public string HandleRequest(string sPostData, SystemObject Sys) { // Deserialize the strongly typed javascript object back to c# object WebObj g = new WebObj(); g = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WebObj>(sPostData); if (g.action == "postdiv" || g.action == "formload") { // Now we store the uploaded values on the business objects string[] vRows = g.body.Split(new string[] { "[ROW]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < vRows.Length - 1; i++) { string[] vCols = vRows[i].Split(new string[] { "[COL]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string sName = vCols[0]; string sValue = vCols[1]; string sUSGDID = vCols[2]; string sUSGDVALUE = vCols[3]; string sChecked = vCols[4]; WebObj fnew = new WebObj(); fnew.value = sValue; = sName; fnew.usgdid = sUSGDID; fnew.Checked = sChecked; //Verify divname == sectioname Sys.UpdateObject(g.divname, ref fnew); } // and we reply with a replacement div for this section only if (g.eventname == "sortevent" || g.eventname == "dropevent") { string sPost = g.guid; if (sPost.Contains("[SORTABLE]")) { sPost = sPost.Replace("[SORTABLE]", ""); string[] vRows2 = sPost.Split(new string[] { "[ROWSET]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string sSection = vRows2[0]; string sName = vRows2[1]; string sLeft = vRows2[2]; string sRight = vRows2[3]; // Reconstitute the Lists string[] vLookups = sLeft.Split(new string[] { "[ROW]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] vLookupsRight = sRight.Split(new string[] { "[ROW]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); List <SystemObject.LookupValue> lLVLeft = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); List <SystemObject.LookupValue> lLVRight = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); lLVLeft = SortableListToLookupValueList(vLookups); lLVRight = SortableListToLookupValueList(vLookupsRight); WebObj oLeft = new WebObj(); = sName; oLeft.divname = sSection; oLeft.LookupValues = lLVLeft; WebObj oRight = new WebObj(); = sName + "_2"; oRight.divname = sSection; oRight.LookupValues = lLVRight; Sys.UpdateObject(sSection, ref oLeft); Sys.UpdateObject(sSection, ref oRight); } } if (g.eventname == "buttonevent" || true) { //Raise the event in the class, then return with some data. Sys.LastWebObject = g; var type1 = Type.GetType(g.classname); if (type1 == null) { // Give the user the Nice Dialog showing that the object is null WebReply wr1 = GenericException(Sys, "Web Class Not Found: " + g.classname, "Web Class Not Found"); g.divname = "divErrors"; g.body = wr1.Packages[0].HTML; g.javascript = wr1.Packages[0].Javascript; string myJason = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(g); return(myJason); } if (g.guid == "") { string[] vCol = g.body.Split(new string[] { "[COL]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (vCol.Length > 0) { //g.guid = vCol[0]; } g.guid = "0"; } if (g.eventname == "expand") { bool Expanded = !(Sys.GetObjectValue(g.divname, "ExpandableSection" + g.classname + g.methodname) == "UNEXPANDED" ? false : true); Sys.SetObjectValue(g.divname, "ExpandableSection" + g.classname + g.methodname, Expanded ? "EXPANDED" : "UNEXPANDED"); } else if (g.eventname.ToLower() == "orderbyclick") { //Toggle the Order by string sOrderByClass = Sys.GetObjectValue(g.divname, "OrderByClass" + Sys.LastWebObject.guid); string desc = ""; if (sOrderByClass == "up") { sOrderByClass = "down"; } else { sOrderByClass = "up"; desc = " desc"; } Sys.SetObjectValue(g.divname, "OrderByClass" + Sys.LastWebObject.guid, sOrderByClass); g.orderby = Sys.LastWebObject.guid + " " + desc; } try { // RAISE EVENT INTO PROGRAM type1 = Type.GetType(g.classname); object myObject1 = Activator.CreateInstance(type1, Sys); MethodInfo methodInfo1 = type1.GetMethod(g.methodname); WebRequest wRequest = new WebRequest(); wRequest.eventName = g.eventname; wRequest.action = g.action; object[] parametersArray = new object[] { wRequest }; WebReply wr = (WebReply)methodInfo1.Invoke(myObject1, null); List <WebObj> woReplies = new List <WebObj>(); bool bClearScreen = false; if (g.eventname.ToLower() == "formevent") { bClearScreen = true; } int iInstanceCount = 0; int iPackageCount = wr.Packages.Count; foreach (WebReplyPackage wrp in wr.Packages) { WebObj woInstance = new WebObj(); woInstance.ClearScreen = wrp.ClearScreen; woInstance.SingleTable = wrp.SingleUITable; iInstanceCount++; if (iInstanceCount == 1 && bClearScreen) { woInstance.ClearScreen = true; } woInstance.body = wrp.HTML; woInstance.javascript = wrp.Javascript; woInstance.doappend = wrp.doappend; // If we are clearing the screen, add a breadcrumb if (woInstance.ClearScreen) { Sys.AddBreadcrumb(wrp.SectionName, g.classname, g.methodname, true); Sys.SetObjectValue("", "ApplicationMessage", wrp.SectionName); } woInstance.breadcrumb = Sys.GetBreadcrumbTrailHTML(); woInstance.breadcrumbdiv = "divbreadcrumb"; woInstance.ApplicationMessage = Sys.GetObjectValue("", "ApplicationMessage"); woInstance.divname = wrp.SectionName; woInstance.action = "refresh"; woReplies.Add(woInstance); } string myJason1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(woReplies); return(myJason1); } catch (Exception ex) { WebReply wr1 = GenericException(Sys, "Web Class Not Found: " + g.classname, "Web Class Not Found"); g.divname = "divErrors"; g.body = wr1.Packages[0].HTML; g.javascript = wr1.Packages[0].Javascript; string myJason = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(g); return(myJason); } } } return("UNKNOWN_REQUEST"); }
public override void HandleRequest(System.Web.HttpContext context) { // Deserialize the strongly typed javascript object back to c# object WebObj g = new WebObj(); g = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WebObj>(sPostData); SystemObject Sys = (SystemObject)HttpContext.Current.Session["Sys"]; if (g.action == "postdiv" || g.action == "formload") { // Now we store the uploaded values on the business objects string[] vRows = g.body.Split(new string[] { "[ROW]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int i = 0; i < vRows.Length - 1; i++) { string[] vCols = vRows[i].Split(new string[] { "[COL]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string sName = vCols[0]; string sValue = vCols[1]; string sUSGDID = vCols[2]; string sUSGDVALUE = vCols[3]; WebObj fnew = new WebObj(); fnew.value = sValue; = sName; fnew.usgdid = sUSGDID; //Verify divname == sectioname Sys.UpdateObject(g.divname, ref fnew); } // and we reply with a replacement div for this section only if (g.eventname == "sortevent" || g.eventname == "dropevent") { string sPost = g.guid; if (g.eventname == "dropevent") { // Get the guid of the section string sSection = Sys.ExtractXML(sPost, "[DROPPABLE]", "[/DROPPABLE]"); string sLastCoord = ""; string sCurrCoord = ""; string sql = "Select * FROM SECTION WHERE Name='" + sSection + "' and deleted=0"; DataTable dt2 = Sys._data.GetDataTable(sql); string sSectionGuid = dt2.Rows[0]["id"].ToString(); string sCurrFields = dt2.Rows[0]["Fields"].ToString(); string sData = Sys.ExtractXML(sPost, "[DATA]", "[/DATA]"); string[] vRows2 = sData.Split(new string[] { "[ROW]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string sCols = ""; int iCoordCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vRows2.Length - 1; i++) { string sRow = vRows2[i]; string[] vCols = sRow.Split(new string[] { "[COL]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string sName = vCols[4]; string sCaption = vCols[3]; bool bIsCoord = false; if (sName.Contains("coords")) { bIsCoord = true; sCurrCoord = sName; if (sCurrCoord != sLastCoord) { sLastCoord = sName; } iCoordCounter++; } if (sName.Length > 0 && !bIsCoord) { sCols += sName + ","; iCoordCounter = 0; } if (iCoordCounter > 1) { sCols += ","; } } string[] vF = sCurrFields.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] vTargetFields = sCols.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None); bool bFail = false; for (int iSource = 0; iSource < vF.Length; iSource++) { if (vF[iSource].Length > 0) { bool bFound = false; for (int iTarget = 0; iTarget < vTargetFields.Length; iTarget++) { if (vTargetFields[iTarget].Length > 0) { if (vTargetFields[iTarget].ToLower() == vF[iSource].ToLower()) { bFound = true; break; } } } if (!bFound) { bFail = true; } } } if (!bFail) { sCols = sCols.Substring(0, sCols.Length - 1); string sSql = "Update Section set Fields='" + sCols + "' where id = '" + sSectionGuid + "'"; Sys._data.Exec(sSql); } } else if (sPost.Contains("[SORTABLE]")) { sPost = sPost.Replace("[SORTABLE]", ""); string[] vRows2 = sPost.Split(new string[] { "[ROWSET]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string sSection = vRows2[0]; string sName = vRows2[1]; string sLeft = vRows2[2]; string sRight = vRows2[3]; // Reconstitute the Lists string[] vLookups = sLeft.Split(new string[] { "[ROW]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); string[] vLookupsRight = sRight.Split(new string[] { "[ROW]" }, StringSplitOptions.None); List <SystemObject.LookupValue> lLVLeft = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); List <SystemObject.LookupValue> lLVRight = new List <SystemObject.LookupValue>(); lLVLeft = SortableListToLookupValueList(vLookups); lLVRight = SortableListToLookupValueList(vLookupsRight); WebObj oLeft = new WebObj(); = sName; oLeft.divname = sSection; oLeft.LookupValues = lLVLeft; WebObj oRight = new WebObj(); = sName + "_2"; oRight.divname = sSection; oRight.LookupValues = lLVRight; Sys.UpdateObject(sSection, ref oLeft); Sys.UpdateObject(sSection, ref oRight); } } if (g.eventname == "buttonevent" || true) { //Raise the event in the class, then return with some data. Sys.LastWebObject = g; var type1 = Type.GetType(g.classname); if (type1 == null) { // Give the user the Nice Dialog showing that the object is null WebReply wr1 = GenericException(Sys, "Web Class Not Found: " + g.classname, "Web Class Not Found"); g.divname = "divErrors"; g.body = wr1.Packages[0].HTML; g.javascript = wr1.Packages[0].Javascript; string myJason = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(g); context.Response.Write(myJason); return; } if (Sys.Organization.ToString() == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") { //Session has expired //throw new Exception("Session has expired."); (Deprecated) } if (g.eventname == "expand") { bool Expanded = !(Sys.GetObjectValue(g.divname, "ExpandableSection" + g.classname + g.methodname) == "UNEXPANDED" ? false : true); Sys.SetObjectValue(g.divname, "ExpandableSection" + g.classname + g.methodname, Expanded ? "EXPANDED" : "UNEXPANDED"); } else if (g.eventname.ToLower() == "orderbyclick") { //Toggle the Order by string sOrderByClass = Sys.GetObjectValue(g.divname, "OrderByClass" + Sys.LastWebObject.guid); string desc = ""; if (sOrderByClass == "up") { sOrderByClass = "down"; } else { sOrderByClass = "up"; desc = " desc"; } Sys.SetObjectValue(g.divname, "OrderByClass" + Sys.LastWebObject.guid, sOrderByClass); g.orderby = Sys.LastWebObject.guid + " " + desc; } try { if (Sys.Organization.ToString() == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") { // User is not logged in ( If the user has a valid session, use it first ): string sTheUser = clsStaticHelper.GetCookie("username"); string sThePass = clsStaticHelper.GetCookie("password"); if (sTheUser != "" && sThePass != "") { Login l = new Login(Sys); bool bMyDepersist = l.VerifyUser(sTheUser, sThePass, ref Sys, false); if (bMyDepersist) { //g.classname = "BiblePayPool2018.Home"; //g.methodname = "Announce"; //goto redirect2; } } } } catch (Exception ex5) { } try { //Store the event information in Sys, so the receiver can access it (before invoking): if (Sys.Organization.ToString() == "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" && g.classname != "BiblePayPool2018.Login") { if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached && false) { // instantiate the user based on the debug user guid. Login l = new Login(Sys); } if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString().ToUpper().Contains("ACCOUNTABILITY")) { Login l = new Login(Sys); bool bAuth = l.VerifyUser("guest", "guest", ref Sys, false); // Start at the expense View Page when coming in from the Wallet accountability button g.classname = "BiblePayPool2018.Home"; g.methodname = "ExpenseList"; } g.classname = "BiblePayPool2018.Login"; g.methodname = "LoginSection"; } if (Sys.Username == "" && g.classname != "BiblePayPool2018.Login") { // Redirect to Login Page g.classname = "BiblePayPool2018.Login"; g.methodname = "LoginSection"; } type1 = Type.GetType(g.classname); object myObject1 = Activator.CreateInstance(type1, Sys); MethodInfo methodInfo1 = type1.GetMethod(g.methodname); WebRequest wRequest = new WebRequest(); wRequest.eventName = g.eventname; wRequest.action = g.action; object[] parametersArray = new object[] { wRequest }; WebReply wr = (WebReply)methodInfo1.Invoke(myObject1, null); List <WebObj> woReplies = new List <WebObj>(); bool bClearScreen = false; if (g.eventname.ToLower() == "formevent") { bClearScreen = true; } int iInstanceCount = 0; int iPackageCount = wr.Packages.Count; foreach (WebReplyPackage wrp in wr.Packages) { WebObj woInstance = new WebObj(); woInstance.ClearScreen = wrp.ClearScreen; woInstance.SingleTable = wrp.SingleUITable; iInstanceCount++; if (iInstanceCount == 1 && bClearScreen) { woInstance.ClearScreen = true; } woInstance.body = wrp.HTML; woInstance.javascript = wrp.Javascript; woInstance.doappend = wrp.doappend; // If we are clearing the screen, add a breadcrumb if (woInstance.ClearScreen) { Sys.AddBreadcrumb(wrp.SectionName, g.classname, g.methodname, true); Sys.SetObjectValue("", "ApplicationMessage", wrp.SectionName); } woInstance.breadcrumb = Sys.GetBreadcrumbTrailHTML(); woInstance.breadcrumbdiv = "divbreadcrumb"; woInstance.ApplicationMessage = Sys.GetObjectValue("", "ApplicationMessage"); woInstance.divname = wrp.SectionName; woInstance.action = "refresh"; woReplies.Add(woInstance); } string myJason1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(woReplies); context.Response.Write(myJason1); } catch (Exception ex) { WebReply wr1 = GenericException(Sys, "Web Class Not Found: " + g.classname, "Web Class Not Found"); g.divname = "divErrors"; g.body = wr1.Packages[0].HTML; g.javascript = wr1.Packages[0].Javascript; string myJason = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(g); context.Response.Write(myJason); } } } }