public void TestAllWithLocalCollection() { // get all customers with a name that contains both 'm' and 'd' (don't use vowels since these often depend on collation) string[] patterns = new[] { "m", "d" }; var list = db.Customers.Where(c => patterns.All(p => c.ContactName.Contains(p))).Select(c => c.ContactName).ToList(); var local = db.Customers.AsEnumerable().Where(c => patterns.All(p => c.ContactName.ToLower().Contains(p))).Select(c => c.ContactName).ToList(); AssertValue(local.Count, list.Count); }
public void Generate_CallsPropertyGeneratorsForAllProperties() { var spies = new[] {new SpyGenerator(), new SpyGenerator()}; var memberGenerators = spies.Cast<CodeGeneratorBase>().ToArray(); var generator = new PropertiesGenerator(null, memberGenerators); generator.Generate(type, contentType); Assert.That(spies.All(spy => spy.Called)); Assert.That( spies.All(spy => spy.CodeObjects.SequenceEqual( type.Members.OfType<CodeMemberProperty>() ) ) ); }
public void Clear_ShouldDisposeAllDisposables() { var firstOverrideDisposable = new SomeDisposable(); var secondOverrideDisposable = new SomeDisposable(); var firstDefaultDisposable = new SomeDisposable(); var secondDefaultDisposable = new SomeDisposable(); var all = new[] { firstDefaultDisposable, secondDefaultDisposable, firstOverrideDisposable, secondOverrideDisposable }; var settings = new SettingsHolder(); settings.Set("1.Override", firstOverrideDisposable); settings.Set("2.Override", secondOverrideDisposable); settings.SetDefault("1.Default", firstDefaultDisposable); settings.SetDefault("2.Default", secondDefaultDisposable); settings.Clear(); Assert.IsTrue(all.All(x => x.Disposed)); }
public static void PathEquals(this Uri u, string pathAndQueryString) { var paths = (pathAndQueryString ?? "").Split(new[] { '?' }, 2); string path = paths.First(), query = string.Empty; if (paths.Length > 1) query = paths.Last(); var expectedUri = new UriBuilder("http", "localhost", u.Port, path, "?" + query).Uri; u.AbsolutePath.Should().Be(expectedUri.AbsolutePath); u = new UriBuilder(u.Scheme, u.Host, u.Port, u.AbsolutePath, u.Query.Replace("pretty=true&", "").Replace("pretty=true", "")).Uri; var queries = new[] { u.Query, expectedUri.Query }; if (queries.All(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)) return; if (queries.Any(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace)) { queries.Last().Should().Be(queries.First()); return; } var clientKeyValues = u.Query.Substring(1).Split('&') .Select(v => v.Split('=')) .Where(k => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(k[0])) .ToDictionary(k => k[0], v => v.Last()); var expectedKeyValues = expectedUri.Query.Substring(1).Split('&') .Select(v => v.Split('=')) .Where(k => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(k[0])) .ToDictionary(k => k[0], v => v.Last()); clientKeyValues.Count.Should().Be(expectedKeyValues.Count); clientKeyValues.Should().ContainKeys(expectedKeyValues.Keys.ToArray()); clientKeyValues.Should().Equal(expectedKeyValues); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var cubeSize = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); var totalPositions = cubeSize * cubeSize * cubeSize; var thatFunkyDimension = new Dictionary<string, long>(); string input; while ((input = Console.ReadLine()) != "Analyze") { var parameters = input.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var position = parameters[0] + parameters[1] + parameters[2]; var coordinates = new[] { int.Parse(parameters[0]), int.Parse(parameters[1]), int.Parse(parameters[2]) }; if (coordinates.All(c => c >= 0 && c < cubeSize)) { var amount = int.Parse(parameters[3]); if (amount != 0) { thatFunkyDimension[position] = amount; } } } long sum = 0; foreach (var position in thatFunkyDimension) { sum += position.Value; } Console.WriteLine(sum); Console.WriteLine(totalPositions - thatFunkyDimension.Count); }
public bool TrySetExecutionPolicyToUnrestricted() { // Allows scripts to be run for this process using (var pipeline = runSpace.CreatePipeline()) { var psExecutionPolicyScript = @" try { Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Scope Process -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { } $global:EffectiveExecutionPolicy = (Get-ExecutionPolicy) -as [string] "; pipeline.Commands.AddScript(psExecutionPolicyScript); pipeline.Invoke(); var psExecutionPolicy = runSpace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("EffectiveExecutionPolicy").ToString(); var psLockedDownStates = new[] { "Restricted", "AllSigned" }; //Powershell has been locked down via Group Policy, Platform Installer can not execute scripts return psLockedDownStates.All(p => p != psExecutionPolicy); } }
public void EigenUpdateWithoutUpdateURL() { string dir; string outDir; using (Utility.WithTempDirectory(out outDir)) using (IntegrationTestHelper.WithFakeInstallDirectory(out dir)) { var di = new DirectoryInfo(dir); var progress = new Subject<int>(); var bundledRelease = ReleaseEntry.GenerateFromFile(di.GetFiles("*.nupkg").First().FullName); var fixture = new InstallManager(bundledRelease, outDir); var pkg = new ZipPackage(Path.Combine(dir, "SampleUpdatingApp.")); var progressValues = new List<int>(); progress.Subscribe(progressValues.Add); fixture.ExecuteInstall(dir, pkg, progress); var filesToLookFor = new[] { "SampleUpdatingApp\\app-\\SampleUpdatingApp.exe", "SampleUpdatingApp\\packages\\RELEASES", "SampleUpdatingApp\\packages\\SampleUpdatingApp.", }; filesToLookFor.All(x => File.Exists(Path.Combine(outDir, x))).ShouldBeTrue(); // Progress should be monotonically increasing progressValues.Count.ShouldBeGreaterThan(2); progressValues.Zip(progressValues.Skip(1), (prev, cur) => cur - prev).All(x => x > 0).ShouldBeTrue(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { const string root = @"C:\Users\sp\Source\Repos\ChangeTracking\Source"; var excluded = new[] { @"\obj", @"\bin", @"\Properties", ".vs", @"\packages" }; Func<string, bool> isIncluded = (name) => excluded.All(e => !name.Contains(e)); var path = new DirectoryInfo(root) .GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Select(di => di.FullName) .Where(isIncluded) .SelectMany(Directory.GetFiles) .ToList(); XNamespace ns = ""; var csproj = path.Where(p => Path.GetExtension(p) == ".csproj"); var used = csproj .Select(XElement.Load) .Elements(ns + "ItemGroup") .Elements(ns + "Compile") .Attributes("Include") .Select(a => a.Value) .Where(isIncluded) .Select(Path.GetFileName); var cs = path .Where(p => Path.GetExtension(p) == ".cs") .Select(Path.GetFileName); var unused = cs.Except(used); unused.ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine); }
private bool IsTrueish(string value) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) return false; var falseValues = new[] {"false", "off", "no"}; return falseValues.All(x => !String.Equals(x, value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); }
public void AllTest() { //Arrange var bst = new BinarySearchTree<int, string>(); var testData = new[] { new KeyValuePair<int, string>(5, "A"), new KeyValuePair<int, string>(3, "B"), new KeyValuePair<int, string>(6, "C"), new KeyValuePair<int, string>(2, "D"), new KeyValuePair<int, string>(7, "E"), new KeyValuePair<int, string>(4, "F"), }; //Act testData.All(t => { bst.Add(t.Key, t.Value); return true; }); var resultList = bst.All().ToList(); //Assert Assert.AreEqual(resultList.Count, 6); Assert.AreEqual(resultList[0].Key, 2); Assert.AreEqual(resultList[1].Key, 3); Assert.AreEqual(resultList[2].Key, 4); Assert.AreEqual(resultList[3].Key, 5); Assert.AreEqual(resultList[4].Key, 6); Assert.AreEqual(resultList[5].Key, 7); }
public void Partition_sequence_returns_sequence_with_duplicates() { // Fixture setup var expectedSequence = new[] { new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<string>>("i", new[] {"10", "10", "30", "40"}) }; var specs =new[] { new OptionSpecification(string.Empty, "stringvalue", false, string.Empty, Maybe.Nothing<int>(), Maybe.Nothing<int>(), '\0', null, string.Empty, string.Empty, new List<string>(), typeof(string), TargetType.Scalar), new OptionSpecification("i", string.Empty, false, string.Empty, Maybe.Just(3), Maybe.Just(4), '\0', null, string.Empty, string.Empty, new List<string>(), typeof(IEnumerable<int>), TargetType.Sequence) }; // Exercize system var result = TokenPartitioner.Partition( new[] { Token.Name("i"), Token.Value("10"), Token.Value("10"), Token.Value("30"), Token.Value("40") }, name => TypeLookup.FindTypeDescriptorAndSibling(name, specs, StringComparer.InvariantCulture) ); // Verify outcome var options = result.Item1; Assert.True(expectedSequence.All(a => options.Any(r => a.Key.Equals(r.Key) && a.Value.SequenceEqual(r.Value)))); // Teardown }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0) { if (Directory.Exists(args[0])) { var pathsToNotScan = new[] { Path.Combine(args[0], ".git"), Path.Combine(args[0], "bin"), Path.Combine(args[0], "obj"), }; var oneHourAgoInUtc = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-1); var recentlyWrittenThresholdInUtc = oneHourAgoInUtc; var recentlyWrittenFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(args[0], "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(f => pathsToNotScan.All(p => !f.StartsWith(p))) .Where(f => new FileInfo(f).LastWriteTimeUtc > recentlyWrittenThresholdInUtc) .OrderByDescending(f => new FileInfo(f).LastWriteTimeUtc) .ToArray() ; Application.Run(new MainForm(recentlyWrittenFiles)); } else { Application.Run(new MainForm(args)); } } else { Application.Run(new MainForm()); } }
public override bool Execute() { try { var inputTimes = new[] { AssemblyPath } .Concat(Inputs ?? NoInputs) .Select(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc) .ToArray(); var outputTime = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(Path.Combine(OutputDir, OutputFilename)); if (inputTimes.All(x => x <= outputTime)) return true; var domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("GenerateCodeDomain"); try { var generator = (ICodeGenerator)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(AssemblyPath, GeneratorName); string include; var result = generator.Generate(Parameters, Inputs, OutputDir, OutputFilename, Log, out include); Include = include; return result; } finally { AppDomain.Unload(domain); } } catch (Exception x) { Log.LogErrorFromException(x); return false; } }
public void GetServiceLocator_HasAllExpectedServices() { // Given var expectedServices = new[] { typeof(IUnitOfWork), typeof(IRepository<Post>) }; // Then Assert.True(expectedServices.All(s => ServiceLocator.Current.GetService(s) != null)); }
public void TestAllWithLocalCollection() { string[] patterns = new[] { "a", "e" }; TestQuery( this.Northwind.Customers.Where(c => patterns.All(p => c.ContactName.Contains(p))) ); }
public void CallsMemberGenerators() { var spies = new[]{new SpyGenerator(), new SpyGenerator()}; var memberGenerators = spies.Cast<CodeGeneratorBase>().ToArray(); Generator = new NamespaceGenerator(Configuration, memberGenerators); Generator.Generate(compileUnit, ContentType); Assert.That(spies.All(s => s.Called)); }
public void ForEach_Should_Call_The_Specified_Method_Each_Item() { var array = new[] { "Item 1", "Item2" }; var called = new[] { false, false }; array.ForEach(i => called[Array.IndexOf(array, i)] = true); Assert.IsTrue(called.All(c => c)); }
public void LaunchAppPassesAllProvidedParametersToProcessProxy() { var processProxyMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IProcessProxy>(); var steamProxy = new CommandLineSteamProxy(processProxyMock, "test"); var parameters = new[] { "one", "two", "three", "four" }; steamProxy.LaunchApp(15, parameters); processProxyMock.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Start(Arg<string>.Is.Anything, Arg<string>.Matches(args => parameters.All(p => args.Contains(p)))), c => c.Repeat.Once()); }
public string[] ExtractCommands( string line ) { line = line.Trim(); var ignorelist = new[] { "A", "B", "LATEST" }; if( ignorelist.All( ignore => !line.StartsWith( ignore, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) && !line.StartsWith( ignore, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) ) line = "latest." + line; return line.Split( new[] { '.' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ); }
public void script_files_with_matching_environment_are_returned() { MockFilesystem.Setup(m => m.GetFiles(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())) .Returns(new[] { "03_c.notmatching.sql", "01_a.notmatching.sql", "26_z.environment.sql", "05_e.notmatching.sql" }); var scriptFiles = Scanner.Scan(Some.Value("folder"), Some.Value("environment")).ToList(); var expectedScripts = new[] { "26_z.environment.sql" }; Assert.That(scriptFiles.Count, Is.EqualTo(expectedScripts.Count())); Assert.That(expectedScripts.All(e => scriptFiles.Any(s => s.Name.Equals(e)))); }
public void ConstructorShouldCopySequence() { // arrange var expected = new[] { "1", "2", "3" }; // act var target = new ObservableQueue<string>( expected ); // assert Assert.Equal( 3, target.Count ); Assert.True( expected.All( i => target.Contains( i ) ) ); }
private static void SetBbsAddress(Dictionary<string, string> p) { var sslValues = new[] { "BBS_CA_FILE", "BBS_CLIENT_CERT_FILE", "BBS_CLIENT_KEY_FILE" }; if (sslValues.All(keyName => p.ContainsKey(keyName) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p[keyName]))) { p["BBS_ADDRESS"] = "https://bbs.service" + CONSUL_DNS_SUFFIX + ":8889"; } else { p["BBS_ADDRESS"] = "http://bbs.service" + CONSUL_DNS_SUFFIX + ":8889"; } }
public void ToAmericanDate__A_Date_Can_Be_Converted_To_American_Format() { var date = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); var results = new[] { date.ToAmericanDate(false, false) == "January 1, 2000", date.ToAmericanDate(true, false) == "Jan 1, 2000", date.ToAmericanDate(true, true) == "Jan 01, 2000", date.ToAmericanDate(false, true) == "January 01, 2000" }; Assert.IsTrue(results.All(r => r)); }
public void ToEuropeanDate__A_Date_Can_Be_Converted_To_European_Format() { var date = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); var results = new[] { date.ToEuropeanDate(false, false) == "1 January 2000", date.ToEuropeanDate(true, false) == "1 Jan 2000", date.ToEuropeanDate(true, true) == "01 Jan 2000", date.ToEuropeanDate(false, true) == "01 January 2000" }; Assert.IsTrue(results.All(r => r)); }
public void IsValidEmail() { var validAddresses = new[] { "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "hasApostrophe.o'*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "[email protected]", "[email protected]:25", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "&*=?^+{}'[email protected]", "*****@*****.**" }; var invalidAddresses = new[] { "[email protected]", "", "", "missingDot@com", "", "[email protected]:", "", "[email protected]", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "[email protected]", "missingTLD@domain.", "! \"#$%(),/;<>[]`|", "invalidCharsInDomain@! \"#$%(),/;<>_[]`|.org", "*****@*****.**" }; Assert.IsTrue(validAddresses.All(s => s.IsValidEmail()) ); Assert.IsTrue(invalidAddresses.All(s => !s.IsValidEmail())); }
public void TransformAddsItemsToTrackers() { // Fixture setup var sut = new DisposableTrackingBehavior(); // Exercise system var trackers = new[] { sut.Transform(new DelegatingSpecimenBuilder()), sut.Transform(new DelegatingSpecimenBuilder()), sut.Transform(new DelegatingSpecimenBuilder()) }; // Verify outcome Assert.True(trackers.All(sb => sut.Trackers.Any(dt => sb == dt))); // Teardown }
public void EnumerableTest() { using (var file = new TempFile()) using (var db = new LiteDatabase(file.Filename)) { var col = db.GetCollection<User>("Users"); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Name, true); col.EnsureIndex(x => x.Age); col.Insert(new[] { new User() { Id = 1, Name = "John Smith", Age = 10 }, new User() { Id = 2, Name = "Jane Smith", Age = 12 }, new User() { Id = 3, Name = "John Doe", Age = 24 }, new User() { Id = 4, Name = "Jane Doe", Age = 42 } }); var empty = new string[] { }; Assert.AreEqual(0, col.Count(user => empty.All(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); Assert.AreEqual(0, col.Count(user => empty.Any(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); var firstNames = new[] { "John", "Jane", "Jon", "Janet" }; Assert.AreEqual(0, col.Count(user => firstNames.All(name => user.Name.StartsWith(name)))); Assert.AreEqual(4, col.Count(user => firstNames.Any(name => user.Name.StartsWith(name)))); var surnames = new[] { "Smith", "Doe", "Mason", "Brown" }; Assert.AreEqual(0, col.Count(user => surnames.All(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); Assert.AreEqual(4, col.Count(user => surnames.Any(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); var johnSmith = new[] { "John", "Smith" }; Assert.AreEqual(1, col.Count(user => johnSmith.All(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); Assert.AreEqual(3, col.Count(user => johnSmith.Any(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); var janeDoe = new[] { "Jane", "Doe" }; Assert.AreEqual(1, col.Count(user => janeDoe.All(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); Assert.AreEqual(3, col.Count(user => janeDoe.Any(name => user.Name.Contains(name)))); var numRange = new[] { new { Min = 10, Max = 12 }, new { Min = 21, Max = 33 } }; var numQuery = numRange.Select(num => Query.And(Query.GTE("Age", num.Min), Query.LTE("Age", num.Max))); var queryResult = col.Find(numQuery.Aggregate((lhs, rhs) => Query.Or(lhs, rhs))); var lambdaResult = col.Find(p => numRange.Any(num => p.Age >= num.Min && p.Age <= num.Max)); var seq1 = queryResult.OrderBy(u => u.Name); var seq2 = lambdaResult.OrderBy(u => u.Name); Assert.IsTrue(queryResult.OrderBy(u => u.Name).SequenceEqual(lambdaResult.OrderBy(u => u.Name))); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var path = @"D:\dev\EntityFramework"; var excluded = new[] { @"\obj\Debug", @"\bin\Debug", @"\Properties" }; Func<string, bool> isIncluded = (name) => excluded.All(e => !name.Contains(e)); Func<DirectoryInfo, bool> witoutFiles = (di) => !di.GetFiles().Any(); Func<DirectoryInfo, bool> witoutSubDir = (di) => !di.GetDirectories().Any(); var dirs = new DirectoryInfo(path) .GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Where(witoutFiles) .Where(witoutSubDir) .Select(di => di.FullName) .Where(isIncluded); dirs.ToList().ForEach(Console.WriteLine); }
public override void Test(Row row, Errors errors) { var requiredColumns = new[] { "1_3_RATING_YEAR_USED", "1_3_YEARS_OF_DATA", "1YR_YEARS_OF_DATA", "3YR_YEARS_OF_DATA" }; if (requiredColumns.All(c => !AssertDefined(row, c, errors))) { return; } var year = DateTime.Now.Year; var expectedOneYear = OneYear(year); var expectedThreeYear = ThreeYear(year); var oneYear = row["1_3_RATING_YEAR_USED"] == "1 Year" && row["1_3_YEARS_OF_DATA"] == expectedOneYear; var threeYear = row["1_3_RATING_YEAR_USED"] == "3 Year" && row["1_3_YEARS_OF_DATA"] == expectedThreeYear; AssertTrue(row, oneYear || threeYear, "1_3_RATING_YEAR_USED (" + row["1_3_YEARS_OF_DATA"] + ")", errors); AssertTrue(row, row["1YR_YEARS_OF_DATA"] == expectedOneYear, "1YR_YEARS_OF_DATA (" + row["1YR_YEARS_OF_DATA"] + ")", errors); AssertTrue(row, row["3YR_YEARS_OF_DATA"] == expectedThreeYear, "3YR_YEARS_OF_DATA (" + row["3YR_YEARS_OF_DATA"] + ")", errors); }
public void VerifyLevelOrder() { // state which levels are less than other levels var pairs = new[] { Tuple.Create(Level.Trace, Level.Debug), Tuple.Create(Level.Debug, Level.Info), Tuple.Create(Level.Info, Level.Warn), Tuple.Create(Level.Warn, Level.Error), Tuple.Create(Level.Error, Level.Fatal) }; // ensure statements above are correct Assert.True(pairs.All(x => x.Item1 < x.Item2)); // ensure all levels are being tested Assert.Equal(Enum.GetValues(typeof (Level)).Length, pairs.Select(x => x.Item1).Distinct().Count() + 1); }