private void OnNewProjectile(object sender, TShockAPI.GetDataHandlers.NewProjectileEventArgs args)
            string explosiveName = "";

            if (InterestingExplosives.TryGetValue(args.Type, out explosiveName))
                TSPlayer player = TShock.Players[args.Owner];
                if (ExplosivesConfig.ShowOnConsole)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} throws {1} at ({2},{3})", player.Name, explosiveName, args.Position.X, args.Position.Y);

                TShock.Log.Info("{0} throws {1} at ({2},{3})", player.Name, explosiveName, args.Position.X, args.Position.Y);
        private void OnNewProjectile(object sender, TShockAPI.GetDataHandlers.NewProjectileEventArgs args)
            string explosiveName = "";

            if (InterestingExplosives.TryGetValue(args.Type, out explosiveName))
                TSPlayer player = TShock.Players[args.Owner];
                if (ExplosivesConfig.ShowOnConsole)
                    //Console.WriteLine("{0} throws {1} at ({2},{3})", player.Name, explosiveName, args.Position.X, args.Position.Y);

                    /*logged position is the player's position at the time the projectile is created by the player
                     * while ideally it should be the position of the projectile, I have no idea how to do that
                     * also in the log it incorrectly shows pos as 16x of the actual player pos
                     * changing Position.X to player.TileX outputs an understandable and accurate pos value that matches the /pos command */
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} throws {1} at ({2},{3})", player.Name, explosiveName, player.TileX, player.TileY);

                TShock.Log.Info("{0} throws {1} at ({2},{3})", player.Name, explosiveName, player.TileX, player.TileY);