public ActionResult GetData() { Stream stream = Request.InputStream; string json = string.Empty; if (stream.Length != 0) { StreamReader streamreader = new StreamReader(stream); json = streamreader.ReadToEnd(); } PageRequest <T_StockInfoEX> pageRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PageRequest <T_StockInfoEX> >(json); List <T_StockInfoEX> modelList = new List <T_StockInfoEX>(); DividPage page = new DividPage { CurrentPageRecordCounts = pageRequest.CurrentPageRecordCounts, CurrentPageShowCounts = pageRequest.CurrentPageShowCounts, PagesCount = pageRequest.PagesCount, RecordCounts = pageRequest.RecordCounts, CurrentPageNumber = pageRequest.CurrentPageNumber }; T_StockInfoEX model = pageRequest.model; string strError = ""; queryDB.GetStockDetInfo(model, ref page, ref modelList, ref strError); BaseModel <List <T_StockInfoEX> > returnmodel = new BaseModel <List <T_StockInfoEX> >() { Result = 1, ResultValue = strError, Data = modelList, PageData = new R_Pagedata() { totalCount = page.RecordCounts, pageSize = page.CurrentPageShowCounts, currentPage = page.CurrentPageNumber, totalPages = page.PagesCount } }; return(Json(returnmodel, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 导出excel /// </summary> /// <param name="jsonString"></param> /// <returns></returns> public FileResult Excel(string jsonString) { T_StockInfoEX model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T_StockInfoEX>(jsonString); string strErrMsg = string.Empty; List <T_StockInfoEX> lstExport = new List <T_StockInfoEX>(); string strError = ""; DividPage page = new DividPage { CurrentPageShowCounts = 1000000 }; queryDB.GetStockDetInfo(model, ref page, ref lstExport, ref strError); //创建Excel文件的对象 NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFWorkbook book = new NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFWorkbook(); //添加一个sheet NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet1 = book.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); //给sheet1添加第一行的头部标题 NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow row1 = sheet1.CreateRow(0); row1.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("据点"); row1.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("物料号"); row1.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue("物料名称"); row1.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue("EAN"); row1.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue("效期"); row1.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue("序列号"); row1.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue("批次"); row1.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue("仓库"); row1.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue("库区"); row1.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue("库位"); row1.CreateCell(10).SetCellValue("数量"); row1.CreateCell(11).SetCellValue("项目跟踪号"); //将数据逐步写入sheet1各个行 for (int i = 0; i < lstExport.Count; i++) { NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow rowtemp = sheet1.CreateRow(i + 1); rowtemp.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].StrongHoldCode == null ? "" : lstExport[i].StrongHoldCode.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].MaterialNo == null ? "" : lstExport[i].MaterialNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].MaterialDesc == null ? "" : lstExport[i].MaterialDesc.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].EAN == null ? "" : lstExport[i].EAN.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].EDate == null ? "" : lstExport[i].EDate.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].SerialNo == null ? "" : lstExport[i].SerialNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].BatchNo == null ? "" : lstExport[i].BatchNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].WarehouseNo == null ? "" : lstExport[i].WarehouseNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].HouseNo == null ? "" : lstExport[i].HouseNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].AreaNo == null ? "" : lstExport[i].AreaNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(10).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].Qty.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(11).SetCellValue(lstExport[i].TracNo == null ? "" : lstExport[i].TracNo.ToString()); } // 写入到客户端 System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); book.Write(ms); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(File(ms, "application/", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls")); }
public ActionResult GetModelList(DividPage page, T_StockInfoEX model) { List <T_StockInfoEX> modelList = new List <T_StockInfoEX>(); string strError = ""; queryDB.GetStockDetInfo(model, ref page, ref modelList, ref strError); ViewData["PageData"] = new PageData <T_StockInfoEX> { data = modelList, dividPage = page, link = Common.PageTag.ModelToUriParam(model, "/StockDetail/GetModelList") }; return(View("GetModelList", model)); }
public FileResult Excel(string jsonString) { T_StockInfoEX model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T_StockInfoEX>(jsonString); DividPage page = new DividPage(); page.CurrentPageShowCounts = 1000000; List <T_StockInfoEX> list = new List <T_StockInfoEX>(); string str = ""; queryDB.GetStockCombineInfo(model, ref page, ref list, ref str); //创建Excel文件的对象 NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFWorkbook book = new NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFWorkbook(); //添加一个sheet NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet1 = book.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); //给sheet1添加第一行的头部标题 NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow row1 = sheet1.CreateRow(0); //row1.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("序号"); //row1.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("据点编号"); row1.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("物料号"); row1.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue("客户型号"); row1.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue("批次"); row1.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue("到期日期"); row1.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue("数量"); //row1.CreateCell(9).SetCellValue("检验状态"); row1.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue("库位"); row1.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue("库区"); row1.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue("仓库"); row1.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue("EAN"); //将数据逐步写入sheet1各个行 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { NPOI.SS.UserModel.IRow rowtemp = sheet1.CreateRow(i + 1); //rowtemp.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(list[i].XH); //rowtemp.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(list[i].StrongHoldCode); rowtemp.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(list[i].MaterialNo); rowtemp.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(list[i].StoreCondition); rowtemp.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue(list[i].BatchNo); rowtemp.CreateCell(3).SetCellValue(list[i].EDate.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(4).SetCellValue(list[i].Qty.ToString()); //rowtemp.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue( list[i].StatusName==null?"": list[i].StatusName); rowtemp.CreateCell(5).SetCellValue(list[i].AreaNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(6).SetCellValue(list[i].HouseNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(7).SetCellValue(list[i].WarehouseNo.ToString()); rowtemp.CreateCell(8).SetCellValue(list[i].EAN.ToString()); } string fileName = "库存合并列表" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".xls"; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); book.Write(memoryStream); memoryStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); return(File(memoryStream, "application/", fileName)); }
private static string GetErpJson(T_StockInfoEX model) { string basejson = "{\"key\":\"f5458f5c0f9022db743a7c0710145903\",\"type\":\"sync\",\"host\":{\"prod\":\"" + ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["prod"].ConnectionString + "\",\"ip\":\"\",\"lang\":\"zh_CN\",\"acct\":\"tiptop\",\"timestamp\":\"20151211123204361\"},\"service\":{\"prod\":\"T100\",\"name\":\"\",\"ip\":\"\",\"id\":\"topprd\"},\"datakey\":{\"EntId\":\"10\",\"CompanyId\":\"CY1\"},\"payload\":{\"std_data\":{\"parameter\":@}}}"; string[] matenos = model.MaterialNo.Split(','); string[] areanos = model.AreaNo.Split(','); string[] batchs = model.BatchNo.Split(','); string[] judians = model.StrongHoldCode.Split(','); JObject jp = new JObject(); JArray arr = new JArray(); jp.Add(new JProperty("data", arr)); foreach (string mate in matenos) { foreach (string area in areanos) { foreach (string bat in batchs) { foreach (string ju in judians) { JObject content = new JObject(); content.Add(new JProperty("data_site", ju)); content.Add(new JProperty("data_item", mate)); content.Add(new JProperty("data_inv", model.WarehouseNo)); content.Add(new JProperty("data_location", area)); content.Add(new JProperty("data_batch", bat)); arr.Add(content); } } } } basejson = basejson.Replace("@", jp.ToString()); string json = HttpPost(basejson); return(json); }
public bool GetErpStock(T_StockInfoEX model, ref List <CheckAnalyze> listerp, ref List <CheckAnalyze> listwms, ref string ErrMsg) { string json = GetErpJson(model); JObject jo = JObject.Parse(json); JToken jt = jo["payload"]["std_data"]["execution"]; string code = jt["code"].ToString(); string description = jt["description"].ToString(); if (code != "0") { ErrMsg = "没有ERP数据"; return(false); } JToken jt2 = jo["payload"]["std_data"]["parameter"]["data"]; //得到erp数据 foreach (JToken jtn in jt2) { CheckAnalyze erprow = new CheckAnalyze(); erprow.STRONGHOLDCODE = jtn["Head"]["site_id"].ToDBString(); erprow.MATERIALNO = jtn["Head"]["item_no"].ToDBString(); erprow.warehouseno = jtn["Head"]["inv_id"].ToDBString(); erprow.AREANO = jtn["Head"]["location_id"].ToDBString(); erprow.BatchNo = jtn["Head"]["batch_no"].ToDBString(); erprow.status = jtn["Head"]["qc_code"].ToInt32(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jtn["Head"]["qc_code"].ToDBString())) { erprow.status = 1; } switch (erprow.status) { case 1: erprow.statusname = "合格"; break; case 0: erprow.statusname = "待检"; break; case 2: erprow.statusname = "不合格"; break; } erprow.QTY = jtn["Head"]["inv_amount"].ToDecimal(); //erprow.EDATE = jtn["Head"]["valid_date"].ToDateTime(); listerp.Add(erprow); } //去重,去除因为edate而重复的行 List <CheckAnalyze> listerp2 = listerp; listerp = listerp2.Where((x, i) => listerp2.FindIndex(z => z.STRONGHOLDCODE == x.STRONGHOLDCODE && z.MATERIALNO == x.MATERIALNO && z.warehouseno == x.warehouseno && z.AREANO == x.AREANO && z.BatchNo == x.BatchNo && z.statusname == x.statusname && z.QTY == x.QTY) == i).ToList(); //-------------------------------------获取type=2时的去除库位的整合数据 if (model.XH == "2") { var le = from t in listerp group t by new { t1 = t.STRONGHOLDCODE, t2 = t.MATERIALNO, t3 = t.warehouseno, t5 = t.BatchNo, t6 = t.status, t7 = t.statusname } into m select new CheckAnalyze { STRONGHOLDCODE = m.Key.t1, MATERIALNO = m.Key.t2, warehouseno = m.Key.t3, BatchNo = m.Key.t5, status = m.Key.t6, statusname = m.Key.t7, QTY = m.Sum(item => item.QTY), }; listerp = le.ToList(); } //------------------------------------- //获取wms数据,不带edate ,s.EDATE ,EDATE ,,and STRONGHOLDCODE = '" + model.StrongHoldCode + "' if (model.XH == "1") { string sql = "select s.STRONGHOLDCODE,s.MATERIALNO,v.warehouseno,v.AREANO,s.BatchNo,s.status,sum(s.QTY) as qty from t_stock s left join v_area v on group by " + "STRONGHOLDCODE,MATERIALNO,warehouseno,AREANO,BatchNo,status having 1=1 and warehouseno = '" + model.WarehouseNo + "'"; if (model.MaterialNo != "" && !model.MaterialNo.Contains(',')) { sql += " and MaterialNo = '" + model.MaterialNo + "'"; } else if (model.MaterialNo != "" && model.MaterialNo.Contains(',')) { string MaterialNo = model.MaterialNo; Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref MaterialNo); sql += " and MaterialNo in(" + MaterialNo + ")"; } if (model.AreaNo != "" && !model.AreaNo.Contains(',')) { sql += " and AreaNo = '" + model.AreaNo + "'"; } else if (model.AreaNo != "" && model.AreaNo.Contains(',')) { string AreaNo = model.AreaNo; Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref AreaNo); sql += " and AreaNo in(" + AreaNo + ")"; } if (model.BatchNo != "" && !model.BatchNo.Contains(',')) { sql += " and BatchNo = '" + model.BatchNo + "'"; } else if (model.BatchNo != "" && model.BatchNo.Contains(',')) { string BatchNo = model.BatchNo; Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref BatchNo); sql += " and BatchNo in(" + BatchNo + ")"; } if (model.StrongHoldCode != "" && !model.StrongHoldCode.Contains(',')) { sql += " and StrongHoldCode = '" + model.StrongHoldCode + "'"; } else if (model.StrongHoldCode != "" && model.StrongHoldCode.Contains(',')) { string StrongHoldCode = model.StrongHoldCode; Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref StrongHoldCode); sql += " and StrongHoldCode in(" + StrongHoldCode + ")"; } //得到wms数据 using (var dr = dbFactory.ExecuteReader(sql)) { while (dr.Read()) { CheckAnalyze ca = new CheckAnalyze(); ca.SSTRONGHOLDCODE = dr["STRONGHOLDCODE"].ToDBString(); ca.SMATERIALNO = dr["MATERIALNO"].ToDBString(); ca.swarehouseno = dr["warehouseno"].ToDBString(); ca.SAREANO = dr["AREANO"].ToDBString(); ca.SBatchNo = dr["BatchNo"].ToDBString(); ca.sstatus = dr["status"].ToInt32(); switch (ca.sstatus) { case 1: ca.sstatusname = "待检"; break; case 2: ca.sstatusname = "待检"; break; case 3: ca.sstatusname = "合格"; break; case 4: ca.sstatusname = "不合格"; break; } ca.SQTY = dr["QTY"].ToDecimal(); //ca.SEDATE = dr["EDATE"].ToDateTime(); listwms.Add(ca); } } } //类型2,仓库对比 else if (model.XH == "2") { string sql = "select s.STRONGHOLDCODE,s.MATERIALNO,v.warehouseno,s.BatchNo,s.status,sum(s.QTY) as qty from t_stock s left join v_area v on group by " + "STRONGHOLDCODE,MATERIALNO,warehouseno,BatchNo,status having 1=1 and warehouseno = '" + model.WarehouseNo + "'"; if (model.MaterialNo != "" && !model.MaterialNo.Contains(',')) { sql += " and MaterialNo = '" + model.MaterialNo + "'"; } else if (model.MaterialNo != "" && model.MaterialNo.Contains(',')) { string MaterialNo = model.MaterialNo; Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref MaterialNo); sql += " and MaterialNo in(" + MaterialNo + ")"; } //if (model.AreaNo != "" && !model.AreaNo.Contains(',')) // sql += " and AreaNo = '" + model.AreaNo + "'"; //else if (model.AreaNo != "" && model.AreaNo.Contains(',')) //{ // string AreaNo = model.AreaNo; // Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref AreaNo); // sql += " and AreaNo in(" + AreaNo + ")"; //} if (model.BatchNo != "" && !model.BatchNo.Contains(',')) { sql += " and BatchNo = '" + model.BatchNo + "'"; } else if (model.BatchNo != "" && model.BatchNo.Contains(',')) { string BatchNo = model.BatchNo; Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref BatchNo); sql += " and BatchNo in(" + BatchNo + ")"; } if (model.StrongHoldCode != "" && !model.StrongHoldCode.Contains(',')) { sql += " and StrongHoldCode = '" + model.StrongHoldCode + "'"; } else if (model.StrongHoldCode != "" && model.StrongHoldCode.Contains(',')) { string StrongHoldCode = model.StrongHoldCode; Query_Func.ChangeQuery(ref StrongHoldCode); sql += " and StrongHoldCode in(" + StrongHoldCode + ")"; } //得到wms数据 using (var dr = dbFactory.ExecuteReader(sql)) { while (dr.Read()) { CheckAnalyze ca = new CheckAnalyze(); ca.SSTRONGHOLDCODE = dr["STRONGHOLDCODE"].ToDBString(); ca.SMATERIALNO = dr["MATERIALNO"].ToDBString(); ca.swarehouseno = dr["warehouseno"].ToDBString(); //ca.SAREANO = dr["AREANO"].ToDBString(); ca.SBatchNo = dr["BatchNo"].ToDBString(); ca.sstatus = dr["status"].ToInt32(); switch (ca.sstatus) { case 1: ca.sstatusname = "待检"; break; case 2: ca.sstatusname = "待检"; break; case 3: ca.sstatusname = "合格"; break; case 4: ca.sstatusname = "不合格"; break; } ca.SQTY = dr["QTY"].ToDecimal(); //ca.SEDATE = dr["EDATE"].ToDateTime(); listwms.Add(ca); } } } //if (listwms.Count == 0) //{ // ErrMsg = "没有WMS数据"; // return false; //} //合并数据 //erprow.STRONGHOLDCODE = jtn["Head"]["site_id"].ToDBString(); // erprow.MATERIALNO = jtn["Head"]["item_no"].ToDBString(); // erprow.warehouseno = jtn["Head"]["inv_id"].ToDBString(); // erprow.AREANO = jtn["Head"]["location_id"].ToDBString(); // erprow.BatchNo = jtn["Head"]["batch_no"].ToDBString(); // erprow.status = jtn["Head"]["qc_code"].ToInt32(); // erprow.QTY = jtn["Head"]["inv_amount"].ToDecimal(); List <CheckAnalyze> newlist = new List <CheckAnalyze>(); decimal? count = 0; decimal?count2 = 0; if (model.XH == "1") { int k = 1; foreach (CheckAnalyze erp in listerp) { //关联时要通过状态链接,通过据点链接 //&&p.sstatusname==erp.statusname var wms = listwms.Find(p => p.SMATERIALNO == erp.MATERIALNO && p.SAREANO == erp.AREANO && p.SBatchNo == erp.BatchNo && p.sstatusname == erp.statusname && p.SSTRONGHOLDCODE == erp.STRONGHOLDCODE); if (wms == null) { erp.partno = k + ""; erp.remark = "赢"; newlist.Add(erp); k++; } else { erp.partno = k + ""; erp.SMATERIALNO = wms.SMATERIALNO; erp.SAREANO = wms.SAREANO; erp.SSTRONGHOLDCODE = wms.SSTRONGHOLDCODE; erp.SBatchNo = wms.SBatchNo; erp.sstatusname = wms.sstatusname; erp.SQTY = wms.SQTY; if (erp.QTY > erp.SQTY) { erp.remark = "赢"; } else if (erp.QTY == erp.SQTY) { erp.remark = "平"; } else { erp.remark = "亏"; } ////判断合格不同状态 //if (erp.statusname != erp.sstatusname) // erp.remark += "|质检差异"; ////判断合格不同状态 //if (erp.STRONGHOLDCODE != erp.SSTRONGHOLDCODE) // erp.remark += "|据点差异"; newlist.Add(erp); k++; } } foreach (CheckAnalyze wms in listwms) { //&&p.sstatusname==wms.sstatusname var w = newlist.Find(p => p.SMATERIALNO == wms.SMATERIALNO && p.SAREANO == wms.SAREANO && p.SBatchNo == wms.SBatchNo && p.sstatusname == wms.sstatusname && p.SSTRONGHOLDCODE == wms.SSTRONGHOLDCODE); if (w == null) { wms.partno = k + ""; wms.remark = "亏"; //wms.STRONGHOLDCODE = wms.SSTRONGHOLDCODE; wms.warehouseno = wms.swarehouseno; newlist.Add(wms); k++; } } } else if (model.XH == "2") { int k = 1; foreach (CheckAnalyze erp in listerp) { //关联时要通过状态链接,通过据点链接 //&&p.sstatusname==erp.statusname var wms = listwms.Find(p => p.SMATERIALNO == erp.MATERIALNO && p.SBatchNo == erp.BatchNo && p.sstatusname == erp.statusname && p.SSTRONGHOLDCODE == erp.STRONGHOLDCODE); if (wms == null) { erp.partno = k + ""; erp.remark = "赢"; newlist.Add(erp); k++; } else { erp.partno = k + ""; erp.SMATERIALNO = wms.SMATERIALNO; //erp.SAREANO = wms.SAREANO; erp.SSTRONGHOLDCODE = wms.SSTRONGHOLDCODE; erp.SBatchNo = wms.SBatchNo; erp.sstatusname = wms.sstatusname; erp.SQTY = wms.SQTY; if (erp.QTY > erp.SQTY) { erp.remark = "赢"; } else if (erp.QTY == erp.SQTY) { erp.remark = "平"; } else { erp.remark = "亏"; } ////判断合格不同状态 //if (erp.statusname != erp.sstatusname) // erp.remark += "|质检差异"; ////判断合格不同状态 //if (erp.STRONGHOLDCODE != erp.SSTRONGHOLDCODE) // erp.remark += "|据点差异"; newlist.Add(erp); k++; } } foreach (CheckAnalyze wms in listwms) { //&&p.sstatusname==wms.sstatusname var w = newlist.Find(p => p.SMATERIALNO == wms.SMATERIALNO && p.SBatchNo == wms.SBatchNo && p.sstatusname == wms.sstatusname && p.SSTRONGHOLDCODE == wms.SSTRONGHOLDCODE); if (w == null) { wms.partno = k + ""; wms.remark = "亏"; //wms.STRONGHOLDCODE = wms.SSTRONGHOLDCODE; wms.warehouseno = wms.swarehouseno; newlist.Add(wms); k++; } } } listerp = newlist; foreach (var item in listerp) { count += item.QTY.ToDecimal(); count2 += item.SQTY.ToDecimal(); } CheckAnalyze c = new CheckAnalyze(); c.QTY = count; c.SQTY = count2; c.remark = ""; listerp.Add(c); return(true); }
//保存盘点单 public JsonResult SaveCheck(T_StockInfoEX model) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.WarehouseNo)) { return(Json(new { state = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } T_WareHouse_DB TWareHouseDB = new T_WareHouse_DB(); string StrongHoldCode = ""; string StrongHoldCodeName = ""; TWareHouseDB.GetStrongholdcode(model.WarehouseNo, ref StrongHoldCode, ref StrongHoldCodeName); Check_DB checkdb = new Check_DB(); string ErrorMsg = ""; if (!checkdb.CheckIsSvae(model.MaterialNo, model.WarehouseNo, ref ErrorMsg)) { return(Json(new { state = false, ErrMsg = "待发或者待收库区有该物料不能生成盘点单!【" + ErrorMsg + "】" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } string strErrMsg = string.Empty; List <T_StockInfoEX> lsttask = new List <T_StockInfoEX>(); Query_DB db = new Query_DB(); if (!db.GetStockCombineInfo2(model, ref lsttask, ref strErrMsg)) { return(Json(new { Result = 0, ErrMsg = strErrMsg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } if (model.Check == "0") { //检验WMS库存和U9是否一致 T_Material_Batch_Func FUNC = new T_Material_Batch_Func(); List <U9Stock> erp_stock = FUNC.GetStockInfo(model.WarehouseNo, StrongHoldCode, model.MaterialNo); bool isOk = true; lsttask.ForEach(itemWMS => { if (erp_stock.FindAll(itemerp => { return(itemerp.MaterialNo == itemWMS.MaterialNo && itemerp.BatchNo == itemWMS.BatchNo && itemerp.Qty == itemWMS.Qty); }).Count != 1) { isOk = false; } }); if (!isOk) { return(Json(new { state = false, ErrMsg = "WMS库存和U9不匹配不能生成盘点单!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } Check_Model cm = new Check_Model(); //cm.REMARKS = strremark + txt_remarkD.Text + txt_remark.Text; cm.CHECKSTATUS = "新建"; cm.CREATER = currentUser.UserNo; cm.CHECKDESC = "明盘"; string ErrMsg = ""; if (checkdb.SaveCheck2(cm, lsttask, ref ErrMsg)) { return(Json(new { state = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(new { state = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { state = false, ErrMsg = ex.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
// 获取盘点库存信息 public JsonResult GetCheckStock(DividPage page, T_StockInfoEX model) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.WarehouseNo)) { return(Json(new { Result = 0, ResultValue = "仓库不能为空!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } T_WareHouse_DB TWareHouseDB = new T_WareHouse_DB(); string StrongHoldCode = ""; string StrongHoldCodeName = ""; TWareHouseDB.GetStrongholdcode(model.WarehouseNo, ref StrongHoldCode, ref StrongHoldCodeName); string strErrMsg = string.Empty; List <T_StockInfoEX> wms_stock = new List <T_StockInfoEX>(); Query_DB db = new Query_DB(); if (db.GetStockCombineInfo2(model, ref wms_stock, ref strErrMsg)) { if (wms_stock == null || wms_stock.Count == 0) { return(Json(new { Result = 0, ResultValue = "查询库存为空!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } T_Material_Batch_Func FUNC = new T_Material_Batch_Func(); List <U9Stock> erp_stock = FUNC.GetStockInfo(model.WarehouseNo, StrongHoldCode, model.MaterialNo); //wms数据和erp数据对账 for (int i = 0; i < wms_stock.Count; i++) { if (erp_stock != null && erp_stock.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < erp_stock.Count; j++) { if (wms_stock[i].MaterialNo == erp_stock[j].MaterialNo && wms_stock[i].BatchNo == erp_stock[j].BatchNo) { wms_stock[i].U9MaterialNo = erp_stock[i].MaterialNo; wms_stock[i].U9BatchNo = erp_stock[i].BatchNo; wms_stock[i].U9Qty = erp_stock[j].Qty; erp_stock[j].IsAmount = 1; } } } } if (erp_stock != null && erp_stock.Count > 0) { //没匹配的u9数据 for (int i = 0; i < erp_stock.Count; i++) { if (erp_stock[i].IsAmount != 1) { wms_stock.Add(new T_StockInfoEX() { U9MaterialNo = erp_stock[i].MaterialNo, U9BatchNo = erp_stock[i].BatchNo, U9Qty = erp_stock[i].Qty, Qty = 0 }); } } } return(Json(new { Result = 1, Data = wms_stock }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(new { Result = 0, ResultValue = strErrMsg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Result = 0, ResultValue = ex.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public bool PrintDeliveryTray(T_StockInfoEX model, List <T_StockInfoEX> list, string ipport, ref string ErrMsg) { Print_DB db = new Print_DB(); return(db.PrintDeliveryTray(model, list, ipport, ref ErrMsg)); }