Exemple #1
        void test_Mtch_3()
            Log.set(" test_Mtch_3: Rule 5 и Group < C235, Pl30 >");
            rule = new Rule.Rule(5);
            ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet elm = new ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet(
                "C235", "Steel", "Pl30", 0, 0, 0, 1001);
            Dictionary <string, ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet> els
                = new Dictionary <string, ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet>();

            els.Add(elm.guid, elm);
            List <string> guids = new List <string>(); guids.Add(elm.guid);
            var           model = new Model.Model();

            var gr = model.elmGroups[0];
            //6/4/17           TST.Eq(gr.guids.Count, 1);
            //6/4/17           TST.Eq(gr.mat, "c235");
            //6/4/17TST.Eq(gr.prf, "pl30");
            var doc  = Docs.getDoc("Полоса СтальхолдингM");
            var csDP = new Dictionary <SType, string>();

//31/3            csFPs = rule.Parser(FP.type.CompSet, doc.LoadDescription);
// 2/4            Comp comp1 = new Comp(doc, 2, csDP);
// 2/4            Comp comp2 = new Comp(doc, 12, csDP);
// 2/4            List<Comp> comps = new List<Comp> { comp1, comp2 };
// 2/4            CS cs = new CS("test_CS", null, rule, doc.LoadDescription, comps);
// 2/4            TST.Eq(cs.csDP.Count, 4);

            //////////////////////////TST.Eq(comp1.isMatch(gr, rule), false);
            //////////////////////////TST.Eq(comp2.isMatch(gr, rule), true);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Имитация Rule
        /// </summary>
        internal Rule.Rule IM_Rule(string str = "M:C245; Prf: Уголок=L*")
            CS cs = IM_CompSet();

            Rule.Rule r = new Rule.Rule(str, cs);
Exemple #3
        void test_Mtch_2()
            Log.set(" test_Mtch_2: Rule 15 и Group < B12,5 , 1900x1600 > ");
            rule = new Rule.Rule(15);
            ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet elB = new ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet(
                "B12,5", "Concrete", "1900x1600", 0, 0, 0, 1000);
            Dictionary <string, ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet> els = new Dictionary <string, ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet>();

            els.Add(elB.guid, elB);
            List <string> guids = new List <string>(); guids.Add(elB.guid);
            var           model = new Model.Model();

            var gr = model.elmGroups[0];

            TST.Eq(gr.guids.Count, 1);
            var match = new Mtch(gr, rule);

            TST.Eq(match.ok == OK.Match, true);
            var cmp = match.component;

//31/3            TST.Eq(cmp.fps[SType.Material].pars[0].par.ToString(), "b12,5");
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// имитация списка синонимов - только для отладки
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i"></param>
        internal void IM_setRuleSynonyms(ref Rule.Rule rule, int i = -1)
            //24/3           if (i < 0) { rule.synonyms = null; return; }
            var anglePrf = new List <string> {
                "l", "Уголок равнопол."
            var synonyms = new Dictionary <SType, List <string> >();

            rule.synonyms = synonyms;
            List <string> syns = new List <string>();

            foreach (string syn in anglePrf)
                syns.Add(Lib.ToLat(syn).ToLower().Replace(" ", ""));
            rule.synonyms.Add(SType.Profile, syns);
Exemple #5
        //////////////        private void test_getSectionText()
        //////////////        {
        //////////////            Log.set("test_getSectionTest(Section.Material, text");
        //28/5/////////////// 7/3/2017 /////////////////            TST.Eq(getSectionText(FP.Section.Material, "Профиль: L 20 x 5; M: C245; Price: 2690"), "c245");
        //////////////            Log.exit();
        //////////////        }

        //////////////private void test_isSectionMatch()
        //////////////    Log.set("isSectionMatch(Section.Material, C245, rule.text)");

        //////////////    /////// 7/3/2017 ////            bool ok = isSectionMatch(FP.Section.Material, "C245", "Профиль: L * x * ст*; длина: * = * м; M: ст *;");

        //////////////    Log.exit();

        private void test_Mtch_1()
            Log.set(" test_Mtch_1: Rule 4 и Group<C255, L20x4>");
            Rule.Rule           rule = new Rule.Rule(4);
            ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet el   = new ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet(
                "C245", "Steel", "Уголок20X4", 0, 0, 0, 1000);
            Dictionary <string, ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet> els = new Dictionary <string, ElmAttSet.ElmAttSet>();

            els.Add(el.guid, el);
            List <string> guids = new List <string>(); guids.Add(el.guid);

            ElmAttSet.Group gr    = new ElmAttSet.Group(els, "C245", "Уголок20X4", guids);
            Mtch            match = new Mtch(gr, rule);

//6/4/17            TST.Eq(match.ok == OK.Match, true);
Exemple #6
        public Rule.Rule rule;                  //the rule, which manage the matching

        /// <summary>
        /// Mtch(gr, _rule) - check if Group gr is in match with rule
        ///    if Mtch.ok.Match - return Mtch.Component chousen from CompSet.Component
        ///    else ok.NoMatch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gr"></param>
        /// <param name="_rule"></param>
        public Mtch(ElmAttSet.Group gr, Rule.Rule _rule)
            if (gr.prf.Contains("ш2") /* && _rule.text.Contains("д") */)
                rule = _rule;

            if (gr == null || gr.guids.Count < 1)
            ok    = OK.NoMatch;
            group = gr;
            foreach (var comp in _rule.CompSet.Components)
                if (!comp.isMatch(gr, _rule))
                //-- Component is found - fill Price for all Guids elemets
                ok            = OK.Match;
                component     = comp;
                gr.match      = this; //27/3!!
                rule          = _rule;
                gr.totalPrice = 0;
                foreach (var id in gr.guids)
                    Elm    elm      = gr.Elements[id];
                    string priceStr = comp.Str(SType.Price);
                    double price    = getPrice(elm, rule.CompSet.csDP, priceStr);
                    gr.Elements[id].price = price;
                    gr.totalPrice        += price;