Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize this BOItem.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Current processed source.</param>
        /// <param name="item">Current processed RSS-item from given source.</param>
        private void Initialize(String source, THashtable item)
            this.source = source;
            this.item   = item;

            this.link = ((String)item["link"]).Trim();

            // Pre-process full description & title
            // Trick to eliminate non-UTF-8 characters
            this.fullTitle = Strings.CleanChars((String)item["title"]);

            if (item.ContainsKey("description") && !BLANK(item["description"]))
                this.fullDescription = Strings.CleanChars((String)item["description"]);
                this.fullDescription = Strings.Replace("\n", "\r\n", this.fullDescription);
                this.fullDescription = Strings.Replace("\r\r", "\r", this.fullDescription);

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetch info from RSS-feed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">Feed url</param>
        /// <returns>Resulting array of items</returns>
        public static Object[] FetchRss(String url)
            var items = new TArrayList();

            XmlDocument rssXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(rssXmlDoc.NameTable);

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("dc", "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/");

            // Load the RSS file from the RSS URL
            try {
            catch (Exception ex1) {
                var matchCollection = Regex.Matches(ex1.Message, "'([^']+)' is an undeclared prefix. Line [0-9]+, position [0-9]+.");
                if (matchCollection.Count > 0)
                    var prefix = matchCollection[0].Groups[1].Value;
                        var    client  = new System.Net.WebClient();
                        var    content = (new System.Net.WebClient()).DownloadString(url);
                        byte[] bytes   = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(content);
                        content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
                        //content = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content).ToString();
                        var pattern = CAT("<", prefix, ":[^>]+>[^<]+</", prefix, ":[^>]+>");
                        content = Regex.Replace(content, pattern, "");
                    catch (Exception ex2) {

            // Parse the Items in the RSS file
            XmlNodeList rssNodes = rssXmlDoc.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item");

            // Iterate through the items in the RSS file
            foreach (XmlNode rssNode in rssNodes)
                var item = new THashtable();

                XmlNodeList itemNodes = rssNode.SelectNodes("*");
                foreach (XmlNode itemNode in itemNodes)
                    String name = itemNode.Name;
                    String text = itemNode.InnerXml;
                    if (text.StartsWith("<![CDATA["))
                        text = text.Replace("<![CDATA[", "").Replace("]]>", "");

                    if (name == "category")
                        if (item[name] == null)
                            item[name] = text;
                            item[name] += ", " + text;
                    else if (name == "dc:creator")
                        THashtable dc = item.ContainsKey("dc") ? (THashtable)item["dc"] : new THashtable();
                        dc["creator"] = text;
                        item["dc"]    = dc;
                    else if (name == "dc:date")
                        THashtable dc = item.ContainsKey("dc") ? (THashtable)item["dc"] : new THashtable();
                        dc["date"] = text;
                        item["dc"] = dc;
                        item[name] = text;
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill Row from Item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oItem">Original Item.</param>
        /// <param name="idField">Name of ID field.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The number of inserted Row in HTML table.</param>
        /// <returns>Resulting Row.</returns>
        protected THashtable FillItemRow(THashtable oItem, String idField, int count)
            var row      = new THashtable();
            var itemId   = INT(oItem[idField]);
            var urlTitle = STR(oItem["s_Url"]);
            var itemHref = this.context.ImmediateRedirect ?
                           GetRedirectItemLink(itemId, urlTitle) :
                           GetViewItemLink(itemId, urlTitle);

            row["[#Link]"] = itemHref;
            if ((count % 2) == 0)
                row["[#Shade]"] = "1";

            if (Config.SHOW_FROM)
                row["[#Show_From]"] = 1;
            if (Config.SHOW_IMAGES)
                row["[#Show_Images]"] = 1;
            var sourceName = STR(oItem["s_SourceName"]);

            row["[#SourceName]"] = sourceName;
            row["[#ExtImages]"]  = Config.EXT_IMAGES;
            row["[#Title]"]      = Util.Show(STR(oItem["s_Title"]));
            row["[#SourceLink]"] = this.GetLink(Config.INDEX_PAGE, "?p=items&source=", "items/source/", sourceName);

            if (this.context.Contains("Name_Category") && oItem.ContainsKey("s_Category") && !NUL(oItem["s_Category"]))
                row["[#Category]"] = STR(oItem["s_Category"]);

            if (this.context.Contains("Name_Creator") && oItem.ContainsKey("s_Creator") && !NUL(oItem["s_Creator"]))
                var s_Creator = STR(oItem["s_Creator"]);
                if (s_Creator != null)
                    if (s_Creator.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                        s_Creator = s_Creator.Replace("(", "<br/>(");
                    s_Creator = (String)" "; //TODO -- "" doesn't works somehow, need to investigate
                row["[#Creator]"] = s_Creator;
            if (this.context.Contains("Name_Custom1") && oItem.ContainsKey("s_Custom1") && !NUL(oItem["s_Custom1"]))
                row["[#Custom1]"] = oItem["s_Custom1"];
            if (this.context.Contains("Name_Custom2") && oItem.ContainsKey("s_Custom2") && !NUL(oItem["s_Custom2"]))
                row["[#Custom2]"] = oItem["s_Custom2"];

            var d_Date = Util.ShowTime(STR(oItem["d_Date"]));

            if (this.context.IsMobile)
                d_Date = Strings.Replace("-", " ", d_Date);
                if (BLANK(this.context.Api))
                    d_Date = Strings.ReplaceFirst(" ", "<br/>", d_Date);
            row["[#Date]"] = d_Date;