/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context"></param>
		public DiffPairGenerator(TableDiffGeneratorContext context){
			this._context = context;
			if (null == _context.Log){
				_context.Log = ConsoleLogWriter.CreateLog("main", customFormat: "${Message}", level: LogLevel.Trace);
		    if (null != _context.PreparedContext) {
		        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_context.ProjectDirectory)) {
		            throw new Exception("ProjectDirectory is required");
		        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_context.GitBranch)) {
		            _context.GitBranch = "master";
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_context.RootDirectory))
                    _context.RootDirectory = Path.GetTempFileName();
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_context.GitUrl))
                    if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(_context.RootDirectory, ".git")))
                        throw new Exception("no valid repo directory, nor git URL was given");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_context.GitUpdateRevision))
                    _context.GitUpdateRevision = "HEAD";
		    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_context.BSharpPrototype)){
				_context.BSharpPrototype = "db-meta";

Exemple #2
        private string GetSqlString(string basis, string updated, bool emptyaschange = true)
            var tables = GetDiff(basis, updated, emptyaschange);
            var sw     = new StringWriter();
            var ctx    = new TableDiffGeneratorContext {
                Tables = tables, SqlOutput = sw, EmptyAttributesAsUpdates = emptyaschange

            new SqlDiffGenerator(ctx).Generate();
Exemple #3
        public void TryGenerateDiffPairsFromAssoiHead()
            var ctx = new TableDiffGeneratorContext {
                RootDirectory    = @"c:\z3projects\assoi\DataDiff",
                GitUrl           = @"c:\z3projects\assoi\publish",
                ProjectDirectory = @"Draft/db/migration",
                OutputDirectory  = @"Draft/db/migration/.output",
                GitBranch        = @"assoi_publish"

            new DiffPairGenerator(ctx).Generate();
            Assert.Greater(ctx.DiffPairs.Count(), 5);
Exemple #4
        private static IEnumerable <DataDiffTable> GetDiff(string basis, string updated, bool emptyaschange = true)
            var bx   = basis.StartsWith("<") ? XElement.Parse(basis) : new BxlParser().Parse(basis).Elements().First();
            var up   = basis.StartsWith("<") ? XElement.Parse(updated) : new BxlParser().Parse(updated).Elements().First();
            var diff = new DiffPair {
                Base = bx, Updated = up
            var context = new TableDiffGeneratorContext {
                DiffPairs = new[] { diff }, EmptyAttributesAsUpdates = emptyaschange

            new DataTableDiffGenerator(context).Generate();
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context"></param>
		public SqlSourceRevisionRetriever(TableDiffGeneratorContext context){
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.ProjectName)){
				throw new Exception("Require ProjectName to be set in context");
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.MetadataTable)){
				context.MetadataTable = "qptmds.MDFile";
			if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(context.SqlConnectionString)){
				context.SqlConnectionString =
					"Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=z3;Integrated Security=True;Application Name=z3test";
			this._context = context;
Exemple #6
        public void TryGenerateDiffPairsBetweenKnownRevisions()
            var ctx = new TableDiffGeneratorContext
                RootDirectory     = @"c:\z3projects\assoi\DataDiff",
                GitUrl            = @"c:\z3projects\assoi\publish",
                ProjectDirectory  = @"Draft/db/migration",
                OutputDirectory   = @"Draft/db/migration/.output",
                GitBranch         = @"assoi_publish",
                GitBaseRevision   = "9dbe04b",
                GitUpdateRevision = "03cd073"

            new DiffPairGenerator(ctx).Generate();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ctx.DiffPairs.Count());            //там не было значимых изменений
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="context"></param>
		public SqlDiffGenerator(TableDiffGeneratorContext context){
			this._context = context;
			if (null == _context.Tables){
				throw new Exception("SqlDiffGenerator: tables are not defined");
			if (null == _context.SqlOutput){
				_context.SqlOutput = sw;
			this._tables = _context.Tables.OrderBy(_=>_.TableName).ToArray();
			var cnt = _tables.SelectMany(_ => _.Definitions).Count();
			if (cnt >= 10000){
				this._filegroups = _tables.GroupBy(_ => _.ScriptFile).ToArray();
				this._filegroups = _tables.GroupBy(_ => "MAIN").ToArray();
			this._output = _context.SqlOutput;
Exemple #8
		private static IEnumerable<DataDiffTable> GetDiff(string basis, string updated, bool emptyaschange = true){
			var bx = basis.StartsWith("<") ? XElement.Parse(basis) : new BxlParser().Parse(basis).Elements().First();
			var up = basis.StartsWith("<") ? XElement.Parse(updated) : new BxlParser().Parse(updated).Elements().First();
			var diff = new DiffPair{Base = bx, Updated = up};
			var context = new TableDiffGeneratorContext{DiffPairs =new[]{ diff},EmptyAttributesAsUpdates = emptyaschange};
			new DataTableDiffGenerator(context).Generate();
			return context.Tables;
Exemple #9
		private string GetSqlString(string basis, string updated, bool emptyaschange = true){
			var tables = GetDiff(basis, updated,emptyaschange);
			var sw = new StringWriter();
			var ctx = new TableDiffGeneratorContext{Tables = tables, SqlOutput = sw,EmptyAttributesAsUpdates =emptyaschange};
			new SqlDiffGenerator(ctx).Generate();
			return sw.ToString();
Exemple #10
        public void WellKnownChanges()
            var sw  = new StringWriter();
            var ctx = new TableDiffGeneratorContext
                RootDirectory     = @"c:\z3projects\assoi\DataDiff",
                GitUrl            = @"c:\z3projects\assoi\publish",
                ProjectDirectory  = @"Draft/db/migration",
                OutputDirectory   = @"Draft/db/migration/.output",
                GitBranch         = @"assoi_publish",
                GitBaseRevision   = "9dbe04b",
                GitUpdateRevision = "8e5e349",
                SqlOutput         = sw

            new DiffPairGenerator(ctx).Generate();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, ctx.DiffPairs.Count());            //там должен поменяться один файл
            new DataTableDiffGenerator(ctx).Generate();
            new SqlDiffGenerator(ctx).Generate();


            Assert.AreEqual(@"BEGIN TRAN
	 --table for storing check constraints problems
	declare @c table (t nvarchar(255), c nvarchar(255), w nvarchar(255))
--switch off foreign keys
	alter table z3.Industry nocheck constraint all
	--z3.Industry base insert and update
	declare @t1 table ( id int, code nvarchar(255), _exists bit default 0 , set_code nvarchar(max))
		insert @t1 (id,code,set_code) values
			('17','ЦМ', 'CVM'),
			('20','ЧМ', 'BLM'),
			('21','УП', 'CLP'),
			('22','СО', 'BLD'),
			('23','МАШ', 'MSH'),
			('24','ЦМО', 'CVO'),
			('25','КАБ', 'CBL'),
			('26','СХ', 'AGR'),
			('27','СМИ', 'SMI'),
			('28','Связь', 'SVZ'),
			('29','ФИН', 'FIN'),
			('30','Наука', 'SNC'),
			('31','ЭН', 'NRG'),
			('33','ТР', 'TRN'),
			('34','МЕД', 'MED'),
			('35','СМ', 'SMT')
			update @t1 set id = this.id, code=this.code, _exists =1 from z3.Industry this join @t1 temp on (temp.code = this.code or temp.id=this.id)
			insert z3.Industry (id,code) select id,isnull(code,id) from @t1 where _exists = 0 and id is not null
			insert z3.Industry (code) select code from @t1 where _exists = 0 and code is not null and id is null
			update @t1 set id = this.id, code=this.code, _exists =1 from z3.Industry this join @t1 temp on (temp.code = this.code or temp.id=this.id)
	--z3.Industry fk_binding
	--z3.Industry main update
		update z3.Industry set code = isnull(x.set_code,z3.Industry.code)from @t1 x join z3.Industry on x.id = z3.Industry.id 
	-- return of foreign keys contraints
	alter table z3.Industry check constraint all
	insert @c (t,c,w) exec sp_executesql N'DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS (''z3.Industry'')'
	-- this code allows late control over foreighn keys
		if ((select count(*) from @c)!=0) begin
		select * from @c;
		throw 51012 , 'patch violates constraints', 1;
	end else commit
	if (@@TRANCOUNT!=0) rollback;
", sw.ToString());