public GameManager() { TotalTimeElapsed = 0; TvEngine = new TVEngine(); TvEngine.DisplayFPS(true); if (windowed) { Form1 form = new Form1(this); form.Show(); TvEngine.Init3DWindowed(form.Handle); } else { TvEngine.Init3DFullscreen(ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight); } TvInputEngine = new TVInputEngine(); TvInputEngine.Initialize(true, true); TvScene = new TVScene(); TvCamera = TvScene.GetCamera(); TvPhysics = new TVPhysics(); TvPhysics.Initialize(); TvPhysics.SetSolverModel(CONST_TV_PHYSICS_SOLVER.TV_SOLVER_LINEAR_10_PASSES); TvPhysics.SetFrictionModel(CONST_TV_PHYSICS_FRICTION.TV_FRICTION_EXACT); TvPhysics.SetGlobalGravity(new TV_3DVECTOR(0F, -980F, 0F)); TvPhysics.SetMaterialInteractionContinuousCollision(0, 0, true); TvPhysics.SetMaterialInteractionFriction(0, 0, 0.000001f, 0.000001f); TvPhysics.SetMaterialInteractionBounciness(0, 0, 0.5f); TvMaths = new TVMathLibrary(); TvScreen2DText = new TVScreen2DText(); TvLights = new TVLightEngine(); TvMaterials = new TVMaterialFactory(); TvGlobals = new TVGlobals(); Message = new MessageManager(this); }
public void Init() { //bool DebugToConsole = true; // We have to create the TV object before anything else. TV = new TVEngine(); // Set the search directory of the objects, textures, ... TV.SetSearchDirectory(Application.StartupPath); // We put the debug file in the app directory //TV.SetDebugFile(Application.StartupPath + "\\WorldEngine-Debug.txt"); //TV.SetDebugMode(true, true, DebugToConsole); TV.SetDebugMode(false, false, false, false); // We initialize TV in the picture box of the form. TV.Init3DWindowed(GameHandle); // We want to see the FPS. TV.DisplayFPS(true); // We create the TVGlobals object. Globals = new TVGlobals(); // We create the input object. InputEngine = new TVInputEngine(); InputEngine.Initialize(); // New : we create the graphic object so we can add some fog. GraphicFX = new TVGraphicEffect(); // We create the scene (the world). Scene = new TVScene(); //Scene.SetViewFrustum(45, 20000); //Scene.SetViewFrustum(45, 20); // We create the atmosphere class Atmos = new TVAtmosphere(); // As said above, we need to create a new object which will // hold all the textures needed for our land. TextureFactory = new TVTextureFactory(); // We load the sky texture. TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\sky\\sunset\\up.jpg", "SkyTop", -1, -1); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\sky\\sunset\\down.jpg", "SkyBottom", -1, -1); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\sky\\sunset\\left.jpg", "SkyLeft", -1, -1); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\sky\\sunset\\right.jpg", "SkyRight", -1, -1); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\sky\\sunset\\front.jpg", "SkyFront", -1, -1); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\sky\\sunset\\back.jpg", "SkyBack", -1, -1); // We set the sky textures. Atmos.SkyBox_SetTexture(Globals.GetTex("SkyFront"), Globals.GetTex("SkyBack"), Globals.GetTex("SkyLeft"), Globals.GetTex("SkyRight"), Globals.GetTex("SkyTop"), Globals.GetTex("SkyBottom")); Atmos.SkyBox_Enable(true); // New : the land generation. This is so much fun because it's // so simple! You load a texture as a height map, the engine // does the rest. But before this, we create the land object. Land = new TVLandscape(); //Land = Scene.CreateLandscape("Land"); // Generate the height of the land from the grayscale of the image. //Land.GenerateTerrain("Media\\heightmap.jpg", CONST_TV_LANDSCAPE_PRECISION.TV_PRECISION_LOW, 8, 8, -1024, 0, -1024, true); //Land.CreateEmptyTerrain(CONST_TV_LANDSCAPE_PRECISION.TV_PRECISION_LOW, 1, 1, -128, 0, -128); // Because we don't want to have mountains with height that get to // the clouds, we adjust the height (Y) factor. //Land.SetScale(1, 0.7f, 1); // Then, we load the land texture. TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\dirtandgrass.jpg", "LandTexture", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\dirtandgrass2.jpg", "LandTexture2", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); //...The splatting texture... TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\", "SplattingTexture", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\", "SplattingAlphaTexture", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); // We assign a texture to that land. //Land.SetTexture(Globals.GetTex("LandTexture"), -1); //Land.SetTextureScale(3, 3, -1); // New : the sun. We have to place the sun in the world. Just like the // sky box, the sun is attached to the camera position vector. You will // never notice it until you start playing really badly with the // properties of the sun. Let's start by loading a texture for it. TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\sun.jpg", "Sun", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); // Then, initialize it by placing it via a vector. Atmos.Sun_SetTexture(Globals.GetTex("Sun")); Atmos.Sun_SetBillboardSize(1); Atmos.Sun_SetPosition(-1000f, 570f, 0f); Atmos.Sun_Enable(true); // New : To add extra visual effects, we add a lens flare effect. For // this, we have to load some cirles that will be used to simulate // the flare effect. TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\flare1.jpg", "Flare1", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\flare2.jpg", "Flare2", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\flare3.jpg", "Flare3", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\flare4.jpg", "Flare4", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); // Initialize the lens flares. Atmos.LensFlare_SetLensNumber(4); Atmos.LensFlare_Enable(true); Atmos.LensFlare_SetLensParams(0, Globals.GetTex("Flare1"), 2 * 5f, 40, Globals.RGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f), Globals.RGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); Atmos.LensFlare_SetLensParams(1, Globals.GetTex("Flare2"), 2 * 1f, 18, Globals.RGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f), Globals.RGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); Atmos.LensFlare_SetLensParams(2, Globals.GetTex("Flare3"), 2 * 1.8f, 15, Globals.RGBA(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f), Globals.RGBA(0.7f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); Atmos.LensFlare_SetLensParams(3, Globals.GetTex("Flare4"), 2 * 1f, 6, Globals.RGBA(1f, 0.1f, 0f, 0.5f), Globals.RGBA(0.5f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f)); // New : also for fun, we add water. We start by loading the // water tetxure... sngWaterHeight = -1; //60 TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\water.bmp", "Water"); WaterMesh = Scene.CreateMeshBuilder(); WaterMesh.AddFloor(Globals.GetTex("Water"), -700, 0, (8 * 256) - 700, 8 * 256, sngWaterHeight, 1, 1, false); RenderSurf1 = Scene.CreateRenderSurface(256, 256, true); RenderSurf2 = Scene.CreateRenderSurface(256, 256, true); WPlane.Dist = -sngWaterHeight; WPlane.Normal = new TV_3DVECTOR(0, 1, 0); RenderSurf1.SetBackgroundColor(355); GraphicFX.SetWaterReflection(WaterMesh, RenderSurf1, RenderSurf2, 0, WPlane); // New : for fun, we will also add some clouds, just over the water // to give a creepy fog effect. Let's start by loading the clouds textures. TextureFactory.LoadTexture("Media\\", "Clouds", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_BLACK, true); // Then, set the land's clouds. Atmos.Clouds_Create(1, 1024, 1024); Atmos.Clouds_SetLayerParameters(0, 300, Globals.GetTex("Clouds")); Atmos.Clouds_SetLayerAnimation(0, true, 0.01f, 0.01f); // We set the camera vectors (position and look at) and angles. sngPositionX = 0f; sngPositionY = 20f; sngPositionZ = 0f; snglookatX = 0f; snglookatY = 20f; snglookatZ = 50f; sngAngleX = 0f; sngAngleY = 0f; // We set the initial values of movement sngWalk = 0f; sngStrafe = 0f; // Set the viewing distance Scene.SetViewFrustum(60f, 900f); //"random" values, TODO : Check for better ones ? //;prev_next=prev // We pop the form over everything else. //We create the world map WMap = new WorldMap(Scene); // We start the main loop. You can't create the MainLoop by using the // toolbox buttons, nor by clicking on the form "Form1" : you have to // create it by yourself. It's not as hard as it may sound... DoLoop = true; TV.EnableProfiler(true, false); Main_Loop(); }
//Inicializace enginu private void VytvorScenu() { TV = new TVEngine(); //Povoleni debug zprav TV.SetDebugMode(true, true); //Nastaveni debug souboru pro ladeni chyb TV.SetDebugFile(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\debugfile.txt"); //Incizializace enginu TV.Init3DWindowed(this.panel2.Handle, true); //Nastaveni defaultniho adresare TV.SetSearchDirectory(Environment.CurrentDirectory); //Nastaveni samoobnovy velikosti obrazu dle okna TV.GetViewport().SetAutoResize(true); //Zobrazeni FPS TV.DisplayFPS(false); //Nastaveni preferovaneho uhloveho systemu TV.SetAngleSystem(MTV3D65.CONST_TV_ANGLE.TV_ANGLE_DEGREE); //Inicializace vsechno enginovych doplnku Scene = new TVScene(); Globals = new TVGlobals(); Input = new TVInputEngine(); MatFactory = new TVMaterialFactory(); TexFactory = new TVTextureFactory(); //Povoleni mysi a klavesnice na vsup Input.Initialize(true, true); }
private void Robot_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Tracking //pictureBox27.Load(Application.StartupPath + "\\Resources\\image1.jpg"); /////3D lights = new TVLightEngine(); globals = new TVGlobals(); atmosphere = new TVAtmosphere(); maths = new TVMathLibrary(); materialfactory = new TVMaterialFactory(); texturefactory = new TVTextureFactory(); tv = new TVEngine(); physics = new TVPhysics(); //Setup TV tv.SetDebugMode(true, true); tv.SetDebugFile(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) + "\\debugfile.txt"); tv.SetAntialiasing(true, CONST_TV_MULTISAMPLE_TYPE.TV_MULTISAMPLE_2_SAMPLES); //Enter Your Beta Username And Password Here //tv.SetBetaKey("", ""); tv.SetAngleSystem(CONST_TV_ANGLE.TV_ANGLE_DEGREE); //tv.Init3DWindowed(this.Handle, true); tv.Init3DWindowed(this.pictureBox3D.Handle, true); tv.GetViewport().SetAutoResize(true); tv.DisplayFPS(true); tv.SetVSync(true); scene = new TVScene(); input = new TVInputEngine(); input.Initialize(true, true); camera = new TVCamera(); camera = scene.GetCamera(); camera.SetViewFrustum(45, 1000, 0.1f); camera.SetPosition(0, 5, -20); camera.SetLookAt(0, 3, 0); viewport = new TVViewport(); viewport = tv.CreateViewport(this.Handle, "viewport"); viewport.SetCamera(camera); viewport.SetBackgroundColor(Color.Blue.ToArgb()); bDoLoop = true; InitSound(); InitMaterials(); InitTextures(); InitFonts(); InitShaders(); InitEnvironment(); InitPhysics(); InitLandscape(); InitObjects(); InitLights(); InitPhysicsMaterials(); Init2DText(); this.Show(); this.Focus(); GameLoop(); tv = null; this.Close(); //// /3D groupComPortDefault.Enabled = false; groupComPortSettings.Enabled = false; groupTcpClientServerSettings.Enabled = false; groupTcpClientServerDefault.Enabled = false; groupDirectionAndMotion.Enabled = false; groupCameraRotation.Enabled = false; groupCameraRot2.Enabled = false; groupAdvencedSuppDevices.Enabled = false; groupJoystickInit.Enabled = false; labelCommunicationType.Text = null; labelConnectingStatus.Text = null; labelJoystickName.Text = null; SetMap(); Maps.SelectedItem = "TUKE"; //Full Screen Options op = new Options(); op = op.ReadOptionsFromFile(); this.combo_method.SelectedIndex = op.Scale; this.combo_streams.SelectedIndex = op.Streams; this.textBox1.Text = op.Text; //this.lbl_foreColor.BackColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(op.ForeColor); }
//*** Render Method private void SetupScene(IntPtr hWnd) { TV_3DVECTOR Min = new TV_3DVECTOR(); TV_3DVECTOR Max = new TV_3DVECTOR(); TV_3DVECTOR Offset = new TV_3DVECTOR(); TV_3DVECTOR SphereCenter = new TV_3DVECTOR(); TV_3DVECTOR posVector = new TV_3DVECTOR(); TV = new TVEngine(); Scene = new TVScene(); Cam = new TVCamera(); TF = new TVTextureFactory(); Mats = new TVMaterialFactory(); Lights = new TVLightEngine(); Maths = new TVMathLibrary(); //Initialize the TV engine TV.SetDebugFile(Application.StartupPath + "\\debug.txt"); TV.Init3DWindowed(hWnd, true); TV.SetSearchDirectory(Application.StartupPath); TV.SetAngleSystem(CONST_TV_ANGLE.TV_ANGLE_DEGREE); // use degree system Scene.SetBackgroundColor(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f); //Load the texture into the integer ID holder FloorTex = TF.LoadTexture("smallGrid.bmp", "Grid", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); WallTex = TF.LoadTexture("smallGridWall.bmp", "Wall", -1, -1, CONST_TV_COLORKEY.TV_COLORKEY_NO, true); Room = Scene.CreateMeshBuilder("Room"); Room.AddFloor(FloorTex, -300.0f, -300.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f, 0, 15.0f, 15.0f, true); Room.AddWall(WallTex, -300.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f, 400.0f, 0, 15.0f, 15.0f, true); Room.AddWall(WallTex, 300.0f, -300.0f, -300.0f, -300.0f, 400.0f, 0, 15.0f, 15.0f, true); Room.AddWall(WallTex, 300.0f, 300.0f, 300.0f, -300.0f, 400.0f, 0, 15.0f, 15.0f, true); Room.AddWall(WallTex, -300.0f, -300.0f, -300.0f, 300.0f, 400.0f, 0, 15.0f, 15.0f, true); //ShowVector("RoomLocal", Room.GetPosition()); //ShowVector("RoomWorld", Room.GetWorldPosition(Room.GetPosition())); SensorNode = Scene.CreateMeshBuilder("SensorNode"); SensorNode.LoadXFile("N70.X", true, true); SensorNode.SetParent(CONST_TV_NODETYPE.TV_NODETYPE_MESH, Room.GetIndex(), 1); SensorNode.SetPosition(0.0f, 150.0f, 0.0f); TV_3DVECTOR oriScale = SensorNode.GetScale(); SensorNode.SetScale(oriScale.x, oriScale.y, oriScale.z * 1.5f); SensorNode.SetLightingMode(CONST_TV_LIGHTINGMODE.TV_LIGHTING_NORMAL, 0, 1); SensorNode.SetRotation(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //SensorNode.GetBoundingBox(ref Min, ref Max, true); //SensorNode.ShowBoundingBox(true); //ShowVector("MoteLocal", SensorNode.GetPosition()); //ShowVector("MoteWorld", Room.GetWorldPosition(SensorNode.GetPosition())); //WiimoteMesh = Scene.CreateMeshBuilder("Wiimote"); //WiimoteMesh.LoadXFile("Wiimote.X", true, true); //TV_3DVECTOR oriScale = WiimoteMesh.GetScale(); //WiimoteMesh.SetScale(oriScale.x * 0.15f, oriScale.y * 0.15f, oriScale.z * 0.15f); //WiimoteMesh.SetPosition(0.0f, 70.0f, 0.0f); //WiimoteMesh.SetLightingMode(CONST_TV_LIGHTINGMODE.TV_LIGHTING_NORMAL, 0, 1);//Tell TV we want normal, per-vertex, lighting with 1 point light. Cam.SetParent(CONST_TV_NODETYPE.TV_NODETYPE_MESH, Room.GetIndex(), 0); Cam.SetPosition(0.0f, 250.0f, 200.0f); Cam.LookAtMesh(SensorNode); //ShowVector("CamLocal", Cam.GetPosition()); //ShowVector("CamWorld", Room.GetWorldPosition(Cam.GetPosition())); //Create a point light. Again, these can be more complex. IDLight = Lights.CreatePointLight(new TV_3DVECTOR(0.0f, 250.0f, 200.0f), 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 250.0f); IDBackLight = Lights.CreatePointLight(new TV_3DVECTOR(0.0f, 250.0f, -200.0f), 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 250.0f); Lights.SetSpecularLighting(false); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the engine, services and components. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">Ignored</param> /// <param name="e">Ignored</param> void InitializeEngine(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Attach the looping events looping = new Looping(this); Engine = new TVEngine(); #if DEBUG Engine.SetDebugMode(true, true, true, false); Engine.SetDebugFile(settings.DebugFile.FullName); #else Engine.SetDebugMode(false, false, false, false); Engine.DisplayFPS(false); #endif Engine.AllowMultithreading(settings.MultiThreading); if (File.Exists(GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name + ".lic")) { Engine.SetLicenseFile(GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name + ".lic"); } // When we use doubles, we need double-precision. Engine.SetFPUPrecision(true); // Set default component update frequency value. if (settings.UpdateFrequency.Equals(0f)) { settings.UpdateFrequency = 1f / 60f; } SetMultisample(); // Create render form. settings.RenderForm = new RenderForm(); // Apply v sync option. Engine.SetVSync(settings.VSync); // Use current settings by default if none are given. screenWidth = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width; screenHeight = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height; if (settings.ScreenMode.Width == 0 || settings.ScreenMode.Height == 0) { settings.ScreenMode.Width = screenWidth; settings.ScreenMode.Height = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height; } if (settings.ScreenMode.Format == 0) { settings.ScreenMode.Format = screenHeight; } bool initSuccess = false; if (settings.Fullscreen) { try { initSuccess = Engine.Init3DFullscreen(settings.ScreenMode.Width, settings.ScreenMode.Height, settings.ScreenMode.Format, true, settings.VSync, CONST_TV_DEPTHBUFFERFORMAT.TV_DEPTHBUFFER_BESTBUFFER, 1, settings.RenderForm.Handle); } catch (AccessViolationException) { /* License failure */ } } else { try { // Resize windowed form and move to center screen. settings.RenderForm.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(settings.ScreenMode.Width, settings.ScreenMode.Height); settings.RenderForm.Top = (screenHeight - settings.ScreenMode.Height) / 2; settings.RenderForm.Left = (screenWidth - settings.ScreenMode.Width) / 2; initSuccess = Engine.Init3DWindowed(settings.RenderForm.Handle, true); } catch (AccessViolationException) { /* License failure */ } } // Apply auto resize. Engine.GetViewport().SetAutoResize(true); // Probably a license failure if (!initSuccess) { MessageBox.Show("Couldn't initialize engine! Exiting.", "Critical error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Idle -= InitializeEngine; Dispose(); Application.Exit(); return; } // Initialize physics Physics.Initialize(); Physics.SetSolverModel(CONST_TV_PHYSICS_SOLVER.TV_SOLVER_ADAPTIVE); Physics.SetFrictionModel(CONST_TV_PHYSICS_FRICTION.TV_FRICTION_ADAPTIVE); Physics.SetGlobalGravity(new TV_3DVECTOR(0, -14.8f, 0)); Physics.EnableCPUOptimizations(true); // Initialize input InputEngine.Initialize(true, true); // If nothing is found, just don't hook the events if (settings.RenderForm != null) { settings.RenderForm.FormClosing += (_, __) => Exit(); //settings.RenderForm.Deactivate += (_, __) => looping.PauseLoop(); //settings.RenderForm.Activated += delegate //{ // // Silly workaround // InputEngine.ClearKeyBuffer(); // InputEngine.ForceUpdate(); // stopwatch.Reset(); // looping.ResumeLoop(); //}; } Initialize(); if (!settings.Fullscreen) { settings.RenderForm.Show(); } Application.Idle -= InitializeEngine; }
private void StartEngine() { Time = new GameTime(); Components = new List<GameComponent>(); Engine = new TVEngine(); Scene = new TVScene(); Screen2D = new TVScreen2DImmediate(); Textures = new TVTextureFactory(); Text2D = new TVScreen2DText(); Globals = new TVGlobals(); Materials = new TVMaterialFactory(); Math = new TVMathLibrary(); Effects = new TVGraphicEffect(); Atmosphere = new TVAtmosphere(); Internal = new TVInternalObjects(); Light = new TVLightEngine(); Input = new TVInputEngine(); Random = new Random(); Engine.SetInternalShaderVersion(CONST_TV_SHADERMODEL.TV_SHADERMODEL_BEST); Engine.SetAngleSystem(CONST_TV_ANGLE.TV_ANGLE_DEGREE); Engine.AllowMultithreading(true); Engine.SetFPUPrecision(true); Engine.EnableSmoothTime(false); Engine.SetDebugMode(true, true); Engine.SetDebugFile("debug.txt"); Engine.EnableProfiler(false); Engine.DisplayFPS(false); Engine.SetVSync(false); Engine.SetAntialiasing(false, CONST_TV_MULTISAMPLE_TYPE.TV_MULTISAMPLE_NONE); Engine.Init3DWindowed(Form.Handle); //Engine.Init3DFullscreen(1920, 1200, 32, true, false, CONST_TV_DEPTHBUFFERFORMAT.TV_DEPTHBUFFER_BESTBUFFER, 1, Window.Handle); Engine.GetViewport().SetAutoResize(true); Input.Initialize(true, true); Input.SetRepetitionDelay(400, 100); Textures.SetTextureMode(CONST_TV_TEXTUREMODE.TV_TEXTUREMODE_BETTER); Light.SetGlobalAmbient(0, 0, 0); }