private async Task <bool> TryInitializeAsync(
                TService service,
                SemanticDocument document,
                SyntaxNode node,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                if (service.IsIdentifierNameGeneration(node))
                    // Cases that we deal with currently:
                    // 1) expr.Goo
                    // 2) expr->Goo
                    // 3) Goo
                    if (!TryInitializeSimpleName(service, document, (TSimpleNameSyntax)node, cancellationToken))
                else if (service.IsExplicitInterfaceGeneration(node))
                    // 4)  bool IGoo.NewProp
                    if (!TryInitializeExplicitInterface(service, document, node, cancellationToken))

                // Ok.  It either didn't bind to any symbols, or it bound to a symbol but with
                // errors.  In the former case we definitely want to offer to generate a field.  In
                // the latter case, we want to generate a field *unless* there's an existing member
                // with the same name.  Note: it's ok if there's a  method with the same name.
                var existingMembers = this.TypeToGenerateIn.GetMembers(this.IdentifierToken.ValueText)
                                      .Where(m => m.Kind != SymbolKind.Method);

                if (existingMembers.Any())
                    // TODO: Code coverage
                    // There was an existing method that the new method would clash with.

                if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                this.TypeToGenerateIn = await SymbolFinder.FindSourceDefinitionAsync(this.TypeToGenerateIn, document.Project.Solution, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false) as INamedTypeSymbol;

                if (!service.ValidateTypeToGenerateIn(
                        document.Project.Solution, this.TypeToGenerateIn, this.IsStatic, ClassInterfaceModuleStructTypes, cancellationToken))

                this.IsContainedInUnsafeType = service.ContainingTypesOrSelfHasUnsafeKeyword(this.TypeToGenerateIn);

                return(CanGenerateLocal() || CodeGenerator.CanAdd(document.Project.Solution, this.TypeToGenerateIn, cancellationToken));