Exemple #1
        public static BlobServiceClient CreateClient(string connectionString, System.Net.Http.IHttpClientFactory http = null)
            var clientOptions = new BlobClientOptions
                // notes: no options for this in new API,  there is GeoRedundantSecondaryUri, but we do not have second URI
                // LocationMode = LocationMode.PrimaryThenSecondary,
                // notes: next hash check is not recreated, either is is buildint or should be done manually
                // DisableContentMD5Validation = false, // controls whether or not the Storage Client will validate that MD5 hash on download
                Diagnostics = { IsDistributedTracingEnabled = true, IsLoggingEnabled = true },
                Retry       =
                    NetworkTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120),
                    Delay          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                    MaxDelay       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
                    Mode           = RetryMode.Exponential

            if (http != null)
                var client = http.CreateClient("Blob");
                client.Timeout          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(720);
                clientOptions.Transport = new HttpClientTransport(client);

            // is on per HTTP call basis, not per blob
            // clientOptions.AddPolicy(new HttpPipelinePolicy(), HttpPipelinePosition.PerCall)
            return(new BlobServiceClient(connectionString, clientOptions));
Exemple #2
        public async Task <IEnumerable <ClaimDto> > GetAsync(IIdentity identity, IEnumerable <IKeyValueSettings> settings, object parameter)
            var result = new List <ClaimDto>();

            if (null == identity)
                Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().Error($"A null identity was received. No Claims will be generated.").Log();

            if (null == settings || settings.Count() == 0)
                Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().Error($"We need token settings to call the backend.").Log();
            if (!settings.Any(s => s.Values.ContainsKey(TokenKeys.AuthenticationTypeKey) && s.Values[TokenKeys.AuthenticationTypeKey].Equals(identity.AuthenticationType)))
                Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().Debug($"Skip fetching claims, no setting found for authentication type {identity.AuthenticationType}.");

                // Check before the url and application name is defined!
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_url))
                    // no override rule, use the standard endpoint defined.
                    _url = settings.First().Values[TokenKeys.RootServiceUrlKey].TrimEnd('/') + "/api/claims";
                    _url = String.Format(_url, _applicationName);

                Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().System($"Call back-end service for authorization, endpoint = {_url}.").Log();

                IPlatformParameters platformParameters = parameter is IPlatformParameters parameters ? parameters : null;

                // Check if we need to do something before calling the backend like force the start of a vpn.
                Network.Handler.OnCalling?.Invoke(new Uri(_url));

                // call the backend service!
                var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("ClaimsProxy");

                var response = await client.GetAsync(_url);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().System($"Call service {_url} succeeds.").Log();
                    String responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    // Add the claims.
                    result.AddRange(_jsonSerializer.ReadObject <IEnumerable <ClaimDto> >(responseString));
                    Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().System($"{result.Count} claim(s) received.").Log();
                    Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().Error($"Call service {_url} gives error status ${response.StatusCode}.").Log();
            catch (Exception exception)
                Exception inner = exception.InnerException;
                while (null != inner)
                    Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().Exception(inner).Log();
                    inner = inner.InnerException;

                Logger.Technical.From <ClaimsProxy>().Exception(exception).Log();
