Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Will preform the given query on the and call the CB supplied. The app must call this.CheckCache before it
 /// usies teh cache to make sure its is up to date.  Default behavior is to exception if there are no rows returned.  
 /// Use AllowNoRows property to change that
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="db"></param>
 /// <param name="query"></param>
 /// <param name="Expiration">Minues to wait inbetween refreshes value of 0 - cache never expires</param>
 /// <param name="cb">Delagate to process the Query's result.  BE careful in multiclient mode to insure you
 /// dont mix up data for two different clients in the same cache.  This may require your app to rebuild its
 /// internal data structres it uses for the cache each time the delagte is called.</param>
 public CachedQuery(TDatabase db, string query, int Expiration, CacheUpdatedDelegate cb)
     mCB = cb;
     mExpire = Expiration;
     mQuery = query;
     mDB = db;
 public SMNatives(NativeData nativeData)
     Globals     = new TGlobals(nativeData);
     Application = new TApplication(nativeData);
     Control     = new TControl(nativeData);
     ElWind      = new TElWind(nativeData);
     SMMain      = new TSMMain(nativeData);
     Database    = new TDatabase(nativeData);
     Registry    = new TRegistry(Database, nativeData);
Exemple #3
        public async Task <int> AddAsync(string accountId, string name, string code, ProviderType provider, string connectionString)
            if (await _repository.ExistsCodeAsync(code))
                throw new BusiException("编码已存在");
            var model = new TDatabase
                Id               = IdentityHelper.Guid32,
                AccountId        = accountId,
                Name             = name,
                Code             = code,
                Provider         = (byte)provider,
                ConnectionString = connectionString,
                CreateTime       = Clock.Now,
                Status           = (byte)CommonStatus.Normal

            return(await _repository.InsertAsync(model));
Exemple #4
            public TFileSpace(TDatabase db, NativeData nativeData)
                InstancePtr = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointer.Registry_FileSpaceInstance]);

                EmptySlotsPtr     = new ObjPtr(InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointer.FileSpace_EmptySlotsOffset]);
                AllocatedSlotsPtr = new ObjPtr(InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointer.FileSpace_AllocatedSlotsOffset]);

                GetTopSlotCallSig     = nativeData.GetMemoryPattern(NativeMethod.FileSpace_GetTopSlot);
                IsSlotOccupiedCallSig = nativeData.GetMemoryPattern(NativeMethod.FileSpace_IsSlotOccupied);

                GetTopSlot = new Procedure <Func <IntPtr, bool, int> >(
                IsSlotOccupied = new Procedure <Func <IntPtr, int, bool> >(
            public TRegistry(TDatabase db, NativeData nativeData)
                TextRegistryInstance     = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointers.Registry_TextRegistryInstance]);
                ImageRegistryInstance    = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointers.Registry_ImageRegistryInstance]);
                SoundRegistryInstance    = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointers.Registry_SoundRegistryInstance]);
                VideoRegistryInstance    = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointers.Registry_VideoRegistryInstance]);
                BinaryRegistryInstance   = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointers.Registry_BinaryRegistryInstance]);
                TemplateRegistryInstance = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointers.Registry_TemplateRegistryInstance]);
                ConceptRegistryInstance  = new ObjPtr(db.InstancePtr, nativeData.Pointers[NativePointers.Registry_ConceptRegistryInstance]);

                AddMemberCallSig  = nativeData.GetMemoryPattern(NativeMethod.TRegistry_AddMember);
                ImportFileCallSig = nativeData.GetMemoryPattern(NativeMethod.TRegistry_ImportFile);

                AddMember = new Procedure <Func <IntPtr, DelphiUTF16String, int> >(
                ImportFile = new Procedure <Func <IntPtr, DelphiUTF16String, DelphiUTF16String, int> >(
Exemple #6
 protected GenericTable(TDatabase db)
     : this("", db)
Exemple #7
 public SqlUtil(TDatabase Database)
     : this(Database, null)
Exemple #8
        // TODO: MULTI: decision on what db to use can be used here and only here.
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes this object instance by creating an instance of the Internal SqlConnection object.  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Database" >The Associated Database Name that this Data Service instance will be communicating with</param>
        /// <value>void</value>
        private void ConstructMe(TDatabase db, string DBName, string ServerName)
            byte minConnect;
            byte maxConnect;

            //this call will do lots of cool things, but will give us back the name of the server that the caller needs.
            //it will also change the DBName if it is mapped to another actual name
            mDatabaseName = (db == TDatabase.Unknown ? DBName : db.ToString());
            mDatabase = db;
            if (ServerName != null)
                msDatabaseServer = ServerName;
                msDatabaseServer = DBLocator.getDatabaseServer(ref mDatabaseName);

            DBLocator.getConnectionPoolMinMax(mDatabaseName, out minConnect, out maxConnect);

            try {
                msActiveConnectionString = "Application Name=" + this.ApplicationName + ";" +
                    "server=" + msDatabaseServer + ";" +
                    "trusted_Connection=yes;" +
                    "Database=" + mDatabaseName + ";" +
                    "connection reset=false;" +
                    "enlist=true;" +
                    "min pool size=" + minConnect + ";" +
                    "max pool size=" + maxConnect;

                msActiveConnectionString = FixConnectionString(msActiveConnectionString);

                moDBConn = new SqlConnection(msActiveConnectionString);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                //Lets Use The MS Application Block here w/a custom publisher that sends out an eMail & Publishes exception data to a structure in the Shared Database.
                //If Shared DB is not available then publish exception data to the event log.
                throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);
Exemple #9
        public AuditLog(long correspondence_id, string datatype, long dataid, string EventDescript, long eid,
			AuditFields changeList, TDatabase Database)
            mDataType = datatype;
            mCorrespondenceID = correspondence_id;
            mDataID = dataid;
            mFieldChanges = changeList;
            mEventID = eid;
            mEventDescription = EventDescript;
            mDatabase = Database;
Exemple #10
 public GenericTable(string TableName, TDatabase db, string IdColumn)
     ConstructMe(TableName, db, IdColumn, null);
Exemple #11
        public static GenericTable GetFromHistoryOrCurrent(string TableName, TDatabase db, long id)
            GenericTable gt = new GenericTable(TableName, db);
            if (gt.ReadRecord(id) > 0)
                return gt;

            gt = new GenericTable("History" + TableName, db);
            if (gt.ReadRecord(id) > 0)
                return gt;

            return null;
Exemple #12
 public SqlUtil(TDatabase Database, string appName)
     : this(Database, Database.ToString(), appName)
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a fully qualified path to the specified table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LogicalDBName"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getTablePath(TDatabase db, string tableName)
            string ActualDBName = db.ToString();
            string dbServer = getDatabaseServer(ref ActualDBName);

            if (tableName.Substring(0, 1) != "[")
                tableName = "[" + tableName + "]";
            if (dbServer.Substring(0, 1) != "[")
                dbServer = "[" + dbServer + "]";

            return string.Format("{0}.{1}.dbo.{2}", dbServer, ActualDBName, tableName);
Exemple #14
        private static List<AuditLog> GetAuditList(string Q, SqlParameterCollection oParams, SqlUtil sql, TDatabase AuditDB)
            if (sql == null)
                sql = SqlUtil.Get(AuditDB);

            List<AuditLog> headers = new List<AuditLog>();

            if ((long)oParams["@ID"].Value == 0)
                return headers;

            DataTable oTable = sql.ExecuteSingleResultSetSQLQuery(Q, oParams);
            if (oTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                return headers;

            //each unique header has a list of the details
            long CurrId = -1;
            long id;
            AuditFields fields = null;
            foreach (DataRow r in oTable.Rows) {
                id = DataUtils.LongZeroIfNull(r["ID"]);
                if (id != CurrId) {
                    AuditLog a = new AuditLog(r, false);

                    fields = a.mFieldChanges;
                    CurrId = id;


            return headers;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// get the audit list for datatypes supplied and optionaly adds in the audits for any correspondeces 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <param name="DataId"></param>
 /// <param name="IncludeCorrespondenceLog"></param>
 /// <param name="NoErrors">do not include audit errors</param>
 /// <param name="SourceDB">The database that conatin the audit table you want to search since audit exists in almost every DB</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static List<AuditLog> GetAuditListByDataType(string[] type, long DataId, bool IncludeCorrespondenceLog, bool NoErrors, TDatabase SourceDB)
     return GetAuditListByDataType(type, DataId, IncludeCorrespondenceLog, NoErrors, SqlUtil.Get(SourceDB));
Exemple #16
        public static List<AuditLog> GetAuditListByAuditID(long AuditID, TDatabase AuditDB)
            SqlParameterCollection oParameters = new SqlCommand().Parameters;

            oParameters.AddWithValue("@ID", AuditID);

            string query = "select * from auditheader h with (readpast)" +
                "left join auditdetail d on h.id = d.auditid where " +
                "h.id = @ID order by id asc";

            return GetAuditList(query, oParameters, null, AuditDB);
Exemple #17
        public static void AuditException(TDatabase db, Exception x, string msg, MethodBase ErrorOriginatingMethod)
            try {
                if (bRecursiveCall)

                bRecursiveCall = true;
                AuditFields changelist = new AuditFields();
                AddExceptionInfo(x, ErrorOriginatingMethod, changelist);

                string EventSrc = Environment.MachineName;
                long EventID = 0;

                AuditLog l = new AuditLog(0, "Exception", 0, EventSrc, EventID, changelist, db);
                l.Recover = true;
                l.Save(AuditLog.CompletionStatus.Exception, msg, true);
            } catch { } finally {
                bRecursiveCall = false;
Exemple #18
 protected GenericTable(TDatabase db, string IdColumn)
     : this("", db, IdColumn)
Exemple #19
        //get any record from a any database and returns ToString on it
        public static string AnyTableToString(string tablename, TDatabase db, long uid)
            string DispString;
            if ((tablename == null)) {
                DispString = "unknown data type";
            } else {
                try {
                    GenericTable gt = new GenericTable(tablename, db);
                    DispString = gt.ToString();
                } catch (Exception x) {
                    DispString = "Error getting record " + x.Message;

            return DispString;
Exemple #20
 private SqlUtil(TDatabase Database, string DBName, string appName)
     if (appName != null) {
         this.ApplicationName = appName;
     } else {
         this.ApplicationName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName;
     ConstructMe(Database, DBName, null);
Exemple #21
 public GenericTable(string TableName, TDatabase db)
     : this(TableName, db, null)
Exemple #22
 public static string BuildTablePath(TDatabase db, string table)
     return DBLocator.getTablePath(db, table);
Exemple #23
        private void ConstructMe(string tableName, TDatabase db, string IdColumn, SqlUtil sql)
            if (db == TDatabase.Unknown)
                db = this.DefaultDatabase;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
                tableName = this.DefaultTableName; // allows a subclass to define a tablename by method rather than passing in the constructor.

            if (IdColumn == null)
                IdColumn = "ID";

            mIdColumn = IdColumn;

            if (sql != null)
                mSqlUtil = sql;
                mSqlUtil = SqlUtil.Get(db);

            if (tableName.StartsWith("["))
                mTableName = tableName;
                mTableName = "[" + tableName + "]";

            mFullTablePath = mSqlUtil.FullTablePath(tableName);
            mTableDef = GetTableDef();
            mChangeList = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            if (mTableDef == null) {
                Exception x = new Exception("no ID field");
                throw x;

            if (mIdColumn != (string)mIdColumnHash[mFullTablePath]) {
                Exception x = new Exception("cant redefined id column");
                throw x;

            mHasIdentity = (bool)mHasIdentityCache[mFullTablePath];

            mData = new Dictionary<string, object>(mTableDef.Count + 3);
            //init all fields to null
            foreach (string f in mTableDef.Keys)
                mData[f] = System.DBNull.Value;

            mNewRecord = true;
Exemple #24
        public static SqlUtil Get(TDatabase Database, string appName)
            bool NoCaching = true;
            if (NoCaching) {
                return new SqlUtil(Database, appName);
            //save a copy of original for later use, in case first call to getDatabaseServer modifies it
            string db = Database.ToString();
            string svr = DBLocator.getDatabaseServer(ref db);
            string k = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id, svr, db);

            lock (xDBLock) {
                if (mRegisteredConnection[k] == null) {
                    mRegisteredConnection[k] = new SqlUtil(Database, appName);

                return (SqlUtil)mRegisteredConnection[k];
Exemple #25
 //this is really a constructor for all those class that cant
 //change and add a new local variable
 //TODO: In the future we may eliminate unspec as well
 public static SqlUtil Get(TDatabase Database)
     return Get(Database, null);
Exemple #26
        public AuditLog(DataRow r, bool FillDetails, TDatabase Database)
            mID = DataUtils.LongZeroIfNull(r["ID"]);

            mDataType = (string)DataUtils.BlankIfNull(r["DataType"]);
            mEventDescription = (string)DataUtils.BlankIfNull(r["EventDescription"]);
            mCompletionMsg = (string)DataUtils.BlankIfNull(r["CompletionMsg"]);

            mCorrespondenceID = DataUtils.LongZeroIfNull(r["CorrespondenceID"]);
            mDataID = DataUtils.LongZeroIfNull(r["DataID"]);
            mCompletionStatus = (AuditLog.CompletionStatus)DataUtils.LongZeroIfNull(r["CompletionStatus"]);
            mLogTime = (DateTime)r["LogTime"];
            mDatabase = Database;
            mFieldChanges = new AuditFields();
            if (FillDetails) {
                SqlParameterCollection oParameters = new SqlCommand().Parameters;

                oParameters.AddWithValue("@ID", mID);

                string query = "select * from AuditDetail where AuditID =  @ID";

                DataTable oTable = SqlUtil.Get(mDatabase).ExecuteSingleResultSetSQLQuery(query, oParameters);
                if (oTable.Rows.Count == 0)

                foreach (DataRow r2 in oTable.Rows) {