Exemple #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            BindingList <KeyValuePair <int, decimal> > CurrentRatios;
            Button oBtn = sender as Button;

            if (oBtn != null)
                using (var context = new TTI2Entities())
                    // First we must ensure that all records are removed from
                    // the expectedUnits table for this particular Cut Sheet
                    context.TLCUT_ExpectedUnits.RemoveRange(context.TLCUT_ExpectedUnits.Where(x => x.TLCUTE_CutSheet_FK == _CsPk));
                    foreach (DataGridViewRow Row in dataGridView1.Rows)
                        var DbPk = (int)Row.Cells[1].Value;

                        if ((bool)Row.Cells[2].Value == false)
                            // The pieces that are left are used to recalculate
                            // the number of expected units
                            decimal Nett = (decimal)Row.Cells[5].Value;
                            TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails dbd = context.TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails.Find(DbPk);
                            if (dbd != null)
                                // Based on code developed for frmCutSheet
                                // Is a body or is it a Trim Record
                                if (dbd.DYEBD_BodyTrim)
                                    // It is a body
                                    // Now calculate the yield
                                    var Yield  = core.FabricYield(dbd.DYEBO_DiskWeight, dbd.DYEBO_Width);
                                    var Rating = context.TLADM_ProductRating.Find((int)dbd.DYEBO_ProductRating_FK).Pr_numeric_Rating;

                                    var Factor = Math.Round(Yield / Rating * Nett, 0);
                                    var tst    = core.CalculateRatios((int)dbd.DYEBO_ProductRating_FK, (int)Factor);
                                    foreach (var row in tst)
                                        bool Add = true;
                                        var  Kg  = Math.Round(0.01M * row.Value / Yield, 2);

                                        TLCUT_ExpectedUnits eUnits = new TLCUT_ExpectedUnits();
                                        eUnits = context.TLCUT_ExpectedUnits.Where(x => x.TLCUTE_CutSheet_FK == _CsPk && x.TLCUTE_Size_FK == row.Key).FirstOrDefault();
                                        if (eUnits == null)
                                            eUnits = new TLCUT_ExpectedUnits();

                                            eUnits.TLCUTE_CutSheet_FK  = _CsPk;
                                            eUnits.TLCUTE_Size_FK      = row.Key;
                                            eUnits.TLCUTE_NoofGarments = row.Value;
                                            eUnits.TLCUTE_NoOfTrims    = Kg;
                                            eUnits.TLCUTE_NoOfBinding  = 0;
                                            eUnits.TLCUTE_NoofGarments += row.Value;
                                            eUnits.TLCUTE_NoOfTrims    += Kg;
                                            Add = !Add;

                                        if (Add)
                                    // It is a Trim
                                    // Now calculate the yield
                                    var Yield  = core.FabricYield(dbd.DYEBO_DiskWeight, dbd.DYEBO_Width);
                                    var Rating = context.TLADM_ProductRating.Find((int)dbd.DYEBO_ProductRating_FK).Pr_numeric_Rating;
                                    CurrentRatios = core.ReturnRatios((int)dbd.DYEBO_ProductRating_FK);

                                    if (dbd.DYEBO_GVRowNumber == 1)
                                        var NumberOf = Math.Round(Yield / Rating * Nett, 0);
                                        var TotalOf  = CurrentRatios.Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Value) ?? 0.00M;
                                        foreach (var row in CurrentRatios)
                                            int Calc = (int)Math.Round(row.Value / TotalOf * NumberOf, 0);

                                            TLCUT_ExpectedUnits eUnits = new TLCUT_ExpectedUnits();
                                            eUnits = context.TLCUT_ExpectedUnits.Where(x => x.TLCUTE_CutSheet_FK == _CsPk && x.TLCUTE_Size_FK == row.Key).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (eUnits != null)
                                                // The imfamous switch
                                                eUnits.TLCUTE_NoOfTrims += Calc;
                                    else if (dbd.DYEBO_GVRowNumber == 2)
                                        var NumberOf = Math.Round(Yield / Rating * Nett, 0);
                                        var TotalOf  = CurrentRatios.Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Value) ?? 0.00M;
                                        foreach (var row in CurrentRatios)
                                            int Calc = (int)Math.Round(row.Value / TotalOf * NumberOf, 0);

                                            TLCUT_ExpectedUnits eUnits = new TLCUT_ExpectedUnits();
                                            eUnits = context.TLCUT_ExpectedUnits.Where(x => x.TLCUTE_CutSheet_FK == _CsPk && x.TLCUTE_Size_FK == row.Key).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (eUnits != null)
                                                // The imfamous switch
                                                eUnits.TLCUTE_NoOfBinding += Calc;


                        var DyeBatchDetails = context.TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails.Find(DbPk);
                        if (DyeBatchDetails != null)
                            DyeBatchDetails.DYEBO_CutSheet = false;

                        var CutSheetPk      = (int)Row.Cells[0].Value;
                        var CutSheetDetails = context.TLCUT_CutSheetDetail.Find(CutSheetPk);
                        if (CutSheetDetails != null)

                        MessageBox.Show("Data saved to the database successfully");
                        frmCutViewRep vRep = new frmCutViewRep(1, _CsPk);
                        int           h    = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height;
                        int           w    = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width;
                        vRep.ClientSize = new Size(w, h);
                    catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException en)
                        foreach (var eve in en.EntityValidationErrors)
                            MessageBox.Show("following validation errors: Type" + eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name.ToString() + "State " + eve.Entry.State.ToString());
                            foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                                MessageBox.Show("- Property" + ve.PropertyName + " Message " + ve.ErrorMessage);
                    catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #2
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button oBtn = sender as Button;
            Decimal weight = 0.00M;
            bool AddRec = false;
            TLADM_TranactionType TranType = null;

            if (oBtn != null && formloaded)
                var Select = (TLDYE_DyeBatch)cmboBatchNumber.SelectedItem;
                if (Select == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a batch number from the drop down box ");

                using (var context = new TTI2Entities())
                    var Dept = context.TLADM_Departments.Where(x => x.Dep_ShortCode == "DYE").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (Dept != null)
                        TranType = context.TLADM_TranactionType.Where(x => x.TrxT_Department_FK == Dept.Dep_Id && x.TrxT_Number == 1400).FirstOrDefault();
                    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
                        TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails bd = new TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails();

                        int index = (int)row.Cells[0].Value;

                        bd = context.TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails.Find(index);
                        if (bd != null)
                            if ((bool)row.Cells[6].Value == true)
                                bd.DYEBO_Rejected = false;
                                bd.DYEBO_RejectedDate = null;
                                bd.DYEBO_QAApproved = true;
                                bd.DYEBO_ApprovalDate = dtpTransDate.Value;
                                if (bd.DYEBO_CutSheet)
                                    bd.DYEBO_CutSheet = false;

                                weight += (decimal)row.Cells[5].Value;
                                bd.DYEBO_CurrentStore_FK = (int)TranType.TrxT_ToWhse_FK;
                                AddRec = true;


                    if (AddRec)
                        var LNU = context.TLADM_LastNumberUsed.Find(3);

                        TLDYE_DyeTransactions tt = new TLDYE_DyeTransactions();
                        tt.TLDYET_BatchNo = Select.DYEB_BatchNo;
                        tt.TLDYET_BatchWeight = Select.DYEB_BatchKG;
                        tt.TLDYET_SequenceNo = Select.DYEB_SequenceNo;
                        tt.TLDYET_Batch_FK = Select.DYEB_Pk;
                        tt.TLDYET_TransactionNumber = "RFREV" + LNU.col7.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0');
                        tt.TLDYET_Date = dtpTransDate.Value;
                        tt.TLDYET_TransactionWeight = weight;
                        tt.TLDYET_TransactionType = (int)TranType.TrxT_Pk;
                        tt.TLDYET_CurrentStore_FK = (int)TranType.TrxT_ToWhse_FK;


                            LNU.col7 += 1;
                            MessageBox.Show("Data successfully saved to the database");
                            frmDyeViewReport vRep = new frmDyeViewReport(11, tt.TLDYET_Pk, true);

                            frmRejectFabricReversal_Load(this, null);

                        catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException en)
                            foreach (var eve in en.EntityValidationErrors)
                                MessageBox.Show("following validation errors: Type" + eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name.ToString() + "State " + eve.Entry.State.ToString());
                                foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                                    MessageBox.Show("- Property" + ve.PropertyName + " Message " + ve.ErrorMessage);
                        catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #3
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button  oBtn   = sender as Button;
            decimal weight = 0.00M;
            bool    AddRec = true;
            TLADM_TranactionType TranType = null;

            if (oBtn != null && formloaded)
                var Select = (TLDYE_DyeBatch)cmboBatchNumber.SelectedItem;
                if (Select == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a batch number from the drop down box");

                using (var context = new TTI2Entities())
                    var DB = context.TLDYE_DyeBatch.Find(Select.DYEB_Pk);
                    if (DB != null)
                        DB.DYEB_QAInspected = true;

                    var LNU = context.TLADM_LastNumberUsed.Find(3);
                    if (LNU != null)
                        LNU.col8 += 1;

                    if (Select.DYEB_CommissinCust)
                        var Dept = context.TLADM_Departments.Where(x => x.Dep_ShortCode == "DYE").FirstOrDefault();
                        if (Dept != null)
                            TranType = context.TLADM_TranactionType.Where(x => x.TrxT_Department_FK == Dept.Dep_Id && x.TrxT_Number == 900).FirstOrDefault();
                        var Dept = context.TLADM_Departments.Where(x => x.Dep_ShortCode == "DYE").FirstOrDefault();
                        if (Dept != null)
                            TranType = context.TLADM_TranactionType.Where(x => x.TrxT_Department_FK == Dept.Dep_Id && x.TrxT_Number == 700).FirstOrDefault();

                    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
                        TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails bd = new TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails();

                        if (row.Cells[0].Value == null)

                        int index = (int)row.Cells[0].Value;

                        bd = context.TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails.Find(index);
                        if (bd != null)
                            if ((bool)row.Cells[6].Value == true)
                                bd.DYEBO_QAApproved = true;
                                //use this date tocalculate the days production days
                                bd.DYEBO_ApprovalDate    = dtpTransDate.Value;
                                bd.DYEBO_CurrentStore_FK = (int)TranType.TrxT_ToWhse_FK;
                                weight += (decimal)row.Cells[5].Value;
                                AddRec  = true;

                    if (AddRec)
                        TLDYE_DyeTransactions tt = new TLDYE_DyeTransactions();
                        tt.TLDYET_BatchNo     = Select.DYEB_BatchNo;
                        tt.TLDYET_BatchWeight = Select.DYEB_BatchKG;
                        tt.TLDYET_SequenceNo  = Select.DYEB_SequenceNo;
                        tt.TLDYET_Batch_FK    = Select.DYEB_Pk;

                        tt.TLDYET_Date = dtpTransDate.Value;
                        tt.TLDYET_TransactionWeight = weight;
                        tt.TLDYET_TransactionNumber = txtTransNumber.Text;
                        tt.TLDYET_Batch_FK          = Select.DYEB_Pk;
                        tt.TLDYET_TransactionType   = (int)TranType.TrxT_Pk;
                        tt.TLDYET_CurrentStore_FK   = (int)TranType.TrxT_ToWhse_FK;

                            MessageBox.Show("Data successfully saved to the database");
                        catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException en)
                            foreach (var eve in en.EntityValidationErrors)
                                MessageBox.Show("following validation errors: Type" + eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name.ToString() + "State " + eve.Entry.State.ToString());
                                foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                                    MessageBox.Show("- Property" + ve.PropertyName + " Message " + ve.ErrorMessage);
                        catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #4
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button oBtn = (Button)sender;

            if (oBtn != null && txtPieceNo.Text.Length > 0)
                using (var context = new TTI2Entities())
                    frmPieceEnquiry_Load(this, null);

                    FormLoaded = false;

                    var Production = context.TLKNI_GreigeProduction.Where(x => x.GreigeP_PieceNo == txtPieceNo.Text).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (Production == null)
                        MessageBox.Show("No record found for value entered");
                        txtPieceNo.Text = string.Empty;

                    if (Production.GreigeP_KnitO_Fk != null)
                        if (Production.GreigeP_Greige_Fk != null)
                            var Quality = context.TLADM_Griege.Find(Production.GreigeP_Greige_Fk).TLGreige_Description;
                            if (Quality != null)
                                txtQuality.Text = Quality;

                        var KO = context.TLKNI_Order.Find(Production.GreigeP_KnitO_Fk);
                        if (KO != null)
                            txtKnitOrder.Text = KO.KnitO_OrderNumber.ToString();

                            var YarnOrderPallet = context.TLKNI_YarnOrderPallets.Where(x => x.TLKNIOP_ReservedBy == KO.KnitO_Pk).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (YarnOrderPallet != null)
                                if (YarnOrderPallet.TLKNIOP_OwnYarn)
                                    var YarnOrder = context.TLSPN_YarnOrder.Find(KO.KnitO_YarnO_FK);
                                    if (YarnOrder != null)
                                        txtYarnOrder.Text = YarnOrder.YarnO_OrderNumber.ToString();
                                    txtYarnOrder.Text = YarnOrderPallet.TLKNIOP_TLPalletNo;
                            else if (KO.KnitO_YarnO_FK != null)
                                var YarnOrder = context.TLSPN_YarnOrder.Find(KO.KnitO_YarnO_FK);
                                if (YarnOrder != null)
                                    txtYarnOrder.Text = YarnOrder.YarnO_OrderNumber.ToString();
                                    var YarnTrans = context.TLKNI_YarnTransaction.Find(KO.KnitO_YarnO_FK);
                                    if (YarnTrans != null)
                                        txtYarnOrder.Text = YarnTrans.KnitY_TransactionDoc;

                    if (Production.GreigeP_Dye)
                        DyeBatchDetail = context.TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails.Where(x => x.DYEBD_GreigeProduction_FK == Production.GreigeP_Pk).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (DyeBatchDetail != null)
                            txtMeters.Text = Math.Round(DyeBatchDetail.DYEBO_Meters, 2).ToString();
                            txtGross.Text  = Math.Round(Production.GreigeP_weight, 2).ToString();

                            txtWidth.Text = Math.Round(DyeBatchDetail.DYEBO_Width, 2).ToString();
                            txtDisk.Text  = Math.Round(DyeBatchDetail.DYEBO_DiskWeight, 2).ToString();
                            txtNett.Text  = Math.Round(DyeBatchDetail.DYEBO_Nett, 2).ToString();

                            btnRecalc.Enabled = true;

                            var DyeBatch = context.TLDYE_DyeBatch.Find(DyeBatchDetail.DYEBD_DyeBatch_FK);
                            if (DyeBatch != null)
                                txtDyeBatch.Text = DyeBatch.DYEB_BatchNo;

                                var DO = context.TLDYE_DyeOrder.Find(DyeBatch.DYEB_DyeOrder_FK);
                                if (DO != null)
                                    txtColour.Text      = context.TLADM_Colours.Find(DO.TLDYO_Colour_FK).Col_Description;
                                    txtDyeOrder.Text    = DO.TLDYO_DyeOrderNum;
                                    chkDOClosed.Checked = DO.TLDYO_Closed;

                                chkDBClosed.Checked = DyeBatch.DYEB_Closed;
                        if (DyeBatchDetail != null && DyeBatchDetail.DYEBO_CutSheet)

                    dataGridView1.Rows[0].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas1;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[1].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas2;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[2].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas3;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[3].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas4;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[4].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas5;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[5].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas6;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[6].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas7;
                    dataGridView1.Rows[7].Cells[2].Value = Production.GreigeP_Meas8;

                    FormLoaded = true;
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Button  oBtn   = sender as Button;
            Decimal Weight = 0.00M;

            TLADM_TranactionType trantype = null;

            if (oBtn != null && formloaded)
                var Select = (TLDYE_DyeBatch)cmboBatchNumber.SelectedItem;
                if (Select == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a Batch number from the drop down box");

                int SingleRow = (from Rows in dataGridView1.Rows.Cast <DataGridViewRow>()
                                 where ((Decimal)Rows.Cells[5].Value == 0.00M ||
                                        (Decimal)Rows.Cells[6].Value == 0.00M ||
                                        (Decimal)Rows.Cells[7].Value == 0.00M)
                                 select Rows).Count();
                if (SingleRow > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("There are incorrect values in the form. Please correct before saving");

                using (var context = new TTI2Entities())
                    var DB = context.TLDYE_DyeBatch.Find(Select.DYEB_Pk);
                    if (DB != null)
                        DB.DYEB_OutProcess     = true;
                        DB.DYEB_OutProcessDate = DateTime.Now;

                    var Dept = context.TLADM_Departments.Where(x => x.Dep_ShortCode == "DYE").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (Dept != null)
                        trantype = context.TLADM_TranactionType.Where(x => x.TrxT_Department_FK == Dept.Dep_Id && x.TrxT_Number == 600).FirstOrDefault();

                    int Cnt = 0;

                    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
                        TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails bd = new TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails();

                        if (row.Cells[0].Value == null)

                        int index = (int)row.Cells[0].Value;

                        bd = context.TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails.Find(index);
                        if (bd != null)
                            Weight += (decimal)row.Cells[5].Value;

                            bd.DYEBO_Nett       = (decimal)row.Cells[5].Value;
                            bd.DYEBO_DiskWeight = (decimal)row.Cells[6].Value;
                            bd.DYEBO_Width      = (decimal)row.Cells[7].Value;
                            bd.DYEBO_Meters     = (decimal)row.Cells[8].Value;
                            bd.DYEBO_TransDate  = dtpTransDate.Value;
                            bd.DYEBO_DyeDate    = dtpDyeDate.Value;
                            if (trantype != null)
                                bd.DYEBO_CurrentStore_FK = (int)trantype.TrxT_ToWhse_FK;

                            if (Convert.ToDecimal(row.Cells[5].Value.ToString()) != 0)
                                Cnt += 1;

                    int NoOfRecs = context.TLDYE_DyeBatchDetails.Where(x => x.DYEBD_DyeBatch_FK == DB.DYEB_Pk).ToList().Count;
                    if (Cnt == NoOfRecs)
                        DB.DYEB_Closed = true;

                    TLDYE_DyeTransactions tt = new TLDYE_DyeTransactions();
                    tt.TLDYET_BatchNo           = Select.DYEB_BatchNo;
                    tt.TLDYET_BatchWeight       = Select.DYEB_BatchKG;
                    tt.TLDYET_TransactionType   = (int)trantype.TrxT_Pk;
                    tt.TLDYET_SequenceNo        = Select.DYEB_SequenceNo;
                    tt.TLDYET_Batch_FK          = Select.DYEB_Pk;
                    tt.TLDYET_Date              = dtpTransDate.Value;
                    tt.TLDYET_TransactionWeight = Weight;
                    tt.TLDYET_CurrentStore_FK   = (int)trantype.TrxT_ToWhse_FK;


                        MessageBox.Show("Data successfully saved to the database");
                    catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException en)
                        foreach (var eve in en.EntityValidationErrors)
                            MessageBox.Show("following validation errors: Type" + eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name.ToString() + "State " + eve.Entry.State.ToString());
                            foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                                MessageBox.Show("- Property" + ve.PropertyName + " Message " + ve.ErrorMessage);
                    catch (Exception ex)