void mTabs_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left && mTabs.SelectedTab != null)
                if (mouseListening)
                    if (e.Y >= 0 && e.Y <= mTabs.ItemSize.Height && e.X >= 0 && e.X <= mTabs.Width)
                        // Work out tab the mouse is actually pointing at.
                        Graphics g     = mTabs.CreateGraphics();
                        int      start = 0;
                        mouseSelected = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < mTabs.TabPages.Count; i++)
                            SizeF sf    = g.MeasureString(mTabs.TabPages[i].Text, mTabs.TabPages[i].Font);
                            int   width = Math.Max((int)sf.Width + 4, 45);
                            start        += width;
                            mouseSelected = i;
                            if (start >= e.X)

                        // If we leave the form, then pop out the tab into its own window.
                        Point screen  = mTabs.PointToScreen(e.Location);
                        Point form    = mTabs.TopLevelControl.PointToScreen(e.Location);
                        Point outside = new Point(screen.X - form.X + e.X, screen.Y - form.Y + e.Y);
                        if (outside.X < -5 || outside.Y < -20 || outside.X > mTabs.TopLevelControl.Width || outside.Y > mTabs.TopLevelControl.Height)
                            mouseListening = false;
                            mTabs.Cursor   = Cursors.Default;