Exemple #1
        //TODO: manejar todos los mesh de cada parcela en una una coleccion
        public InferiorLeft(TGCVector3 Position, TgcPlane grassPlane, TgcPlane wallPlaneX, TgcPlane wallPlaneZ, TgcPlane columnPlaneX, TgcPlane columnPlaneZ, TgcPlane topPlane, TgcMesh plantModel)
            this.Position = Position;

            //Se define el terrno de la parcela
            var grassMesh = grassPlane.toMesh("floor");

            grassMesh.Position  = this.Position;
            grassMesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(grassMesh.Position);

            //Variable temporal que contiene el modelo
            var basePlant = plantModel;

            basePlant.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 5, Position.Y, Position.Z + 45);
            basePlant.Scale    = new TGCVector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            var random = new Random();
            var ran    = random.Next(0, 100);

            basePlant.Enabled = true;

            basePlant          = basePlant.clone("plantaizquierda2");
            basePlant.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 5, Position.Y, Position.Z + 25);
            ran = random.Next(0, 100);

            basePlant          = basePlant.clone("plantaizquierda4");
            basePlant.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 5, Position.Y, Position.Z + 5);
            ran = random.Next(0, 100);

            basePlant          = basePlant.clone("plantaabajo0");
            basePlant.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 40, Position.Y, Position.Z + 5);
            ran = random.Next(0, 100);

            basePlant          = basePlant.clone("plantaabajo2");
            basePlant.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 20, Position.Y, Position.Z + 5);
            ran = random.Next(0, 100);

            basePlant          = basePlant.clone("plantaabajo4");
            basePlant.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z + 5);
            ran = random.Next(0, 100);

            var baseWall = wallPlaneX;
            var wallMesh = baseWall.toMesh("WallVA");

            wallMesh.RotateZ(FastMath.ToRad(2 * 7.125f));
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 5, Position.Y, Position.Z);

            baseWall = wallPlaneZ;
            wallMesh = baseWall.toMesh("WallB");
            wallMesh.RotateX(-FastMath.ToRad(2 * 7.125f));
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z + 5);

            var column = new Column
                Position = this.Position

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, TGCVector3.Empty));

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, new TGCVector3(0, 0, 45)));

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, new TGCVector3(45, 0, 0)));

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, new TGCVector3(45, 0, 45)));

            //Tapas de columnas
            baseWall = topPlane;

            wallMesh          = baseWall.toMesh("TopColumn1");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y + 20, Position.Z);

            wallMesh          = wallMesh.clone("TopColumn2");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 45, Position.Y + 20, Position.Z);

            wallMesh          = wallMesh.clone("TopColumn3");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 45, Position.Y + 20, Position.Z + 45);

            wallMesh          = wallMesh.clone("TopColumn4");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y + 20, Position.Z + 45);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Convierte el box en un TgcMesh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="meshName">Nombre de la malla que se va a crear</param>
        public TgcMesh ToMesh(string meshName)
            //Obtener matriz para transformar vertices
            if (AutoTransform)
                Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(rotation.Y, rotation.X, rotation.Z) * TGCMatrix.Translation(translation);

            return(TgcMesh.FromTGCBox(meshName, this.Texture, this.vertices, this.Transform, this.AlphaBlendEnable));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Genera la proxima matriz de view, sin actualizar aun los valores internos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">Futura posicion de camara generada</param>
        /// <param name="targetCenter">Futuro centro de camara a generada</param>
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(out TGCVector3 pos, out TGCVector3 targetCenter)
            //alejarse, luego rotar y lueg ubicar camara en el centro deseado
            targetCenter = TGCVector3.Add(Target, TargetDisplacement);
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, OffsetHeight, OffsetForward) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(RotationY) * TGCMatrix.Translation(targetCenter);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            pos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
        public override void Update()

            // Los movimientos de teclado no validan que la mesh se atraviecen, solo modifican el angulo o traslacion.
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A))
                pinzaDang += VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.S))
                pinzaDang -= VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.Q))
                pinzaTraslacion += VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.W))
                pinzaTraslacion -= VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.Left))
                antebrazoDAng += VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.Right))
                antebrazoDAng -= VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.Up))
                brazoDAng += VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;
            else if (Input.keyDown(Key.Down))
                brazoDAng -= VELOCIDAD_ANGULAR * ElapsedTime;

            // 1- Base del brazo
            // ajusto a la medida fija
            // Estas medidas fijas de escalas podrian calcularse en Init, a fines didacticos se hacen en cada update.
            escalaBase = TGCMatrix.Scaling(baseDX, baseDY, baseDZ);

            // 2- Brazo
            // ajusto a la medida fija
            escalaBrazo = TGCMatrix.Scaling(brazoDx, brazoDY, brazoDZ);
            // y lo traslado un poco para arriba, para que quede ubicado arriba de la base
            var T = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, brazoDY / 2.0f + baseDY / 2.0f, 0);
            // Guardo el punto donde tiene que girar el brazo = en la parte de abajo del brazo
            // le aplico la misma transformacion que al brazo (sin tener en cuenta el escalado)
            var pivoteBrazo = TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(new TGCVector3(0, -brazoDY / 2.0f, 0.0f), T);
            // Ahora giro el brazo sobre el pivote, para ello, primero traslado el centro del mesh al pivote,
            // ahi aplico la rotacion, y luego vuelvo a trasladar a la posicion original
            var Rot = TGCMatrix.RotationZ(brazoDAng);
            var A   = TGCMatrix.Translation(-pivoteBrazo.X, -pivoteBrazo.Y, -pivoteBrazo.Z);
            var B   = TGCMatrix.Translation(pivoteBrazo.X, pivoteBrazo.Y, pivoteBrazo.Z);

            // Se calcula la matriz resultante, para utilizarse en render.
            transformacionBrazo = T * A * Rot * B;

            // 3- ante brazo
            // ajusto a la medida fija
            escalaAntebrazo = TGCMatrix.Scaling(antebrazoDX, antebrazoDY, antebrazoDZ);
            T = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, brazoDY / 2 + antebrazoDY / 2.0f, 0) * transformacionBrazo;
            // Guardo el punto donde tiene que girar el antebrazo
            var pivoteAntebrazo = TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(new TGCVector3(0, -antebrazoDY / 2.0f, 0.0f), T);

            // orientacion del antebrazo
            Rot = TGCMatrix.RotationZ(antebrazoDAng);
            A   = TGCMatrix.Translation(-pivoteAntebrazo.X, -pivoteAntebrazo.Y, -pivoteAntebrazo.Z);
            B   = TGCMatrix.Translation(pivoteAntebrazo.X, pivoteAntebrazo.Y, pivoteAntebrazo.Z);
            // Se calcula la matriz resultante, para utilizarse en render.
            transformacionAntebrazo = T * A * Rot * B;

            // 4- pinza izquierda
            escalaPinza = TGCMatrix.Scaling(pinzaDX, pinzaDY, pinzaDZ);
            var C = TGCMatrix.Translation(pinzaTraslacion, 0f, 0f);

            T = C * TGCMatrix.Translation(pinzaDX / 2 - antebrazoDX / 2, antebrazoDY / 2.0f + pinzaDY / 2.0f, 0) *
            // Guardo el punto donde tiene que girar la pinza
            var pivotePinzaIzquierda = TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(new TGCVector3(0, -pinzaDY / 2.0f, 0.0f), T);

            // orientacion de la pinza
            Rot = TGCMatrix.RotationZ(pinzaDang);
            A   = TGCMatrix.Translation(-pivotePinzaIzquierda.X, -pivotePinzaIzquierda.Y, -pivotePinzaIzquierda.Z);
            B   = TGCMatrix.Translation(pivotePinzaIzquierda.X, pivotePinzaIzquierda.Y, pivotePinzaIzquierda.Z);
            // Se calcula la matriz resultante, para utilizarse en render.
            transformacionPinzaIzquierda = T * A * Rot * B;

            // mano derecha
            escalaPinza = TGCMatrix.Scaling(pinzaDX, pinzaDY, pinzaDZ);
            C           = TGCMatrix.Translation(-pinzaTraslacion, 0f, 0f);
            T           = C * TGCMatrix.Translation(antebrazoDX / 2 - pinzaDX / 2, antebrazoDY / 2 + pinzaDY / 2.0f, 0) * transformacionAntebrazo;
            // Guardo el punto donde tiene que girar la pinza
            var pivotePinzaDerecha = TGCVector3.TransformCoordinate(new TGCVector3(0, -pinzaDY / 2.0f, 0.0f), T);

            // orientacion de la pinza
            Rot = TGCMatrix.RotationZ(-pinzaDang);
            A   = TGCMatrix.Translation(-pivotePinzaDerecha.X, -pivotePinzaDerecha.Y, -pivotePinzaDerecha.Z);
            B   = TGCMatrix.Translation(pivotePinzaDerecha.X, pivotePinzaDerecha.Y, pivotePinzaDerecha.Z);
            // Se calcula la matriz resultante, para utilizarse en render.
            transformacionPinzaDerecha = T * A * Rot * B;

        public override void Update()
            var velocidadCaminar  = 400f;
            var velocidadRotacion = 120f;

            //Calcular proxima posicion de personaje segun Input
            var   moveForward = 0f;
            float rotate      = 0;
            var   moving      = false;
            var   rotating    = false;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.W))
                moveForward = -velocidadCaminar;
                moving      = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.S))
                moveForward = velocidadCaminar;
                moving      = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.D))
                rotate   = velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A))
                rotate   = -velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            //Si hubo rotacion
            if (rotating)
                //Rotar personaje y la camara, hay que multiplicarlo por el tiempo transcurrido para no atarse a la velocidad el hardware
                var rotAngle = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rotate * ElapsedTime);
                personaje.Rotation += new TGCVector3(0, rotAngle, 0);

            //Si hubo desplazamiento
            if (moving)
                //Activar animacion de caminando
                personaje.playAnimation("Caminando", true);

                //Aplicar movimiento hacia adelante o atras segun la orientacion actual del Mesh
                var lastPos = personaje.Position;

                //La velocidad de movimiento tiene que multiplicarse por el elapsedTime para hacerse independiente de la velocida de CPU
                //Ver Unidad 2: Ciclo acoplado vs ciclo desacoplado
                var moveF = moveForward * ElapsedTime;
                var z     = (float)Math.Cos(personaje.Rotation.Y) * moveF;
                var x     = (float)Math.Sin(personaje.Rotation.Y) * moveF;

                personaje.Position += new TGCVector3(x, 0, z);

                //Detectar colisiones
                var collide = false;
                foreach (var obstaculo in obstaculos)
                    var result = TgcCollisionUtils.classifyBoxBox(personaje.BoundingBox, obstaculo.BoundingBox);
                    if (result == TgcCollisionUtils.BoxBoxResult.Adentro ||
                        result == TgcCollisionUtils.BoxBoxResult.Atravesando)
                        collide = true;

                //Si hubo colision, restaurar la posicion anterior
                if (collide)
                    personaje.Position = lastPos;

                personaje.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(personaje.Scale) *
                                      TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(personaje.Rotation.Y, personaje.Rotation.X, personaje.Rotation.Z) *

                //Hacer que la camara siga al personaje en su nueva posicion
                camaraInterna.Target = personaje.Position;

            //Si no se esta moviendo, activar animacion de Parado
                personaje.playAnimation("Parado", true);

            //Ajustar la posicion de la camara segun la colision con los objetos del escenario
Exemple #6
        public override void Init()
            time = 0f;
            Device d3dDevice = D3DDevice.Instance.Device;

            MyShaderDir = ShadersDir + "WorkshopShaders\\";

            //Crear loader
            TgcSceneLoader loader = new TgcSceneLoader();

            scene = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "WorkshopShaders\\comborata\\comborata-TgcScene.xml");

            g_pBaseTexture = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\rocks.jpg");
            g_pHeightmap   = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\NM_height_rocks.tga");

            g_pBaseTexture2 = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\stones.bmp");
            g_pHeightmap2   = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\NM_height_stones.tga");

            g_pBaseTexture3 = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\granito.jpg");
            g_pHeightmap3   = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\NM_height_saint.tga");

            g_pBaseTexture4 = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\granito.jpg");
            g_pHeightmap4   = TextureLoader.FromFile(d3dDevice, MediaDir + "Texturas\\NM_four_height.tga");

            foreach (TgcMesh mesh in scene.Meshes)
                if (mesh.Name.Contains("Floor"))

            //Cargar Shader
            string compilationErrors;

            effect = Effect.FromFile(d3dDevice, MyShaderDir + "Parallax.fx", null, null, ShaderFlags.None, null, out compilationErrors);
            if (effect == null)
                throw new Exception("Error al cargar shader. Errores: " + compilationErrors);

            lightDirModifier       = AddVertex3f("LightDir", new TGCVector3(-1, -1, -1), new TGCVector3(1, 1, 1), TGCVector3.Down);
            minSampleModifier      = AddFloat("minSample", 1f, 10f, 10f);
            maxSampleModifier      = AddFloat("maxSample", 11f, 50f, 50f);
            heightMapScaleModifier = AddFloat("HeightMapScale", 0.001f, 0.5f, 0.1f);

            Camera = new TgcFpsCamera(new TGCVector3(147.2558f, 8.0f, 262.2509f), 100f, 10f, Input);
            Camera.SetCamera(new TGCVector3(147.2558f, 8.0f, 262.2509f), new TGCVector3(148.2558f, 8.0f, 263.2509f));

            //Cargar personaje con animaciones
            TgcSkeletalLoader skeletalLoader = new TgcSkeletalLoader();
            Random            rnd            = new Random();

            // meto un enemigo por cada cuarto
            cant_enemigos = 0;
            foreach (TgcMesh mesh in scene.Meshes)
                if (mesh.Name.Contains("Floor"))
                    float kx    = rnd.Next(25, 75) / 100.0f;
                    float kz    = rnd.Next(25, 75) / 100.0f;
                    float pos_x = mesh.BoundingBox.PMin.X * kx + mesh.BoundingBox.PMax.X * (1 - kx);
                    float pos_z = mesh.BoundingBox.PMin.Z * kz + mesh.BoundingBox.PMax.Z * (1 - kz);

                    TgcSkeletalMesh enemigo = skeletalLoader.loadMeshAndAnimationsFromFile(MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\BasicHuman\\" + "CombineSoldier-TgcSkeletalMesh.xml", MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\BasicHuman\\", new string[] { MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\BasicHuman\\Animations\\" + "Walk-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml", });

                    //Configurar animacion inicial
                    enemigos[cant_enemigos].playAnimation("Walk", true);
                    enemigos[cant_enemigos].Position  = new TGCVector3(pos_x, 1f, pos_z);
                    enemigos[cant_enemigos].Scale     = new TGCVector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
                    enemigos[cant_enemigos].Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(enemigos[cant_enemigos].Scale) *
                                                        TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(enemigos[cant_enemigos].Rotation.Y, enemigos[cant_enemigos].Rotation.X, enemigos[cant_enemigos].Rotation.Z) *
                    enemigo_an[cant_enemigos] = 0;

            // levanto el GUI
            float W = D3DDevice.Instance.Width;
            float H = D3DDevice.Instance.Height;

            gui.InsertFrame("Combo Rata", 10, 10, 200, 200, Color.FromArgb(32, 120, 255, 132), frameBorder.sin_borde);
            gui.InsertFrame("", 10, (int)H - 150, 200, 140, Color.FromArgb(62, 120, 132, 255), frameBorder.sin_borde);
            gui.cursor_izq = gui.cursor_der = tipoCursor.sin_cursor;

            // le cambio el font
            // Fonts
            gui.font = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Font(d3dDevice, 12, 0, FontWeight.Bold, 0, false, CharacterSet.Default, Precision.Default, FontQuality.Default, PitchAndFamily.DefaultPitch, "Lucida Console");
            gui.font.PreloadGlyphs('0', '9');
            gui.font.PreloadGlyphs('a', 'z');
            gui.font.PreloadGlyphs('A', 'Z');

            gui.RTQ = gui.rectToQuad(0, 0, W, H, 0, 0, W - 150, 160, W - 200, H - 150, 0, H);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Genera la proxima matriz de view, sin actualizar aun los valores internos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos">Futura posicion de camara generada</param>
        /// <param name="targetCenter">Futuro centro de camara a generada</param>
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(out TGCVector3 pos, out TGCVector3 targetCenter)
            //alejarse, luego rotar y lueg ubicar camara en el centro deseado
            targetCenter = Target;
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, DesplazarAltura, DesplazarAdelante) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(RotationY) * TGCMatrix.Translation(targetCenter);

            //Extraer la posicion final de la matriz de transformacion
            pos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
Exemple #8
        public void CalculatePositionTarget(out TGCVector3 pos, out TGCVector3 targetCenter)
            targetCenter = TGCVector3.Add(Target, TargetDisplacement);
            var m = TGCMatrix.Translation(0, OffsetHeight, OffsetForward) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(RotationY) * TGCMatrix.Translation(targetCenter);

            pos = new TGCVector3(m.M41, m.M42, m.M43);
 public void Update()
     TGCQuaternion camRot = cam.GetRotation();
     TGCMatrix plrTransform = TGCMatrix.Translation(Player.Instance().Position());
     mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(mesh.Scale) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(rotOffset) * TGCMatrix.Translation(posOffset) * TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(camRot) * plrTransform;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Prepara una nueva animacion para ser ejecutada
        /// </summary>
        protected void initAnimationSettings(string animationName, bool playLoop, float userFrameRate)
            isAnimating      = true;
            currentAnimation = animations[animationName];
            this.playLoop    = playLoop;
            currentTime      = 0;
            currentFrame     = 0;

            //Cambiar BoundingBox
            boundingBox = currentAnimation.BoundingBox;

            //Si el usuario no especifico un FrameRate, tomar el default de la animacion
            if (userFrameRate == -1f)
                frameRate = currentAnimation.FrameRate;
                frameRate = userFrameRate;

            //La duracion de la animacion.
            animationTimeLenght = ((float)currentAnimation.FramesCount - 1) / frameRate;

            //Configurar postura inicial de los huesos
            for (var i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
                var bone = bones[i];

                if (!currentAnimation.hasFrames(i))
                    throw new Exception("El hueso " + bone.Name + " no posee KeyFrames");

                //Determinar matriz local inicial
                var firstFrame = currentAnimation.BoneFrames[i][0];
                bone.MatLocal = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(firstFrame.Rotation) * TGCMatrix.Translation(firstFrame.Position);

                //Multiplicar por matriz del padre, si tiene
                if (bone.ParentBone != null)
                    bone.MatFinal = bone.MatLocal * bone.ParentBone.MatFinal;
                    bone.MatFinal = bone.MatLocal;

            //Ajustar vertices a posicion inicial del esqueleto
        /// <summary>
        ///     Actualiza la posicion de cada hueso del esqueleto segun sus KeyFrames de la animacion
        /// </summary>
        protected void updateSkeleton()
            for (var i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
                var bone = bones[i];

                //Tomar el frame actual para este hueso
                var boneFrames = currentAnimation.BoneFrames[i];

                //Solo hay un frame, no hacer nada, ya se hizo en el Init de la animacion
                if (boneFrames.Count == 1)

                //Obtener cuadro actual segun el tiempo transcurrido
                var currentFrameF = currentTime * frameRate;
                //Ve a que KeyFrame le corresponde
                var keyFrameIdx = getCurrentFrameBone(boneFrames, currentFrameF);
                currentFrame = keyFrameIdx;

                //Armar un intervalo entre el proximo KeyFrame y el anterior
                var frame1 = boneFrames[keyFrameIdx - 1];
                var frame2 = boneFrames[keyFrameIdx];

                //Calcular la cantidad que hay interpolar en base al la diferencia entre cuadros
                float framesDiff         = frame2.Frame - frame1.Frame;
                var   interpolationValue = (currentFrameF - frame1.Frame) / framesDiff;

                //Interpolar traslacion
                var frameTranslation = (frame2.Position - frame1.Position) * interpolationValue + frame1.Position;

                //Interpolar rotacion con SLERP
                var quatFrameRotation = TGCQuaternion.Slerp(frame1.Rotation, frame2.Rotation, interpolationValue);

                //Unir ambas transformaciones de este frame
                var frameMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationTGCQuaternion(quatFrameRotation) * TGCMatrix.Translation(frameTranslation);

                //Multiplicar por la matriz del padre, si tiene
                if (bone.ParentBone != null)
                    bone.MatFinal = frameMatrix * bone.ParentBone.MatFinal;
                    bone.MatFinal = frameMatrix;
Exemple #12
        public Inicio(TGCVector3 Position, TgcPlane grassPlane, TgcTexture wallTexture, TgcPlane columnPlaneX, TgcPlane columnPlaneZ, TgcPlane topPlane)
            this.Position = Position;

            //Se define el terrno de la parcela
            var grassMesh = grassPlane.toMesh("floor");

            grassMesh.Position  = this.Position;
            grassMesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(grassMesh.Position);

            #region Paredes
            var baseWall = new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(), new TGCVector3(0, 20f, 50), TgcPlane.Orientations.YZplane, wallTexture, 2, 1);

            var wallMesh = baseWall.toMesh("WallVA");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z);

            wallMesh          = wallMesh.clone("WallVB");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 50, Position.Y, Position.Z);

            var baseTriangleWallH = new TgcPlane(new TGCVector3(), new TGCVector3(50, 20f, 0), TgcPlane.Orientations.XYplane, wallTexture, 2, 1);

            wallMesh          = baseTriangleWallH.toMesh("WallHA");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z + 12.5f);

            wallMesh = wallMesh.clone("Wall45");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z + 25);

            wallMesh = wallMesh.clone("Wall135");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 50, Position.Y, Position.Z + 25);

            #region Columnas
            var column = new Column
                Position = this.Position

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, TGCVector3.Empty));

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, new TGCVector3(0, 0, 45)));

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, new TGCVector3(45, 0, 0)));

            meshes.AddRange(column.CreateColumn(columnPlaneX, columnPlaneZ, new TGCVector3(45, 0, 45)));

            //Tapas de columnas
            baseWall = topPlane;

            wallMesh          = baseWall.toMesh("TopColumn3");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X + 45, Position.Y + 20, Position.Z + 45);

            wallMesh          = wallMesh.clone("TopColumn4");
            wallMesh.Position = new TGCVector3(Position.X, Position.Y + 20, Position.Z + 45);
        public override void Update()

            // Manejamos la entrada

            // Actualizamos nuestro tiempo y se lo enviamos al shader
            this.time += ElapsedTime;
            this.effect.SetValue("time", time);

            // Le enviamos al shader la matriz ViewProj
            this.effect.SetValue("matViewProj", D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.View * D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.Projection);

            // Le enviamos al shader la posicion de la camara
            this.effect.SetValue("eyePosition", new[] { this.Camara.Position.X, this.Camara.Position.Y, this.Camara.Position.Z });

            // Actualizamos los modificadores

            // Hacemos uso de los valores de los modificadores actualizados
            // (Excepto el Wireframe, eso se usa en el Render)
            this.mesh.Transform = this.scale * TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.rotation.Value, 0, 0) * TGCMatrix.Translation(this.center.Value);
            this.effect.SetValue("factor", this.factor.Value);
            TGCVector3 realVector = this.center.Value + this.effectVector.Value;

            this.effect.SetValue("effectVector", TGCVector3.Vector3ToFloat4Array(this.effectVector.Value));
            this.effect.SetValue("center", TGCVector3.Vector3ToFloat4Array(this.center.Value));

            this.mesh.Technique            = ((Techniques)this.techniques.Value).ToString();
            this.effectVectorArrow.Enabled = this.showArrow.Value;
            this.effectVectorArrow.PStart  = this.center.Value;
            this.effectVectorArrow.PEnd    = realVector;

Exemple #14
 public TGCMatrix MovementMatrix()
Exemple #15
        public override void Render()

            //Bounding volumes.
            //Los bounding volumes realizan un update de los vertices en momento de render, por ello pueden ser mas lentos que utilizar transformadas.
            if (fixedYModifier.Value)

            //Render personaje
            personaje.Transform =
                * TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(personaje.Rotation.Y, personaje.Rotation.X, personaje.Rotation.Z)
                * TGCMatrix.Translation(personaje.Position);
            if (fixedYModifier.Value)

            //Render de objetos estaticos

            //Dibujar todo mallas.
            //Una vez actualizadas las diferentes posiciones internas solo debemos asignar la matriz de world.
            collisionableMeshAABB.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(collisionableMeshAABB.Scale) * TGCMatrix.Translation(collisionableMeshAABB.Position);

Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 ///     Actualiza la matriz de transformacion con los datos internos del mesh (scale. rotation, traslation) para casos complejos es mejor no utilizar este metodo.
 /// </summary>
 public void UpdateMeshTransform()
     transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(scale)
                 * TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(rotation.Y, rotation.X, rotation.Z)
                 * TGCMatrix.Translation(translation);
Exemple #17
        public override void Update()
            Random rnd   = new Random();
            float  speed = 20f * ElapsedTime;

            for (int t = 0; t < cant_enemigos; ++t)
                float      an  = enemigo_an[t];
                TGCVector3 vel = new TGCVector3((float)Math.Sin(an), 0, (float)Math.Cos(an));
                //Mover personaje
                TGCVector3 lastPos = enemigos[t].Position;
                enemigos[t].Position += (vel * speed);
                enemigos[t].Rotation += new TGCVector3(0, (float)Math.PI / 2 + an, 0);

                //Detectar colisiones de BoundingBox utilizando herramienta TgcCollisionUtils
                bool collide = false;
                foreach (TgcMesh obstaculo in scene.Meshes)
                    TgcCollisionUtils.BoxBoxResult result = TgcCollisionUtils.classifyBoxBox(enemigos[t].BoundingBox, obstaculo.BoundingBox);
                    if (result == TgcCollisionUtils.BoxBoxResult.Adentro || result == TgcCollisionUtils.BoxBoxResult.Atravesando)
                        collide = true;

                //Si hubo colision, restaurar la posicion anterior
                if (collide)
                    enemigos[t].Position = lastPos;
                    enemigo_an[t]       += rnd.Next(0, 100) / 100.0f;

                enemigos[t].Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(enemigos[t].Scale) * TGCMatrix.RotationY(enemigos[t].Rotation.Y) * TGCMatrix.Translation(enemigos[t].Position);
Exemple #18
        public override void Render()

            //Si hacen clic con el mouse, ver si hay colision con el suelo
            if (Input.buttonPressed(TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                //Actualizar Ray de colisión en base a posición del mouse

                //Detectar colisión Ray-AABB
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(pickingRay.Ray, suelo.BoundingBox, out newPosition))
                    //Fijar nueva posición destino
                    applyMovement = true;

                    collisionPointMesh.Position = newPosition;
                    directionArrow.PEnd         = new TGCVector3(newPosition.X, 30f, newPosition.Z);

                    //Rotar modelo en base a la nueva dirección a la que apunta
                    var direction    = TGCVector3.Normalize(newPosition - mesh.Position);
                    var angle        = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(originalMeshRot, direction));
                    var axisRotation = TGCVector3.Cross(originalMeshRot, direction);
                    meshRotationMatrix = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle);

            var speed = speedModifier.Value;

            //Interporlar movimiento, si hay que mover
            if (applyMovement)
                //Ver si queda algo de distancia para mover
                var posDiff       = newPosition - mesh.Position;
                var posDiffLength = posDiff.LengthSq();
                if (posDiffLength > float.Epsilon)
                    //Movemos el mesh interpolando por la velocidad
                    var currentVelocity = speed * ElapsedTime;

                    //Ajustar cuando llegamos al final del recorrido
                    var newPos = mesh.Position + posDiff;
                    if (posDiff.LengthSq() > posDiffLength)
                        newPos = newPosition;

                    //Actualizar flecha de movimiento
                    directionArrow.PStart = new TGCVector3(mesh.Position.X, 30f, mesh.Position.Z);

                    //Actualizar posicion del mesh
                    mesh.Position = newPos;

                    //Como desactivamos la transformacion automatica, tenemos que armar nosotros la matriz de transformacion
                    mesh.Transform = meshRotationMatrix * TGCMatrix.Translation(mesh.Position);

                    //Actualizar camara
                    camaraInterna.Target = mesh.Position;
                //Se acabo el movimiento
                    applyMovement = false;

            //Mostrar caja con lugar en el que se hizo click, solo si hay movimiento
            if (applyMovement)


        private void PerformNormalMove(float elapsedTime, float speed, TGCVector3 headPosition)
            CharacterOnSight = false;
            var XRotation = 0f;
            var YRotation = 0f;

            ChangeDirectionTimeCounter -= elapsedTime;
            Terrain.world.InterpoledHeight(headPosition.X, headPosition.Z, out float floorHeight);
            var distanceToFloor = Body.CenterOfMassPosition.Y - floorHeight;
            var XRotationStep   = FastMath.PI * 0.1f * elapsedTime;
            var YRotationStep   = FastMath.PI * 0.4f * elapsedTime;

            var        distanceToWater    = Constants.WATER_HEIGHT - floorHeight - 200;
            TGCVector2 sharkRangePosition =
                new TGCVector2(Constants.SHARK_HEIGHT.X, FastMath.Min(distanceToWater, Constants.SHARK_HEIGHT.Y));

            if (distanceToFloor < sharkRangePosition.X - 150 && AcumulatedXRotation < Constants.MaxAxisRotation)
                XRotation = XRotationStep;
            else if (FastUtils.IsNumberBetweenInterval(distanceToFloor, sharkRangePosition) && AcumulatedXRotation > 0.0012)
                XRotation = -XRotationStep;
            else if (distanceToFloor > sharkRangePosition.Y + 150 && AcumulatedXRotation > -Constants.MaxAxisRotation)
                XRotation = -XRotationStep;
            else if (FastUtils.IsNumberBetweenInterval(distanceToFloor, sharkRangePosition) && AcumulatedXRotation < -0.0012)
                XRotation = XRotationStep;

            if (ChangeDirectionTimeCounter <= 0)
                if (FastMath.Abs(AcumulatedYRotation) < Constants.MaxYRotation)
                    YRotation = YRotationStep * RotationYSign();
                    ChangeDirectionTimeCounter = Constants.CHANGE_DIRECTION_TIME;
                AcumulatedYRotation = 0;

            AcumulatedXRotation += XRotation;
            AcumulatedYRotation += YRotation;

            Body.ActivationState = ActivationState.ActiveTag;
            TGCMatrix rotation = TGCMatrix.Identity;

            if (XRotation != 0 || FastMath.Abs(AcumulatedXRotation) > 0.0012)
                var rotationAxis = TGCVector3.Cross(TGCVector3.Up, director);
                director.TransformCoordinate(TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, XRotation));
                rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationAxis(rotationAxis, XRotation);
                speed   /= 1.5f;
            else if (YRotation != 0)
                rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(YRotation);
            TotalRotation      *= rotation;
            Mesh.Transform      = TotalRotation * TGCMatrix.Translation(new TGCVector3(Body.CenterOfMassPosition));
            Body.WorldTransform = Mesh.Transform.ToBulletMatrix();
            Body.LinearVelocity = director.ToBulletVector3() * -speed;
        public override void Update()


            this.time += ElapsedTime;

            this.sphere.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(this.scale) * TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.rotation, 0, 0) * TGCMatrix.Translation(this.center);


            this.effect.SetValue("time", this.time);

            TGCVector3 centeredEffectVector = this.effectVector - this.center;

            this.effect.SetValue("effectVector", new[] { centeredEffectVector.X, centeredEffectVector.Y, centeredEffectVector.Z });

            this.effect.SetValue("factor", (float)Math.Round(sumValue, 2));

            this.effect.SetValue("matViewProj", D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.View * D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.Projection);

            this.effect.SetValue("eyePosition", new[] { this.Camara.Position.X, this.Camara.Position.Y, this.Camara.Position.Z });

        public override void Init()
            //Cargar textura de CubeMap para Environment Map
            cubeMap = TextureLoader.FromCubeFile(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, MediaDir + "CubeMap.dds");

            //Crear 3 paredes y un piso con textura comun y textura de normalMap
            var diffuseMap = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Texturas//BM_DiffuseMap_pared.jpg");
            var normalMap  = TgcTexture.createTexture(MediaDir + "Texturas//BM_NormalMap.jpg");

            TgcTexture[] normalMapArray = { normalMap };

            var paredSur = TGCBox.fromExtremes(new TGCVector3(-200, 0, -210), new TGCVector3(200, 100, -200), diffuseMap);

            paredSur.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(paredSur.Position);

            var paredOeste = TGCBox.fromExtremes(new TGCVector3(-210, 0, -200), new TGCVector3(-200, 100, 200), diffuseMap);

            paredOeste.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(paredOeste.Position);

            var paredEste = TGCBox.fromExtremes(new TGCVector3(200, 0, -200), new TGCVector3(210, 100, 200), diffuseMap);

            paredEste.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(paredEste.Position);

            var piso = TGCBox.fromExtremes(new TGCVector3(-200, -1, -200), new TGCVector3(200, 0, 200), diffuseMap);

            piso.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(piso.Position);

            //Convertir TgcBox a TgcMesh
            var m1 = paredSur.ToMesh("paredSur");
            var m2 = paredOeste.ToMesh("paredOeste");
            var m3 = paredEste.ToMesh("paredEste");
            var m4 = piso.ToMesh("piso");

            //Convertir TgcMesh a TgcMeshBumpMapping
            meshes = new List <TgcMeshBumpMapping>();
            meshes.Add(TgcMeshBumpMapping.fromTgcMesh(m1, normalMapArray));
            meshes.Add(TgcMeshBumpMapping.fromTgcMesh(m2, normalMapArray));
            meshes.Add(TgcMeshBumpMapping.fromTgcMesh(m3, normalMapArray));
            meshes.Add(TgcMeshBumpMapping.fromTgcMesh(m4, normalMapArray));

            //Borrar TgcMesh y TgcBox, ya no se usan

            //Camara en 1ra persona
            Camera = new TgcFpsCamera(new TGCVector3(200, 60, 50), Input);

            //Cargar Shader personalizado para EnviromentMap
            effect = TGCShaders.Instance.LoadEffect(ShadersDir + "EnvironmentMap.fx");

            //Cargar shader en meshes
            foreach (var m in meshes)
                m.Effect    = effect;
                m.Technique = "EnvironmentMapTechnique";

            //Mesh para la luz
            lightMesh = TGCBox.fromSize(new TGCVector3(10, 10, 10), Color.Red);

            reflectionModifier       = AddFloat("reflection", 0, 1, 0.35f);
            bumpinessModifier        = AddFloat("bumpiness", 0, 1, 1f);
            lightPosModifier         = AddVertex3f("lightPos", new TGCVector3(-200, 0, -200), new TGCVector3(200, 100, 200), new TGCVector3(0, 80, 0));
            lightColorModifier       = AddColor("lightColor", Color.White);
            lightIntensityModifier   = AddFloat("lightIntensity", 0, 150, 20);
            lightAttenuationModifier = AddFloat("lightAttenuation", 0.1f, 2, 0.3f);
            specularExModifier       = AddFloat("specularEx", 0, 20, 9f);

            mEmissiveModifier = AddColor("mEmissive", Color.Black);
            mAmbientModifier  = AddColor("mAmbient", Color.White);
            mDiffuseModifier  = AddColor("mDiffuse", Color.White);
            mSpecularModifier = AddColor("mSpecular", Color.White);
        public override void Init()
            //Paths para archivo XML de la malla
            var pathMesh = MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Robot-TgcSkeletalMesh.xml";

            //Path para carpeta de texturas de la malla
            var mediaPath = MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\";

            //Lista de animaciones disponibles
            string[] animationList =

            //Crear rutas con cada animacion
            var animationsPath = new string[animationList.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < animationList.Length; i++)
                animationsPath[i] = mediaPath + animationList[i] + "-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml";

            //Cargar mesh y animaciones
            var loader = new TgcSkeletalLoader();

            mesh = loader.loadMeshAndAnimationsFromFile(pathMesh, mediaPath, animationsPath);

            //Crear esqueleto a modo Debug

            //Agregar combo para elegir animacion
            selectedAnim      = animationList[0];
            animationModifier = AddInterval("animation", animationList, 0);

            //Modifier para especificar si la animacion se anima con loop
            var animateWithLoop = true;

            loopModifier = AddBoolean("loop", "Loop anim:", animateWithLoop);

            //Modifier para renderizar el esqueleto
            var renderSkeleton = false;

            renderSkeletonModifier = AddBoolean("renderSkeleton", "Show skeleton:", renderSkeleton);

            //Modifier para FrameRate
            frameRateModifier = AddFloat("frameRate", 0, 100, 30);

            //Modifier para color
            currentColor  = Color.White;
            colorModifier = AddColor("Color", currentColor);

            //Modifier para BoundingBox
            boundingBoxModifier = AddBoolean("BoundingBox", "BoundingBox:", false);

            //Modifier para habilitar attachment
            showAttachment     = false;
            attachmentModifier = AddBoolean("Attachment", "Attachment:", showAttachment);

            //Elegir animacion Caminando
            mesh.playAnimation(selectedAnim, true);

            //Crear caja como modelo de Attachment del hueso "Bip01 L Hand"
            attachment = new TgcSkeletalBoneAttach();
            var attachmentBox = TGCBox.fromSize(new TGCVector3(5, 100, 5), Color.Blue);

            attachment.Mesh   = attachmentBox.ToMesh("attachment");
            attachment.Bone   = mesh.getBoneByName("Bip01 L Hand");
            attachment.Offset = TGCMatrix.Translation(10, -40, 0);

            //Configurar camara
            Camera = new TgcRotationalCamera(new TGCVector3(0, 70, 0), 200, Input);
Exemple #23
        public override void Update()
            var velocidadCaminar = VELOCIDAD_DESPLAZAMIENTO * ElapsedTime;

            //Calcular proxima posicion de personaje segun Input
            var moving   = false;
            var movement = TGCVector3.Empty;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.W))
                movement.Z = velocidadCaminar;
                moving     = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.S))
                movement.Z = -velocidadCaminar;
                moving     = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.D))
                movement.X = velocidadCaminar;
                moving     = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A))
                movement.X = -velocidadCaminar;
                moving     = true;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.Space))
                movement.Y = velocidadCaminar;
                moving     = true;
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.LeftControl))
                movement.Y = -velocidadCaminar;
                moving     = true;
            //Si hubo desplazamiento
            if (moving)
                //Aplicar movimiento, internamente suma valores a la posicion actual del mesh.
                mesh.Position  = mesh.Position + movement;
                mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(mesh.Position);
            //Hacer que la camara siga al personaje en su nueva posicion
            camaraInterna.Target = mesh.Position;

            //Detectar colision con triangulo
            if (TgcCollisionUtils.testTriangleAABB(new TGCVector3(triangle[0].Position), new TGCVector3(triangle[1].Position), new TGCVector3(triangle[2].Position),
                triangle[0].Color = Color.Red.ToArgb();
                triangle[1].Color = Color.Red.ToArgb();
                triangle[2].Color = Color.Red.ToArgb();
                triangle[0].Color = Color.Green.ToArgb();
                triangle[1].Color = Color.Green.ToArgb();
                triangle[2].Color = Color.Green.ToArgb();
            //Detectar colision con el otro AABB
            if (TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(mesh.BoundingBox, box2.BoundingBox))
                box2.Color = Color.Red;
                box2.Color = Color.Violet;
            //Detectar colision con la esfera
            if (TgcCollisionUtils.testSphereAABB(boundingSphere, mesh.BoundingBox))

            //Detectar colision con la obb
            if (TgcCollisionUtils.testObbAABB(obb, mesh.BoundingBox))
Exemple #24
 public void Render(float time)
     character.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(new TGCVector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f)) * new TGCMatrix(capsuleRigidBody.InterpolationWorldTransform) * TGCMatrix.Translation(0, -20, 0);
        public override void Init()
            //Crear piso
            var pisoTexture = TgcTexture.createTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, MediaDir + "Texturas\\tierra.jpg");

            piso = new TgcPlane(TGCVector3.Empty, new TGCVector3(2000, 0, 2000), TgcPlane.Orientations.XZplane, pisoTexture, 50f, 50f);
            //Cargar obstaculos y posicionarlos. Los obstáculos se crean con TgcBox en lugar de cargar un modelo.
            obstaculos = new List <TGCBox>();
            TGCBox obstaculo;

            float wallSize   = 1000;
            float wallHeight = 500;

            //Obstaculo 1
            obstaculo = TGCBox.fromExtremes(TGCVector3.Empty, new TGCVector3(wallSize, wallHeight, 10),
                                            TgcTexture.createTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, MediaDir + "Texturas\\baldosaFacultad.jpg"));
            obstaculo.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(obstaculo.Position);

            //Obstaculo 2
            obstaculo = TGCBox.fromExtremes(TGCVector3.Empty, new TGCVector3(10, wallHeight, wallSize),
                                            TgcTexture.createTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, MediaDir + "Texturas\\madera.jpg"));
            obstaculo.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(obstaculo.Position);

            //Obstaculo 3
            obstaculo = TGCBox.fromExtremes(new TGCVector3(0, 0, wallSize),
                                            new TGCVector3(wallSize, wallHeight, wallSize + 10),
                                            TgcTexture.createTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, MediaDir + "Texturas\\granito.jpg"));
            obstaculo.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(obstaculo.Position);

            //Obstaculo 4
            obstaculo = TGCBox.fromExtremes(new TGCVector3(wallSize, 0, 0),
                                            new TGCVector3(wallSize + 10, wallHeight, wallSize),
                                            TgcTexture.createTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, MediaDir + "Texturas\\granito.jpg"));
            obstaculo.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(obstaculo.Position);

            //Obstaculo 5
            obstaculo = TGCBox.fromExtremes(new TGCVector3(wallSize / 2, 0, wallSize - 400),
                                            new TGCVector3(wallSize + 10, wallHeight, wallSize - 400 + 10),
                                            TgcTexture.createTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, MediaDir + "Texturas\\granito.jpg"));
            obstaculo.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(obstaculo.Position);

            //Cargar personaje con animaciones
            var skeletalLoader = new TgcSkeletalLoader();

            personaje = skeletalLoader.loadMeshAndAnimationsFromFile(
                MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Robot-TgcSkeletalMesh.xml",
                MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\",
                MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Caminando-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml",
                MediaDir + "SkeletalAnimations\\Robot\\Parado-TgcSkeletalAnim.xml"

            //Configurar animacion inicial
            personaje.playAnimation("Parado", true);
            //Escalarlo porque es muy grande
            personaje.Position = new TGCVector3(100, 0, 100);
            personaje.Scale    = new TGCVector3(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f);
            //Rotarlo 180° porque esta mirando para el otro lado
            personaje.Rotation += new TGCVector3(0, Geometry.DegreeToRadian(180f), 0);
            personaje.Transform = TGCMatrix.RotationY(personaje.Rotation.Y) * TGCMatrix.Translation(personaje.Position);

            //Configurar camara en Tercera Persona y la asigno al TGC.
            camaraInterna = new TgcThirdPersonCamera(personaje.Position, 200, -300);
            Camera        = camaraInterna;

            //Modifiers para modificar propiedades de la camara
            offsetHeightModifier  = AddFloat("offsetHeight", 0, 300, 100);
            offsetForwardModifier = AddFloat("offsetForward", -400, 0, -220);
            displacementModifier  = AddVertex2f("displacement", TGCVector2.Zero, new TGCVector2(100, 200), new TGCVector2(0, 100));
Exemple #26
        public override void Init()
            MyMediaDir = MediaDir;

            //Crear loader
            var loader = new TgcSceneLoader();

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Creo el Heightmap para el terreno:
            var PosTerrain = TGCVector3.Empty;

            currentHeightmap = MyMediaDir + "Heighmaps\\Heightmap2.jpg";
            currentScaleXZ   = 100f;
            currentScaleY    = 2f;
            currentTexture   = MyMediaDir + "Heighmaps\\TerrainTexture3.jpg";
            terrain          = new TgcSimpleTerrain();
            terrain.loadHeightmap(currentHeightmap, currentScaleXZ, currentScaleY, PosTerrain);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            // Crear SkyBox:
            skyBox        = new TgcSkyBox();
            skyBox.Center = TGCVector3.Empty;
            skyBox.Size   = new TGCVector3(8000, 8000, 8000);
            var texturesPath = MediaDir + "Texturas\\Quake\\SkyBox1\\";

            skyBox.setFaceTexture(TgcSkyBox.SkyFaces.Up, texturesPath + "phobos_up.jpg");
            skyBox.setFaceTexture(TgcSkyBox.SkyFaces.Down, texturesPath + "phobos_dn.jpg");
            skyBox.setFaceTexture(TgcSkyBox.SkyFaces.Left, texturesPath + "phobos_lf.jpg");
            skyBox.setFaceTexture(TgcSkyBox.SkyFaces.Right, texturesPath + "phobos_rt.jpg");
            skyBox.setFaceTexture(TgcSkyBox.SkyFaces.Front, texturesPath + "phobos_bk.jpg");
            skyBox.setFaceTexture(TgcSkyBox.SkyFaces.Back, texturesPath + "phobos_ft.jpg");
            skyBox.SkyEpsilon = 50f;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            //Cargar los mesh:
            scene = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "MeshCreator\\Meshes\\Vehiculos\\TanqueFuturistaRuedas\\TanqueFuturistaRuedas-TgcScene.xml");
            mesh  = scene.Meshes[0];

            sceneX = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "ModelosTgc\\Sphere\\Sphere-TgcScene.xml");
            meshX  = sceneX.Meshes[0];

            scene2  = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "MeshCreator\\Meshes\\Vegetacion\\Palmera\\Palmera-TgcScene.xml");
            palmera = scene2.Meshes[0];

            scene3 = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "MeshCreator\\Meshes\\Vehiculos\\AvionCaza\\AvionCaza-TgcScene.xml");
            avion  = scene3.Meshes[0];

            mesh.Scale    = new TGCVector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            mesh.Position = new TGCVector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
            var size = mesh.BoundingBox.calculateSize();

            largo_tanque   = Math.Abs(size.Z);
            alto_tanque    = Math.Abs(size.Y) * mesh.Scale.Y;
            avion.Scale    = new TGCVector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            avion.Position = new TGCVector3(3000f, 550f, 0f);
            dir_avion      = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 1);
            size           = palmera.BoundingBox.calculateSize();
            var alto_palmera = Math.Abs(size.Y);
            int i;

            bosque = new List <TgcMesh>();
            float[] r = { 1900f, 2100f, 2300f, 1800f };
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < 15; j++)
                    var instance = palmera.createMeshInstance(palmera.Name + i);
                    instance.Scale = new TGCVector3(0.5f, 1.5f, 0.5f);
                    var x = r[i] * (float)Math.Cos(Geometry.DegreeToRadian(180 + 10.0f * j));
                    var z = r[i] * (float)Math.Sin(Geometry.DegreeToRadian(180 + 10.0f * j));
                    instance.Position  = new TGCVector3(x, CalcularAltura(x, z) /*+ alto_palmera / 2 * instance.Scale.Y*/, z);
                    instance.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(instance.Position);

            // Arreglo las normales del tanque

            /*int[] adj = new int[mesh.D3dMesh.NumberFaces * 3];
             * mesh.D3dMesh.GenerateAdjacency(0, adj);
             * mesh.D3dMesh.ComputeNormals(adj);

            // Arreglo las normales de la esfera
                var adj = new int[meshX.D3dMesh.NumberFaces * 3];
                meshX.D3dMesh.GenerateAdjacency(0, adj);

            //Cargar Shader personalizado
            effect = TGCShaders.Instance.LoadEffect(ShadersDir + "WorkshopShaders\\EnvMap.fx");

            // le asigno el efecto a la malla
            mesh.Effect  = effect;
            meshX.Effect = effect;

            vel_tanque = 10;

            //Centrar camara rotacional respecto a este mesh
            CamaraRot = new TgcRotationalCamera(mesh.BoundingBox.calculateBoxCenter(), mesh.BoundingBox.calculateBoxRadius() * 2, Input);
            CamaraRot.CameraDistance = 300;
            CamaraRot.RotationSpeed  = 1.5f;
            Camara = CamaraRot;

            kx = kc = 0.5f;
            reflexionModifier  = AddFloat("Reflexion", 0, 1, kx);
            refraccionModifier = AddFloat("Refraccion", 0, 1, kc);
            fresnelModifier    = AddBoolean("Fresnel", "fresnel", true);
Exemple #27
        public void MoverPersonaje(char key, float elapsedTime, TgcD3dInput input, Escenario escenario, Monster monster)
            MovementSpeed = 800.0f;
            var movimiento       = TGCVector3.Empty;
            var posicionOriginal = this.Position;

            var moving        = false;
            var estoyFlotando = false;

            if (key == key_forward)
                movimiento.Z = -1;
                moving       = true;

            if (key == key_left)
                movimiento.X = 1;
                moving       = true;

            if (key == key_back)
                movimiento.Z = 1;
                moving       = true;

            if (key == key_right)
                movimiento.X = -1;
                moving       = true;

            if (key == ' ')
                movimiento.Y = 1;
                moving       = true;

            if (moving)
                this.posicionAnterior = this.Position;

                var lastPos = meshPersonaje.Position;

                movimiento            *= MovementSpeed * elapsedTime;
                meshPersonaje.Position = meshPersonaje.Position + movimiento;


                bool chocaron = escenario.tgcScene.Meshes.Any(mesh => TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(mesh.BoundingBox, meshPersonaje.BoundingBox));
                if (chocaron)
                    meshPersonaje.Position = lastPos;

                bool chocoConMonster = TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(monster.ghost.BoundingBox, meshPersonaje.BoundingBox);
                if (chocoConMonster)
                    meshPersonaje.Position = lastPos;

                meshPersonaje.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(meshPersonaje.Scale) *
                                          TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(meshPersonaje.Rotation.Y, meshPersonaje.Rotation.X, meshPersonaje.Rotation.Z) *

                this.Position = meshPersonaje.Position;
                //Hacer que la camara siga al personaje en su nueva posicion
                //camaraInterna.Target = this.Position;

            float rotY = input.XposRelative * rotationSpeed;
            float rotX = input.YposRelative * rotationSpeed;

            eye     = this.Position;
            target += movimiento;
            if (lockMouse)
                if (rotY != 0.0f || rotX != 0.0f)
                    look(rotX, rotY);

                Cursor.Position = windowCenter;
            this.SetCamera(eye, target);
        public override void Render()

            //Habilitar luz
            var    lightEnable = lightEnableModifier.Value;
            Effect currentShader;
            string currentTechnique;

            if (lightEnable)
                //Shader personalizado de iluminacion
                currentShader    = effect;
                currentTechnique = "MultiDiffuseLightsTechnique";
                //Sin luz: Restaurar shader default
                currentShader    = TGCShaders.Instance.TgcMeshShader;
                currentTechnique = TGCShaders.Instance.GetTGCMeshTechnique(TgcMesh.MeshRenderType.DIFFUSE_MAP);

            //Aplicar a cada mesh el shader actual
            foreach (var mesh in scene.Meshes)
                mesh.Effect    = currentShader;
                mesh.Technique = currentTechnique;

            //Configurar los valores de cada luz
            var move                  = new TGCVector3(0, 0, lightMoveModifier.Value ? interp.update(ElapsedTime) : 0);
            var lightColors           = new ColorValue[lightMeshes.Length];
            var pointLightPositions   = new Vector4[lightMeshes.Length];
            var pointLightIntensity   = new float[lightMeshes.Length];
            var pointLightAttenuation = new float[lightMeshes.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < lightMeshes.Length; i++)
                var lightMesh = lightMeshes[i];
                lightMesh.Position  = origLightPos[i] + TGCVector3.Scale(move, i + 1);
                lightMesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Translation(lightMesh.Position);

                lightColors[i]           = ColorValue.FromColor(lightMesh.Color);
                pointLightPositions[i]   = TGCVector3.Vector3ToVector4(lightMesh.Position);
                pointLightIntensity[i]   = lightIntensityModifier.Value;
                pointLightAttenuation[i] = lightAttenuationModifier.Value;

            //Renderizar meshes
            foreach (var mesh in scene.Meshes)
                if (lightEnable)
                    //Cargar variables de shader
                    mesh.Effect.SetValue("lightColor", lightColors);
                    mesh.Effect.SetValue("lightPosition", pointLightPositions);
                    mesh.Effect.SetValue("lightIntensity", pointLightIntensity);
                    mesh.Effect.SetValue("lightAttenuation", pointLightAttenuation);
                    mesh.Effect.SetValue("materialEmissiveColor", ColorValue.FromColor(mEmissiveModifier.Value));
                    mesh.Effect.SetValue("materialDiffuseColor", ColorValue.FromColor(mDiffuseModifier.Value));

                //Renderizar modelo

            //Renderizar meshes de luz
            for (var i = 0; i < lightMeshes.Length; i++)
                var lightMesh = lightMeshes[i];

        private void ChangeFishWay()
            TGCMatrix Rotation = TGCMatrix.RotationY(-RotationYSign() * FastMath.PI_HALF);

            TotalRotation      *= Rotation;
            Mesh.Mesh.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(Constants.Scale) * TotalRotation * TGCMatrix.Translation(GetMeshPosition());
            time = Constants.ScapeFromPlayerCooldown;
Exemple #30
        public override void Init()
            //Crear loader
            var loader = new TgcSceneLoader();

            //Cargar mesh
            scene = loader.loadSceneFromFile(MediaDir + "ModelosTgc\\Teapot\\Teapot-TgcScene.xml");

            mesh          = scene.Meshes[0];
            mesh.Scale    = new TGCVector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
            mesh.Position = new TGCVector3(-100f, -5f, 0f);

            // Arreglo las normales
            var adj = new int[mesh.D3dMesh.NumberFaces * 3];

            mesh.D3dMesh.GenerateAdjacency(0, adj);

            //Cargar Shader personalizado
            effect = TGCShaders.Instance.LoadEffect(ShadersDir + "WorkshopShaders\\ToonShading.fx");

            // le asigno el efecto a la malla
            mesh.Effect    = effect;
            mesh.Technique = "DefaultTechnique";

            // Creo las instancias de malla
            instances = new List <TgcMesh>();
            for (var i = -5; i < 5; i++)
                for (var j = -5; j < 5; j++)
                    var instance = mesh.createMeshInstance(mesh.Name + i);
                    instance.Position  = new TGCVector3(i * 50, (i + j) * 5, j * 50);
                    instance.Transform = TGCMatrix.Scaling(instance.Scale)
                                         * TGCMatrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(instance.Rotation.X, instance.Rotation.Y, instance.Rotation.Z)
                                         * TGCMatrix.Translation(instance.Position);

            blurActivatedModifier = AddBoolean("blurActivated", "activar blur", false);
            lightPositionModifier = AddVertex3f("LightPosition", new TGCVector3(-100, -100, -100), new TGCVector3(100, 100, 100), new TGCVector3(0, 40, 0));
            ambientModifier       = AddFloat("Ambient", 0, 1, 0.5f);
            diffuseModifier       = AddFloat("Diffuse", 0, 1, 0.6f);
            specularModifier      = AddFloat("Specular", 0, 1, 0.5f);
            specularPowerModifier = AddFloat("SpecularPower", 1, 100, 16);

            Camara = new TgcRotationalCamera(new TGCVector3(20, 20, 0), 300, TgcRotationalCamera.DEFAULT_ZOOM_FACTOR, 1.5f, Input);

            // Creo un depthbuffer sin multisampling, para que sea compatible con el render to texture

            // Nota:
            // El render to Texture no es compatible con el multisampling en dx9
            // Por otra parte la mayor parte de las placas de ultima generacion no soportan
            // mutisampling para texturas de punto flotante con lo cual
            // hay que suponer con generalidad que no se puede usar multisampling y render to texture

            // Para resolverlo hay que crear un depth buffer que no tenga multisampling,
            // (de lo contrario falla el zbuffer y se producen artifacts tipicos de que no tiene zbuffer)

            // Si uno quisiera usar el multisampling, la tecnica habitual es usar un RenderTarget
            // en lugar de una textura.
            // Por ejemplo en c++:
            // Render Target formato color buffer con multisampling
            //  g_pd3dDevice->CreateRenderTarget(Ancho,Alto,
            //          D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DMULTISAMPLE_2_SAMPLES, 0,
            //          FALSE, &g_pRenderTarget, NULL);
            // Luego, ese RenderTarget NO ES una textura, y nosotros necesitamos acceder a esos
            // pixeles, ahi lo que se hace es COPIAR del rendertartet a una textura,
            // para poder trabajar con esos datos en el contexto del Pixel shader:
            // Eso se hace con la funcion StretchRect:
            // copia de rendertarget ---> sceneSurface (que es la superficie asociada a una textura)
            // g_pd3dDevice->StretchRect(g_pRenderTarget, NULL, g_pSceneSurface, NULL, D3DTEXF_NONE);
            // Esta tecnica se llama downsampling
            // Y tiene el costo adicional de la transferencia de memoria entre el rendertarget y la
            // textura, pero que no traspasa los limites de la GPU. (es decir es muy performante)
            // no es lo mismo que lockear una textura para acceder desde la CPU, que tiene el problema
            // de transferencia via AGP.

            g_pDepthStencil = D3DDevice.Instance.Device.CreateDepthStencilSurface(D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth,
                                                                                  D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight, DepthFormat.D24S8, MultiSampleType.None, 0, true);

            // inicializo el render target
            g_pRenderTarget = new Texture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth,
                                          D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.X8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);

            effect.SetValue("g_RenderTarget", g_pRenderTarget);

            // inicializo el mapa de normales
            g_pNormals = new Texture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth,
                                     D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A16B16G16R16F, Pool.Default);

            effect.SetValue("g_Normals", g_pNormals);

            // Resolucion de pantalla
            effect.SetValue("screen_dx", D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferWidth);
            effect.SetValue("screen_dy", D3DDevice.Instance.Device.PresentationParameters.BackBufferHeight);

            //Se crean 2 triangulos con las dimensiones de la pantalla con sus posiciones ya transformadas
            // x = -1 es el extremo izquiedo de la pantalla, x=1 es el extremo derecho
            // Lo mismo para la Y con arriba y abajo
            // la Z en 1 simpre
            CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] vertices =
                new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(-1,  1, 1, 0, 0),
                new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1,   1, 1, 1, 0),
                new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(-1, -1, 1, 0, 1),
                new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(1,  -1, 1, 1, 1)
            //vertex buffer de los triangulos
            g_pVBV3D = new VertexBuffer(typeof(CustomVertex.PositionTextured), 4, D3DDevice.Instance.Device, Usage.Dynamic | Usage.WriteOnly,
                                        CustomVertex.PositionTextured.Format, Pool.Default);
            g_pVBV3D.SetData(vertices, 0, LockFlags.None);