Exemple #1
 internal void UpdateRecord(TaggedObject record)
     m_cachedRecord = new CachedP4Record(record);
     m_cachedStatus = SourceControlStatus.Unknown; // invalidate cache status
     NotControlled = false;
     NotInClientView = false;
     m_dirty = false;
Exemple #2
 public CachedP4Record(TaggedObject record)
     Record = record;
 public Asn1Mrz(Asn1Document document, TaggedObject content, Asn1Object parentObject)
     : base(document, content, parentObject)
Exemple #4
 public DummyCommandResult(bool success, params string[] args)
     Success = success;
     TaggedOutput = new TaggedObjectList();
     foreach (var item in args)
         var record = new TaggedObject();
         record["clientFile"] = item;
         record["dummy"] = "true";       // identifies IP4CommandResult as containing a dummy record for this item
            protected override Asn1Object CreateSpecificTaggedObject(Asn1Document document, TaggedObject content, Asn1Object parent)
                var result = base.CreateSpecificTaggedObject(document, content, parent);

                if (result != null)

                var tag = content.Tag.Value;

                if (tag == (ushort)Tags.Icao.Mrz)
                    return(new Asn1Mrz(document, content, parent));

Exemple #6
 public Asn1DataGroupData(Asn1Document document, TaggedObject content, Asn1Object parentObject)
     : base(document, content, parentObject)
     EFTag = (Tags.EF)content.Tag.Value;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the persistent HANDLE for an object tag.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="taggedObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetHandle(this TaggedObject taggedObject)
            TheUfSession.Tag.AskHandleFromTag(taggedObject.Tag, out string handle);

Exemple #8
        private static org.fressian.handlers.ILookup <Type, IDictionary <String, WriteHandler> > initCoreWriteHandlers()
            IDictionary <Type, IDictionary <String, WriteHandler> > handlers = new Dictionary <Type, IDictionary <String, WriteHandler> >();
            var intHandler = new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeInt(o)));

            installHandler(handlers, typeof(short), "int", intHandler);
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(int), "int", intHandler);
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(long), "int", intHandler);
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(bool), "bool", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeBoolean(o))));
            installHandler(handlers, (new byte[0]).GetType(), "bytes", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeBytes((byte[])o))));
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(double), "double", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeDouble(o))));
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(float), "float", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeFloat(o))));
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(string), "string", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeString(o))));
            //FF - c# dictionaries cannot key on null
            //installHandler(handlers, null, "null", new Action<Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeNull()));
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(Null), "null", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) => w.writeNull())));
            installHandler(handlers, (new int[] { }).GetType(), "int[]", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) =>
                int[] ints = (int[])o;
                w.writeTag("int[]", 2);
                for (int n = 0; n < ints.Length; n++)
            installHandler(handlers, (new long[] { }).GetType(), "long[]", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) =>
                long[] longs = (long[])o;
                w.writeTag("long[]", 2);
                for (int n = 0; n < longs.Length; n++)
            installHandler(handlers, (new float[] { }).GetType(), "float[]", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) =>
                float[] floats = (float[])o;
                w.writeTag("float[]", 2);
                for (int n = 0; n < floats.Length; n++)
            installHandler(handlers, (new bool[] { }).GetType(), "boolean[]", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) =>
                bool[] bools = (bool[])o;
                w.writeTag("boolean[]", 2);
                for (int n = 0; n < bools.Length; n++)
            installHandler(handlers, (new double[] { }).GetType(), "double[]", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) =>
                double[] doubles = (double[])o;
                w.writeTag("double[]", 2);
                for (int n = 0; n < doubles.Length; n++)
            installHandler(handlers, (new Object[] { }).GetType(), "Object[]", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) =>
                Object[] objects = (Object[])o;
                w.writeTag("Object[]", 2);
                for (int n = 0; n < objects.Length; n++)
            installHandler(handlers, typeof(TaggedObject), "any", new GenericWriteHandler <object>(new Action <Writer, object>((w, o) =>
                TaggedObject t = (TaggedObject)o;
                Object[] value = t.Value;
                w.writeTag(t.Tag, value.Length);
                for (int n = 0; n < value.Length; n++)
                    //FF - c# dictionaries cannot have null keys, this is part of the workaround
                    var x = value[n];
                    w.writeObject(x == null ? Handlers.Null.Value : x);

            return(new InheritanceLookup <IDictionary <String, WriteHandler> >(new MapLookup <Type, IDictionary <String, WriteHandler> >(handlers)));
Exemple #9
 public CachedP4Record(TaggedObject record)
     Record = record;
Exemple #10
    public static int NotMain(string[] args)
        theSession = Session.GetSession();
        uf         = UFSession.GetUFSession();
        theUI      = UI.GetUI();
        var Zsort     = new SortByZ();
        var part      = theSession.Parts.Work;
        var AllPoints = new List <NodePoint>();
        int counter   = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < theUI.SelectionManager.GetNumSelectedObjects(); i++)
            TaggedObject obj = theUI.SelectionManager.GetSelectedTaggedObject(i);
            if (obj is Point)
                Point3d   coords = ((Point)obj).Coordinates;
                NodePoint iNode  = new NodePoint("Point_" + counter++, coords);
                AllPoints.Add(iNode); // Собираем список всех точек

        var Tags = new List <Tag>();
        var tag  = new Tag();

        /* // Curvature = OK
         * AllPoints.Sort(Zsort);
         * foreach (NodePoint node in AllPoints)
         * {
         *  var newpoint = new Point3d(node.X, node.Y, node.Z);
         *  var p = part.Points.CreatePoint(newpoint);
         *  node.Name = "A" + counter++;
         *  p.SetName(node.Name);
         *  PointFeatureBuilder p_feature;
         *  p_feature = part.BaseFeatures.CreatePointFeatureBuilder(null);
         *  p_feature.Point = p;
         *  p_feature.Commit();
         *  p_feature.GetFeature().SetName(node.Name);
         *  Tags.Add(p_feature.GetFeature().Tag);
         *  p.SetVisibility(SmartObject.VisibilityOption.Visible);
         * }
         * uf.Modl.CreateSetOfFeature("Curvature", Tags.ToArray(), Tags.Count, 1, out tag);

         * foreach (NodePoint Vstart in AllPoints)
         * {
         *  foreach (NodePoint Vend in AllPoints)
         *  {
         *      if (Vstart.Name != Vend.Name)
         *      {
         *          Vstart.DistanceTo.Add(Vend, getDistance(Vstart, Vend));
         *      }
         *  }
         * }
         * NodePoint thisNode = AllPoints[0];
         * NodePoint nextNode = null;
         * counter = 0;
         * thisNode.Name = "A" + counter++;
         * Graph.AddLast(thisNode);
         * while (Graph.Count < AllPoints.Count)
         * {
         *  nextNode = thisNode.getClosestNode();
         *  while (Graph.Contains(nextNode))
         *  {
         *      thisNode.DistanceTo.Remove(nextNode);
         *      nextNode = thisNode.getClosestNode();
         *  }
         *  thisNode = nextNode;
         *  thisNode.Name = "A" + counter++;
         *  Graph.AddLast(thisNode);
         * }
         * for (LinkedListNode<NodePoint> node = Graph.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
         * {
         *  var newpoint = new Point3d(node.Value.X, node.Value.Y, node.Value.Z);
         *  var p = part.Points.CreatePoint(newpoint);
         *  p.SetName(node.Value.Name);
         *  PointFeatureBuilder p_feature;
         *  p_feature = part.BaseFeatures.CreatePointFeatureBuilder(null);
         *  p_feature.Point = p;
         *  p_feature.Commit();
         *  p_feature.GetFeature().SetName(node.Value.Name);
         *  Tags.Add(p_feature.GetFeature().Tag);
         *  p.SetVisibility(SmartObject.VisibilityOption.Visible);
         * }
         * uf.Modl.CreateSetOfFeature("Curvature", Tags.ToArray(), Tags.Count, 1, out tag);
        //Callback Name: update_cb
        public int update_cb(NXOpen.BlockStyler.UIBlock block)
                if (block == addOrModify)
                    //---------Enter your code here-----------
                    if (addOrModify.Value)
                        addOrModify.Label = "添加WORK";

                        string[] members = { "WORK" + (numbers[numbers.Count - 1] + 1).ToString() };
                        workNumber.Enable = false;
                        addOrModify.Label = "修改WORK";
                        List <string> members = new List <string>();
                        foreach (int i in numbers)
                            members.Add("WORK" + i.ToString());
                        workNumber.Enable = true;
                else if (block == workNumber)
                    //---------Enter your code here-----------
                else if (block == selePart)
                    //---------Enter your code here-----------
                    Part            part     = (this.selePart.GetSelectedObjects()[0] as NXOpen.Assemblies.Component).Prototype as Part;
                    List <NXObject> partBody = new List <NXObject>();
                    foreach (Body body in part.Bodies)
                    this.moveObjectBasic = new MoveObjectBasic(partBody);
                    points = moveObjectBasic.CreatePoint();
                else if (block == selePoint)
                    TaggedObject obj = selePoint.GetSelectedObjects()[0];
                    //---------Enter your code here-----------
                    if (obj is Point)
                        this.selectionPt = obj as Point;
                    if (obj is Face)
                        this.selectionFace = obj as Face;
                    if (selectionPt != null)
                        Point3d temp;
                        if (selectionFace != null)
                            temp = moveObjectBasic.GetPointToFaceDis(selectionPt, selectionFace);
                            temp = selectionPt.Coordinates;
                else if (block == button_X)
                    //---------Enter your code here-----------
                    CsysUtils.RotateWcs(WCS.Axis.XAxis, 90);
                else if (block == button_Y)
                    //---------Enter your code here-----------
                    CsysUtils.RotateWcs(WCS.Axis.YAxis, 90);
                else if (block == button_Z)
                    //---------Enter your code here-----------
                    CsysUtils.RotateWcs(WCS.Axis.ZAxis, 90);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //---- Enter your exception handling code here -----
                theUI.NXMessageBox.Show("Block Styler", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Error, ex.ToString());