//set alarm on or off
    public void SetAlarm(string B1, string B2, string B3, string Message, string status)
        string time = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM HH:mm:ss");

        //add message to historical message log
        //MessageLog.Insert(0, new string[] {time, B1, B2, B3, Message, "ALARM:" + status});
        MessageLog.Add(new string[] { time, B1, B2, B3, Message, "ALARM:" + status });

        //set/modify message from alarm-log
        foreach (GameObject[] lineObject in AlarmLog.getTable())
        {   //find the same object
            if (lineObject[2].GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text == B1 &&
                lineObject[3].GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text == B2 &&
                lineObject[4].GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text == B3 &&
                lineObject[5].GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text == Message)
            {   //if found, update status
                lineObject[6].GetComponentInChildren <TMP_Text>().text = status;
                if (status.Contains("Off"))
                    AlarmLog.Recolor(lineObject, Color.blue, Color.blue);
                LayoutRebuilder.ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(AlarmLog.GetComponent <RectTransform>());
        //no object found, so add a new one
        int index = AlarmLog.Insert(0, new string[] { "A", time, B1, B2, B3, Message, status });

        AlarmLog.setOnClickEvent(index, onClickEvent);
        if (status.Contains("Off"))
            GameObject[] lineObject = AlarmLog.getLine(index);
            AlarmLog.Recolor(lineObject, Color.blue, Color.blue);