private void CheckTitan() { if (master != null && master == IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.MainHERO) { if (Physics.Raycast(baseT.position, velocity, out RaycastHit hit, 10f, Layers.PlayerAttackBox.value)) { Collider hitCollider = hit.collider; if ("PlayerDetectorRC")) { TITAN titan = hitCollider.transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (titan != null) { if (MyTitan == null) { this.MyTitan = titan; this.MyTitan.IsHooked = true; } else { if (MyTitan != titan) { MyTitan.IsHooked = false; MyTitan = titan; MyTitan.IsHooked = true; } } } } } } }
public void checkTitan() { GameObject obj2 = IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.main_object; if (((obj2 != null) && (this.master != null)) && (this.master == obj2)) { LayerMask mask = ((int)1) << LayerMask.NameToLayer("PlayerAttackBox"); if (Physics.Raycast(baseT.position, this.velocity, out RaycastHit hit, 10f, mask.value)) { Collider collider = hit.collider; if ("PlayerDetectorRC")) { TITAN component = collider.transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (component != null) { if (this.myTitan == null) { this.myTitan = component; this.myTitan.isHooked = true; } else if (this.myTitan != component) { this.myTitan.isHooked = false; this.myTitan = component; this.myTitan.isHooked = true; } } } } } }
public static TextMesh LabelObjext(TITAN titan) { if (font == null) { font = (Font)Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Font))[0]; } GameObject obj = new GameObject("info_TITANs"); float x = 1f; if (titan.myLevel < 1f) { x = 1f / titan.myLevel; } obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(x, x, x); obj.transform.parent = titan.gameObject.transform; obj.transform.localPosition =; obj.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = font.material; TextMesh tm = obj.AddComponent <TextMesh>(); tm.font = font; tm.fontSize = 0; tm.anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; tm.text = "size:" + titan.myLevel.ToString("F") + "\n" + "speed:" + titan.speed.ToString("F") + "\n" + titan.abnormalType; return(tm); }
public void CheckTitan() { GameObject main_object = Camera.main.GetComponent <IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA>().main_object; if (main_object == null || master == null || !(master == main_object) || !Physics.Raycast(layerMask: ((LayerMask)(1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("PlayerAttackBox"))).value, origin: base.transform.position, direction: velocity, hitInfo: out RaycastHit hitInfo, distance: 10f)) { return; } Collider collider = hitInfo.collider; if (!"PlayerDetectorRC")) { return; } TITAN component = collider.transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (component != null) { if (myTitan == null) { myTitan = component; myTitan.isHooked = true; } else if (myTitan != component) { myTitan.isHooked = false; myTitan = component; myTitan.isHooked = true; } } }
public override void Execute(InRoomChat irc, string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1 || !int.TryParse(args[0], out int id)) { return; } PhotonPlayer player = PhotonPlayer.Find(id); if (player == null) { return; } if (player.IsTitan) { TITAN titan = player.GetTitan(); if (titan == null || titan.hasDie) { return; } titan.photonView.RPC("titanGetHit", player, titan.photonView.viewID, RCSettings.MinimumDamage > 0 ? RCSettings.MinimumDamage : 10); } else { HERO hero = player.GetHero(); if (hero == null || hero.HasDied()) { return; } hero.photonView.RPC("netDie", PhotonTargets.All, hero.transform.position, false, -1, "[FF0000]Server", true); } }
public override void Execute(InRoomChat irc, string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0 && int.TryParse(args[0], out int id)) { PhotonPlayer player = PhotonPlayer.Find(id); if (player != null) { if (GameHelper.IsPT(player)) { TITAN titan = GameHelper.GetPT(player); if (titan != null) { titan.photonView.RPC("titanGetHit", player, titan.photonView.viewID, 10); } } else { HERO hero = GameHelper.GetHero(player); if (hero != null) { hero.photonView.RPC("netDie", PhotonTargets.All, hero.transform.position, false, -1, "[FF0000]Server", true); } } } } }
public void checkTitan() { GameObject obj2 = Camera.main.GetComponent <IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA>().main_object; if (obj2 != null && this.master != null && this.master == obj2) { LayerMask mask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("PlayerAttackBox"); if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, this.velocity, out var hit, 10f, mask.value)) { if ("PlayerDetectorRC")) { TITAN component = hit.collider.transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (component != null) { if (this.myTitan == null) { this.myTitan = component; this.myTitan.isHooked = true; } else if (this.myTitan != component) { this.myTitan.isHooked = false; this.myTitan = component; this.myTitan.isHooked = true; } } } } } }
public void onTitanDown(TITAN t) { if (this.spawnedTitansHashes.Contains(t.GetHashCode())) { this.spawnedTitansHashes.Remove(t.GetHashCode()); this.currentTitans--; if (this.mode == SpawnControllerMode.WAVES && !this.customWaves.ContainsKey(this.currentWave)) { if (this.titansToSpawn > 0 && this.canSpawnTitans()) { this.titansToSpawn -= (this.maxAllowedTitans - this.currentTitans); this.spawnTitans(this.maxAllowedTitans - this.currentTitans); } } else if (this.mode == SpawnControllerMode.FIXED_SPAWN && this.titansToSpawn > 0 && this.canSpawnTitans()) { this.titansToSpawn -= (this.maxAllowedTitans - this.currentTitans); this.spawnFixedTitans(this.maxAllowedTitans - this.currentTitans); } if (this.currentTitans == 0) { this.handleAllTitansKilled(); } } }
public virtual void OnTitanSpawned(TITAN titan) { if ((IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.gametype != GAMETYPE.MULTIPLAYER) || titan.photonView.isMine) { if (!titan.hasSetLevel) { titan.myLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range((float)0.7f, (float)3f); if (TitanCustomSize) { titan.myLevel = UnityEngine.Random.Range(TitanMinimumSize, TitanMaximumSize); } titan.hasSetLevel = true; } } if (titan.maxHealth == 0) { switch (TitanHealthMode) { case TitanHealthMode.Fixed: titan.maxHealth = titan.currentHealth = UnityEngine.Random.Range(TitanHealthMinimum, TitanHealthMaximum + 1); break; case TitanHealthMode.Scaled: titan.maxHealth = titan.currentHealth = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt((titan.myLevel / 4f) * UnityEngine.Random.Range(TitanHealthMinimum, TitanHealthMaximum + 1)), TitanHealthMinimum, TitanHealthMaximum); break; } } }
// HERO.netGrabbed public static bool IsGrabValid(int viewID, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Gametype != GameType.Singleplayer) { if (info != null) { PhotonView view = PhotonView.Find(viewID); if (view != null) { GameObject go = PhotonView.Find(viewID).gameObject; if (go != null) { TITAN titan = go.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (titan != null && titan.photonView.ownerId == info.sender.Id) { return(true); } FEMALE_TITAN annie = go.GetComponent <FEMALE_TITAN>(); if (annie != null && annie.photonView.ownerId == info.sender.Id) { return(true); } } } } Mod.Logger.Error($"'HERO.netGrabbed' from #{(info == null ? "?" : info.sender.Id.ToString())}"); if (info.sender != null && !FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Contains(info.sender.Id)) { FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Add(info.sender.Id); } return(false); } return(true); }
public override void OnTitanKilled(TITAN titan, PhotonPlayer killer, int damage) { int timeBonus = MathHelper.Floor((damage / 100f) * ScoreMultiplier.Value); LifeTimes[killer.Id] += timeBonus; FengGameManagerMKII.Instance.photonView.RPC("Chat", killer, ("+" + timeBonus + "second(s)!").AsColor("00FF00"), string.Empty); }
private bool titanCompare(TITAN baseTitan, TITAN compareTitan) { int operand = this.operand; if (operand == 2) { return(baseTitan == compareTitan); } return((operand == 5) && (baseTitan != compareTitan)); }
private bool titanCompare(TITAN baseTitan, TITAN compareTitan) { int num = this.operand; if (num != 2) { return(num == 5 && baseTitan != compareTitan); } return(baseTitan == compareTitan); }
private bool titanCompare(TITAN baseTitan, TITAN compareTitan) { switch (this.operand) { case 2: return(baseTitan == compareTitan); case 5: return(baseTitan != compareTitan); } return(false); }
public void changeTitanAttributes(GameObject titan, AbnormalType type, Vector3 scale) { Thread.Sleep(100); TITAN t = titan.GetComponent <TITAN>(); lock (t){ t.nonAI = false; t.setAbnormalType(type, type == AbnormalType.TYPE_CRAWLER); object[] nslParams = new object[] { scale.x, 0, 0 }; t.photonView.RPC("netSetLevel", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, nslParams); } //titan.transform.localScale = scale; }
private void newTitan() { TITAN titan = FengGameManagerMKII.instance.spawnTitan(this.normalTitanRate, base.transform.position - ((Vector3)(Vector3.up * (base.transform.position.y - this.getHeight(base.transform.position)))), base.transform.rotation, false); if (FengGameManagerMKII.lvlInfo.mapName == "The City I") { titan.chaseDistance = 120f; } else { titan.chaseDistance = 200f; } titan.PVPfromCheckPt = this; }
private void newTitan() { TITAN tit = FengGameManagerMKII.FGM.SpawnTitan(this.normalTitanRate, base.transform.position - Vectors.up * (base.transform.position.y - this.getHeight(base.transform.position)), base.transform.rotation, false); if (FengGameManagerMKII.Level.MapName == "The City I") { tit.chaseDistance = 120f; } else { tit.chaseDistance = 200f; } tit.PVPfromCheckPt = this; }
public GameObject spawnTitan(AbnormalType type, float size, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rotation) { GameObject titanPrefab = this.instantiateTitan(pos, rotation); TITAN_SETUP setup = titanPrefab.GetComponent <TITAN_SETUP>(); TITAN titan = titanPrefab.GetComponent <TITAN>(); this.currentTitans++; this.spawnedTitansHashes.Add(titan.GetHashCode()); titan.resetLevel(size); ModMain.instance.getTaskManager().addLateUpdateTask(new CallRPCsTaks(titan, size, (int)type)); return(titanPrefab); }
public override void OnTitanKilled(TITAN titan, PhotonPlayer killer, int damage) { if (killer == PlayerOne) { SpawnTitan(1, titan); } else if (killer == PlayerTwo) { SpawnTitan(0, titan); } else { SpawnTitan(titan.transform.position, titan); } }
private TITAN SpawnTitan(Vector3 position, TITAN originalTitan = null) { GameObject go = FengGameManagerMKII.Instance.SpawnTitanRaw(position, Quaternion.identity); if (originalTitan != null) { TitanClass type = originalTitan.abnormalType; go.GetComponent <TITAN>().setAbnormalType2(type, type.Equals(TitanClass.Crawler)); } else { go.GetComponent <TITAN>().setAbnormalType2(TitanClass.Normal, false); } return(go.GetComponent <TITAN>()); }
// TITAN.setMyTarget public static bool IsTargetSetValid(TITAN titan, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Gametype != GameType.Multiplayer || (info != null && titan.photonView.ownerId == info.sender.Id)) { return(true); } Mod.Logger.Error($"'TITAN.setMyTarget' from #{(info == null ? "?" : info.sender.Id.ToString())}."); if (info.sender != null && !FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Contains(info.sender.Id)) { FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Add(info.sender.Id); } return(false); }
// TITAN.playsoundRPC public static bool IsSoundPlayValid(TITAN titan, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Gametype != GameType.Singleplayer) { if (info != null && titan.photonView.ownerId != info.sender.Id) { Mod.Logger.Error($"'playsoundRPC' from #{(info == null ? "?" : info.sender.Id.ToString())}."); if (info.sender != null && !FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Contains(info.sender.Id)) { FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Add(info.sender.Id); } return(false); } } return(true); }
// TITAN.netSetAbnormalType public static bool IsTitanTypeSetValid(TITAN titan, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Gametype != GameType.Singleplayer) { if (info == null || (titan.photonView.ownerId != info.sender.Id && !info.sender.isMasterClient)) { Mod.Logger.Error($"'netSetAbnormalType' from #{(info == null ? "?" : info.sender.Id.ToString())}."); if (info.sender != null && !FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Contains(info.sender.Id)) { FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Add(info.sender.Id); } return(false); } } return(true); }
// TITAN.grabToLeft public static bool IsLeftGrabValid(TITAN titan, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (IN_GAME_MAIN_CAMERA.Gametype != GameType.Singleplayer) { if (info != null && titan.photonView.ownerId != info.sender.Id) { Mod.Logger.Error($"'grabToLeft' from #{info.sender.Id}."); if (info.sender != null && !FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Contains(info.sender.Id)) { FengGameManagerMKII.IgnoreList.Add(info.sender.Id); } return(false); } } return(true); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { GameObject gameObject = other.transform.gameObject; if (gameObject.layer == 8) { if (playerEventEnter == null) { return; } HERO component = gameObject.GetComponent <HERO>(); if (component != null) { string key = (string)FengGameManagerMKII.RCVariableNames["OnPlayerEnterRegion[" + myName + "]"]; if (FengGameManagerMKII.PlayerVariables.ContainsKey(key)) { FengGameManagerMKII.PlayerVariables[key] = component.photonView.owner; } else { FengGameManagerMKII.PlayerVariables.Add(key, component.photonView.owner); } playerEventEnter.CheckEvent(); } } else { if (gameObject.layer != 11 || titanEventEnter == null) { return; } TITAN component2 = gameObject.transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (component2 != null) { string key = (string)FengGameManagerMKII.RCVariableNames["OnTitanEnterRegion[" + myName + "]"]; if (FengGameManagerMKII.TitanVariables.ContainsKey(key)) { FengGameManagerMKII.TitanVariables[key] = component2; } else { FengGameManagerMKII.TitanVariables.Add(key, component2); } titanEventEnter.CheckEvent(); } } }
// 0 = left, 1 = right private TITAN SpawnTitan(byte side, TITAN originalTitan = null) { // -X = left side of map, +X = right side Vector3 position = default; switch (side) { case 0: position = new Vector3(MathHelper.RandomInt(LeftMinX.Value, LeftMaxX.Value), GroundLevel.Value, MathHelper.RandomInt(LeftMinZ.Value, LeftMaxZ.Value)); break; case 1: position = new Vector3(MathHelper.RandomInt(RightMinX.Value, RightMaxX.Value), GroundLevel.Value, MathHelper.RandomInt(RightMinZ.Value, RightMaxZ.Value)); break; } return(SpawnTitan(position, originalTitan)); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { GameObject gameObject = other.transform.gameObject; if (gameObject.layer == 8) { if (this.playerEventEnter != null) { HERO component = gameObject.GetComponent <HERO>(); if (component != null) { string str = (string)RCManager.RCVariableNames["OnPlayerEnterRegion[" + this.myName + "]"]; if (RCManager.playerVariables.ContainsKey(str)) { RCManager.playerVariables[str] = component.BasePV.owner; } else { RCManager.playerVariables.Add(str, component.BasePV.owner); } this.playerEventEnter.checkEvent(); return; } } } else if (gameObject.layer == 11 && this.titanEventEnter != null) { TITAN titan = gameObject.transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (titan != null) { string str2 = (string)RCManager.RCVariableNames["OnTitanEnterRegion[" + this.myName + "]"]; if (RCManager.titanVariables.ContainsKey(str2)) { RCManager.titanVariables[str2] = titan; } else { RCManager.titanVariables.Add(str2, titan); } this.titanEventEnter.checkEvent(); } } }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { string str; GameObject gameObject = other.transform.gameObject; if (gameObject.layer == 8) { if (this.playerEventEnter != null) { HERO component = gameObject.GetComponent <HERO>(); if (component != null) { str = (string)FengGameManagerMKII.RCVariableNames["OnPlayerEnterRegion[" + this.myName + "]"]; if (FengGameManagerMKII.playerVariables.ContainsKey(str)) { FengGameManagerMKII.playerVariables[str] = component.photonView.owner; } else { FengGameManagerMKII.playerVariables.Add(str, component.photonView.owner); } this.playerEventEnter.checkEvent(); } } } else if ((gameObject.layer == 11) && (this.titanEventEnter != null)) { TITAN titan = gameObject.transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (titan != null) { str = (string)FengGameManagerMKII.RCVariableNames["OnTitanEnterRegion[" + this.myName + "]"]; if (FengGameManagerMKII.titanVariables.ContainsKey(str)) { FengGameManagerMKII.titanVariables[str] = titan; } else { FengGameManagerMKII.titanVariables.Add(str, titan); } this.titanEventEnter.checkEvent(); } } }
private void checkIfBeingCapture() { playerOn = false; titanOn = false; GameObject[] heroes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Player"); for (int i = 0; i < heroes.Length; i++) { if (!(Vector3.Distance(heroes[i].transform.position, base.transform.position) < hitTestR)) { continue; } playerOn = true; if (state == CheckPointState.Human && heroes[i].GetPhotonView().isMine) { if (fengGame.checkpoint != base.gameObject) { fengGame.checkpoint = base.gameObject; InRoomChat.Instance.AddLine(("Respawn point changed to Point #" + id).WithColor("A8FF24")); } break; } } GameObject[] titans = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("titan"); for (int i = 0; i < titans.Length; i++) { TITAN titan = titans[i].GetComponent <TITAN>(); if (Vector3.Distance(titans[i].transform.position, base.transform.position) < hitTestR + 5f && (!titan || !titan.hasDie)) { titanOn = true; if (state == CheckPointState.Titan && titan.photonView.isMine && (bool)titan && titan.nonAI) { if (fengGame.checkpoint != base.gameObject) { fengGame.checkpoint = base.gameObject; InRoomChat.Instance.AddLine(("Respawn point changed to Point #" + id).WithColor("A8FF24")); } break; } } } }
public void handleKill(TITAN titan, int playerID, int damage) { PlayerData data = (PlayerData)this.playerData[playerID]; data.Kills += 1; data.TotalDamage += damage; ModMain.instance.sendToAll("{Debug} Player #" + playerID + " has killed a titan."); if (!titan.hasDie) { lock (titan){ titan.photonView.RPC("netDie", PhotonTargets.All, new object[0]); } lock (ModMain.instance.getGameManager()){ ModMain.instance.getGameManager().photonView.RPC("titanGetKill", PhotonNetwork.player, PhotonPlayer.Find(playerID), damage,; } } this.spawnTitans(1); }