uh, Sir John, I don't think we're gonna live for a few more years if this guy has anything to say about it.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Exactly my dear boy. Which is why all Knights worth their salt know true greatness comes from studying the truth of our world; the potential of Aetheric Science";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Sir Wolff! Are you talking about-";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Yes, young Hugo... Magic!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "All advanced tools of our world utilize the 'magic' of <color=blue>Aether</color>," +
                                " the element the great Mages of the past, the <color=purple>Locomancers</color>," +
                                " harnessed to create the rails and our very relics!";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "The key to understanding the mechanics of <color=blue>Aether</color> transmutation first requires an understanding of " +
                                "the molecular structure of <color=blue>Aether</color> crystals-";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Um, Sir Wolff, can we hurry the lecture a little... this guy looks mad.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Hm. Given the circumstances, it does seem expedient to give you an abridged lesson.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue =
            "Briefly close your eyes and feel the mana coursing through the Leylines just underneath the surface of the ground." +
            " These lines are weaved into the rails, supplying all people with their power.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Focus.";

        Tween fadeTween = _currentHead.BG.DOFade(0f, 0.1f);

        yield return(fadeTween.WaitForCompletion());

        _currentHead.BG.raycastTarget = false;


        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => DeckManager.Instance.CardsToBeSorted.Count == 3));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Like this?";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "Nicely done.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "As you can see, the most simple way to access the power of <color=blue>Aether</color>" + Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether") +
                                " is through those 'mana boil' cards there.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Each one will give you precisely one unit of <color=blue>Aether</color>" +

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "With the right equipment, <color=blue>Aether</color>" +
                                Utils.ReplaceWithSymbols("aether ") + "can be cultivated to perform even more " +
                                "arcane and powerful spells, and amplify your potential skills to new levels.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Hugo";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "But if I'm focusing on making aether, isn't that thing gonna hurt me?";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.CharacterName = "Sir Wolff";
        _currentHead.Dialogue      = "True. But that is the price of progress.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        _currentHead.Dialogue = "Now let's load the engine with these aether cards.";

        yield return(new WaitUntil(AdvanceText));

        yield return(null);
