/// <summary> /// Display settings /// </summary> void DrawSettings() { // Draw a header for the Spawner Area global settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Global settings", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("is Looping", "Is the area start again when all the waves are cleared.", isLooping); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Is Activated by event", "Does the area start by event or by trigger.", isActivatedByEvent); GUILayout.Space(10); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (TDS_EditorUtility.Button("WAVES", "Wrap / Unwrap Waves", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle)) { AreWavesUnfolded = !areWavesUnfolded; } GUITools.ActionButton("Add Wave", waves.InsertArrayElementAtIndex, waves.arraySize, Color.white, Color.white); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (areWavesUnfolded) { for (int i = 0; i < waves.arraySize; i++) { GUILayout.Space(10); DrawWave(i); } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the editor of the editing scripts. /// </summary> public override void DrawEditor() { // Make a space at the beginning of the editor GUILayout.Space(10); Color _originalColor = GUI.backgroundColor; Color _originalGUIColor = GUI.color; GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxDarkColor; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox"); // Records any changements on the editing objects to allow undo Undo.RecordObjects(targets, "Event System settings"); // Updates the SerializedProperties to get the latest values serializedObject.Update(); GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.RadioToggle("Activated", "Is this event system activated or not", isActivated); if (isActivated.boolValue) { GUILayout.Space(3); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent("Current Event", "Current event processing"), new GUIContent(currentEvent.FindPropertyRelative("Name").stringValue)); } GUILayout.Space(5); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Des. Object when Finished", "Should this object be deactivated when the event system gets finished", doDesObjectOnFinish); GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.backgroundColor = _originalColor; TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Detected Tags", "Tags detected to trigger this event", detectedTags); GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxDarkColor; GUILayout.Space(5); // Draws enter events EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Enter Events"); DrawEvents(events, ref foldouts); GUILayout.Space(5); // Draws exit events EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Exit Events"); DrawEvents(exitEvents, ref exitFoldouts); // Applies all modified properties on the SerializedObjects serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.backgroundColor = _originalColor; GUI.color = _originalGUIColor; }
/// <summary> /// Draws the custom editor for this class settings. /// </summary> private void DrawSettings() { if (Application.isPlaying) { if (TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Angry", "Indicates if the Fat Lady is in Angry or in \"Cool\" mode", isAngry)) { fatLadies.ForEach(f => f.IsAngry = isAngry.boolValue); serializedObject.Update(); } GUILayout.Space(5); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Angry Speed Coef", "Coefficient applied to the Fat Lady's speed when angry", angrySpeedCoef)) { fatLadies.ForEach(f => f.AngrySpeedCoef = angrySpeedCoef.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Angry Health Step", "Health value separating the Angry mode and the Cool one", angryHealthStep)) { fatLadies.ForEach(f => f.AngryHealthStep = angryHealthStep.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } GUILayout.Space(3); if (Application.isPlaying) { if (TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Snack Available", "Indicates if the Fat Lady's snack is available for use", isSnackAvailable)) { fatLadies.ForEach(f => f.IsSnackAvailable = isSnackAvailable.boolValue); serializedObject.Update(); } GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(25, isSnackAvailable.boolValue ? 0 : snackRestaureTimer.floatValue / snackRestaureTime.floatValue, "Snack Restauration"); GUILayout.Space(3); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Snack Restaure Time", "Time i takes to restaure the snack after eating (in seconds)", snackRestaureTime)) { fatLadies.ForEach(f => f.SnackRestaureTime = snackRestaureTime.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Snack Heal Value", "Heal value when snacking", snackHealValue)) { fatLadies.ForEach(f => f.SnackHealValue = snackHealValue.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the editor for Damageable class settings /// </summary> private void DrawSettings() { // If the serializedProperty is changed, triggers the property of the field // After the property has been used, update the object so that serializedProperties can be refresh if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Health", "Current health of this object", healthCurrent, 0, healthMax.intValue)) { damageables.ForEach(d => d.HealthCurrent = healthCurrent.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (!healthCurrent.hasMultipleDifferentValues) { GUILayout.Space(5); TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(25, (float)healthCurrent.intValue / healthMax.intValue, "Health"); GUILayout.Space(5); } // If the application is playing, draws two button next to each other allowing the heal & damage the object if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { DrawLifeButtons(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Max Health", "Maximum health of the object ; its health cannot exceed this value", healthMax)) { damageables.ForEach(d => d.HealthMax = healthMax.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Dead", "Indicates if the object is dead, or not", isDead)) { damageables.ForEach(d => d.IsDead = isDead.boolValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Indestructible", "When indestructible, the object will not be dead when its health reach zero", isIndestructible)) { damageables.ForEach(d => d.IsIndestructible = isIndestructible.boolValue); serializedObject.Update(); } TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Invulnerable", "When invulnerable, the object cannot take any damage", isInvulnerable); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Can be Moved", "If set to true, this damageable can suffer the effects of special attack effect moving opponent", canBeMoved); GUILayout.Space(3); }
/// <summary> /// Draw the editor for the variables settings of the enemy /// </summary> protected virtual void DrawSettings() { // Draw a header for the enemy detection settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Detection", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Wandering range Min", "The wandering distance around the targeted player when other enemies attacking an enemy", wanderingRangeMin, 1, wanderingRangeMax.floatValue); TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Wandering range Max", "The wandering distance around the targeted player when other enemies attacking an enemy", wanderingRangeMax, wanderingRangeMin.floatValue, 10); TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Taunt Probability", "The chance to taunt after wandering", tauntProbability, 0, 100); GUILayout.Space(3); //Draw a header for the enemy scale up settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Scale Up Settings", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Scale Up", "Should this enemy health scale up depending on player amount", doScaleOnPlayerAmount); if (doScaleOnPlayerAmount.boolValue) { if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Health Scale Up Percent", "Percentage by which this enemy health is scaled up for each other player", healthScalePercent, 0, 100)) { enemies.ForEach(e => e.HealthScalePercent = healthScalePercent.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } } GUILayout.Space(3); //Draw a header for the enemy down settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Damages Settings", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Can be grounded", "Is the enemy can be grounded", canBeDown); GUILayout.Space(3); // Draws a header for the enemy attacks settings TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Can Throw", "Is the enemy can throw objects", canThrow); if (canThrow.boolValue) { TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Throw Range", "Distance reached by the throwed object", throwRange, .5f, 20f); } GUILayout.Space(3); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the editor of the editing scripts. /// </summary> public virtual void DrawEditor() { // Make a space at the beginning of the editor GUILayout.Space(10); Color _originalColor = GUI.backgroundColor; Color _originalGUIColor = GUI.color; GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxDarkColor; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox"); // Records any changements on the editing objects to allow undo Undo.RecordObjects(targets, "Event System settings"); // Updates the SerializedProperties to get the latest values serializedObject.Update(); GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.RadioToggle("Activated", "Is this event system activated or not", isActivated); if (isActivated.boolValue) { GUILayout.Space(3); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent("Current Event", "Current event processing"), new GUIContent(currentEvent.FindPropertyRelative("Name").stringValue)); } GUILayout.Space(5); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Local", "Is this event system local-based or online ?", isLocal); GUILayout.Space(2); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Des. Collider on Activation", "Should this object collider be desactivated when starting events", doDesTriggerOnActiv); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Looping", "Should this event system loop when reaching the end or not", doLoop); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Des. Object when Finished", "Should this object be deactivated when the event system gets finished", doDesObjectOnFinish); GUILayout.Space(2); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Activation mode", "Activation mode used to trigger these events", activationMode); if (activationMode.enumValueIndex < 3) { GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.backgroundColor = _originalColor; TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Detected Tags", "Tags detected to trigger this event", detectedTags); GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxDarkColor; } GUILayout.Space(5); // Draws events DrawEvents(events, ref foldouts); // Applies all modified properties on the SerializedObjects serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.backgroundColor = _originalColor; GUI.color = _originalGUIColor; }
/// <summary> /// Draws the editor for the events. /// </summary> public void DrawEvents(SerializedProperty _events, ref bool[] _foldouts) { // Button to add a new event GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxLightColor; GUI.color = Color.green; if (TDS_EditorUtility.Button("+", "Add a new event", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { _events.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(0); _events.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0).FindPropertyRelative("Name").stringValue = "New Event"; bool[] _newFoldouts = new bool[_foldouts.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(_foldouts, 0, _newFoldouts, 1, _foldouts.Length); _foldouts = _newFoldouts; } GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxDarkColor; for (int _i = 0; _i < _events.arraySize; _i++) { GUILayout.Space(5); GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxLightColor; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Box"); SerializedProperty _event = _events.GetArrayElementAtIndex(_i); SerializedProperty _eventName = _event.FindPropertyRelative("Name"); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Button to show or not this event if (TDS_EditorUtility.Button(_eventName.stringValue, "Wrap / unwrap this event", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle)) { _foldouts[_i] = !_foldouts[_i]; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); // BUttons to change the event position in the list if ((_i > 0) && TDS_EditorUtility.Button("▲", "Move this element up", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { _events.MoveArrayElement(_i, _i - 1); } if ((_i < _events.arraySize - 1) && TDS_EditorUtility.Button("▼", "Move this element down", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { _events.MoveArrayElement(_i, _i + 1); } // Button to delete this event GUI.color = Color.red; if (TDS_EditorUtility.Button("X", "Delete this event", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { _events.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(_i); bool[] _newFoldouts = new bool[_foldouts.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(_foldouts, 0, _newFoldouts, 0, _i); Array.Copy(_foldouts, _i + 1, _newFoldouts, _i, _foldouts.Length - (_i + 1)); _foldouts = _newFoldouts; break; } GUI.color = Color.white; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); // If unfolded, draws this event if (_foldouts[_i]) { SerializedProperty _eventType = _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventType"); SerializedProperty _doRequireType = _event.FindPropertyRelative("doRequireSpecificPlayerType"); TDS_EditorUtility.TextField("Name", "Name of this event", _eventName); GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Event Type", "Type of this event", _eventType); CustomEventType _eventTypeValue = (CustomEventType)_eventType.enumValueIndex; if (_eventType.enumValueIndex > 7) { _eventTypeValue += 13; } TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Delay", "Delay before starting this event", _event.FindPropertyRelative("delay")); GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Require specific Player type", "Should this event require a specific player type to be triggered", _doRequireType); if (_doRequireType.boolValue) { TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Required type of Player", "Required type of player to trigger this event", _event.FindPropertyRelative("playerType")); } GUILayout.Space(5); switch (_eventTypeValue) { case CustomEventType.CameraMovement: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Target", "Target to make the camera look ", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventTransform")); TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Duration", "Time to look at the target", _event.FindPropertyRelative("cameraWaitTime")); TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Speed Coef", "Coefficient applied to the speed of the camera.", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventFloat")); break; case CustomEventType.DesactiveInfoBox: break; case CustomEventType.DisplayInfoBox: TDS_EditorUtility.TextField("Text ID", "ID of the text to use for the Info Box", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventString")); break; case CustomEventType.Instantiate: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Prefab", "Prefab to instantiate", _event.FindPropertyRelative("prefab")); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Instantiation transform reference", "Transform to use as reference for position & rotation for the transform of the instantiated object", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventTransform")); break; case CustomEventType.InstantiatePhoton: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Prefab", "Prefab to instantiate", _event.FindPropertyRelative("prefab")); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Instantiation transform reference", "Transform to use as reference for position & rotation for the transform of the instantiated object", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventTransform")); break; case CustomEventType.MovePlayerAroundPoint: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Position", "Where to move te player around", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventTransform")); break; case CustomEventType.Narrator: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Quote", "Narrator quote to play", _event.FindPropertyRelative("quote")); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); Color _originalColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(.7f, .35f, .75f); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Load Quote", "Loads the quote with the ID entered as Text ID"), GUILayout.Width(150))) { FieldInfo _fieldInfo = typeof(TDS_Event).GetField("quote", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public); if (_fieldInfo != null) { TDS_NarratorQuote _quote = ((TDS_NarratorManager)Resources.Load(TDS_NarratorManager.FILE_PATH)).Quotes.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Name == _event.FindPropertyRelative("quote").FindPropertyRelative("Name").stringValue); if (_quote != null) { TDS_Event[] _objectEvents = (TDS_Event[])typeof(TDS_EventsSystem).GetField(_events.name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public).GetValue(target); typeof(TDS_Event).GetField("quote", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public).SetValue(_objectEvents[_i], _quote); } } } GUI.color = _originalColor; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); break; case CustomEventType.PlayMusic: _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventInt").intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntPopup("Music", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventInt").intValue, Enum.GetNames(typeof(Music)), (int[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Music))); TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Fade Duration", "Time during which the previous music will fade out before the new one starts.", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventFloat")); break; case CustomEventType.WaitForObjectDeath: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Object Tag", "Tag waiting for an object with dies", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventString")); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Amount", "Amount of object with this tag to wait for death", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventInt")); break; case CustomEventType.WaitForSpawnAreaDesactivation: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Amount", "Amount of spawn area to wait for desactivation", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventInt")); break; case CustomEventType.UnityEventLocal: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Unity Event", "Associated Unity Event to this event", _event.FindPropertyRelative("unityEvent")); break; case CustomEventType.UnityEventOnline: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Unity Event", "Associated Unity Event to this event", _event.FindPropertyRelative("unityEvent")); break; case CustomEventType.WaitForAction: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Action to wait", "Action to wait the player to perform", _event.FindPropertyRelative("actionType")); break; case CustomEventType.WaitForEveryone: TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Bound min X", "Transform to use for minimum bound X value to wait", _event.FindPropertyRelative("eventTransform")); break; default: // Mhmm... break; } // Button to add a new event GUI.color = Color.green; if (TDS_EditorUtility.Button("+", "Add a new event", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { _events.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(_i); bool[] _newFoldouts = new bool[_foldouts.Length + 1]; Array.Copy(_foldouts, 0, _newFoldouts, 0, _i + 1); Array.Copy(_foldouts, _i + 1, _newFoldouts, _i + 2, _foldouts.Length - (_i + 1)); _foldouts = _newFoldouts; } GUI.color = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the editor for the Character class settings. /// </summary> private void DrawSettings() { // Draws a header for the character behaviour settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Behaviour", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Pacific", "When pacific, the character will not attack", isPacific); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Paralyzed", "When paralyzed, the character will no move", isParalyzed); // When on play and setting the toggle, do not change the property but execute the Flip method instead if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { if (!isCharaMultiEditing && TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Facing Right Side", "Indicates if the character is currently facing the right side of the screen, or not", isFacingRight, false)) { characters[0].Flip(); serializedObject.Update(); } } else { TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Facing Right Side", "Indicates if the character is currently facing the right side of the screen, or not", isFacingRight); } // Draws a header for the character behaviour settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Speed", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); GUILayout.Space(3); // When on play and not multi editing, diplay a progress bar representing the current speed of the character if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) { if (!isCharaMultiEditing) { TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(20, speedCurrent.floatValue / speedMax.floatValue, "Speed"); GUILayout.Space(5); } } // If the serializedProperty is changed, triggers the property of the field // After the property has been used, update the object so that serializedProperties can be refresh if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Initial Speed", "Speed of the character when starting moving", speedInitial, 0, speedMax.floatValue)) { characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedInitial = speedInitial.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Max Speed", "Maximum speed of the character", speedMax)) { characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedMax = speedMax.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Speed Acceleration Time", "Time that take the character to get its speed to the maximum value, after starting moving (in seconds)", speedAccelerationTime)) { characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedAccelerationTime = speedAccelerationTime.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Speed Coefficient", "Global coefficient used to multiply all speed values for this character", speedCoef)) { characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedCoef = speedCoef.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) { // Draws a header for the player aim settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Throwables & Aiming", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); GUILayout.Space(3); if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Throw max. Bonus Damages", "Maximum amount of bonus damages when throwing an object", throwBonusDamagesMax)) { characters.ForEach(p => p.ThrowBonusDamagesMax = throwBonusDamagesMax.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Throw min. Bonus Damages", "Minimum amount of bonus damages when throwing an object", throwBonusDamagesMin, 0, throwBonusDamagesMax.intValue)) { characters.ForEach(p => p.ThrowBonusDamagesMin = throwBonusDamagesMin.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } GUILayout.Space(3); if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Aiming Angle", "Angle used by this player to aim for a throw", aimAngle, 15f, 60f)) { characters.ForEach(p => p.AimAngle = aimAngle.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } TDS_EditorUtility.Vector3Field("Throw Aiming Point", "Position to aim when preparing a throw (Local space)", throwAimingPoint); } GUILayout.Space(3); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the editor of the editing scripts. /// </summary> public void DrawEditor() { // Make a space at the beginning of the editor GUILayout.Space(10); Color _originalColor = GUI.backgroundColor; Color _originalGUIColor = GUI.color; GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxDarkColor; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("HelpBox"); GUILayout.Space(3); serializedObject.Update(); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Destroy on Activate", "Should this object be destroyed when activated", doDestroyOnActivate); if (!doDestroyOnActivate.boolValue) { TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Disable on Activate", "Should this object be disable when activated", doDisableOnActivate); } GUILayout.Space(2); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Activation mode", "Activation mode used to trigger these bounds", activationMode); if (activationMode.enumValueIndex < 2) { GUILayout.Space(3); GUI.backgroundColor = _originalColor; TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Detected Tags", "Tags detected to trigger this event", detectedTags); GUI.backgroundColor = TDS_EditorUtility.BoxDarkColor; } GUILayout.Space(5); GUI.backgroundColor = _originalColor; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); TDS_EditorUtility.Vector3Field("Top Bound", "Top bound position", topBound); GUI.color = editingBound == 1 ? Color.grey : Color.cyan; if (GUILayout.Button("EDIT", GUILayout.Width(40))) { if (editingBound != 1) { editingBound = 1; } else { editingBound = 0; } } if (bottomBound.vector3Value != Vector3.zero) { GUI.color = new Color(.9f, .7f, .3f); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("BOTT. SET", "Set the position of the top bound to match the camera size with the bottom bound"), GUILayout.Width(75))) { Undo.RecordObjects(serializedObject.targetObjects, "set bottom bound position"); topBound.vector3Value = new Vector3(topBound.vector3Value.x, topBound.vector3Value.y, bottomBound.vector3Value.z + 16.5f); } } GUI.color = _originalGUIColor; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); TDS_EditorUtility.Vector3Field("Left Bound", "Left bound position", leftBound); GUI.color = editingBound == 2 ? Color.grey : Color.cyan; if (GUILayout.Button("EDIT", GUILayout.Width(40))) { if (editingBound != 2) { editingBound = 2; } else { editingBound = 0; } } if (rightBound.vector3Value != Vector3.zero) { GUI.color = new Color(.9f, .7f, .3f); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("RIGH. SET", "Set the position of the left bound to match the camera size with the right bound"), GUILayout.Width(75))) { Undo.RecordObjects(serializedObject.targetObjects, "set bottom bound position"); leftBound.vector3Value = new Vector3(rightBound.vector3Value.x - (Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2 * ((float)Screen.currentResolution.width / Screen.currentResolution.height)), leftBound.vector3Value.y, leftBound.vector3Value.z); } } GUI.color = _originalGUIColor; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); TDS_EditorUtility.Vector3Field("Right Bound", "Right bound rightBound", rightBound); GUI.color = editingBound == 3 ? Color.grey : Color.cyan; if (GUILayout.Button("EDIT", GUILayout.Width(40))) { if (editingBound != 3) { editingBound = 3; } else { editingBound = 0; } } if (leftBound.vector3Value != Vector3.zero) { GUI.color = new Color(.9f, .7f, .3f); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("LEFT SET", "Set the position of the right bound to match the camera size with the left bound"), GUILayout.Width(75))) { Undo.RecordObjects(serializedObject.targetObjects, "set bottom bound position"); rightBound.vector3Value = new Vector3(leftBound.vector3Value.x + (Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2 * ((float)Screen.currentResolution.width / Screen.currentResolution.height)), rightBound.vector3Value.y, rightBound.vector3Value.z); } } GUI.color = _originalGUIColor; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); TDS_EditorUtility.Vector3Field("Bottom Bound", "Bottom bound position", bottomBound); GUI.color = editingBound == 4 ? Color.grey : Color.cyan; if (GUILayout.Button("EDIT", GUILayout.Width(40))) { if (editingBound != 4) { editingBound = 4; } else { editingBound = 0; } } if (topBound.vector3Value != Vector3.zero) { GUI.color = new Color(.9f, .7f, .3f); if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("TOP SET", "Set the position of the bottom bound to match the camera size with the top bound"), GUILayout.Width(75))) { Undo.RecordObjects(serializedObject.targetObjects, "set bottom bound position"); bottomBound.vector3Value = new Vector3(bottomBound.vector3Value.x, bottomBound.vector3Value.y, topBound.vector3Value.z - 16.5f); } } GUI.color = _originalGUIColor; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
/// <summary> /// Draws the settings editor of the TDS_Player editing objects. /// </summary> private void DrawSettings() { TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Type of Player", "Type of character this player is", playerType); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Attacks", "All Attacks this player can perform", attacks); GUILayout.Space(5); TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("What is Obstacle", "What layers this player should collide on", whatIsObstacle); // Draws a header for the player combos settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Combo", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); GUILayout.Space(3); // Draws informations about the current combo if in play mode if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && !isPlayerMultiEditing) { string _combo = string.Empty; for (int _i = 0; _i < comboCurrent.arraySize; _i++) { _combo += comboCurrent.GetArrayElementAtIndex(_i).boolValue ? "L" : "H"; } TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(25, (float)comboCurrent.arraySize / comboMax.intValue, $"Combo : {comboCurrent.arraySize} | {_combo}"); GUILayout.Space(5); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Max Combo", "Maximum amount of attacks in one combo", comboMax)) { players.ForEach(p => p.ComboMax = comboMax.intValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Combo Reset time", "Time it takes for a combo to automatically be reset when no attack is perform", comboResetTime)) { players.ForEach(p => p.ComboResetTime = comboResetTime.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } // Draws a header for the player special settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Special", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Playable", "Is the player playable or not", isPlayable); // Draws a header for the player jump settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Jump", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); GUILayout.Space(3); TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Jump Force", "Maximum amount of attacks in one combo", jumpForce); if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Jump Maximum Time Length", "Maximum time for a jump the player can continue to add force", jumpMaximumTime)) { players.ForEach(p => p.JumpMaximumTime = jumpMaximumTime.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && (playerType.intValue != (int)PlayerType.Juggler)) { // Draws a header for the player aim settings EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Aim", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); GUILayout.Space(3); if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Aiming Angle", "Angle used by this player to aim for a throw", aimAngle, 15f, 60f)) { players.ForEach(p => p.AimAngle = aimAngle.floatValue); serializedObject.Update(); } } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { //Begin the property drawer EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); //Get a rect to draw a label Rect _rect = new Rect(position.position.x, position.position.y, position.width / 2, 20); EditorGUI.LabelField(_rect, label, TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle); // Get a rect to draw a color field for the property debugColor _rect = new Rect(position.position.x + position.width / 2, position.position.y, position.width / 2, 20); property.FindPropertyRelative("debugColor").colorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(_rect, property.FindPropertyRelative("debugColor").colorValue); // Get a rect for the fold out _rect = new Rect(position.position.x + 10, _rect.position.y + 25, position.width - 10, 20); property.FindPropertyRelative("isWaveFoldOut").boolValue = EditorGUI.Foldout(_rect, property.FindPropertyRelative("isWaveFoldOut").boolValue, new GUIContent("Spawn Points"), true); // Display them if the fold out is true if (property.FindPropertyRelative("isWaveFoldOut").boolValue) { //Get the size of the array int _arraySize = property.FindPropertyRelative("spawnPoints").arraySize; GUIContent _label; SerializedProperty _pointProperty; for (int i = 0; i < _arraySize; i++) { //Get the property _pointProperty = property.FindPropertyRelative($"spawnPoints.Array.data[{i}]"); // Get a rect to draw the edition button _rect = new Rect(position.position.x, _rect.position.y + 25, (position.width / 2) - 5, 20); _label = new GUIContent($"Edit Spawn Point n° {i}"); //Open the SpawnPointEditorWindow for the spawn point. GUI.color = Color.green; if (GUI.Button(_rect, _label)) { InitWindow(_pointProperty, i); } // Get a rect to draw the delete button _rect = new Rect(position.position.x + position.width / 2, _rect.position.y, (position.width / 2) - 5, 20); _label = new GUIContent($"Delete Spawn Point n° {i}"); // Remove the point when the button is pressed GUI.color = Color.red; if (GUI.Button(_rect, _label)) { property.FindPropertyRelative("spawnPoints").DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(i); } GUI.color = Color.white; } // Draw a rect to display the add spawn point button _rect = new Rect(position.position.x, _rect.position.y + 25, position.width, 20); _label = new GUIContent($"Add Spawn Point"); if (GUI.Button(_rect, _label)) { // Add a new spawn point property.FindPropertyRelative("spawnPoints").InsertArrayElementAtIndex(0); } } //Is the wave activated by event TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Is Activated by event", "Are the enemies of this wave starting behaviour on event", property.FindPropertyRelative("isActivatedByEvent")); EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }