Exemple #1
    public void OnInitialised()
        if (Nodes != null)
            XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();
            Manager2Xml = Doc.AppendChild(Doc.CreateElement("Manager2"));
            foreach (XmlNode Child in Nodes)
                Manager2Xml.AppendChild(Doc.ImportNode(Child, true));

        DllFileName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;

        Assembly CompiledAssembly = CompileTextToAssembly();

        // Go look for our class name.
        string ScriptClassName = null;
        // Look for a class called Script
        Type t = CompiledAssembly.GetType("Script");

        if (t == null)
            throw new Exception("Cannot find a public class called Script");
        ScriptClassName = "Script";

        // Create an XML model that we can pass to BuildObjects.
        XmlDocument NewDoc     = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode     ScriptNode = NewDoc.AppendChild(NewDoc.CreateElement(ScriptClassName));
        XmlNode     ui         = XmlHelper.Find(Manager2Xml, "ui");

        object Model;

            // Create an instance of the model object.
            Model = CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance(ScriptClassName);

            // Populate its params from the UI.
            if (ui != null)
                foreach (XmlNode Child in XmlHelper.ChildNodes(ui, ""))
                    if (XmlHelper.Attribute(Child, "description").Contains("Create child class"))

                    else if (XmlHelper.Attribute(Child, "type").ToLower() != "category")
                        XmlHelper.SetValue(ScriptNode, Child.Name, Child.InnerText);

            foreach (XmlNode Child in XmlHelper.ChildNodes(Manager2Xml, ""))
                if (Child.Name != "ui" && Child.Name != "Reference" && Child.Name != "text")
                    ScriptNode.AppendChild(ScriptNode.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(Child, true));
            MySystem.AddModel(ScriptNode, CompiledAssembly);
        catch (Exception err)
            if (err.InnerException != null)
                throw err.InnerException;
                throw err;