Exemple #1
        public string Mode(List <string> arguments)
            bool isModeValid = Enum.TryParse <SystemMode>(arguments[0], out SystemMode newMode);

            if (!isModeValid)
                throw new InvalidSystemModeException("Entered system mode is invalid");

            this.currentSystemMode = newMode;

            switch (this.currentSystemMode)
            case SystemMode.Full:
                this.energyModifier = 1;
                this.oreModifier    = 1;

            case SystemMode.Half:
                this.energyModifier = 0.6;
                this.oreModifier    = 0.5;

            case SystemMode.Energy:
                this.energyModifier = 0;
                this.oreModifier    = 0;

            return($"Successfully changed working mode to {newMode.ToString()} Mode");
    public string Mode(List <string> arguments)
        var mode = arguments[0];

        this.systemMode = (SystemMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(SystemMode), mode);

        return($"Successfully changed working mode to {mode} Mode");
 public DraftManager()
     this.systemMode        = SystemMode.Full;
     this.TotalStoredEnergy = 0d;
     this.TotalMinedOre     = 0d;
     this.harvesters        = new Dictionary <string, Harvester>();
     this.providers         = new Dictionary <string, Provider>();
     this.miningUnits       = new Dictionary <string, MiningUnit>();
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the operation mode of the robot. (TestMode Only)
        /// See http://www.neatorobotics.com/programmers-manual/table-of-robot-application-commands/detailed-command-descriptions/#SetSystemMode for more info.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">TODO: Describe parameter.</param>
        public void SetSystemMode(SystemMode mode)
            if (!this.neato.TestMode)
                throw new NotInTestModeException("SetSystemMode");

            this.neato.Connection.SendCommand("SetSystemMode " + mode);
Exemple #5
 public int CompareTo(Trial other ,SystemMode mode )
     double myScore = GetScoreForMode(mode);
     double othersScore = other.GetScoreForMode(mode);
     if (myScore < othersScore)
         return -1;
     if (myScore > othersScore)
         return 1;
     return 0;
Exemple #6
 public DraftManager()
     this.currentSystemMode    = SystemMode.Full;
     this.energyModifier       = 1;
     this.oreModifier          = 1;
     this.registeredHarvesters = new List <Harvester>();
     this.registeredProviders  = new List <Provider>();
     this.harvesterFactory     = new HarvesterFactory();
     this.providerFactory      = new ProviderFactory();
     this.totalStoredEnergy    = 0d;
     this.totalMinedOre        = 0d;
        private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;

            // default settings to encryption
            this.mainTabCtrl.SelectedTab = this.tabEncrypt;
            this._userMode        = SystemMode.eEncryption;
            this.labStatus.Text   = string.Format("Ready for {0}", ((this._userMode == SystemMode.eEncryption) ? "Encryption" : "Decryption"));
            this.labDuration.Text = string.Empty;

            // use supported alogrithms as data source for selection
            this.comboAlogrithms.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SupportedAlogrithm)).ToList();
Exemple #8
 public static string GetSystemModeText(SystemMode m)
     switch (m)
         case SystemMode.DEV:
             return Resources.Resource.DEV;
         case SystemMode.UAT:
             return Resources.Resource.UAT;
         case SystemMode.LIVE:
             return Resources.Resource.LIVE;
             return string.Empty;
Exemple #9
 public double GetScoreForMode(SystemMode mode)
     switch (mode)
         case SystemMode.StopGuessing:
             return OurBlockScore;
         case SystemMode.Basic:
             return IndustryBlockScore;
         case SystemMode.SSH:
             return SSHBlockScore;
             return 0;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

        sfxSliderInitialPos   = sfxVolumeSlider.localPosition;
        musicSliderInitialPos = musicVolumeSlider.localPosition;

        saveSwitchPivotInitialRot   = saveSwitchPivot.rotation;
        resumeSwitchPivotInitialRot = resumeSwitchPivot.rotation;
        spiderSwitchPivotInitialRot = spiderSwitchPivot.rotation;

        functionLabelAlphaIsIncreasing = false;

        SystemState = SystemMode.Selecting;
    private void ShowAllTextAndHighlights(bool show)
        if (show)
            curSelectedOption      = saveGameSelect;
            labelListImage.texture = saveGameSelect;

            SystemState = SystemMode.Selecting;
            SystemState = SystemMode.Selecting;

        labelListImage.enabled = show;
 public void PressCircle()
     if (SystemState == SystemMode.Saving)
         SystemState = SystemMode.Selecting;
         saveSwitchPivot.rotation = saveSwitchPivotInitialRot;
     else if (SystemState == SystemMode.Resuming)
         SystemState = SystemMode.Selecting;
         resumeSwitchPivot.rotation = resumeSwitchPivotInitialRot;
     else if (SystemState == SystemMode.AdjustingSFX || SystemState == SystemMode.AdjustingMusic || SystemState == SystemMode.ShuttingDown)
         SystemState = SystemMode.Selecting;
        private void mainTabCtrl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // share controls between tabs
            this.groupFile.Parent = mainTabCtrl.SelectedTab;
            this.groupText.Parent = mainTabCtrl.SelectedTab;


            if (mainTabCtrl.SelectedTab == this.tabEncrypt)
                this._userMode = SystemMode.eEncryption;
            else if (mainTabCtrl.SelectedTab == this.tabDecrypt)
                this._userMode = SystemMode.eDecryption;
Exemple #14
        /// <summary> Determines if the given pin can be used in the system mode, or if it used by another device. </summary>
        public static bool CheckPin(BBBPin Pin, SystemMode Mode)
            if (!PinInfo.ContainsKey(Pin))

            if (Mode == SystemMode.DEFAULT)
                return(PinInfo[Pin].Devices == 0);
            }                                                                    // No devices must be present.
            else if (Mode == SystemMode.NO_STORAGE)
                return((PinInfo[Pin].Devices & 0b1111_1110) == 0);
            }                                                                                            // No devices except for eMMC must be present.
            else if (Mode == SystemMode.NO_HDMI)
                return((PinInfo[Pin].Devices & 0b1111_1101) == 0);
            }              // No devices except for HDMI must be present.
            return(false); // Invalid system mode.
    public void PressX()
        if (SystemState == SystemMode.Selecting)
            if (curSelectedOption == saveGameSelect)
                SystemState = SystemMode.Saving;
                saveSwitchPivot.Rotate(0, 0, switchOnRotationY);
            else if (curSelectedOption == resumeGameSelect)
                SystemState = SystemMode.Resuming;
                resumeSwitchPivot.Rotate(0, 0, switchOnRotationY);
            else if (curSelectedOption == sfxVolumeSelect)
                SystemState = SystemMode.AdjustingSFX;
            else if (curSelectedOption == musicVolumeSelect)
                SystemState = SystemMode.AdjustingMusic;
            else if (curSelectedOption == spidersEverywhereSelect)
            else if (curSelectedOption == shutdownSelect)
                SystemState = SystemMode.ShuttingDown;

            labelListImage.color = new Color(labelListImage.color.r, labelListImage.color.g, labelListImage.color.b, functionLabelFullAlpha);
        else if (SystemState == SystemMode.AdjustingSFX || SystemState == SystemMode.AdjustingMusic)
            SystemState = SystemMode.Selecting;
Exemple #16
 private static extern IntPtr Photon_Audio_In_Create(SystemMode systemMode, int micDevIdx, int spkDevIdx, Action <IntPtr, int> callback, bool featrModeOn, bool noiseSup, bool agc, bool cntrClip);
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the operation mode of the robot. (TestMode Only)
        /// See http://www.neatorobotics.com/programmers-manual/table-of-robot-application-commands/detailed-command-descriptions/#SetSystemMode for more info.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">TODO: Describe parameter.</param>
        public void SetSystemMode(SystemMode mode)
            if (!this.neato.TestMode)
                throw new NotInTestModeException("SetSystemMode");

            this.neato.Connection.SendCommand("SetSystemMode " + mode);
 private void ShutDownTheGame()
     SystemState = SystemMode.ShuttingDown;
Exemple #19
 /// <summary> Prepares the Beaglebone I/O system for use. </summary>
 /// <param name="UseFastAccess">
 /// This switches between memory mapped I/O (true), and filesystem-based I/O (false).
 /// Filesystem-based I/O is the "correct" Linux way to do it, so is therefore more supported.
 /// Memory mapping is several orders of magnitude faster (Up to 1000x!), but is not technically supported. That said, it almost always works fine.
 /// We suggest you try memory-mapped at first, then if you run into odd issues, try filesystem to see if it helps.
 /// This only affects some I/O types, mainly GPIO.
 /// </param>
 public static void Initialize(SystemMode Mode, bool UseFastAccess)
     Peripherals = Mode;
     FastGPIO    = UseFastAccess;
 private void SaveGame()
     SystemState = SystemMode.Saving;
 private void ResumeGame()
     SystemState = SystemMode.Resuming;
        }                                        // 0x0000000180F39A50-0x0000000180F39AC0

        // Methods
        private static extern IntPtr Photon_Audio_In_Create(int instanceID, SystemMode systemMode, int micDevIdx, int spkDevIdx, Action <int, IntPtr, int> callback, bool featrModeOn, bool noiseSup, bool agc, bool cntrClip); // 0x0000000180F39890-0x0000000180F39990
Exemple #23
 public async Task SetSystemMode(string icd, SystemMode mode) => await _hubProxy.Invoke("SetSystemMode", icd, mode.ToString());