private void CreatePage(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.Pages.Count() == 0) { try { var page = new Page() { Name = "Giới thiệu", Alias = "gioi-thieu", Content = @"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium ", Status = true }; context.Pages.Add(page); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { Trace.WriteLine($"Entity of type \"{eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name}\" in state \"{eve.Entry.State}\" has the following validation error."); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Trace.WriteLine($"- Property: \"{ve.PropertyName}\", Error: \"{ve.ErrorMessage}\""); } } } } }
private void CreateContactDetail(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.ContactDetails.Count() == 0) { try { var contactDetail = new TMDT.Model.Models.ContactDetail() { Name = "Shop thời trang", Adderss = "Triều Khúc, Thanh Trì, Hà Nội", Email = "*****@*****.**", Lat = "20.990673", Lng = "105.803016", Phone = "0988135411", Website = "", Other = "", Status = true }; context.ContactDetails.Add(contactDetail); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { foreach (var eve in ex.EntityValidationErrors) { Trace.WriteLine($"Entity of type \"{eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name}\" in state \"{eve.Entry.State}\" has the following validation error."); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { Trace.WriteLine($"- Property: \"{ve.PropertyName}\", Error: \"{ve.ErrorMessage}\""); } } } } }
private void CreateColor(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.Colors.Count() == 0) { List <Color> listColor = new List <Color>() { new Color() { Name = "Đen", Code = "#000000" }, new Color() { Name = "Trắng", Code = "#FFFFFF" }, new Color() { Name = "Đỏ", Code = "#ff0000" }, new Color() { Name = "Xanh", Code = "#1000ff" }, }; context.Colors.AddRange(listColor); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CreateSize(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.Sizes.Count() == 0) { List <Size> listSize = new List <Size>() { new Size() { Name = "XXL" }, new Size() { Name = "XL" }, new Size() { Name = "L" }, new Size() { Name = "M" }, new Size() { Name = "S" }, new Size() { Name = "XS" } }; context.Sizes.AddRange(listSize); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CreateProductCategorySample(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.ProductCategories.Count() == 0) { List <ProductCategory> listProductCategory = new List <ProductCategory>() { new ProductCategory() { Name = "Áo nam", Alias = "ao-nam", Status = true }, new ProductCategory() { Name = "Áo nữ", Alias = "ao-nu", Status = true }, new ProductCategory() { Name = "Giày nam", Alias = "giay-nam", Status = true }, new ProductCategory() { Name = "Giày nữ", Alias = "giay-nu", Status = true } }; context.ProductCategories.AddRange(listProductCategory); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CreateFooter(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.Footers.Count(x => x.ID == CommonConstants.DefaultFooterId) == 0) { string content = "Footer"; context.Footers.Add(new Footer() { ID = CommonConstants.DefaultFooterId, Content = content }); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CreateSlide(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.Slides.Count() == 0) { List <Slide> listSlide = new List <Slide>() { new Slide() { Name = "Slide 1", DisplayOrder = 1, Status = true, Url = "#", Image = "/Assets/client/images/bag.jpg", Content = @" <h2>FLAT 50% 0FF</h2> <label>FOR ALL PURCHASE <b>VALUE</b></label> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et </ p > <span class=""on-get"">GET NOW</span>" }, new Slide() { Name = "Slide 2", DisplayOrder = 2, Status = true, Url = "#", Image = "/Assets/client/images/bag1.jpg", Content = @"<h2>FLAT 50% 0FF</h2> <label>FOR ALL PURCHASE <b>VALUE</b></label> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et </ p > <span class=""on-get"">GET NOW</span>" }, }; context.Slides.AddRange(listSlide); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void CreateFunction(TMDTDbContext context) { if (context.Functions.Count() == 0) { context.Functions.AddRange(new List <Function>() { new Function() { ID = "SYSTEM", Name = "Hệ thống", ParentId = null, DisplayOrder = 1, Status = true, URL = "/", IconCss = "fa-desktop" }, new Function() { ID = "ROLE", Name = "Nhóm", ParentId = "SYSTEM", DisplayOrder = 1, Status = true, URL = "/main/role/index", IconCss = "fa-home" }, new Function() { ID = "FUNCTION", Name = "Chức năng", ParentId = "SYSTEM", DisplayOrder = 2, Status = true, URL = "/main/function/index", IconCss = "fa-home" }, new Function() { ID = "USER", Name = "Người dùng", ParentId = "SYSTEM", DisplayOrder = 3, Status = true, URL = "/main/user/index", IconCss = "fa-home" }, new Function() { ID = "ACTIVITY", Name = "Nhật ký", ParentId = "SYSTEM", DisplayOrder = 4, Status = true, URL = "/main/activity/index", IconCss = "fa-home" }, new Function() { ID = "ERROR", Name = "Lỗi", ParentId = "SYSTEM", DisplayOrder = 5, Status = true, URL = "/main/error/index", IconCss = "fa-home" }, new Function() { ID = "SETTING", Name = "Cấu hình", ParentId = "SYSTEM", DisplayOrder = 6, Status = true, URL = "/main/setting/index", IconCss = "fa-home" }, new Function() { ID = "PRODUCT", Name = "Sản phẩm", ParentId = null, DisplayOrder = 2, Status = true, URL = "/", IconCss = "fa-chevron-down" }, new Function() { ID = "PRODUCT_CATEGORY", Name = "Danh mục", ParentId = "PRODUCT", DisplayOrder = 1, Status = true, URL = "/main/product-category/index", IconCss = "fa-chevron-down" }, new Function() { ID = "PRODUCT_LIST", Name = "Sản phẩm", ParentId = "PRODUCT", DisplayOrder = 2, Status = true, URL = "/main/product/index", IconCss = "fa-chevron-down" }, new Function() { ID = "ORDER", Name = "Hóa đơn", ParentId = "PRODUCT", DisplayOrder = 3, Status = true, URL = "/main/order/index", IconCss = "fa-chevron-down" }, new Function() { ID = "CONTENT", Name = "Nội dung", ParentId = null, DisplayOrder = 3, Status = true, URL = "/", IconCss = "fa-table" }, new Function() { ID = "POST_CATEGORY", Name = "Danh mục", ParentId = "CONTENT", DisplayOrder = 1, Status = true, URL = "/main/post-category/index", IconCss = "fa-table" }, new Function() { ID = "POST", Name = "Bài viết", ParentId = "CONTENT", DisplayOrder = 2, Status = true, URL = "/main/post/index", IconCss = "fa-table" }, new Function() { ID = "UTILITY", Name = "Tiện ích", ParentId = null, DisplayOrder = 4, Status = true, URL = "/", IconCss = "fa-clone" }, new Function() { ID = "FOOTER", Name = "Footer", ParentId = "UTILITY", DisplayOrder = 1, Status = true, URL = "/main/footer/index", IconCss = "fa-clone" }, new Function() { ID = "FEEDBACK", Name = "Phản hồi", ParentId = "UTILITY", DisplayOrder = 2, Status = true, URL = "/main/feedback/index", IconCss = "fa-clone" }, new Function() { ID = "ANNOUNCEMENT", Name = "Thông báo", ParentId = "UTILITY", DisplayOrder = 3, Status = true, URL = "/main/announcement/index", IconCss = "fa-clone" }, new Function() { ID = "CONTACT", Name = "Lien hệ", ParentId = "UTILITY", DisplayOrder = 4, Status = true, URL = "/main/contact/index", IconCss = "fa-clone" }, new Function() { ID = "REPORT", Name = "Báo cáo", ParentId = null, DisplayOrder = 5, Status = true, URL = "/", IconCss = "fa-bar-chart-o" }, new Function() { ID = "REVENUES", Name = "Báo cáo doanh thu", ParentId = "REPORT", DisplayOrder = 1, Status = true, URL = "/main/report/revenues", IconCss = "fa-bar-chart-o" }, new Function() { ID = "ACCESS", Name = "Báo cáo truy cập", ParentId = "REPORT", DisplayOrder = 2, Status = true, URL = "/main/report/visitor", IconCss = "fa-bar-chart-o" }, new Function() { ID = "READER", Name = "Báo cáo độc giả", ParentId = "REPORT", DisplayOrder = 3, Status = true, URL = "/main/report/reader", IconCss = "fa-bar-chart-o" }, }); context.SaveChanges(); } }