Exemple #1
        private void SendDocument(string fileName)
            //create thumb
            byte[] bytes;

            using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                using (var fileStream = store.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                    bytes = new byte[fileStream.Length];
                    fileStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            if (!CheckDocumentSize((ulong)bytes.Length))
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format(AppResources.MaximumFileSizeExceeded, MediaSizeConverter.Convert((int)Telegram.Api.Constants.MaximumUploadedFileSize)), AppResources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK);

            //create document
            var document = new TLDocument22
                Buffer = bytes,

                Id         = new TLLong(0),
                AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                FileName   = new TLString(Path.GetFileName(fileName)),
                MimeType   = new TLString("text/plain"),
                Size       = new TLInt(bytes.Length),
                Thumb      = new TLPhotoSizeEmpty {
                    Type = TLString.Empty
                DCId = new TLInt(0)

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument {
                FileId = TLLong.Random(), Document = document

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
                IsEmptyDialog       = Items.Count == 0 && LazyItems.Count == 0;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                      message, previousMessage,
                                      TLUtils.InputPeerToPeer(Peer, StateService.CurrentUserId),
                                      m => SendDocumentInternal(message, null)));
        public void SendSticker(TLDocument22 document)
            var chat = Chat as TLEncryptedChat;

            if (chat == null)

            var decryptedMediaExternalDocument = new TLDecryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument
                Id         = document.Id,
                AccessHash = document.AccessHash,
                Date       = document.Date,
                MimeType   = document.MimeType,
                Size       = document.Size,
                Thumb      = document.Thumb,
                DCId       = document.DCId,
                Attributes = new TLVector <TLDocumentAttributeBase>
                    new TLDocumentAttributeImageSize {
                        H = document.ImageSizeH, W = document.ImageSizeW
                    new TLDocumentAttributeFileName {
                        FileName = new TLString("sticker.webp")
                    new TLDocumentAttributeSticker()

            var decryptedTuple = GetDecryptedMessageAndObject(TLString.Empty, decryptedMediaExternalDocument, chat);

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                Items.Insert(0, decryptedTuple.Item1);
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => DescriptionVisibility);

                SendEncrypted(chat, decryptedTuple.Item2, MTProtoService, CacheService);
Exemple #3
        public void SendSticker(TLDocument22 document)
            if (document == null)

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument75 {
                Flags = new TLInt(0), FileId = TLLong.Random(), Document = document, Caption = TLString.Empty

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            var inputMedia = new TLInputMediaDocument75
                Flags   = new TLInt(0),
                MD5Hash = new byte[] { },
                Id      = new TLInputDocument
                    Id         = document.Id,
                    AccessHash = document.AccessHash
                Caption = TLString.Empty

            message.InputMedia = inputMedia;

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
                IsEmptyDialog       = Items.Count == 0 && (_messages == null || _messages.Count == 0) && LazyItems.Count == 0;
                Text = string.Empty;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                      message, previousMessage,
                                      m => UploadService.SendMediaInternal(message, MTProtoService, StateService, CacheService)));
Exemple #4
        public void SendSticker(TLDocument22 document)
            if (document == null)

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument {
                FileId = TLLong.Random(), Document = document

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            var inputMedia = new TLInputMediaDocument
                MD5Hash = new byte[] { },
                Id      = new TLInputDocument
                    Id         = document.Id,
                    AccessHash = document.AccessHash

            message.InputMedia = inputMedia;

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
                IsEmptyDialog       = Items.Count == 0 && LazyItems.Count == 0;
                Text = string.Empty;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                      message, previousMessage,
                                      TLUtils.InputPeerToPeer(Peer, StateService.CurrentUserId),
                                      m => ShellViewModel.SendMediaInternal(message, MTProtoService, StateService, CacheService)));
        public void SendSticker(TLDocument22 document)
            var chat = Chat as TLEncryptedChat;

            if (chat == null)

            TLDocumentAttributeSticker attributeSticker = null;
            var chat17 = Chat as TLEncryptedChat17;

            if (chat17 != null)
                if (chat17.Layer.Value >= Constants.MinSecretChatWithCaptionsLayer)
                    var attributeSticker29 = new TLDocumentAttributeSticker29 {
                        Alt = TLString.Empty, Stickerset = new TLInputStickerSetEmpty()
                    var attributes = document.Attributes;
                    if (attributes != null)
                        var attribute = document.Attributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x is TLDocumentAttributeSticker) as TLDocumentAttributeSticker29;
                        if (attribute != null)
                            attributeSticker29.Alt = attribute.Alt;

                            var stickerSet = attribute.Stickerset as TLInputStickerSetShortName;
                            if (stickerSet == null)
                                var stickerSetId = attribute.Stickerset as TLInputStickerSetId;
                                if (stickerSetId != null)
                                    var allStickers = StateService.GetAllStickers() as TLAllStickers29;
                                    if (allStickers != null)
                                        var set = allStickers.Sets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Value == stickerSetId.Id.Value);
                                        if (set != null && !TLString.IsNullOrEmpty(set.ShortName))
                                            attributeSticker29.Stickerset = new TLInputStickerSetShortName {
                                                ShortName = set.ShortName
                    attributeSticker = attributeSticker29;
                else if (chat17.Layer.Value >= Constants.MinSecretChatWithStickersLayer)
                    attributeSticker = new TLDocumentAttributeSticker();

            var stickerAttributes = new TLVector <TLDocumentAttributeBase>
                new TLDocumentAttributeImageSize {
                    H = document.ImageSizeH, W = document.ImageSizeW
                new TLDocumentAttributeFileName {
                    FileName = new TLString("sticker.webp")

            if (attributeSticker != null)
            var decryptedMediaExternalDocument = new TLDecryptedMessageMediaExternalDocument
                Id         = document.Id,
                AccessHash = document.AccessHash,
                Date       = document.Date,
                MimeType   = document.MimeType,
                Size       = document.Size,
                Thumb      = document.Thumb,
                DCId       = document.DCId,
                Attributes = stickerAttributes

            var decryptedTuple = GetDecryptedMessageAndObject(TLString.Empty, decryptedMediaExternalDocument, chat);

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => DescriptionVisibility);
                Text = string.Empty;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                    SendEncrypted(chat, decryptedTuple.Item2, MTProtoService, CacheService);
Exemple #6
        private void SendDocument(Photo d)
            //create thumb
            var bytes = d.PreviewBytes;

            if (!CheckDocumentSize((ulong)d.Bytes.Length))
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format(AppResources.MaximumFileSizeExceeded, MediaSizeConverter.Convert((int)Telegram.Api.Constants.MaximumUploadedFileSize)), AppResources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK);

            var volumeId = TLLong.Random();
            var localId  = TLInt.Random();
            var secret   = TLLong.Random();

            var thumbLocation = new TLFileLocation //TODO: replace with TLFileLocationUnavailable
                DCId     = new TLInt(0),
                VolumeId = volumeId,
                LocalId  = localId,
                Secret   = secret,
                //Buffer = bytes

            var fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.jpg",

            using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                using (var fileStream = store.CreateFile(fileName))
                    fileStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            var thumbSize = new TLPhotoSize
                W        = new TLInt(d.Width),
                H        = new TLInt(d.Height),
                Size     = new TLInt(bytes.Length),
                Type     = new TLString(""),
                Location = thumbLocation,

            //create document
            var document = new TLDocument22
                Buffer = d.Bytes,

                Id         = new TLLong(0),
                AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                FileName   = new TLString(Path.GetFileName(d.FileName)),
                MimeType   = new TLString("image/jpeg"),
                Size       = new TLInt(d.Bytes.Length),
                Thumb      = thumbSize,
                DCId       = new TLInt(0)

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument {
                FileId = TLLong.Random(), Document = document

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
                IsEmptyDialog       = Items.Count == 0 && LazyItems.Count == 0;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                      message, previousMessage,
                                      TLUtils.InputPeerToPeer(Peer, StateService.CurrentUserId),
                                      m => SendDocumentInternal(message, null)));
Exemple #7
        public async void SendDocument(StorageFile file)
            if (file == null)

            var properties = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync();

            var size = properties.Size;


            if (!CheckDocumentSize(size))
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format(AppResources.MaximumFileSizeExceeded, MediaSizeConverter.Convert((int)Telegram.Api.Constants.MaximumUploadedFileSize)), AppResources.Error, MessageBoxButton.OK);

            // to get access to the file with StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync in future

            var thumb = await GetFileThumbAsync(file);

            //create document
            var document = new TLDocument22
                Id         = new TLLong(0),
                AccessHash = new TLLong(0),
                Date       = TLUtils.DateToUniversalTimeTLInt(MTProtoService.ClientTicksDelta, DateTime.Now),
                FileName   = new TLString(Path.GetFileName(file.Name)),
                MimeType   = new TLString(file.ContentType),
                Size       = new TLInt((int)size),
                Thumb      = thumb ?? new TLPhotoSizeEmpty {
                    Type = TLString.Empty
                DCId = new TLInt(0)

            if (string.Equals(document.FileExt, "webp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                document.DocumentSize < Telegram.Api.Constants.StickerMaxSize)
                document.MimeType = new TLString("image/webp");
                document.Attributes.Add(new TLDocumentAttributeSticker());

                var fileName = document.GetFileName();
                await file.CopyAsync(ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder, fileName, NameCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);

            var media = new TLMessageMediaDocument {
                FileId = TLLong.Random(), Document = document, IsoFileName = file.Path, File = file

            var message = GetMessage(TLString.Empty, media);

            BeginOnUIThread(() =>
                var previousMessage = InsertSendingMessage(message);
                IsEmptyDialog       = Items.Count == 0 && LazyItems.Count == 0;

                BeginOnThreadPool(() =>
                                      message, previousMessage,
                                      TLUtils.InputPeerToPeer(Peer, StateService.CurrentUserId),
                                      m => SendDocumentInternal(message, file)));
        private static ImageSource ReturnOrEnqueueSticker(TLDocument22 document, TLStickerItem sticker)
            if (document == null)

            var documentLocalFileName = document.GetFileName();

            using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
                if (!store.FileExists(documentLocalFileName))
                    TLObject owner = document;
                    if (sticker != null)
                        owner = sticker;

                    // 1. download full size
                    IoC.Get <IDocumentFileManager>().DownloadFileAsync(document.FileName, document.DCId, document.ToInputFileLocation(), owner, document.Size, progress => { });

                    // 2. download preview
                    var thumbCachedSize = document.Thumb as TLPhotoCachedSize;
                    if (thumbCachedSize != null)
                        var fileName = "cached" + document.GetFileName();
                        var buffer   = thumbCachedSize.Bytes.Data;
                        if (buffer == null)

                        return(DecodeWebPImage(fileName, buffer, () => { }));

                    var thumbPhotoSize = document.Thumb as TLPhotoSize;
                    if (thumbPhotoSize != null)
                        var location = thumbPhotoSize.Location as TLFileLocation;
                        if (location != null)
                            return(ReturnOrEnqueueStickerPreview(location, sticker, thumbPhotoSize.Size));
                    if (document.DocumentSize > 0 &&
                        document.DocumentSize < Telegram.Api.Constants.StickerMaxSize)
                        byte[] buffer;
                        using (var file = store.OpenFile(documentLocalFileName, FileMode.Open))
                            buffer = new byte[file.Length];
                            file.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                        return(DecodeWebPImage(documentLocalFileName, buffer,
                                               () =>
                            using (var localStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
