Exemple #1
        public void TestPermissionsSystemManager()
            TLogging.Log("Running test 'TestPermissionsSystemManager'..." + Environment.NewLine);

            Assert.AreEqual("demo", UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID.ToLower(), "Test should be run with DEMO user");

            //change demo's permissions in the xml back to normal
            TLstTasks.Init(UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, FalsePermission);

            // get the node that opens the screen TFrmMaintainUsers
            XPathExpression   expr     = FNavigator.Compile("//*[@ActionOpenScreen='TFrmMaintainUsers']");
            XPathNodeIterator iterator = FNavigator.Select(expr);


            if (iterator.Current is IHasXmlNode)
                XmlNode ActionNode = ((IHasXmlNode)iterator.Current).GetNode();

                TLogging.Log(ActionNode.Name + " " + ActionNode.Attributes["ActionOpenScreen"].Value);

                Assert.AreEqual(false, TFrmMainWindowNew.HasAccessPermission(ActionNode, UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, false),
                                "user DEMO should not have permissions for TFrmMaintainUsers");

                // open the screen. should return an error message
                Assert.AreEqual(Catalog.GetString("Sorry, you don't have enough permissions to do this"),
                                TLstTasks.ExecuteAction(ActionNode, null));
Exemple #2
        public void TestBrokenClientPermissions()
            TLogging.Log("Running test 'TestBrokenClientPermissions'..." + Environment.NewLine);

            // Give the user access at the client end to open the screen
            TLstTasks.Init(UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, TruePermission);

            // Check that the user is 'demo'
            Assert.AreEqual("demo", UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID.ToLower(), "Test should be run with DEMO user");

            // get the node that opens the screen TFrmMaintainUsers
            XPathExpression   expr     = FNavigator.Compile("//*[@ActionOpenScreen='TFrmMaintainUsers']");
            XPathNodeIterator iterator = FNavigator.Select(expr);


            if (iterator.Current is IHasXmlNode)
                XmlNode ActionNode = ((IHasXmlNode)iterator.Current).GetNode();

                TLogging.Log(ActionNode.Name + " " + ActionNode.Attributes["ActionOpenScreen"].Value);

                // Check that the node does not give permission to user 'demo'
                Assert.AreEqual(false, TFrmMainWindowNew.HasAccessPermission(ActionNode, UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, false),
                                "user DEMO should not have permissions for TFrmMaintainUsers");

                string errorResult = TLstTasks.ExecuteAction(ActionNode, null);

                // The server should have rejected us
                Assert.AreNotEqual(String.Empty, errorResult, "Demo was able to open the screen!");
                                  "No access for user DEMO to Module SYSMAN."), "Expected the fail reason to be module access permission");
        /// <summary>
        /// load or reload the navigation
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadNavigationUI(bool ADontUseDefaultLedger = false)
            // Force re-calculation of available Ledgers and correct setting of FCurrentLedger
            FLedgersAvailableToUser = null;

            XmlNode MainMenuNode   = BuildNavigationXml(ADontUseDefaultLedger);
            XmlNode DepartmentNode = MainMenuNode.FirstChild;

            lstFolders.MultiLedgerSite    = FMultiLedgerSite;
            lstFolders.CurrentLedger      = FCurrentLedger;
            lstFolders.ConferenceSelected = FConferenceSelected;


            lstFolders.SubmoduleChanged += delegate(TTaskList ATaskList, XmlNode ATaskListNode, LinkLabel AItemClicked, object AOtherData)
                OnSubmoduleChanged(ATaskList, ATaskListNode, AItemClicked);
            lstFolders.LedgerChanged += delegate(int ALedgerNr, string ALedgerName)
                OnLedgerChanged(ALedgerNr, ALedgerName);

            TPnlModuleNavigation.SubSystemLinkStatus += delegate(int ALedgerNr, TPnlCollapsible APnlCollapsible)
                UpdateSubsystemLinkStatus(ALedgerNr, APnlCollapsible);

            TFrmGLEnableSubsystems.FinanceSubSystemLinkStatus += delegate()

            TLstTasks.Init(UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, HasAccessPermission, FTaxDeductiblePercentageEnabled);

            while (DepartmentNode != null)
                lstFolders.AddFolder(DepartmentNode, UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, HasAccessPermission);

                DepartmentNode = DepartmentNode.NextSibling;

            lstFolders.Dashboard = this.dsbContent;
            lstFolders.Statusbar = this.stbMain;

            SetTaskTileSize(TUserDefaults.GetInt16Default(TUserDefaults.MAINMENU_VIEWOPTIONS_TILESIZE, 2));

            SetTasksSingleClickExecution(TUserDefaults.GetBooleanDefault(TUserDefaults.MAINMENU_VIEWOPTIONS_SINGLECLICKEXECUTION, false));

                ViewTasksAsTiles(this, null);
                ViewTasksAsList(this, null);

Exemple #4
        private string ExecuteAction(XmlNode ActionNode, out bool GotServerAccessDeniedException)
            string    ReturnValue  = string.Empty;
            Exception TheException = null;

            GotServerAccessDeniedException = false;

            string actionClick      = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ActionNode, "ActionClick");
            string actionOpenScreen = TYml2Xml.GetAttribute(ActionNode, "ActionOpenScreen");
            string className        = string.Empty;

            if (actionClick.Contains("."))
                className = actionClick.Substring(0, actionClick.IndexOf("."));
            else if (actionOpenScreen.Length > 0)
                className = actionOpenScreen;

            TLogging.Log("Opening " + className);

                // Execute the action by calling the TLstTasks static method
                // If the call goes through to the server we may get an exception.
                // It really ought to be one of our Ict.Common.Exceptions.EAccessDeniedExceptions
                //  but Remoting turns that into a TargetInvocationException (sadly).  Microsoft may change this in the future.
                ReturnValue = TLstTasks.ExecuteAction(ActionNode, null);
                GotServerAccessDeniedException = false;
            catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException ex)
                // Get the InnerException, if we can
                TheException = (ex.InnerException == null) ? ex : ex.InnerException;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // This would include a real Ict.Common.Exceptions.EAccessDeniedException if we ever got one
                TheException = ex;

            if (TheException != null)
                if (TheException is ESecurityAccessDeniedException)
                    GotServerAccessDeniedException = true;

                ReturnValue = TheException.Message;

        /// <summary>
        /// For development and testing purposes this Method can either execute actions that
        /// are set up by the program 'PetraMultiStart' (indicated by 'RunAutoTests=true' on
        /// the command line) OR open a screen with parameters that
        /// come either from the .config file or Command Line (indicated by 'TestAction="xxx"').
        /// The 'Test Action' will not be run if the Control Key is pressed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// sample action: TestAction="Namespace=Ict.Petra.Client.MPartner.Gui,ActionOpenScreen=TFrmPartnerEdit2,PartnerKey=0043005002,InitiallySelectedTabPage=petpDetails"
        private void RunTestAction()
            string DisconnectTimeFromCommandLine = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("DisconnectTime");

#if TODORemoting
            if (TAppSettingsManager.GetBoolean("RunAutoTests", false) == true)
                // We need to manually 'fix up' the value of DisconnectTime that we get from .NET when we request
                // the commandline parameters as an array because .NET removes quotation marks in two places where
                // they were present on the command line. Those two quotation marks need to be there as the call to
                // TVariant.DecodeFromString() will not succeed if they aren't there in their proper places!
                DisconnectTimeFromCommandLine = DisconnectTimeFromCommandLine.Substring(
                    0, DisconnectTimeFromCommandLine.IndexOf(':') + 1) +
                                                "\"" + DisconnectTimeFromCommandLine.Substring(
                    DisconnectTimeFromCommandLine.IndexOf(':') + 1) + "\"";

                TestRunner = new PetraClient_AutomatedAppTest.TAutomatedAppTest(

                TestRunner.TestForm = this;
                TestRunner.ClientID = TConnectionManagementBase.GConnectionManagement.ClientID;

            if (System.Windows.Forms.Form.ModifierKeys != Keys.Control)
                string testAction = TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("TestAction", false);

                if (testAction != TAppSettingsManager.UNDEFINEDVALUE)
                    XmlDocument temp           = new XmlDocument();
                    XmlNode     testActionNode = temp.CreateElement("testAction");

                    testAction = testAction.Trim(new char[] { '"' });

                    while (testAction.Length > 0)
                        string[]     pair = StringHelper.GetNextCSV(ref testAction, ",").Split(new char[] { '=' });
                        XmlAttribute attr = temp.CreateAttribute(pair[0]);
                        attr.Value = pair[1];

                    TLstTasks.ExecuteAction(testActionNode, null);
Exemple #6
        public void TestBrokenClientPermissions()
            TLogging.Log("Running test 'TestBrokenClientPermissions'..." + Environment.NewLine);

            // Give the user access at the client end to open the screen
            TLstTasks.Init(UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, TruePermission);

            // Check that the user is 'demo'
            Assert.AreEqual("demo", UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID.ToLower(), "Test should be run with DEMO user");

            // Now run the individual tests
            TestIndividualBrokenClientPermission("//*[@ActionOpenScreen='TFrmMaintainUsers']", "TFrmMaintainUsers");
            TestIndividualBrokenClientPermission("//*[@ActionOpenScreen='TFrmSystemSettingsSetup']", "TFrmSystemSettingsSetup");
            TestIndividualBrokenClientPermission("//*[@ActionOpenScreen='TFrmSecurityGroupSetup']", "TFrmSecurityGroupSetup");
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// start the gui program
        /// </summary>
        public override void Setup()
            // Before Execution of any Test we should do something like
            // nant stopPetraServer
            // nant ResetDatabase
            // nant startPetraServer
            // this may take some time ....
            new TLogging("../../log/TestClient_MainNavigationTest.log");

            // clear the log file
            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream("TestClient_MainNavigationTest.log", FileMode.Create))
                using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))

            FConnectedToServer = false;
                FConnectedToServer = true;
            catch (Exception)
                Assert.Fail("Failed to connect to the Petra Server.  Have you forgotten to launch the Server Console");

            TLstTasks.Init(UserInfo.GUserInfo.UserID, TFrmMainWindowNew.HasAccessPermission);

            // load the UINavigation file (csharp\ICT\Petra\Definitions\UINavigation.yml)
            TLogging.Log("loading " + TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("UINavigation.File"));
            XmlNode MainMenuNode = TFrmMainWindowNew.BuildNavigationXml(false);

            // saving a xml file for better understanding how to use the XPath commands
            //StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(TAppSettingsManager.GetValue("UINavigation.File") + ".xml");

            FNavigator = MainMenuNode.OwnerDocument.CreateNavigator();

            TLogging.Log("Test Setup finished..." + Environment.NewLine);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// verify that all windows open either without error or with proper exception handling
        /// </summary>
        private void TestOpenAllWindows()
            TLogging.Log(String.Format("Running test 'TestOpenAllWindows' with Culture '{0}'...",
                                       Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString()) + Environment.NewLine);

            // get all nodes that have an attribute ActionOpenScreen
            XPathExpression   expr     = FNavigator.Compile("//*[@ActionOpenScreen]");
            XPathNodeIterator iterator = FNavigator.Select(expr);

            //create counter variables to keep track of number of failures (might do with lists soon...for modules(?))
            int NoSysManPermissionCount = 0;
            int NoOtherPermissionCount  = 0;
            int BadFailures             = 0;
            int TotalWindowsOpened      = 0;

            List <String> notOpened         = new List <String>();
            List <String> sysManPermissions = new List <String>();
            List <String> otherPermissions  = new List <String>();
            List <String> workingWindows    = new List <String>();

            while (iterator.MoveNext())
                if (iterator.Current is IHasXmlNode)
                    XmlNode ActionNode = ((IHasXmlNode)iterator.Current).GetNode();

                    string className = ActionNode.Attributes["ActionOpenScreen"].Value;

                    if (className == "TFrmBankStatementImport")
                        // skip this one because it pops up an additional dialog that requires user input

                    // look at the permissions module the window came from
                    string Module = TYml2Xml.GetAttributeRecursive(ActionNode, "PermissionsRequired");

                    TLstTasks.CurrentLedger = TFrmMainWindowNew.CurrentLedger;

                    // Try to open each screen and log the screens that cannot open
                                        TLstTasks.ExecuteAction(ActionNode, null));

                        if (TLstTasks.LastOpenedScreen != null)

                        string WindowAndModule = ActionNode.Name + Environment.NewLine + "            Permission Required: " +

                        //make sure the user had the permissions to open the windows that it opened
                        if (!UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInModule(Module) && !Module.Contains(""))
                            workingWindows.Add("User did not have permission to access " + Module);
                    catch (AssertionException e)
                        TLogging.Log("Window can't be opened: " + ActionNode.Name + " " + ActionNode.Attributes["ActionOpenScreen"].Value +
                                     Environment.NewLine + e.ToString());

                        // if the failure is a permission failure, just log it but don't fail the test
                        if (Catalog.GetString("Sorry, you don't have enough permissions to do this") ==
                            TLstTasks.ExecuteAction(ActionNode, null))
                            // make sure user didn't have the necessary permissions to open that window
                            // true means user should have been able to open without error
                            if (UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInModule(Module))
                                string whyFailed = "User should have been able to open " + ActionNode.Name + " with his " +
                                                   Module + " permission...";
                                string permissions     = TYml2Xml.GetAttributeRecursive(ActionNode, "PermissionsRequired");
                                string WindowAndModule = ActionNode.Name + Environment.NewLine + "            Permission Required: " + permissions;

                                if (permissions.Contains("SYSMAN"))

                            string WindowAndModule = ActionNode.Name + Environment.NewLine + "            Permission Required: " +
                                                     TYml2Xml.GetAttributeRecursive(ActionNode, "PermissionsRequired");

                    // if the exception has to due with a ledger that the user doesn't have permission to access,
                    // make it a permission exception. Else, fail the test.
                    catch (Exception e)
                        TLogging.Log("Window can't be opened: " + ActionNode.Name + " " + ActionNode.Attributes["ActionOpenScreen"].Value +
                                     Environment.NewLine + e.ToString());

                        string ledgerNumber = TXMLParser.GetAttributeRecursive(ActionNode, "LedgerNumber", true);
                        string ledger       = "LEDGER00" + ledgerNumber;

                        if ((ledgerNumber != String.Empty) && !UserInfo.GUserInfo.IsInModule(ledger))
                            string WindowAndModule = ActionNode.Name + Environment.NewLine + "            Permission Required: " +
                                                     TYml2Xml.GetAttributeRecursive(ActionNode, "PermissionsRequired") +
                                                     Environment.NewLine +
                                                     "                                 " + ledger;
                            string WindowAndModule = ActionNode.Name + Environment.NewLine + "            Permission Required: " +
                                                     TYml2Xml.GetAttributeRecursive(ActionNode, "PermissionsRequired");

                            if (ledgerNumber != String.Empty)
                                WindowAndModule += (Environment.NewLine +
                                                    "                                 " + ledger);


            //Give stats about where failures were
            //feel free to change any formatting, I'm not in love with it right now
            string notOpenedString         = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "      ", notOpened.ToArray());
            string sysManPermissionsString = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "      ", sysManPermissions.ToArray());
            string otherPermissionsString  = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "      ", otherPermissions.ToArray());
            string workingWindowsString    = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + "      ", workingWindows.ToArray());

            //print the permissions the user should have
            TLogging.Log(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "User Permissions: " + Environment.NewLine +

            TLogging.Log(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Statistics: " + Environment.NewLine + "Number of windows opened: " +
                         TotalWindowsOpened + Environment.NewLine + "      " + workingWindowsString + Environment.NewLine +
                         Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "SYSMAN Permission Exceptions: " +
                         sysManPermissions.Count + Environment.NewLine + "      " + sysManPermissionsString + Environment.NewLine +
                         Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Other Permission Exceptions: " +
                         otherPermissions.Count + Environment.NewLine + "      " + otherPermissionsString + Environment.NewLine +
                         Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Windows that should be opened but couldn't: " +
                         notOpened.Count + Environment.NewLine + "      " + notOpenedString + Environment.NewLine);

            //Now the loop is finished so fail if there were exceptions
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(TotalWindowsOpened, 190, "Expected to open at least 190 windows");
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(sysManPermissions.Count, 3, "Expected to fail to open at least 3 windows requiring SYSMAN permissions");
            Assert.AreEqual(notOpened.Count, 0, "Failed to open at least one window for unexplained reasons");
                            "Unexpected failure to open some windows due to a permissions error, when we should have had sufficient permission");

            if (BadFailures > 0)
                Assert.Fail(String.Format("General failure to successfully open {0} window(s).  Maybe there was an exception??", BadFailures));