public static SystemPatch WithAllPrivacy(this SystemPatch system, PrivacyLevel level)
     foreach (var subject in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SystemPrivacySubject)))
         WithPrivacy(system, (SystemPrivacySubject)subject, level);
Exemple #2
        private async Task <string> MakeAndSetNewToken(PKSystem system)
            var patch = new SystemPatch {
                Token = StringUtils.GenerateToken()

            system = await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateSystem(system.Id, patch));

Exemple #3
        public async Task Color(Context ctx)

            if (await ctx.MatchClear())
                var patch = new SystemPatch {
                    Color = Partial <string> .Null()
                await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));

                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System color cleared.");
            else if (!ctx.HasNext())
                if (ctx.System.Color == null)
                    await ctx.Reply(
                        $"Your system does not have a color set. To set one, type `pk;system color <color>`.");
                    await ctx.Reply(embed : new EmbedBuilder()
                                    .Title("System color")
                                    .Description($"Your system's color is **#{ctx.System.Color}**. To clear it, type `pk;s color -clear`.")
                var color = ctx.RemainderOrNull();

                if (color.StartsWith("#"))
                    color = color.Substring(1);
                if (!Regex.IsMatch(color, "^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$"))
                    throw Errors.InvalidColorError(color);

                var patch = new SystemPatch {
                    Color = Partial <string> .Present(color.ToLowerInvariant())
                await _db.Execute(conn => _repo.UpdateSystem(conn, ctx.System.Id, patch));

                await ctx.Reply(embed : new EmbedBuilder()
                                .Title($"{Emojis.Success} System color changed.")
Exemple #4
        public async Task Description(Context ctx)

            if (ctx.MatchClear())
                var patch = new SystemPatch {
                    Description = null
                await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, patch));

                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System description cleared.");


            var newDescription = ctx.RemainderOrNull()?.NormalizeLineEndSpacing();

            if (newDescription == null)
                if (ctx.System.Description == null)
                    await ctx.Reply("Your system does not have a description set. To set one, type `pk;s description <description>`.");
                else if (ctx.MatchFlag("r", "raw"))
                    await ctx.Reply($"```\n{ctx.System.Description}\n```");
                    await ctx.Reply(embed : new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                    .WithTitle("System description")
                                    .WithFooter("To print the description with formatting, type `pk;s description -raw`. To clear it, type `pk;s description -clear`. To change it, type `pk;s description <new description>`.")
                if (newDescription.Length > Limits.MaxDescriptionLength)
                    throw Errors.DescriptionTooLongError(newDescription.Length);

                var patch = new SystemPatch {
                    Description = newDescription
                await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, patch));

                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System description changed.");
    public async Task <PKSystem> UpdateSystem(SystemId id, SystemPatch patch, IPKConnection?conn = null)
        _logger.Information("Updated {SystemId}: {@SystemPatch}", id, patch);
        var query = patch.Apply(new Query("systems").Where("id", id));
        var res   = await _db.QueryFirst <PKSystem>(conn, query, "returning *");

        _ = _dispatch.Dispatch(id, new UpdateDispatchData
            Event     = DispatchEvent.UPDATE_SYSTEM,
            EventData = patch.ToJson(),

    public static SystemPatch WithPrivacy(this SystemPatch system, SystemPrivacySubject subject, PrivacyLevel level)
        // what do you mean switch expressions can't be statements >.>
        _ = subject switch
            SystemPrivacySubject.Description => system.DescriptionPrivacy   = level,
            SystemPrivacySubject.Front => system.FrontPrivacy               = level,
            SystemPrivacySubject.FrontHistory => system.FrontHistoryPrivacy = level,
            SystemPrivacySubject.MemberList => system.MemberListPrivacy     = level,
            SystemPrivacySubject.GroupList => system.GroupListPrivacy       = level,
            _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unknown privacy subject {subject}")

Exemple #7
        public async Task Name(Context ctx)

            if (ctx.MatchClear())
                var clearPatch = new SystemPatch {
                    Name = null
                await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, clearPatch));

                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System name cleared.");


            var newSystemName = ctx.RemainderOrNull();

            if (newSystemName == null)
                if (ctx.System.Name != null)
                    await ctx.Reply($"Your system's name is currently **{ctx.System.Name}**. Type `pk;system name -clear` to clear it.");
                    await ctx.Reply("Your system currently does not have a name. Type `pk;system name <name>` to set one.");

            if (newSystemName != null && newSystemName.Length > Limits.MaxSystemNameLength)
                throw Errors.SystemNameTooLongError(newSystemName.Length);

            var patch = new SystemPatch {
                Name = newSystemName
            await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, patch));

            await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System name changed.");
Exemple #8
        public async Task Tag(Context ctx)

            if (ctx.MatchClear())
                var patch = new SystemPatch {
                    Tag = null
                await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, patch));

                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System tag cleared.");
            else if (!ctx.HasNext(skipFlags: false))
                if (ctx.System.Tag == null)
                    await ctx.Reply($"You currently have no system tag. To set one, type `pk;s tag <tag>`.");
                    await ctx.Reply($"Your current system tag is `{ctx.System.Tag}`. To change it, type `pk;s tag <tag>`. To clear it, type `pk;s tag -clear`.");
                var newTag = ctx.RemainderOrNull(skipFlags: false);
                if (newTag != null)
                    if (newTag.Length > Limits.MaxSystemTagLength)
                        throw Errors.SystemNameTooLongError(newTag.Length);

                var patch = new SystemPatch {
                    Tag = newTag
                await _db.Execute(conn => conn.UpdateSystem(ctx.System.Id, patch));

                await ctx.Reply($"{Emojis.Success} System tag changed. Member names will now end with `{newTag}` when proxied.");
        public static SystemPatch ToSystemPatch(JObject o)
            var patch = new SystemPatch();

            if (o.ContainsKey("name"))
                patch.Name = o.Value <string>("name").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxSystemNameLength, "System name");
            if (o.ContainsKey("description"))
                patch.Description = o.Value <string>("description").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxDescriptionLength, "System description");
            if (o.ContainsKey("tag"))
                patch.Tag = o.Value <string>("tag").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxSystemTagLength, "System tag");
            if (o.ContainsKey("avatar_url"))
                patch.AvatarUrl = o.Value <string>("avatar_url").NullIfEmpty().BoundsCheckField(Limits.MaxUriLength, "System avatar URL");
            if (o.ContainsKey("tz"))
                patch.UiTz = o.Value <string>("tz") ?? "UTC";

            if (o.ContainsKey("description_privacy"))
                patch.DescriptionPrivacy = o.Value <string>("description_privacy").ParsePrivacy("description");
            if (o.ContainsKey("member_list_privacy"))
                patch.MemberListPrivacy = o.Value <string>("member_list_privacy").ParsePrivacy("member list");
            if (o.ContainsKey("front_privacy"))
                patch.FrontPrivacy = o.Value <string>("front_privacy").ParsePrivacy("front");
            if (o.ContainsKey("front_history_privacy"))
                patch.FrontHistoryPrivacy = o.Value <string>("front_history_privacy").ParsePrivacy("front history");
Exemple #10
    public async Task <ActionResult <JObject> > EditSystem([FromBody] JObject changes)
        var system = await _repo.GetSystem(User.CurrentSystem());

        var patch = SystemPatch.FromJSON(changes);

        if (patch.Errors.Count > 0)
            var err = patch.Errors[0];
            if (err is FieldTooLongError)
                return(BadRequest($"Field {err.Key} is too long "
                                  + $"({(err as FieldTooLongError).ActualLength} > {(err as FieldTooLongError).MaxLength})."));

            return(BadRequest($"Field {err.Key} is invalid."));

        system = await _repo.UpdateSystem(system !.Id, patch);

Exemple #11
    public async Task <IActionResult> DoSystemPatch(string systemRef, [FromBody] JObject data)
        var system = await ResolveSystem(systemRef);

        if (system == null)
            throw Errors.SystemNotFound;
        if (ContextFor(system) != LookupContext.ByOwner)
            throw Errors.GenericMissingPermissions;
        var patch = SystemPatch.FromJSON(data);

        if (patch.Errors.Count > 0)
            throw new ModelParseError(patch.Errors);

        var newSystem = await _repo.UpdateSystem(system.Id, patch);

    private async Task <ImportResultNew> ImportPluralKit(JObject importFile)
        var patch = SystemPatch.FromJSON(importFile, isImport: true);

        if (patch.Errors.Count > 0)
            var err = patch.Errors[0];
            if (err is FieldTooLongError)
                throw new ImportException($"Field {err.Key} in export file is too long "
                                          + $"({(err as FieldTooLongError).ActualLength} > {(err as FieldTooLongError).MaxLength}).");
            if (err.Text != null)
                throw new ImportException(err.Text);
            throw new ImportException($"Field {err.Key} in export file is invalid.");

        await _repo.UpdateSystem(_system.Id, patch, _conn);

        if (importFile.ContainsKey("config"))
            var configPatch = SystemConfigPatch.FromJson(importFile.Value <JObject>("config"));

            if (importFile.ContainsKey("timezone"))
                configPatch.UiTz = importFile.Value <string>("timezone");

            if (configPatch.Errors.Count > 0)
                throw new ImportException($"Field config.{patch.Errors[0].Key} in export file is invalid.");

            await _repo.UpdateSystemConfig(_system.Id, configPatch, _conn);

        var members  = importFile.Value <JArray>("members");
        var switches = importFile.Value <JArray>("switches");
        var groups   = importFile.Value <JArray>("groups");

        var newMembers = members.Count(m =>
            var(found, _) = TryGetExistingMember(m.Value <string>("id"), m.Value <string>("name"));
            return(found == null);

        await AssertMemberLimitNotReached(newMembers);

        if (groups != null)
            var newGroups = groups.Count(g =>
                var(found, _) = TryGetExistingGroup(g.Value <string>("id"), g.Value <string>("name"));
                return(found == null);
            await AssertGroupLimitNotReached(newGroups);

        foreach (JObject member in members)
            await ImportMember(member);

        if (groups != null)
            foreach (JObject group in groups)
                await ImportGroup(group);

        if (switches.Any(sw =>
                         sw.Value <JArray>("members").Any(m => !_knownMemberIdentifiers.ContainsKey((string)m))))
            throw new ImportException("One or more switches include members that haven't been imported.");

        await ImportSwitches(switches);
