public static bool AddLibrariandetails(TMSLibrianDetails objLib, TMSAddressDetails objAddress) { ConnectionHelper CHelper = new ConnectionHelper(); DbTransaction _SqlTrans = null; SqlConnection _connection = null; ; bool flag = false; try { _connection = CHelper.GetConnection(); _SqlTrans = _connection.BeginTransaction(); objAddress.Insert(_SqlTrans); objLib.LDAddressId = objAddress.ADAddressId; objLib.Insert(_SqlTrans); flag = true; _SqlTrans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { flag = false; _SqlTrans.Rollback(); } finally { CHelper.CloseConnection(_connection); } return flag; }
public static TMSLibrianDetails Get(System.Int64 ldLibrianId) { DataSet ds; Database db; string sqlCommand; DbCommand dbCommand; TMSLibrianDetails instance; instance = new TMSLibrianDetails(); db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); sqlCommand = "[dbo].gspTMSLibrianDetails_SELECT"; dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand, ldLibrianId); // Get results. ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand); // Verification. if (ds == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Could not get TMSLibrianDetails ID:" + ldLibrianId.ToString() + " from Database."); } // Return results. ds.Tables[0].TableName = TABLE_NAME; instance.MapFrom(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]); return(instance); }
public static bool UpdateLibrariandetails(TMSLibrianDetails objLib, TMSAddressDetails objAddress) { ConnectionHelper CHelper = new ConnectionHelper(); DbTransaction _SqlTrans = null; SqlConnection _connection = null;; bool flag = false; try { _connection = CHelper.GetConnection(); _SqlTrans = _connection.BeginTransaction(); objAddress.Update(_SqlTrans); objLib.LDAddressId = objAddress.ADAddressId; objLib.Update(_SqlTrans); flag = true; _SqlTrans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { flag = false; _SqlTrans.Rollback(); } finally { CHelper.CloseConnection(_connection); } return(flag); }
public static TMSLibrianDetails[] Search(System.Int64?ldLibrianId, System.Int64?ldLibraryId, System.Int64?ldLibraryManagerId, System.String ldSchoolType, System.String ldName, System.String ldImage, System.Int64?ldAddressId, System.DateTime?ldDateOfJoining, System.DateTime?ldDate, System.Int32?ldStatus) { DataSet ds; Database db; string sqlCommand; DbCommand dbCommand; db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); sqlCommand = "[dbo].gspTMSLibrianDetails_SEARCH"; dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand, ldLibrianId, ldLibraryId, ldLibraryManagerId, ldSchoolType, ldName, ldImage, ldAddressId, ldDateOfJoining, ldDate, ldStatus); ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand); ds.Tables[0].TableName = TABLE_NAME; return(TMSLibrianDetails.MapFrom(ds)); }
public static TMSLibrianDetails[] MapFrom(DataSet ds) { List <TMSLibrianDetails> objects; // Initialise Collection. objects = new List <TMSLibrianDetails>(); // Validation. if (ds == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot map to dataset null."); } else if (ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME].Rows.Count == 0) { return(objects.ToArray()); } if (ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME] == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find table [dbo].[TMS_LibrianDetails] in DataSet."); } if (ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME].Rows.Count < 1) { throw new ApplicationException("Table [dbo].[TMS_LibrianDetails] is empty."); } // Map DataSet to Instance. foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME].Rows) { TMSLibrianDetails instance = new TMSLibrianDetails(); instance.MapFrom(dr); objects.Add(instance); } // Return collection. return(objects.ToArray()); }
public static void Update(TMSLibrianDetails tMSLibrianDetails, DbTransaction transaction) { tMSLibrianDetails.Update(transaction); }
public static void Update(TMSLibrianDetails tMSLibrianDetails) { tMSLibrianDetails.Update(); }
public static TMSLibrianDetails[] Search(TMSLibrianDetails searchObject) { return Search ( searchObject.LDLibrianId, searchObject.LDLibraryId, searchObject.LDLibraryManagerId, searchObject.LDSchoolType, searchObject.LDName, searchObject.LDImage, searchObject.LDAddressId, searchObject.LDDateOfJoining, searchObject.LDDate, searchObject.LDStatus); }
public static TMSLibrianDetails[] MapFrom(DataSet ds) { List<TMSLibrianDetails> objects; // Initialise Collection. objects = new List<TMSLibrianDetails>(); // Validation. if (ds == null) throw new ApplicationException("Cannot map to dataset null."); else if (ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME].Rows.Count == 0) return objects.ToArray(); if (ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME] == null) throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find table [dbo].[TMS_LibrianDetails] in DataSet."); if (ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME].Rows.Count < 1) throw new ApplicationException("Table [dbo].[TMS_LibrianDetails] is empty."); // Map DataSet to Instance. foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[TABLE_NAME].Rows) { TMSLibrianDetails instance = new TMSLibrianDetails(); instance.MapFrom(dr); objects.Add(instance); } // Return collection. return objects.ToArray(); }
public static TMSLibrianDetails Get(System.Int64 ldLibrianId) { DataSet ds; Database db; string sqlCommand; DbCommand dbCommand; TMSLibrianDetails instance; instance = new TMSLibrianDetails(); db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); sqlCommand = "[dbo].gspTMSLibrianDetails_SELECT"; dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand, ldLibrianId); // Get results. ds = db.ExecuteDataSet(dbCommand); // Verification. if (ds == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) throw new ApplicationException("Could not get TMSLibrianDetails ID:" + ldLibrianId.ToString()+ " from Database."); // Return results. ds.Tables[0].TableName = TABLE_NAME; instance.MapFrom( ds.Tables[0].Rows[0] ); return instance; }
public static DataSet GetSearch(TMSLibrianDetails searchObject) { return(GetSearch(searchObject.LDLibrianId, searchObject.LDLibraryId, searchObject.LDLibraryManagerId, searchObject.LDSchoolType, searchObject.LDName, searchObject.LDImage, searchObject.LDAddressId, searchObject.LDDateOfJoining, searchObject.LDDate, searchObject.LDStatus)); }