Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws NPlot.ImagePlot (heatmap).
        /// Does Clear(), axis are hidden.
        /// Can be used for icons as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plotSurface2D">
        /// A <see cref="IPlotSurface2D"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="table">
        /// A <see cref="Table3D"/>
        /// </param>
        public static void Draw(IPlotSurface2D plotSurface2D, Table3D table)
            float[] valuesZ = table.GetValuesZasFloats();

            // NPlot ImagePlot, needs 2D-array of type double
            int cyi = table.CountY - 1;
            int cx  = table.CountX;

            double[,] data = new double[table.CountY, cx];
            for (int i = 0; i < valuesZ.Length; i++)
                // [row, col], include y-reordering, same effect as plotSurface.YAxis1.Reversed
                // not using using YAxis1.Reversed seems to avoid a display bug (white row sometimes included)
                data[cyi - i / cx, i % cx] = valuesZ[i];

            var ip = new ImagePlot(data);

            ip.Gradient = gradient;


            plotSurface2D.XAxis1.Hidden = true;
            plotSurface2D.YAxis1.Hidden = true;
        protected override void OnTableTypeChanged(TreeIter iter, TableType newTableType)
            Table3D table3D = (Table3D)treeModel.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Obj);

            viewModel.ChangeTableType(table3D, newTableType);
            viewModel.SetNodeContentTypeChanged(iter, table3D);
        public void SetNodeContent(TreeIter iter, Table3D table3D)
            // TODO optimize when columns are final

            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Obj, table3D);

            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Category, table3D.Category);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Toggle, false);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Title, table3D.Title);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.UnitZ, table3D.UnitZ);

            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.NameX, table3D.NameX);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.NameY, table3D.NameY);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.UnitX, table3D.UnitX);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.UnitY, table3D.UnitY);

            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.CountX, table3D.CountX);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.CountY, table3D.CountY);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.CountZ, table3D.CountZ);

            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Xmin, table3D.Xmin);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Xmax, table3D.Xmax);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Ymin, table3D.Ymin);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Ymax, table3D.Ymax);

            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.ZPos, table3D.RangeZ.Pos);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Location, table3D.Location);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Description, table3D.Description);

            SetNodeContentTypeChanged(iter, table3D);
    // create or close gnuplot window
    void OnPlotActionActivated(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        try {
            // gnuplot process itself can be slow to startup
            // so this does not prevent closing it immediatly when pressed twice
            //plotExternalAction.Sensitive = false;

            switch (CurrentUI)
            case ActiveUI.View2D:
                Table2D table2D = dataView2DGtk.Selected;
                if (table2D != null)

            case ActiveUI.View3D:
                Table3D table3D = dataView3DGtk.Selected;
                if (table3D != null)
        } catch (GnuPlotProcessException ex) {
            ErrorMsg("Error launching gnuplot!", ex.Message + "\n\nHave you installed gnuplot?" + "\nYou also may need to edit file '" + appName + ".exe.config'." + "\nCurrent platform-ID is '" + System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString() + "'." + "\nSee 'README.txt' for details.");
        } catch (GnuPlotException ex) {
            ErrorMsg("Error launching gnuplot!", ex.Message);
Exemple #5
        public Gdk.Pixbuf CreateIcon3D(Table3D table)
            if (table.Zmin == table.Zmax)

            Plot3D.Draw(plotSurface, table);

            // Things like Padding needs to be set each time after Clear()
            plotSurface.Padding = padding;

            using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap_cache)) {
                plotSurface.Draw(g, bounds);

            if (memoryStream == null)
                memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(MemoryStreamCapacity);
            memoryStream.Position = 0;
            bitmap_cache.Save(memoryStream, imageFormat);
            memoryStream.Position = 0;
            // TODO create Pixbuf directly from bitmap if possible, avoiding MemoryStream
            return(new Gdk.Pixbuf(memoryStream));
Exemple #6
        //		static string AnnotationStr (Table2D table2D)
        //		{
        //			return string.Format ("Min: {0} Max: {1} Avg: {2}", table2D.Ymin.ToString (), table2D.Ymax.ToString (), table2D.Yavg.ToString ());
        //		}

        // TODO investigate piping binary data via standard input, avoiding temp file
        // However temp file might be useful for manual gnuplot experiments.
        static void WriteGnuPlotBinary(BinaryWriter bw, Table3D table3D)
            /* from gnuplot help PDF page 157, "matrix binary":
             *              Single precision floats are stored in a binary file as follows:
             *              <N+1> <y0>   <y1>   <y2>  ... <yN>
             *              <x0> <z0,0> <z0,1> <z0,2> ... <z0,N>
             *              <x1> <z1,0> <z1,1> <z1,2> ... <z1,N>
            // x <-> y designation from above (manual) seems wrong as xlabel etc. matches code below!

            float[] valuesX = table3D.ValuesX;
            // write first float: <N+1>

            // x axis
            foreach (var x in valuesX)

            float[] valuesY = table3D.ValuesY;
            float[] valuesZ = table3D.GetValuesZasFloats();
            for (int iy = 0; iy < valuesY.Length; iy++)
                bw.Write(valuesY [iy]);
                for (int ix = 0; ix < valuesX.Length; ix++)
                    bw.Write(valuesZ [ix + iy * valuesX.Length]);
Exemple #7
        void Merge(Table3D original, Table3D newTable)
            MergeCommon(original, newTable);

            original.NameY = UpdateString(original.NameY, newTable.NameY);
            original.UnitZ = UpdateString(original.UnitZ, newTable.UnitZ);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">Symbol of variable</param>
        /// <param name="measure">Measure</param>
        /// <param name="detector">Detector of variables</param>
        internal VariableMeasurement(string symbol, IMeasurement measure, IVariableDetector detector)
            this.symbol      = symbol;
            this.measurement = measure;
            this.detector    = detector;
            object par = measure.Type;

            if (par is IOneVariableFunction)
                func = par as IOneVariableFunction;
                operationDetector = new OneVariableFunctionDetector(detector);
                funcwrapper       = new OneVariableFunctionDetector(func);
            else if (par is Table2D)
                table2D = par as Table2D;
            else if (par is Table3D)
                table3D = par as Table3D;

            /*!!!   else if (par is FuncReturn)
             * {
             *     funcReturn = par as FuncReturn;
             *     //operationDetector = new FormulaEditor.Func.FuncDetector(detector,  )
             * }*/
                acceptor = this;
            tree = new ObjectFormulaTree(this, new List <ObjectFormulaTree>());
Exemple #9
 public void TableTooSmallNotValid()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
         var table = new Table3D(x, y, z, new[] { f[0] });
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="label">Label of object</param>
 public FormTable3D(IObjectLabel label)
     : this()
     this.label = label;
     table      = label.Object as Table3D;
        void HandleTreeViewRowActivated(object o, RowActivatedArgs args)
            Table3D table3D = Selected;

            if (table3D != null && Activated != null)
                Activated(this, new ActionEventArgs(table3D));
Exemple #12
        public void FindMaps(int startPos, int lastPos, out IList <Table2D> list2D, out IList <Table3D> list3D)
            this.startPos = startPos;
            // smallest 2D table record size is 12 bytes
            lastPos      = Math.Min(lastPos, Size - 1 - 12);
            this.lastPos = lastPos;

            // Restricting pointers to a realistic range improves detection accuracy.
            // Using conservative settings here:
            // In Subaru ROMs at least first 8 KiB usually contain low level stuff, no maps.
            Table.PosMin = 8 * KiB;
            Table.PosMax = Size - 1;

            // default capacities suitable for current (MY2015 2MiB) diesel ROMs
            list2D = new List <Table2D> (1500);
            list3D = new List <Table3D> (1300);

            this.percentDoneLastReport = 0;

            // records need to be 4-byte-aligned anyway
            // --> much faster than just ++pos, also skips a few false positives
            for (long pos = startPos; pos <= lastPos; pos = NextAlignedPos(pos, 4))
                stream.Position = pos;

                // try Table3D first as it contains more struct info; more info to validate = better detection
                Table3D info3D = Table3D.TryParseValid(this.stream);
                if (info3D != null)
                    // this is often a valid next pos, already aligned
                    pos = stream.Position;
                    // must back off
                    stream.Position = pos;
                    // not 3D, try 2D
                    Table2D info2D = Table2D.TryParseValid(this.stream);
                    if (info2D != null)
                        // this is often a valid next pos, already aligned
                        pos = stream.Position;
                        // nothing valid, try at next possible location
Exemple #13
         * public IList<Table3D> FindMaps3D ()
         * {
         *      return FindMaps3D (0);
         * }
         * public IList<Table3D> FindMaps3D (int startPos)
         * {
         *      // should stop at EOF
         *      return FindMaps3D (startPos, (int)fs.Length);
         * }
         * public IList<Table3D> FindMaps3D (int startPos, int lastPos)
         * {
         *      this.startPos = startPos;
         *      lastPos = Math.Min (lastPos, (int)fs.Length);
         *      this.lastPos = lastPos;
         *      OnProgressChanged (0);
         *      this.percentDoneLastReport = 0;
         *      List<Table3D> list3D = new List<Table3D> (800);
         *      for (long pos = startPos; pos <= lastPos;) {
         *              // check for end of file
         *              if (pos >= fs.Length)
         *                      break;
         *              fs.Position = pos;
         *              CheckProgress (pos);
         *              Table3D info3D = Table3D.TryParseValid (this.fs);
         *              if (info3D != null) {
         *                      list3D.Add (info3D);
         *                      pos = fs.Position;
         *              } else {
         *                      // not valid, try at next possible location
         *                      pos++;
         *              }
         *      }
         *      OnProgressChanged (100);
         *      return list3D;
         * }

        public void FindMaps(int startPos, int lastPos, out IList <Table2D> list2D, out IList <Table3D> list3D)
            this.startPos = startPos;
            lastPos       = Math.Min(lastPos, (int)fs.Length);
            this.lastPos  = lastPos;

            // Restricting pointers to a range can improve detection accuracy.
            // Using conservative settings here:
            Table.PosMin = 8 * 1024;
            Table.PosMax = (int)fs.Length - 1;

            // default capacities suitable for SH7059 diesel ROMs
            list2D = new List <Table2D> (800);
            list3D = new List <Table3D> (1000);

            this.percentDoneLastReport = 0;

            for (long pos = startPos; pos <= lastPos;)
                // check for end of file
                if (pos >= fs.Length)
                fs.Position = pos;

                // try Table3D first as it contains more struct info; more info to validate = better detection
                Table3D info3D = Table3D.TryParseValid(this.fs);
                if (info3D != null)
                    pos = fs.Position;
                    // must back off
                    fs.Position = pos;
                    // not 3D, try 2D
                    Table2D info2D = Table2D.TryParseValid(this.fs);
                    if (info2D != null)
                        pos = fs.Position;
                        // nothing valid, try at next possible location
Exemple #14
        static Table3D ParseTable3D(XElement el)
            Table3D table3D = new Table3D();

            ParseCommon(el, table3D);

            int?     address;
            string   name, unit;
            XElement subEl;

            subEl = el.Element(X_axisX);
            if (subEl != null)
                ParseAxis(subEl, out address, out name, out unit);
                table3D.NameX = name;
                table3D.UnitX = unit;
                if (address.HasValue)
                    table3D.RangeX = new Util.Range(address.Value, 0);

            subEl = el.Element(X_axisY);
            if (subEl != null)
                ParseAxis(subEl, out address, out name, out unit);
                table3D.NameY = name;
                table3D.UnitY = unit;
                if (address.HasValue)
                    table3D.RangeY = new Util.Range(address.Value, 0);

            subEl = el.Element(X_values);
            if (subEl != null)
                ParseValues(subEl, out address, out unit, out tableType);
                table3D.UnitZ = unit;
                if (address.HasValue)
                    table3D.RangeZ = new Util.Range(address.Value, 0);
                if (tableType.HasValue)
                    table3D.TableType = tableType.Value;

            table3D.Description = (string)el.Element(X_description);

        public void SetNodeContentTypeChanged(TreeIter iter, Table3D table3D)
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Type, (int)table3D.TableType);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Zmin, table3D.Zmin);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Zavg, table3D.Zavg);
            store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Zmax, table3D.Zmax);

            if (iconsCached)
                CreateSetNewIcon(iter, table3D);
Exemple #16
        static void ScriptGnuplot3D(TextWriter tw, Table3D table3D)
            tw.WriteLine(SetLabel("xlabel", table3D.NameX, true, table3D.UnitX));
            tw.WriteLine(SetLabel("ylabel", table3D.NameY, true, table3D.UnitY));
            // use title instead of zlabel as it would need extra space
            tw.WriteLine(SetLabel("title", table3D.Title, false, table3D.UnitZ));

            tw.WriteLine("set label 1 \"" + AnnotationStr(table3D) + "\" at screen 0.01,0.95 front left textcolor rgb \"blue\"");
            //set label 1 "Annotation Label" at screen 0.01,0.95 front left textcolor rgb "blue"

            tw.WriteLine("load \"" + TemplateFile3D + "\"");
Exemple #17
    public MainWindow(string[] args) : base(Gtk.WindowType.Toplevel)
        // Execute Gtk# visual designer generated code (MonoDevelop http://monodevelop.com/ )
        // Obviously, Visual Studio doesn't have a Gtk# designer, you'll have to code all UI stuff by yourself.
        // Compiling existing generated UI code within Visual Studio does work however.

        this.Icon = MainClass.AppIcon;

        dataView3DModelGtk       = new DataView3DModelGtk(this.data);
        dataView3DGtk            = new DataView3DGtk(dataView3DModelGtk, treeview3D);
        dataView3DGtk.Activated += delegate(object sender, ActionEventArgs e) {
            Table3D table3D = (Table3D)e.Tag;
            if (table3D != null)

        dataView2DModelGtk       = new DataView2DModelGtk(this.data);
        dataView2DGtk            = new DataView2DGtk(dataView2DModelGtk, treeview2D);
        dataView2DGtk.Activated += delegate(object sender, ActionEventArgs e) {
            Table2D table2D = (Table2D)e.Tag;
            if (table2D != null)

        plot2D = new Plot2D(plotSurface);
        global::Gtk.Paned.PanedChild pc = ((global::Gtk.Paned.PanedChild)(this.vpaned2D[plotSurface]));
        // to resize both panes proportionally when parent (main window) resizes
        pc.Resize = false;
        //		pc.Shrink = false;

        this.notebook1.Page = 1;

        if (Config.IconsOnByDefault)
            iconsAction.Active      = true;
            dataView2DGtk.ShowIcons = true;
            dataView3DGtk.ShowIcons = true;

        // program arguments: first argument is ROM path to auto-load
        if (args != null && args.Length > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0]))
Exemple #18
 static XElement GetXElement(Table3D table3D)
     return(new XElement(X_table3D,
                         new XAttribute(X_category, table3D.Category),
                         new XAttribute(X_name, table3D.Title),
                         new XAttribute(X_address, HexNum(table3D.Location)),
                         Table.CommentValuesStats(table3D.Xmin, table3D.Xmax),
                         GetAxisXElement(X_axisX, table3D.RangeX.Pos, table3D.NameX, table3D.UnitX),
                         Table.CommentValuesStats(table3D.Ymin, table3D.Ymax),
                         GetAxisXElement(X_axisY, table3D.RangeY.Pos, table3D.NameY, table3D.UnitY),
                         Table.CommentValuesStats(table3D.Zmin, table3D.Zmax, table3D.Zavg),
                         GetValuesElement(table3D.RangeZ.Pos, table3D.UnitZ, table3D.TableType),
                         new XElement(X_description, table3D.Description)));
Exemple #19
        public IntensityProvider2D(string file, string[] filterSeq)
            this.filterSeq = filterSeq;

            Table3D tabInt = new Table3D(file);

            this.teffArray = tabInt.YMas;
            this.loggArray = tabInt.XMas;

            this.spliner2d = new Spline32D[filterSeq.Length];
            for (int q = 0; q < filterSeq.Length; q++)
                this.spliner2d[q] = new Spline32D(tabInt.YMas, tabInt.XMas, tabInt.FMas[q]);
Exemple #20
        static void ScriptGnuplot3D(StreamWriter sw, Table3D table3D)
            WriteLine(sw, SetLabel("xlabel", table3D.NameX, true, table3D.UnitX));
            WriteLine(sw, SetLabel("ylabel", table3D.NameY, true, table3D.UnitY));
            // use title instead of zlabel as it would need extra space
            WriteLine(sw, SetLabel("title", table3D.Title, false, table3D.UnitZ));

            WriteLine(sw, "set label 1 \"" + AnnotationStr(table3D) + "\" at screen 0.01,0.95 front left textcolor rgb \"blue\"");
            //set label 1 "Annotation Label" at screen 0.01,0.95 front left textcolor rgb "blue"

            // call gnuplot script, also pass argument to it (path to temporary binary data file)
            // Windows: do not use double quotes - does not recognize paths containing "\" then

            sw.WriteLine("call '{0}' '{1}'", FindFileInCurrentOrAppFolder(TemplateFile3D), BinaryFile);
Exemple #21
        void StartProcess(Table table)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exePath))
                throw new GnuPlotProcessException("gnuplot executable path is empty!");

            process = new Process();
            process.StartInfo.FileName         = exePath;
            process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            // StartInfo.UseShellExecute must be false in order to use stream redirection
            process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            // Could write temp script file but using standard input is more elegant and allows more functionality..
            process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;

            // --persist without stdinput method didn't work on Windows - gnuplot window closes immediatly!?
            // --persist + using stdinput prints gnuplot commands into terminal text
            // process.StartInfo.Arguments = "--persist";

            //process.StartInfo.StandardInputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

            // hide additional cmd window on Windows, useful for debugging (printing gnuplot vars etc.)
            process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

            process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
            process.Exited += HandleProcessExited;


            stdInputStream = process.StandardInput;

            ScriptGnuplotCommon(stdInputStream, table);

            Table3D t = table as Table3D;

            if (t != null)
                ScriptGnuplot3D(stdInputStream, t);
                ScriptGnuplot2D(stdInputStream, (Table2D)table);

        void UpdateModel(TreeIter iter)
            Table3D table = store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Obj) as Table3D;

            if (table == null)
            table.Category    = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Category);
            table.Title       = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Title);
            table.UnitZ       = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.UnitZ);
            table.NameX       = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.NameX);
            table.UnitX       = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.UnitX);
            table.NameY       = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.NameY);
            table.UnitY       = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.UnitY);
            table.Description = (string)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Description);
Exemple #23
    void Show3D(Table3D table)
        if (table == null)
        var valuesZ = table.GetValuesZasFloats();
        var tableUI = new GtkWidgets.TableWidget(coloring, table.ValuesX, table.ValuesY, valuesZ, table.Zmin, table.Zmax);

        tableUI.TitleMarkup = GtkWidgets.TableWidget.MakeTitleMarkup(table.Title, table.UnitZ);
        tableUI.AxisMarkupX = GtkWidgets.TableWidget.MakeMarkup(table.NameX, table.UnitX);
        tableUI.AxisMarkupY = GtkWidgets.TableWidget.MakeMarkup(table.NameY, table.UnitY);

        // HACK FormatValues, no good digits algorithm yet
        int digits = ScoobyRom.Data.AutomaticMinDigits(valuesZ);

        if (digits <= 3)
            tableUI.FormatValues = ScoobyRom.Data.ValueFormat(digits);
            tableUI.FormatValues = table.Zmax < 30 ? "0.00" : "0.0";
            if (table.Zmax < 10)
                tableUI.FormatValues = "0.000";

        // Viewport needed for ScrolledWindow to work as generated table widget has no scroll support
        var viewPort = new Gtk.Viewport();


        Gtk.Widget previous = this.scrolledwindowTable3D.Child;
        if (previous != null)
        // previous.Dispose () or previous.Destroy () cause NullReferenceException!

Exemple #24
        public int TryMergeWith(IList <Table3D> toUpdate)
            Console.WriteLine("Merging " + this.xml3D.Count.ToString() + " 3D XML items");
            int count = 0;

            foreach (Table3D table in xml3D)
                Table3D found = null;
                int     v;
                v = table.Location;
                if (v > 0)
                    found = toUpdate.Where(t => t.Location == v).FirstOrDefault();
                    v     = table.RangeZ.Pos;
                    found = toUpdate.Where(t => t.RangeZ.Pos == v).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (found == null)
                        v     = table.RangeX.Pos;
                        found = toUpdate.Where(t => t.RangeX.Pos == v).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (found == null)
                            v     = table.RangeY.Pos;
                            found = toUpdate.Where(t => t.RangeY.Pos == v).FirstOrDefault();
                // TODO add further match checking and conflict resolving
                if (found != null)
                    Merge(found, table);
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Could not find this Table3D from XML: " + table.ToString());
        void CreateAllIcons()
            TreeIter iter;

            if (!store.GetIterFirst(out iter))
                Table3D    table3D = (Table3D)store.GetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Obj);
                Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf  = plotIcon.CreateIcon3D(table3D);

                // copy needed to work properly, closure does not recognize and copy updated ref var ?
                TreeIter iterCopy = iter;
                // update model reference in GUI Thread to make sure UI display is ok
                Application.Invoke(delegate { store.SetValue(iterCopy, (int)ColumnNr3D.Icon, pixbuf); });
            } while (store.IterNext(ref iter));
Exemple #26
        // use static factory methods!
        private GnuPlot(Table table)
            try {
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(BinaryFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                    using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) {
                        Table3D t3D = table as Table3D;
                        if (t3D != null)
                            WriteGnuPlotBinary(bw, t3D);
                            WriteGnuPlotBinary(bw, (Table2D)table);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new GnuPlotException("Could not create temporary binary data file for GnuPlot:\n" + BinaryFile + "\n\n" + ex.Message);

            try {
            } catch (System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ex) {
                // from MSDN
                // These are the Win32 error code for file not found or access denied.
                const int ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 2;
                const int ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED  = 5;

                switch (ex.NativeErrorCode)
                case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
                    throw new GnuPlotProcessException("Could not find gnuplot executable path:\n" + exePath + "\n\n" + ex.Message);

                case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED:
                    throw new GnuPlotProcessException("Access denied, no permission to start gnuplot process!\n" + ex.Message);

                    throw new GnuPlotProcessException("Unknown error. Could not start gnuplot process.\n" + ex.Message);
Exemple #27
 public void ChangeTableType(Table3D table3D, TableType newType)
     table3D.ChangeTypeToAndReload(newType, rom.Stream);
 void CreateSetNewIcon(TreeIter iter, Table3D table3D)
     store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnNr3D.Icon, plotIcon.CreateIcon3D(table3D));
Exemple #29
        public void ValidateTest()
            var table = new Table3D(x, y, z, f);

 public void ChangeTableType(Table3D table3D, TableType newType)
     data.ChangeTableType(table3D, newType);