public bool Parse(ConfigElement ce) { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); m_type = ce.GetAttribute("type"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_type)) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an Event/NetworkEvent element which doesn't have the type attribute."); return(false); } int i; for (i = 0; i < ce.GetNumChildren(); i++) { ConfigElement child = ce.GetChild(i); if (child.GetName() == "Action") { string command = child.GetAttribute("command"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { m_commands.Add(command); } } } return(true); }
/** Gets the text size of the i-th button data. */ public int GetDataTextSize(int i) { TPTabletUIConfig cfg = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance().GetConfig(); Data data = m_data[i] as Data; return((int)((float)data.GetTextSize() * cfg.GetScale())); }
/** Parses the specified XML configuration file, and extracts all the elements. */ public bool Parse(byte[] bytes) { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); mgr.PutErrorMessage("ConfigFile::Parse"); // Create the XmlReader instance for the specified file. XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Document; XmlReader reader = null; try { reader = XmlReader.Create(new MemoryStream(bytes), settings); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) { continue; } if (reader.Depth == 0) { // Detected the root element. m_root = new ConfigElement(); m_root.Parse(reader, null); } } }catch (Exception e) { mgr.PutErrorMessage(e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
/** Gets the bounding rectangle of the group (absolute position and size). */ public Rect GetRect() { TPTabletUIConfig cfg = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance().GetConfig(); float scale = cfg.GetScale(); return(new Rect(m_boundRect.x * scale, m_boundRect.y * scale, m_boundRect.width * scale, m_boundRect.height * scale)); }
/** Gets the only one TPTabletUIManager class instance. */ public static TPTabletUIManager GetInstance() { // Get the reference to the TPTabletUIManager script component. GameObject go = GameObject.Find("TPTabletUIManager"); if (go == null) { Debug.LogError("The TPTabletUIManager GameObject object is not found."); return(null); } TPTabletUIManager inst = go.GetComponent(typeof(TPTabletUIManager)) as TPTabletUIManager; if (inst == null) { Debug.LogError("The TPTabletUIManager script component is not found."); } return(inst); }
/** Initializes the instance. */ public bool Initialize() { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); // Set up the data buffer. m_buffer = new byte [256]; int i; for (i = 0; i < m_buffer.Length; i++) { m_buffer[i] = 0; } // Get the IP address and the port number from the Settings bundle. m_ipAddress = PlayerPrefs.GetString("ip_address"); string portNumber = PlayerPrefs.GetString("port_number"); if (m_ipAddress == "" || portNumber == "") { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Failed to get the IP address or the port number from Settings.bundle."); return(false); } m_port = int.Parse(portNumber); // Try to connect to the server. try { m_tcpClient = new TcpClient(m_ipAddress, m_port); //m_tcpClient = new TcpClient("", m_port); m_tcpClient.NoDelay = true; // Disable buffering of the data. // Get the data stream. m_networkStream = m_tcpClient.GetStream(); } catch (Exception e) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Failed to connect to the server : " + e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
public bool Parse(ConfigElement ce) { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); m_textString = ce.GetAttribute("textString"); string attrib = ce.GetAttribute("textColor"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { string[] vec = attrib.Split(' '); if (vec.Length != 3) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid textColor attribute (Button/Data : " + m_parent.GetName() + ")."); return(false); } float r, g, b; float.TryParse(vec[0], out r); float.TryParse(vec[1], out g); float.TryParse(vec[2], out b); m_textColor.r = r / 255.0f; m_textColor.g = g / 255.0f; m_textColor.b = b / 255.0f; } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("textSize"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { int.TryParse(attrib, out m_textSize); } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("textAlignment"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { if (attrib == "left" || attrib == "middle_left") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; } else if (attrib == "celter" || attrib == "middle_center") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; } else if (attrib == "right" || attrib == "middle_right") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; } else if (attrib == "upper_left") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; } else if (attrib == "upper_center") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; } else if (attrib == "upper_right") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight; } else if (attrib == "lower_left") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.LowerLeft; } else if (attrib == "lower_center") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; } else if (attrib == "lower_right") { m_textAlignment = TextAnchor.LowerRight; } else { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid textAlignment attribute (Button/Data : " + m_parent.GetName() + ") : " + attrib); return(false); } } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("normalImage"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { m_images[0] = mgr.GetImage(attrib); if (m_images[0] == null) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("No such an image : " + attrib); return(false); } } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("activeImage"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { m_images[1] = mgr.GetImage(attrib); if (m_images[1] == null) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("No such an image : " + attrib); return(false); } } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("normalBgColor"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { string[] vec = attrib.Split(' '); if (vec.Length != 3) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid normalBgColor attribute (Button/Data : " + m_parent.GetName() + ")."); return(false); } float r, g, b; float.TryParse(vec[0], out r); float.TryParse(vec[1], out g); float.TryParse(vec[2], out b); m_bgColors[0].r = r / 255.0f; m_bgColors[0].g = g / 255.0f; m_bgColors[0].b = b / 255.0f; m_bgColors[0].a = 1.0f; // Indicates that the normalBgColor attribute has been specified. } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("activeBgColor"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { string[] vec = attrib.Split(' '); if (vec.Length != 3) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid activeBgColor attribute (Button/Data : " + m_parent.GetName() + ")."); return(false); } float r, g, b; float.TryParse(vec[0], out r); float.TryParse(vec[1], out g); float.TryParse(vec[2], out b); m_bgColors[1].r = r / 255.0f; m_bgColors[1].g = g / 255.0f; m_bgColors[1].b = b / 255.0f; m_bgColors[1].a = 1.0f; // Indicates that the activeBgColor attribute has been specified. } int i; for (i = 0; i < ce.GetNumChildren(); i++) { ConfigElement child = ce.GetChild(i); string name = child.GetName(); if (name == "Event") { TPTabletUIEvent buttonEvent = new TPTabletUIEvent(); if (buttonEvent.Parse(child)) { m_events[buttonEvent.GetEventType()] = buttonEvent; } else { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public bool Parse(byte[] bytes) { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); ConfigFile cf = new ConfigFile(); if (!cf.Parse(bytes)) { return(false); } ConfigElement root = cf.GetRoot(); if (root.GetName() != "TabletInterface") { mgr.PutErrorMessage("The configuration file is invalid."); return(false); } m_networkEvents = new ArrayList(); m_rootGroups = new ArrayList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < root.GetNumChildren(); i++) { ConfigElement ce = root.GetChild(i); string name = ce.GetName(); if (name == "NetworkEvent") { TPTabletUIEvent networkEvent = new TPTabletUIEvent(); if (networkEvent.Parse(ce)) { m_networkEvents.Add(networkEvent); } else { return(false); } } else if (name == "GUIDefinition") { ConfigElement guiDef = ce; string attrib = ce.GetAttribute("orientation"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { if (attrib == "vertical") { m_orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; } else if (attrib == "horizontal") { m_orientation = ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft; } else { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid orientation attribute. (" + attrib + ")"); return(false); } } int j; for (j = 0; j < guiDef.GetNumChildren(); j++) { ce = guiDef.GetChild(j); if (ce.GetName() == "Group") { TPTabletUIGroup rootGroup = CreateGroup(); if (rootGroup.Parse(ce)) { m_rootGroups.Add(rootGroup); } else { return(false); } } } } } CalculateRect(); return(true); }
/** Gets the position of this group (relative to the parent group). */ public Vector2 GetPosition() { TPTabletUIConfig cfg = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance().GetConfig(); return(m_position * cfg.GetScale()); }
public bool Parse(ConfigElement ce) { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); TPTabletUIConfig cfg = mgr.GetConfig(); m_name = ce.GetAttribute("name"); string attrib = ce.GetAttribute("position"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found a Group element (" + GetName() + ") which doesn't have the position attribute."); return(false); } else { string[] vec = attrib.Split(' '); if (vec.Length != 2) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid position attribute (Group : " + GetName() + ")."); return(false); } float.TryParse(vec[0], out m_position.x); float.TryParse(vec[1], out m_position.y); } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("mode"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { if (attrib == "all") { m_mode = Mode.All; } else if (attrib == "selection") { m_mode = Mode.Selection; } else { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid mode attribute (Group : " + GetName() + ") : " + attrib); return(false); } } int i; for (i = 0; i < ce.GetNumChildren(); i++) { ConfigElement child = ce.GetChild(i); string name = child.GetName(); if (name == "Enable") { attrib = child.GetAttribute("value"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { if (attrib == "true") { m_enabled = true; } else if (attrib == "false") { m_enabled = false; } else { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid value attribute (Group/Enable : " + GetName() + ") : " + attrib); return(false); } m_orgEnabled = m_enabled; } } else if (name == "Selection") { attrib = child.GetAttribute("index"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { int.TryParse(attrib, out m_selection); m_orgSelection = m_selection; } } else if (name == "Group") { TPTabletUIGroup grp = cfg.CreateGroup(); if (grp.Parse(child)) { m_groups.Add(grp); } else { return(false); } } else if (name == "Button") { TPTabletUIButton btn = cfg.CreateButton(); if (btn.Parse(child)) { m_buttons.Add(btn); } else { return(false); } } } return(true); }
/** Gets the size of this button. */ public Vector2 GetSize() { TPTabletUIConfig cfg = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance().GetConfig(); return(m_size * cfg.GetScale()); }
public bool Parse(ConfigElement ce) { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); m_name = ce.GetAttribute("name"); string attrib = ce.GetAttribute("position"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found a Button element (" + GetName() + ") which doesn't have the position attribute."); return(false); } else { string[] vec = attrib.Split(' '); if (vec.Length != 2) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid position attribute (Button : " + GetName() + ")."); return(false); } float.TryParse(vec[0], out m_position.x); float.TryParse(vec[1], out m_position.y); } attrib = ce.GetAttribute("size"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found a Button element (" + GetName() + ") which doesn't have the size attribute."); return(false); } else { string[] vec = attrib.Split(' '); if (vec.Length != 2) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("Found an invalid size attribute (Button : " + GetName() + ")."); return(false); } float.TryParse(vec[0], out m_size.x); float.TryParse(vec[1], out m_size.y); } int i; for (i = 0; i < ce.GetNumChildren(); i++) { ConfigElement child = ce.GetChild(i); string name = child.GetName(); if (name == "Selection") { attrib = child.GetAttribute("index"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib)) { int.TryParse(attrib, out m_selection); m_orgSelection = m_selection; } } else if (name == "Data") { Data datum = new Data(this); if (datum.Parse(child)) { m_data.Add(datum); } else { return(false); } } } return(true); }
/** Sends a request for a GUI data file. */ public byte[] RequestGUIFile(string file) { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); mgr.PutErrorMessage("TPNetworkClient::RequestGUIFile"); if (!Send("#requestguifile:" + file)) { return(null); } // Receive the header part of the reply message. int dataLength = 0, bodyLength = 0; while (true) { try { if (m_networkStream.DataAvailable) { byte[] buffer = CreateBuffer(8); int index = 0; while (true) { int nBytes = m_networkStream.Read(buffer, index, buffer.Length - index); if (nBytes == 0) { // Although DataAvailable was true, we couldn't get anything from the stream. // Some error seems to have occurred. throw new Exception("Failed to receive a GUI file data (the header part)."); } else if ((index + nBytes) == buffer.Length) { break; // Complete receiving a message. } else { index += nBytes; // Need to receive the rest of the message. } } // Decompose the received message into two 32-bit integers. dataLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0); bodyLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 4); break; } else { // NOTE : We need to see if this actually works as we expected. Thread.Sleep(0); // To avoid a busy loop. } }catch (Exception e) { mgr.PutErrorMessage(e.Message); return(null); } } while (true) { try { if (m_networkStream.DataAvailable) { byte[] buffer = CreateBuffer(bodyLength); int index = 0; while (true) { int nBytes = m_networkStream.Read(buffer, index, buffer.Length - index); if (nBytes == 0) { // Although DataAvailable was true, we couldn't get anything from the stream. // Some error seems to have occurred. throw new Exception("Failed to receive the GUI file list (the body part)."); } else if ((index + nBytes) == buffer.Length) { break; // Complete receiving a message. } else { index += nBytes; // Need to receive the rest of the message. } } byte[] data = CreateBuffer(dataLength); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, data, 0, dataLength); return(data); } else { // NOTE : We need to see if this actually works as we expected. Thread.Sleep(0); // To avoid a busy loop. } }catch (Exception e) { mgr.PutErrorMessage(e.Message); break; } } return(null); }
/** Sends a request for the list of files which are used for setting up the tablet's GUI. */ public string[] RequestGUIFileList() { TPTabletUIManager mgr = TPTabletUIManager.GetInstance(); mgr.PutErrorMessage("TPNetworkClient::RequestGUIFileList"); if (!Send("#requestguifilelist")) { return(null); } // Receive the header part of the reply message. int bodyLength = 0, nFiles = 0; while (true) { try { if (m_networkStream.DataAvailable) { byte[] buffer = CreateBuffer(8); int index = 0; while (true) { int nBytes = m_networkStream.Read(buffer, index, buffer.Length - index); if (nBytes == 0) { // Although DataAvailable was true, we couldn't get anything from the stream. // Some error seems to have occurred. throw new Exception("Failed to receive the GUI file list (the header part)."); } else if ((index + nBytes) == buffer.Length) { break; // Complete receiving a message. } else { index += nBytes; // Need to receive the rest of the message. } } // Decompose the received message into two 32-bit integers. nFiles = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0); bodyLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 4); break; } else { // NOTE : We need to see if this actually works as we expected. Thread.Sleep(0); // To avoid a busy loop. } }catch (Exception e) { mgr.PutErrorMessage(e.Message); return(null); } } if (nFiles == 0) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("The GUI file list has no elements."); return(null); } // Receive the body part of the reply message. string files; // A string which contains comma-separated file names. while (true) { try { if (m_networkStream.DataAvailable) { byte[] buffer = CreateBuffer(bodyLength); int index = 0; while (true) { int nBytes = m_networkStream.Read(buffer, index, buffer.Length - index); if (nBytes == 0) { // Although DataAvailable was true, we couldn't get anything from the stream. // Some error seems to have occurred. throw new Exception("Failed to receive the GUI file list (the body part)."); } else if ((index + nBytes) == buffer.Length) { break; // Complete receiving a message. } else { index += nBytes; // Need to receive the rest of the message. } } // Convert the received message into a string. StringBuilder strBldr = new StringBuilder(); int i; for (i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) { if (buffer[i] == 0) { break; } strBldr.Append((char)buffer[i]); } files = strBldr.ToString(); break; } else { // NOTE : We need to see if this actually works as we expected. Thread.Sleep(0); // To avoid a busy loop. } }catch (Exception e) { mgr.PutErrorMessage(e.Message); return(null); } } string[] result = files.Split(','); if (result.Length != nFiles) { mgr.PutErrorMessage("The number of files in the received GUI file list is invalid."); return(null); } return(result); }