protected void startImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PanelUpload.Visible = false;

            if (ProductFile.HasFile)
                string tempFile = Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/App_Data/products{0}.csv", Guid.NewGuid()));

                    int count = 0;

                    var lines = File.ReadLines(tempFile).Select(a => a.Split(';'));
                    foreach (var product in lines)
                        // first row is just headers, we'll by pass it
                        if (count > 0)

                    ProductCount.Text = count.ToString();
                    PanelWoot.Visible = true;
                    PanelFail.Visible = false;
                catch (Exception ee)
                    failDetail.Text   = ee.ToString();
                    PanelWoot.Visible = false;
                    PanelFail.Visible = true;
                    if (File.Exists(tempFile))
Exemple #2
        public static File ParseCore(string filePath, CharacterPositionFinder finder, Encoding encoding)
            var text          = SystemFile.ReadAllText(filePath, encoding);
            var lastCharacter = text.Length - 1;

            var file = new File
                Name         = filePath,
                FooterSpan   = CharacterSpan.None,              // there is no footer
                LocationSpan = lastCharacter >= 0
                                               ? new LocationSpan(finder.GetLineInfo(0), finder.GetLineInfo(lastCharacter))
                                               : new LocationSpan(LineInfo.None, LineInfo.None),

                var parser   = new GherkinParser();
                var document = parser.Parse(filePath);

                var root = new Container
                    Type         = nameof(GherkinDocument),
                    Name         = string.Empty,
                    LocationSpan = file.LocationSpan,
                    HeaderSpan   = new CharacterSpan(0, 0),                                      // there is no header
                    FooterSpan   = new CharacterSpan(Math.Max(0, lastCharacter), lastCharacter), // there is no footer


                var feature = document.Feature;
                if (feature != null)
                    // get locations ordered so that we know the position of the feature
                    var locations = document.Comments.Select(_ => _.Location).ToList();

                    var sortedLocations = locations.OrderBy(_ => _.Line).ThenBy(_ => _.Column).ToList();

                    var positionAfterFeature = sortedLocations.IndexOf(feature.Location) + 1;

                    var location = positionAfterFeature < sortedLocations.Count - 1
                                    ? GetLineInfo(locations[positionAfterFeature + 1])
                                    : file.LocationSpan.End;

                    var parsedChild = ParseFeature(feature, finder, location);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // try to adjust location span to include full file content
                // but ignore empty files as parsing errors
                var lines = SystemFile.ReadLines(filePath).Count();
                if (lines == 0)
                    file.LocationSpan = new LocationSpan(LineInfo.None, LineInfo.None);
                    file.ParsingErrors.Add(new ParsingError
                        ErrorMessage = ex.Message,
                        Location     = LineInfo.None,

                    file.LocationSpan = new LocationSpan(new LineInfo(1, 0), new LineInfo(lines + 1, 0));

        public static File ParseCore(string filePath, CharacterPositionFinder finder, Encoding encoding)
            var text = SystemFile.ReadAllText(filePath, encoding);

            var file = new File
                Name       = filePath,
                FooterSpan = new CharacterSpan(0, -1),                // there is no footer

                var pipeline = new MarkdownPipelineBuilder().UseAdvancedExtensions().Build();
                var document = MarkdownParser.Parse(text, pipeline);

                var textProvider = new TextProvider(text);

                var locationSpan = GetLocationSpan(document, finder);

                var rootBlock = new Container
                    Type         = "markdown",
                    Name         = string.Empty,
                    LocationSpan = locationSpan,
                    HeaderSpan   = new CharacterSpan(0, 0),                             // there is no header
                    FooterSpan   = new CharacterSpan(text.Length - 1, text.Length - 1), // there is no footer

                // Parse the file and display the text content of each of the elements.
                var blocks = document.Where(_ => !_.Span.IsEmpty).ToList();
                foreach (var block in blocks)
                    var parsedBlock = ParseBlock(block, finder, textProvider);

                file.LocationSpan = locationSpan;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // try to adjust location span to include full file content
                // but ignore empty files as parsing errors
                var lines = SystemFile.ReadLines(filePath).Count();
                if (lines == 0)
                    file.LocationSpan = new LocationSpan(new LineInfo(0, -1), new LineInfo(0, -1));
                    file.ParsingErrors.Add(new ParsingError
                        ErrorMessage = ex.Message,
                        Location     = new LineInfo(0, -1),

                    file.LocationSpan = new LocationSpan(new LineInfo(1, 0), new LineInfo(lines + 1, 0));

        public static File ParseCore(string filePath, CharacterPositionFinder finder, IXmlFlavor flavor, Encoding encoding)
            using (var reader = new XmlTextReader(new StreamReader(SystemFile.OpenRead(filePath), encoding)))
                var file = new File
                    Name       = filePath,
                    FooterSpan = CharacterSpan.None,                // there is no footer

                var fileBegin = new LineInfo(reader.LineNumber + 1, reader.LinePosition);

                    var dummyRoot = new Container();

                    // Parse the XML and display the text content of each of the elements.
                    // as there are XMLs that have the declaration on same line as the root element, we just loop and parse until the end
                    while (!reader.EOF)
                        Parse(reader, dummyRoot, finder, flavor);

                    var root    = dummyRoot.Children.OfType <Container>().Last();
                    var rootEnd = FixRoot(root, dummyRoot);

                    var fileEnd = new LineInfo(reader.LineNumber, reader.LinePosition - 1);

                    var positionAfterLastElement = new LineInfo(rootEnd.LineNumber, rootEnd.LinePosition + 1); // we calculate the next one (either a new line character or a regular one)

                    file.LocationSpan = new LocationSpan(fileBegin, fileEnd);

                    if (positionAfterLastElement < fileEnd)
                        file.FooterSpan = GetCharacterSpan(new LocationSpan(positionAfterLastElement, fileEnd), finder);

                catch (XmlException ex)
                    // try to adjust location span to include full file content
                    // but ignore empty files as parsing errors
                    var lines = SystemFile.ReadLines(filePath).Count();
                    if (lines == 0)
                        file.LocationSpan = new LocationSpan(LineInfo.None, LineInfo.None);
                        file.ParsingErrors.Add(new ParsingError
                            ErrorMessage = ex.Message,
                            Location     = new LineInfo(ex.LineNumber, ex.LinePosition),

                        file.LocationSpan = new LocationSpan(new LineInfo(1, 0), new LineInfo(lines + 1, 0));
