public void TestBoolParameters() { TagText tagText = new TagText(); tagText.Load("<a b=true c=True d=false e=False>TEST</a>"); Assert.AreEqual("TEST", tagText.Text); foreach (TagText.Node node in tagText.Nodes) { TagText.Parameter b = node.Parameters[0]; Assert.AreEqual("b", b.Name); Assert.AreEqual("true", b.Value); Assert.AreEqual(true, b.GetBool()); TagText.Parameter c = node.Parameters[1]; Assert.AreEqual("c", c.Name); Assert.AreEqual("True", c.Value); Assert.AreEqual(true, c.GetBool()); TagText.Parameter d = node.Parameters[2]; Assert.AreEqual("d", d.Name); Assert.AreEqual("false", d.Value); Assert.AreEqual(false, d.GetBool()); TagText.Parameter e = node.Parameters[3]; Assert.AreEqual("e", e.Name); Assert.AreEqual("False", e.Value); Assert.AreEqual(false, e.GetBool()); } }
public string TestText(string _Text) { TagText tagText = new TagText(); tagText.Load(_Text); return(tagText.Text); }
public void TestIntegerParameters() { TagText tagText = new TagText(); tagText.Load("<a b=0 c=-1 d=1>TEST</a>"); Assert.AreEqual("TEST", tagText.Text); foreach (TagText.Node node in tagText.Nodes) { TagText.Parameter b = node.Parameters[0]; Assert.AreEqual("b", b.Name); Assert.AreEqual("0", b.Value); Assert.AreEqual(0, b.GetInteger()); TagText.Parameter c = node.Parameters[1]; Assert.AreEqual("c", c.Name); Assert.AreEqual("-1", c.Value); Assert.AreEqual(-1, c.GetInteger()); TagText.Parameter d = node.Parameters[2]; Assert.AreEqual("d", d.Name); Assert.AreEqual("1", d.Value); Assert.AreEqual(1, d.GetInteger()); } }
public void SetHashTags(List <string> tags) { if (BindedLine.IsDone || BindedLine.Tree == null || BindedLine.Tree.TagHeapManager == null) { return; } List <TagText> removeList = new List <TagText>(); foreach (TagText tagText in tagTexts_) { if (tags.Find((string t) => "#" + t == tagText.Text) == null) { removeList.Add(tagText); } } foreach (TagText removeText in removeList) { tagTexts_.Remove(removeText); BindedLine.Tree.TagHeapManager.BackToHeap(removeText); } foreach (string tag in tags) { if (tagTexts_.Find((TagText t) => t.Text == "#" + tag) == null) { TagText tagText = BindedLine.Tree.TagHeapManager.Instantiate(this.transform); tagText.Text = "#" + tag; tagText.Rect.anchoredPosition =; tagText.gameObject.SetActive(isFocused == false); tagText.TextComponent.fontStyle = BindedLine.IsBold ? FontStyle.Bold : FontStyle.Normal; tagTexts_.Add(tagText); OnTextLengthChanged(); } } }
public bool Equals(TagMetadataItem input) { if (input == null) { return(false); } return (( Description == input.Description || (Description != null && Description.Equals(input.Description)) ) && ( TagText == input.TagText || (TagText != null && TagText.Equals(input.TagText)) ) && ( Groups == input.Groups || (Groups != null && Groups.SequenceEqual(input.Groups)) ) && ( IsDefault == input.IsDefault || (IsDefault != null && IsDefault.Equals(input.IsDefault)) ) && ( Name == input.Name || (Name != null && Name.Equals(input.Name)) )); }
public void TestFloatParameters() { TagText tagText = new TagText(); tagText.Load("<a b=0.0 c=-1.1 d=1.1>TEST</a>"); Assert.AreEqual("TEST", tagText.Text); foreach (TagText.Node node in tagText.Nodes) { TagText.Parameter b = node.Parameters[0]; Assert.AreEqual("b", b.Name); Assert.AreEqual("0.0", b.Value); Assert.AreEqual(0.0f, b.GetFloat()); TagText.Parameter c = node.Parameters[1]; Assert.AreEqual("c", c.Name); Assert.AreEqual("-1.1", c.Value); Assert.AreEqual(-1.1f, c.GetFloat()); TagText.Parameter d = node.Parameters[2]; Assert.AreEqual("d", d.Name); Assert.AreEqual("1.1", d.Value); Assert.AreEqual(1.1f, d.GetFloat()); } }
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string text = TagText.Text?.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { AddTag(text); } TagText.Text = null; TagText.Focus(); }
public void IncrementalSearch(string text) { // いらないやつを消す foreach (TagText tagText in searchResults_) { if (tagText.Text.StartsWith("#" + text) == false || tagText.Text == "#" + text) { tagTextHeapManager_.BackToHeap(tagText); } } // 新しいやつを足す foreach (TagParent tagParent in GameContext.TagList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || (tagParent.Tag.StartsWith(text) && tagParent.Tag != text)) { if (searchResults_.Find((t) => t.Text == "#" + tagParent.Tag) == null) { TagText tagText = tagTextHeapManager_.Instantiate(LayoutParent.transform); tagText.Text = "#" + tagParent.Tag; searchResults_.Add(tagText); } } } foreach (string reservedTag in ReservedTags) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || (reservedTag.StartsWith(text) && reservedTag != text)) { if (searchResults_.Find((t) => t.Text == "#" + reservedTag) == null) { TagText tagText = tagTextHeapManager_.Instantiate(LayoutParent.transform); tagText.Text = "#" + reservedTag; searchResults_.Add(tagText); } } } searchResults_.RemoveAll((TagText tagText) => tagText.gameObject.activeSelf == false); SortSeachResult(); if (searchResults_.Count == 0) { Close(); } else { selectedIndex_ = 0; UpdateLayout(); OnTextLengthChanged(); } }
void SortSeachResult() { int index = 0; foreach (TagParent tagParent in GameContext.TagList) { TagText tagText = searchResults_.Find((TagText tt) => tt.Text == "#" + tagParent.Tag); if (tagText != null) { tagText.transform.SetSiblingIndex(index); ++index; } } }
public bool Equals(GroupQuery input) { if (input == null) { return(false); } return (( Name == input.Name || (Name != null && Name.Equals(input.Name)) ) && ( GroupType == input.GroupType || (GroupType != null && GroupType.Equals(input.GroupType)) ) && ( CreationDate == input.CreationDate || (CreationDate != null && CreationDate.Equals(input.CreationDate)) ) && ( SortBy == input.SortBy || (SortBy != null && SortBy.Equals(input.SortBy)) ) && ( GroupMemberCountFilter == input.GroupMemberCountFilter || (GroupMemberCountFilter.Equals(input.GroupMemberCountFilter)) ) && ( LocaleFilter == input.LocaleFilter || (LocaleFilter != null && LocaleFilter.Equals(input.LocaleFilter)) ) && ( TagText == input.TagText || (TagText != null && TagText.Equals(input.TagText)) ) && ( ItemsPerPage == input.ItemsPerPage || (ItemsPerPage.Equals(input.ItemsPerPage)) ) && ( CurrentPage == input.CurrentPage || (CurrentPage.Equals(input.CurrentPage)) ) && ( RequestContinuationToken == input.RequestContinuationToken || (RequestContinuationToken != null && RequestContinuationToken.Equals(input.RequestContinuationToken)) )); }
public void Show(Vector2 position, string text = null) { if (rect_ == null) { Initialize(); } rect_.anchoredPosition = position; this.gameObject.SetActive(true); selectedIndex_ = 0; UpdateLayout(); searchResults_.Clear(); foreach (TagParent tagParent in GameContext.TagList) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || (tagParent.Tag.StartsWith(text) && tagParent.Tag != text)) { if (searchResults_.Find((t) => t.Text == "#" + tagParent.Tag) == null) { TagText tagText = tagTextHeapManager_.Instantiate(LayoutParent.transform); tagText.Text = "#" + tagParent.Tag; searchResults_.Add(tagText); } } } foreach (string reservedTag in ReservedTags) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || (reservedTag.StartsWith(text) && reservedTag != text)) { if (searchResults_.Find((t) => t.Text == "#" + reservedTag) == null) { TagText tagText = tagTextHeapManager_.Instantiate(LayoutParent.transform); tagText.Text = "#" + reservedTag; searchResults_.Add(tagText); } } } SortSeachResult(); if (searchResults_.Count > 0) { OnTextLengthChanged(); } else { Close(); } }
public bool Equals(TagResponse input) { if (input == null) { return(false); } return (( TagText == input.TagText || (TagText != null && TagText.Equals(input.TagText)) ) && ( IgnoreStatus == input.IgnoreStatus || (IgnoreStatus != null && IgnoreStatus.Equals(input.IgnoreStatus)) )); }
public void TestColorParameters() { TagText tagText = new TagText(); tagText.Load("<a b=#FFFFFFFF c=#000000FF d=#FF0000FF e=#00FF00FF f=#0000FFFF>TEST</a>"); Assert.AreEqual("TEST", tagText.Text); foreach (TagText.Node node in tagText.Nodes) { TagText.Parameter white = node.Parameters[0]; Assert.AreEqual("b", white.Name); Assert.AreEqual("#FFFFFFFF", white.Value); Assert.AreEqual(Color.white, white.GetColor()); TagText.Parameter black = node.Parameters[1]; Assert.AreEqual("c", black.Name); Assert.AreEqual("#000000FF", black.Value); Assert.AreEqual(, black.GetColor()); TagText.Parameter red = node.Parameters[2]; Assert.AreEqual("d", red.Name); Assert.AreEqual("#FF0000FF", red.Value); Assert.AreEqual(, red.GetColor()); TagText.Parameter green = node.Parameters[3]; Assert.AreEqual("e", green.Name); Assert.AreEqual("#00FF00FF", green.Value); Assert.AreEqual(, green.GetColor()); TagText.Parameter blue = node.Parameters[4]; Assert.AreEqual("f", blue.Name); Assert.AreEqual("#0000FFFF", blue.Value); Assert.AreEqual(, blue.GetColor()); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves new item. /// </summary> public async Task SaveAsync() { var tags = TagText.Split(','); var itemToAdd = new Item() { Text = Name, Description = Description }; foreach (var tag in tags) { itemToAdd.Tags.Add(new Tag() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = tag }); } await Repository.CreateAsync(itemToAdd); await Repository.SaveAsync(); await Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); }
public TagText CreateTag(string name) { using (var session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession()) { using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction()) { var tag = new TagText { Name = name }; SetAudit(tag); session.SaveOrUpdate(tag); transaction.Commit(); return tag; } } }
public static string CreateContents(string nameSpace, string className, string classDefaultInherit, List <TemplateObject> templateObjectList, string templateName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int currentIndent = 0; int indentIncrease = 4; // Check if this is a special case like Core.cst where there is only one TagText // in the whole templateObjectList. if (templateObjectList.Count == 1 && templateObjectList[0].TagType == typeof(TagText)) { TagText tText = (TagText)templateObjectList[0].Object; // Check if a namespace is defined somewhere, then ignore this if (Regex.Matches(tText.Text, @"^namespace\s+\w+\s*$").Count == 0) { // Find using statement and i3 the namespace should be inserted MatchCollection mc = Regex.Matches(tText.Text, RegExConstants.RE_CS_USINGSTATEMENTS); // Must be only one match if (mc.Count == 1) { result.Append(mc[0].Groups[RegExConstants.RE_CS_USINGSTATEMENTS_USING].Value); // Add namespace tag result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateNamespacePart(nameSpace, currentIndent)); currentIndent += indentIncrease; result.AppendLine(BreakLinesAndOutput(mc[0].Groups[RegExConstants.RE_CS_USINGSTATEMENTS_RESTOFFILE].Value, currentIndent)); currentIndent -= indentIncrease; result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}}}", GetIndent(currentIndent))); return(result.ToString()); } } } // Create the using statements TagImport tagImport = GetTemplateObject <TagImport>(templateObjectList); bool usingSystem = false; bool usingSystemCollectionsGeneric = false; bool usingCodesmithEngine = false; while (tagImport != null) { result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateUsingPart(tagImport, currentIndent)); if (tagImport.Namespace.Equals("System", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { usingSystem = true; } if (tagImport.Namespace.Equals("System.Collections.Generic", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { usingSystemCollectionsGeneric = true; } if (tagImport.Namespace.Equals("CodeSmith.Engine", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { usingCodesmithEngine = true; } tagImport = GetTemplateObject <TagImport>(templateObjectList); } // Add System and System.Collections.Generic if (!usingSystem) { result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateUsingPart(new TagImport("System"), currentIndent)); } if (!usingSystemCollectionsGeneric) { result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateUsingPart(new TagImport("System.Collections.Generic"), currentIndent)); } if (!usingCodesmithEngine) { result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateUsingPart(new TagImport("CodeSmith.Engine"), currentIndent)); } result.AppendLine(); // Create namespace tag result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateNamespacePart(nameSpace, currentIndent)); currentIndent += indentIncrease; // Find the CodeTemplate object in list TagCodeTemplate tagCodeTemplate = GetTemplateObject <TagCodeTemplate>(templateObjectList); if (tagCodeTemplate != null && tagCodeTemplate.Inherits != string.Empty) { result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateClassPart(className, tagCodeTemplate.Inherits, currentIndent)); } else { result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateClassPart(className, classDefaultInherit, currentIndent)); } currentIndent += indentIncrease; // Create the properties TagProperty tagProperty = GetTemplateObject <TagProperty>(templateObjectList); while (tagProperty != null) { result.AppendLine(TemplateCreateProperty(tagProperty.Name, tagProperty.Type, currentIndent)); tagProperty = GetTemplateObject <TagProperty>(templateObjectList); } result.AppendLine(); StringBuilder __text = new StringBuilder(); result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}public override string OriginalTemplateName {{ get {{ return @\"{1}\"; }} }}\r\n", GetIndent(currentIndent), templateName)); string templateComment = @"Generated from template: " + templateName; // Override the Render function result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}public override void Render()\r\n{0}{{\r\n{1}TagFile(@\"{2}\");", GetIndent(currentIndent), GetIndent(currentIndent + indentIncrease), templateComment)); // Find all TagCSharp and TagText items and create the code from that for (int i = 0; i < templateObjectList.Count; i++) { TemplateObject obj = templateObjectList[i]; if (obj.TagType == typeof(TagCSharp)) { result.Append(BreakLinesAndOutput(((TagCSharp)obj.Object).Code, currentIndent)); } else if ((obj.TagType == typeof(TagText)) || (obj.TagType == typeof(TagParameter))) { int lookAheadIndex = i + 1; while (lookAheadIndex < templateObjectList.Count) { if ((templateObjectList[lookAheadIndex].TagType == typeof(TagText)) || (templateObjectList[lookAheadIndex].TagType == typeof(TagParameter))) { lookAheadIndex++; } else { break; } } // idx points to the next code fragment i.e. not Text or parameters // create single string.format using the text and parameters // advance i to skip ahead // Do string replace " to "" and the other first ?? togr string argumentList = string.Empty; int stringFormatIndex = 0; for (int i2 = i; i2 < lookAheadIndex; i2++) { argumentList = string.Concat(argumentList, string.Format("{{{0}}}", stringFormatIndex)); stringFormatIndex++; } StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(); code.AppendLine(string.Format("__text.AppendFormat(\"{0}\\r\\n\"", argumentList)); for (int i3 = i; i3 < lookAheadIndex; i3++) { if (templateObjectList[i3].TagType == typeof(TagText)) { TagText tText = (TagText)templateObjectList[i3].Object; // Convert text. Change all " to "" tText.Text = tText.Text.Replace("\"", "\"\""); // Remove all consecutive \n and also all \n that is occuring alone not after a \r tText.Text = Regex.Replace(tText.Text, "((?<=[^\r])\n)|(\n{2,})", string.Empty); code.AppendLine(string.Format(",@\"{0}\"", tText.Text)); } else { TagParameter tParam = (TagParameter)templateObjectList[i3].Object; code.AppendLine(string.Format(",{0}", tParam.Parameter)); } } code.AppendLine(");"); result.Append(string.Format("{0}{1}", GetIndent(currentIndent), code.ToString())); i = lookAheadIndex - 1; } } result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}return;", GetIndent(currentIndent + indentIncrease))); result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}}}", GetIndent(currentIndent))); currentIndent -= indentIncrease; result.AppendLine(); // Add the script section the properties TagScript tagScript = GetTemplateObject <TagScript>(templateObjectList); while (tagScript != null) { result.AppendLine(tagScript.Text); tagScript = GetTemplateObject <TagScript>(templateObjectList); } result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}}}", GetIndent(currentIndent))); currentIndent -= indentIncrease; result.AppendLine(string.Format("{0}}}", GetIndent(currentIndent))); return(result.ToString()); }
void ProcessCharacters() { Scale = 1; if (m_TagText == null) { m_TagText = new TagText(); } m_TagText.Load(Text); if (m_Lines == null) { m_Lines = new List <BitmapLine>(); } else { m_Lines.Clear(); } if (m_Characters == null) { m_Characters = new List <BitmapCharacter>(); } int delta = m_TagText.Text.Length - m_Characters.Count; for (int i = 0; i < delta; i++) { m_Characters.Add(new BitmapCharacter()); } for (int i = 0; i < m_Characters.Count; i++) { if (m_Characters[i] == null) { m_Characters[i] = new BitmapCharacter(); } BitmapCharacter character = m_Characters[i]; character.Index = -1; character.Enabled = false; character.Visible = false; character.Tint = Color.white; character.Offset =; } List <BitmapCharacter> line = new List <BitmapCharacter>(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_TagText.Text.Length; i++) { if (m_TagText.Text[i] == '\n') { m_Lines.Add(new BitmapLine(line)); line.Clear(); index++; continue; } BitmapCharacter character = m_Characters[index]; character.Index = i; character.Enabled = true; character.Character = m_TagText.Text[i]; BitmapGlyph glyph = Font.GetGlyph(character.Character); if (glyph != null) { Rect glyphRect = glyph.Rect; character.Visible = true; character.Rect = glyphRect.Scale(CharSize); character.BaselineOffset = glyph.Offset * CharSize; character.LineHeight = Font.Ascender * CharSize; character.UV = glyph.UV; character.Color = color; } else if (character.Character == ' ') { Rect glyphRect = new Rect(0, 0, Font.SpaceWidth, 0); character.Visible = false; character.Rect = glyphRect.Scale(CharSize); } line.Add(character); index++; } m_Lines.Add(new BitmapLine(line)); line.Clear(); }
public static ListingTagTextViewModel Map(ListingTagTextViewModel viewModel, TagText entity) { return Mapper.Map(entity, viewModel); }