/// <summary>Creates a new SharpDXInputSystem.</summary> /// <param name="control">The control to associate with DirectInput.</param> public SharpDXInputSystem(WF.Control control) { _directInput = new DI.DirectInput(); InitialiseKeyboard(control); InitialiseJoystick(); }
public ParteHandler(Element.ComboBox cboTipoDoc, Element.MaskedTextBox txtNroDni, Element.ComboBox cboSexo, Element.TextBox txtNombre, Element.TextBox txtApellido, Element.MaskedTextBox txtCuit, Element.DateTimePicker dpFecNac, Element.ComboBox cboECivil, Element.TextBox txtDomicilio, Element.ComboBox cboCiudad, Element.ComboBox cboDepartamento, Element.ComboBox cboProvincia, Element.ComboBox cboNacionalidad) { this.cboTipoDoc = cboTipoDoc; this.txtNroDni = txtNroDni; this.cboSexo = cboSexo; this.txtNombre = txtNombre; this.txtApellido = txtApellido; this.txtCuit = txtCuit; this.dpFecNac = dpFecNac; this.cboECivil = cboECivil; this.txtDomicilio = txtDomicilio; this.cboCiudad = cboCiudad; this.cboDepartamento = cboDepartamento; this.cboProvincia = cboProvincia; this.cboNacionalidad = cboNacionalidad; formatoPartes(); con.Connect(); ds1 = con.fillDs("SELECT * FROM DOCUMENTOS;", "PARTES"); ds2 = con.fillDs("SELECT * FROM SEXOS;", "SEXOS"); ds3 = con.fillDs("SELECT * FROM ESTADOS_CIVILES;", "ESTADOS"); ds7 = con.fillDs("SELECT * FROM NACIONALIDADES;", "NACIONALIDADES"); cboTipoDoc.DataSource = ds1.Tables[0]; cboSexo.DataSource = ds2.Tables[0]; cboECivil.DataSource = ds3.Tables[0]; cboNacionalidad.DataSource = ds7.Tables[0]; }
public void Test01_10までのFizzBuzz結果の確認() { var target = new FizzBuzzForm(); target.Show(); new TextBoxTester("maxNumberTextBox", target).Enter("10"); new ButtonTester("fizzBuzzButton", target).Click(); var dataGrid = new Finder<DataGridView>("fizzBuzzDataGridView", target).Find(); var expectedList = new[] { new { Number = 1, Text = "1" }, new { Number = 2, Text = "2" }, new { Number = 3, Text = "Fizz" }, new { Number = 4, Text = "4" }, new { Number = 5, Text = "Buzz" }, new { Number = 6, Text = "Fizz" }, new { Number = 7, Text = "7" }, new { Number = 8, Text = "8" }, new { Number = 9, Text = "Fizz" }, new { Number = 10, Text = "Buzz" }, }; foreach (var expected in expectedList) AssertForOneRow(dataGrid, expected.Number, expected.Text); }
private void OnItemChecked (object sender, SWF.ItemCheckEventArgs args) { if (args.Index == ((ListItemProvider) Provider).Index) { newValue = args.NewValue; RaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent (); } }
public WinForms.DragDropEffects GetDragDropEffect(WinForms.IDataObject dragData) { if (this.IsValidDropTarget(dragData)) return System.Windows.Forms.DragDropEffects.Move; else return Tree.TreeView.NoneDragDropEffects; }
public ExitButton(Vec2 loc, Vec2 size, Image parent, Forms.Form parf) { if (size.X == 0 || size.Y == 0) { throw new Exception("No dimention of size can be zero!"); } this.X = loc.X; this.Y = loc.Y; this.Size = size; this.iSize = new Vec2(size.X - 1, size.Y - 1); this.parent = parent; this.parForm = parf; this.bounds = new BoundingBox(this.X, this.X + Size.X, this.Y + Size.Y, this.Y); Click = new ObjectClick(this.ExitButtonClicked); MouseEnter = new ObjectClick(this.ExitButtonEnter); MouseLeave = new ObjectClick(this.ExitButtonLeave); MouseDown = new ObjectClick(this.ExitButtonMouseDown); MouseUp = new ObjectClick(this.ExitButtonMouseUp); evnts = new ObjectEvents( new ObjectClick(Click), new ObjectClick(MouseEnter), new ObjectClick(MouseLeave), new ObjectClick(MouseDown), new ObjectClick(MouseUp), new DrawMethod(Draw), bounds); i = new Image(size); this.DrawDefault(); }
partial void AddAgilent() { PSetReferences[] pset_references = new[] { new PSetReferences() }; PSetFileLocations pset_file_locations = new PSetFileLocations(); pset_file_locations.SelectedFiles = new CoreList<string>(); pset_references[0].OriginalPSet = pset_file_locations; pset_references[0].CurrentPSet = pset_file_locations.Clone(); QualFileDialogOptionsControl options = new QualFileDialogOptionsControl(); options.Initialize(LABEL, '*' + EXTENSION, CoreUtilities.GetDADefaultDataPath(), new[] { string.Empty }); options.ParameterSets = pset_references; AgtDialog afsd = new AgtDialog(); afsd.AllowMultiSelect = true; afsd.AppPlugIn = options; afsd.Initialize(DialogMode.Open); if(afsd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach(string data_filepath in afsd.SelectedFilePaths) { if(!lstData.Items.Contains(data_filepath)) { lstData.Items.Add(data_filepath); tspbProgress.Value = tspbProgress.Minimum; } } } }
private void OnCellValueChanged (object sender, SWF.DataGridViewCellEventArgs args) { if (args.ColumnIndex == provider.ComboboxProvider.ComboBoxCell.ColumnIndex && args.RowIndex == provider.ComboboxProvider.ComboBoxCell.RowIndex && provider.IsItemSelected (itemProvider)) RaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent (); }
public WinForms::DragDropEffects GetDragDropEffect(WinForms::IDataObject dragData) { if (IsValidDropTarget(dragData)) return WinForms::DragDropEffects.Move; else return TreeView.NoneDragDropEffects; }
private void OnUIATextChanged (object sender, SWF.LabelEditEventArgs args) { if (args.Item == editProvider.ItemProvider.ListView.Columns.IndexOf (editProvider.ColumnHeader)) { newText = (string) editProvider.GetPropertyValue (ValuePatternIdentifiers.ValueProperty.Id); RaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent (); } }
public override WinForms.DragDropEffects GetDragDropEffect(WinForms.IDataObject dragData) { if (this.IsValidDropTarget(dragData)) return WinForms.DragDropEffects.Copy; else return TreeView.NoneDragDropEffects; }
/// <summary> /// Converts a System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons to OForms.MouseButtons /// </summary> /// <param name="b">Object to convert.</param> /// <returns>Converted buttons.</returns> public static OForms.MouseButtons GetButtons(Forms.MouseButtons b) { OForms.MouseButtons buttons = OForms.MouseButtons.None; if (b.HasFlag(Forms.MouseButtons.Left)) { buttons |= OForms.MouseButtons.Left; } else if (b.HasFlag(Forms.MouseButtons.Middle)) { buttons |= OForms.MouseButtons.Middle; } else if (b.HasFlag(Forms.MouseButtons.Right)) { buttons |= OForms.MouseButtons.Right; } else if (b.HasFlag(Forms.MouseButtons.XButton1)) { buttons |= OForms.MouseButtons.XButton1; } else if (b.HasFlag(Forms.MouseButtons.XButton2)) { buttons |= OForms.MouseButtons.XButton2; } return buttons; }
public void HandleDrop(WinForms::IDataObject dragData) { if (!this.IsValidDropTarget(dragData)) return; IEnumerable<TreeNode> draggedNodes = TreeView.GetTreeNodesFromDragData(dragData); if (draggedNodes == null) return; List<SelectionSetWrapper> selSets = new List<SelectionSetWrapper>(); foreach (TreeNode tn in draggedNodes) { if (tn.Parent == null) continue; SelectionSetWrapper selSet = TreeMode.GetMaxNode(tn.Parent) as SelectionSetWrapper; if (selSet != null && !selSets.Contains(selSet)) selSets.Add(selSet); } IEnumerable<IMaxNode> draggedMaxNodes = TreeMode.GetMaxNodes(draggedNodes); foreach (SelectionSetWrapper selSet in selSets) { IEnumerable<IMaxNode> newNodes = selSet.ChildNodes.Except(draggedMaxNodes); ModifySelectionSetCommand cmd = new ModifySelectionSetCommand(selSet, newNodes); cmd.Execute(); } }
//Constructor public LibroHandler(Element.NumericUpDown updwLibro, Element.NumericUpDown updwRenglon, Element.MaskedTextBox txtNroFolio, Element.TextBox txtDescripcion) { this.updwLibro = updwLibro; this.updwRenglon = updwRenglon; this.txtNroFolio = txtNroFolio; this.txtDescripcion = txtDescripcion; }
public override void HandleDrop(WinForms::IDataObject dragData) { if (!this.IsValidDropTarget(dragData)) return; IEnumerable<TreeNode> draggedNodes = TreeView.GetTreeNodesFromDragData(dragData); if (draggedNodes == null) return; IEnumerable<IMaxNode> draggedMaxNodes = TreeMode.GetMaxNodes(draggedNodes); SelectionSetWrapper targetSelSet = (SelectionSetWrapper)this.MaxNode; IEnumerable<IMaxNode> combinedNodes = targetSelSet.ChildNodes.Union(draggedMaxNodes); ModifySelectionSetCommand cmd = new ModifySelectionSetCommand(targetSelSet, combinedNodes); cmd.Execute(); if (!ControlHelpers.ShiftPressed) { IEnumerable<SelectionSetWrapper> selSets = draggedNodes.Select(tn => TreeMode.GetMaxNode(tn.Parent)) .OfType<SelectionSetWrapper>() .Where(n => !n.Equals(targetSelSet)) .Distinct(); foreach (SelectionSetWrapper selSet in selSets) { IEnumerable<IMaxNode> newNodes = selSet.ChildNodes.Except(draggedMaxNodes); ModifySelectionSetCommand moveCmd = new ModifySelectionSetCommand(selSet, newNodes); moveCmd.Execute(); } } }
private static void OnUIAHelpRequested (object sender, SWF.ControlEventArgs args) { SWF.HelpProvider helpProvider = (SWF.HelpProvider) sender; HelpProvider provider = (HelpProvider) ProviderFactory.GetProvider (helpProvider); provider.Show (args.Control); }
private void Notify_Click(object sender, WinForms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != WinForms.MouseButtons.Left) return; mainWindow.ShowApp(); }
protected override void OnPaint(WinForms.PaintEventArgs pe) { base.OnPaint(pe); Pen pen1 = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.LightGray, 2f); Pen pen2 = new System.Drawing.Pen(Color.LightGray, 2f); Brush background = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGray); Brush brushFont = new SolidBrush(Color.White); Font font = new Font("Arial", 14); StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near; Point p00 = new Point(0, 0); Point p01 = new Point(0, this.Size.Height - 1); Point p10 = new Point(this.Size.Width - 1, 0); Point p11 = new Point(this.Size.Width - 1, this.Size.Height - 1); Rectangle area = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.Size - new Size(1, 1)); pe.Graphics.FillRectangle(background, area); pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen1, p10, p11); pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen1, p11, p01); pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen2, p00, p10); pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen2, p01, p00); pe.Graphics.DrawString(Text, font, brushFont, area, format); }
private void OnAfterLabelEdit (object sender, SWF.LabelEditEventArgs args) { if (viewItem.ListView.Items.IndexOf (viewItem) == args.Item) { newText = args.Label; RaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent (); } }
private void OnValueProperty (object sender, SWF.DataGridViewCellEventArgs args) { if (args.ColumnIndex == provider.Cell.ColumnIndex && args.RowIndex == provider.Cell.RowIndex) RaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent (); }
private void OnUIASubItemTextChanged (object sender, SWF.LabelEditEventArgs args) { if (args.Item == 0) { newText = viewItem.Text; RaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent (); } }
Element.TextBox txtPrefijo; // txt prefijo del vehiculo #endregion Fields #region Constructors public VehiculoHandler(Element.ComboBox cboDesc, Element.ComboBox cboMarca, Element.MaskedTextBox txtDominio, Element.TextBox txtPrefijo) { this.cboDesc = cboDesc; this.cboMarca = cboMarca; this.txtDominio = txtDominio; this.txtPrefijo = txtPrefijo; }
private void OnColumnHeaderMouseClick (object sender, SWF.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs args) { if (args.Button == SWF.MouseButtons.Left && args.ColumnIndex == provider.Column.Index) RaiseAutomationEvent (); }
public void InitializeGridView() { uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("0", "0"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("1", "1"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("2", "2"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("3", "3"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("4", "4"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("5", "5"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("6", "6"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("7", "7"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("8", "8"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("9", "9"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("10", "10"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("11", "1"); uxGridViewMotif.Columns.Add("12", "12"); var temp = new[] {"8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33", "8.33"}; uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); uxGridViewMotif.Rows.Add(temp); for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) { uxGridViewMotif.Rows[i].HeaderCell.Value = i.ToString(); } }
protected override bool Checked(WinForms::ToolStripMenuItem clickedItem, TreeView treeView, TreeNode clickedTn) { IEnumerable<IMaxNode> selNodes = TreeMode.GetMaxNodes(treeView.SelectedNodes); return selNodes.OfType<XRefSceneRecord>() .Any(x => x.HasFlags(this.Flags)); }
private void OnSelectedGridItemChanged (object o, SWF.SelectedGridItemChangedEventArgs args) { bool selected = provider.PropertyGridViewProvider.IsItemSelected (provider); if (selected != isSelected) RaiseAutomationPropertyChangedEvent (); }
public static extern bool PeekMessage( out Wfx.Message msg, IntPtr hWnd, uint min, uint max, uint flags );
public bool Prepare(wnd.IDataObject ido) { currentDishes = SelectDishes(ido); PrepareDishes(currentDishes); return currentDishes.Any(); }
/// <summary> /// Hàm này đặt dữ liệu được lưu dạng BLOB lấy từ hàm GetData /// vào RichTextBox. /// </summary> public static void SetData(object arraybyte, RichTextFormat.RichTextBox rtb) { try { rtb.Rtf = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ToBytes(arraybyte)); } catch { } }
protected override void WndProc( ref SWF.Message m ) { if (this.renderWindow != null) { if (!Win32MessageHandling.WndProc(renderWindow, ref m)) base.WndProc(ref m); } }