public static string GetRefInv(string invcode, string mname) { string r = ""; string rcode = ""; Sys_AssortBll srb = new Sys_AssortBll(); Sys_InventoryDetailBll sidb = new Sys_InventoryDetailBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { rcode = srb.GetAssort(invcode.Substring(0, invcode.Length - 3)); if (rcode != "") { string[] rv = rcode.Split(';'); Sys_InventoryDetail si = new Sys_InventoryDetail(); Sys_InventoryDetail sid = sidb.Query(" and icode like '" + rv[0] + "%' and mname='" + mname + "'"); if (sid == null) { si.icname = ""; si.iccode = ""; } else { si = sid; } r = js.Serialize(si); } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string SaveWjProduction(string sid, ArrayList prow) { string r = ""; List <B_GroupProduction> lbp = new List <B_GroupProduction>(); List <B_ProductionItem> lbpi = new List <B_ProductionItem>(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { foreach (object[] o in prow) { if (Convert.ToInt32(o[1].ToString()) > 0) { B_GroupProduction bgp = new B_GroupProduction(); Sys_InventoryDetail d = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + o[0].ToString() + "'"); bgp.sid = sid; bgp.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); bgp.gnum = 1; bgp.icode = d.icode; bgp.iname = d.iname; bgp.inum = Convert.ToInt32(o[1].ToString()); = o[2].ToString(); lbp.Add(bgp); B_ProductionItem bpi = new B_ProductionItem(); bpi.sid = bgp.sid; bpi.psid = bgp.psid; bpi.pname = bgp.iname; bpi.pcode = bgp.icode; bpi.mname = ""; bpi.ptype = bgp.itype; bpi.height = 0; bpi.width = 0; bpi.deep = 0; bpi.pnum = bgp.inum; bpi.e_ptype = ""; bpi.maker = bgp.maker; bpi.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); lbpi.Add(bpi); } } if (bgpb.SaveList(lbp, sid, 1) > 0) { bpitb.SaveItemList(lbpi); r = "S"; } else { r = "F"; } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string InitInventory(string iccode, string icode) { string r = ""; Sys_InventoryDetail sid = new Sys_InventoryDetail(); Sys_InventoryDetailBll sidb = new Sys_InventoryDetailBll(); Sys_InventoryCategory sic = new Sys_InventoryCategory(); Sys_InventoryCategoryBll sicb = new Sys_InventoryCategoryBll(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { sic = sicb.Query(" and iccode='" + iccode + "'"); if (icode == "") { if (sic != null) { sid.iccode = sic.iccode; sid.icname = sic.icname; sid.iname = sic.icname; } else { sid.iccode = ""; sid.icname = ""; sid.iname = ""; } sid.icode = iccode + sidb.CreateCode(iccode).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); sid.istate = true; = 0; } else { sid = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + icode + "'"); } r = js.Serialize(sid); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string SaveProduction(string alist, string blcode, string blname, string cavetype, string ctcode, string ctcz, string ctlxcz, string ctname, string cttbcz, string direction, string fix, string floor, string gnum, string hjcode, string hjcz, string hjname, string invcate, string isjc, string locks, string locktype, string mscode, string mscz, string msname, string msts, string mtbcode, string mtbcz, string mtbname, string mtcode, string mtcz, string mtlxcz, string mtname, string mttbcz, string mtts, string optype, string pbz, string pdeep, string place, string plength, string pnum, string psize, string pwidth, string qtcode, string qtcz, string qtname, string sid, string sjcode, string sjname, string slblcode, string slblname, string wjcode, string wjname, string ykcode, string ykcz, string yklxcz, string ykname, string yktbcz, string zsize ) { string r = ""; //bool tjFlag = false; List <B_GroupProduction> lbgp = new List <B_GroupProduction>(); B_GroupProduction ms = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction mt = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction ct = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction yk = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction wj = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction qt = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction bl = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction slbl = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction sj = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction hj = new B_GroupProduction(); B_GroupProduction mtb = new B_GroupProduction(); int wjgnum = 1000; string egnum = "0"; invcate = invcate.Substring(8, 3); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { string gsid = CommonBll.GetSid(); Sys_SizeTransformR sc = scb.Query(" and rcode='" + cavetype + "'"); pbz = pbz.Replace(",", " "); if (gnum == "" || gnum == "0") { egnum = bgpb.GetGnum(" and sid='" + sid + "' and gnum<1000").ToString(); wjgnum = wjgnum + bgpb.GetGnum(" and sid='" + sid + "' and gnum>1000"); if (invcate == "004") { gnum = wjgnum.ToString(); } else { gnum = egnum.ToString(); } } else { if (invcate == "004" && Convert.ToInt32(gnum) < 1000) { wjgnum = wjgnum + bgpb.GetGnum(" and sid='" + sid + "' and gnum>1000"); } if (invcate != "004" && Convert.ToInt32(gnum) >= 1000) { egnum = bgpb.GetGnum(" and sid='" + sid + "' and gnum<1000").ToString(); } if (invcate == "004" && Convert.ToInt32(gnum) >= 1000) { wjgnum = Convert.ToInt32(gnum); } if (invcate != "004" && Convert.ToInt32(gnum) < 1000) { egnum = gnum; } } #region//门扇 if (mscode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail ims = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + mscode + "'"); Sys_ProduceImg spi = spib.QueryInvImg(mscode); ms.sid = sid; ms.tsid = ""; ms.gsid = gsid; ms.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); ms.itype = invcate; ms.fix = fix; ms.direction = direction; = place; ms.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); ms.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); ms.locktype = locktype; ms.mname = mscz; ms.icode = mscode; ms.iname = msname; ms.uname = ims == null ? "" : ims.iunit; ms.height = Convert.ToInt32(plength); ms.width = Convert.ToInt32(pwidth); ms.deep = Convert.ToInt32(pdeep); ms.fsize = Convert.ToInt32(psize); ms.zsize = Convert.ToInt32(zsize); ms.maker = iv.u.ename; ms.ptype = "ms"; ms.isjc = isjc; ms.allprice = 0; ms.serverprice = 0; ms.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); ms.locks = locks; ms.floor = floor; ms.msts = msts; if (spi != null) { ms.pic = spi.iurl; ms.picname = spi.iname; } else { ms.pic = ""; ms.picname = ""; } ms.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, mscode) == true ? 1 : 0; ms.czyy = smcb.QueryEx(mscode); ms.zjname = ""; ms.zjcode = ""; ms.zjmname = ""; ms.zsize = 0; ms.tbcz = ""; ms.lxcz = ""; if (mscode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(mscode) + pbz.Replace(",", ","); } if (sc != null) { ms.cavecode = sc.rcode; ms.cavename = sc.rname; } } #endregion #region//门套 if (mtcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail imt = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + mtcode + "'"); mt.sid = sid; mt.gsid = gsid; mt.tsid = ""; mt.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); mt.itype = invcate; mt.fix = fix; mt.direction = direction; = place; mt.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); mt.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); mt.locktype = locktype; mt.mname = mtcz; mt.icode = mtcode; mt.iname = mtname; mt.ptype = "mt"; mt.isjc = isjc; mt.uname = imt == null ? "" : imt.iunit; mt.height = Convert.ToInt32(plength); mt.width = Convert.ToInt32(pwidth); mt.deep = Convert.ToInt32(pdeep); mt.fsize = Convert.ToInt32(psize); mt.zsize = Convert.ToInt32(zsize); mt.maker = iv.u.ename; mt.locks = locks; mt.allprice = 0; mt.tbcz = mttbcz; mt.lxcz = mtlxcz; mt.serverprice = 0; mt.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); mt.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, mtcode) == true ? 1 : 0; mt.floor = floor; mt.mtts = mtts; if (slblcode != "") { mt.zjname = slblname; mt.zjcode = slblcode; mt.zjmname = ""; } if (mtbcode != "") { mt.zjname = mtbname; mt.zjcode = mtbcode; mt.zjmname = mtbcz; } if (mtcode != "") { = pbz.Replace(",", ","); } } #endregion #region//窗套 if (ctcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail ict = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + ctcode + "'"); ct.sid = sid; ct.tsid = ""; ct.gsid = gsid; ct.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); ct.itype = invcate; ct.fix = fix; ct.direction = direction; = place; ct.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); ct.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); ct.locktype = locktype; ct.mname = ctcz; ct.icode = ctcode; ct.iname = ctname; ct.ptype = "ct"; ct.isjc = isjc; ct.uname = ict == null ? "" : ict.iunit; ct.height = Convert.ToInt32(plength); ct.width = Convert.ToInt32(pwidth); ct.deep = Convert.ToInt32(pdeep); ct.fsize = Convert.ToInt32(psize); ct.allprice = 0; ct.serverprice = 0; ct.maker = iv.u.ename; ct.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); ct.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, ctcode) == true ? 1 : 0; ct.zjname = ""; ct.zjcode = ""; ct.zjmname = ""; ct.zsize = 0; ct.tbcz = cttbcz; ct.lxcz = ctlxcz; ct.floor = floor; if (ctcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(ctcode) + pbz; } } #endregion #region//垭口 if (ykcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail iyk = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + ykcode + "'"); yk.sid = sid; yk.tsid = ""; yk.gsid = gsid; yk.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); yk.itype = invcate; yk.fix = fix; yk.direction = direction; = place; yk.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); yk.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); yk.locktype = locktype; yk.mname = ykcz; yk.icode = ykcode; yk.iname = ykname; yk.ptype = "yk"; yk.isjc = isjc; yk.uname = iyk == null ? "" : iyk.iunit; yk.height = Convert.ToInt32(plength); yk.width = Convert.ToInt32(pwidth); yk.deep = Convert.ToInt32(pdeep); yk.fsize = Convert.ToInt32(psize); yk.maker = iv.u.ename; yk.allprice = 0; yk.serverprice = 0; yk.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); yk.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, ykcode) == true ? 1 : 0; yk.zjname = ""; yk.zjcode = ""; yk.zjmname = ""; yk.zsize = 0; yk.tbcz = yktbcz; yk.lxcz = yklxcz; yk.floor = floor; if (ykcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(ykcode) + pbz; } } #endregion #region//玻璃 if (blcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail ibl = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + blcode + "'"); bl.sid = sid; bl.tsid = ""; bl.gsid = gsid; bl.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); bl.itype = invcate; bl.fix = fix; bl.direction = direction; = place; bl.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); bl.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); bl.locktype = locktype; bl.mname = ""; bl.icode = blcode; bl.iname = blname; bl.height = 0; bl.width = 0; bl.deep = 0; bl.fsize = 0; bl.ptype = "bl"; bl.isjc = isjc; bl.uname = ibl == null ? "" : ibl.iunit; bl.maker = iv.u.ename; bl.allprice = 0; bl.serverprice = 0; bl.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); bl.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, blcode) == true ? 1 : 0; bl.zjname = ""; bl.zjcode = ""; bl.zjmname = ""; bl.zsize = 0; bl.tbcz = ""; bl.lxcz = ""; bl.floor = floor; if (blcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(blcode) + pbz; } } #endregion #region//锁具 if (sjcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail isj = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + sjcode + "'"); sj.sid = sid; sj.tsid = ""; sj.gsid = gsid; sj.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); sj.itype = invcate; sj.fix = fix; sj.direction = direction; = place; sj.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); sj.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); sj.locktype = locktype; sj.mname = ""; sj.ptype = "sj"; sj.icode = sjcode; sj.iname = sjname; sj.uname = isj == null ? "" : isj.iunit; sj.height = 0; sj.width = 0; sj.deep = 0; sj.fsize = 0; sj.isjc = isjc; sj.allprice = 0; sj.serverprice = 0; sj.maker = iv.u.ename; sj.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); sj.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, sjcode) == true ? 1 : 0; sj.zjname = ""; sj.zjcode = ""; sj.zjmname = ""; sj.zsize = 0; sj.tbcz = ""; sj.lxcz = ""; sj.floor = floor; if (sjcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(sjcode) + pbz; } } #endregion #region//五金 if (wjcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail iwj = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + wjcode + "'"); wj.sid = sid; wj.tsid = ""; wj.gsid = gsid; wj.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); wj.itype = invcate; wj.fix = fix; wj.direction = direction; = place; wj.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); wj.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(wjgnum); wj.locktype = locktype; wj.mname = ""; wj.icode = wjcode; wj.iname = wjname; wj.height = 0; wj.ptype = "wj"; wj.width = 0; wj.deep = 0; wj.fsize = 0; wj.isjc = isjc; wj.allprice = 0; wj.serverprice = 0; wj.uname = iwj == null ? "" : iwj.iunit; wj.maker = iv.u.ename; wj.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (wjcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(wjcode) + pbz; } wj.zjname = ""; wj.zjcode = ""; wj.zjmname = ""; wj.zsize = 0; wj.tbcz = ""; wj.lxcz = ""; wj.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, wjcode) == true ? 1 : 0; wj.floor = floor; } #endregion #region//护角 if (hjcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail ihj = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + hjcode + "'"); hj.sid = sid; hj.tsid = ""; hj.gsid = gsid; hj.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); hj.itype = invcate; hj.fix = fix; hj.direction = direction; = place; hj.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); hj.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); hj.locktype = locktype; hj.mname = hjcz; hj.icode = hjcode; hj.iname = hjname; hj.uname = ihj == null ? "" : ihj.iunit; hj.ptype = "hj"; hj.isjc = isjc; hj.height = Convert.ToInt32(plength); hj.width = Convert.ToInt32(pwidth); hj.deep = Convert.ToInt32(pdeep); hj.fsize = Convert.ToInt32(psize); hj.allprice = 0; hj.serverprice = 0; hj.maker = iv.u.ename; hj.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); hj.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, hjcode) == true ? 1 : 0; hj.zjname = ""; hj.zjcode = ""; hj.zjmname = ""; hj.zsize = 0; hj.tbcz = ""; hj.lxcz = ""; hj.floor = floor; if (hjcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(hjcode) + pbz; } } #endregion #region//其他 if (qtcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail iqt = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + qtcode + "'"); qt.sid = sid; qt.tsid = ""; qt.gsid = gsid; qt.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); qt.itype = invcate; qt.fix = fix; qt.direction = direction; = place; qt.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); qt.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); qt.locktype = locktype; qt.mname = qtcz; qt.icode = qtcode; qt.iname = qtname; qt.ptype = "qt"; qt.isjc = isjc; qt.uname = iqt == null ? "" : iqt.iunit; qt.height = Convert.ToInt32(plength); qt.width = Convert.ToInt32(pwidth); qt.deep = Convert.ToInt32(pdeep); qt.fsize = Convert.ToInt32(psize); qt.allprice = 0; qt.serverprice = 0; qt.maker = iv.u.ename; qt.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (qtcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(qtcode) + pbz; } qt.zjname = ""; qt.zjcode = ""; qt.zjmname = ""; qt.zsize = 0; qt.tbcz = ""; qt.lxcz = ""; qt.idiscount = bsdb.CheckDiscount(sid, qtcode) == true ? 1 : 0; qt.floor = floor; } #endregion if (invcate == "010") { lbgp.Add(ms); lbgp.Add(mt); lbgp.Add(sj); lbgp.Add(bl); lbgp.Add(slbl); lbgp.Add(mtb); } if (invcate == "001") { lbgp.Add(ms); lbgp.Add(bl); } if (invcate == "002") { lbgp.Add(mt); lbgp.Add(slbl); lbgp.Add(mtb); } if (invcate == "006") { lbgp.Add(ct); } if (invcate == "004") { lbgp.Add(wj); } if (invcate == "005") { lbgp.Add(bl); } if (invcate == "007") { lbgp.Add(yk); } if (invcate == "008") { lbgp.Add(hj); } if (invcate == "009") { lbgp.Add(qt); } bgpmb.Delete(" and sid='" + sid + "' and gnum=" + gnum + ""); if (bgpb.SaveList(lbgp, sid, Convert.ToInt32(gnum)) > 0) { if (alist != "") { List <B_GroupProductionAttr> lbpa = new List <B_GroupProductionAttr>(); if (alist != null) { string[] pl = alist.Split(';'); for (int i = 0; i < pl.Length; i++) { Sys_ProductionAttrEx spae = spab.Query(" and acode='" + pl[i] + "'"); B_GroupProductionAttr ba = new B_GroupProductionAttr(); ba.sid = sid; ba.gsid = gsid; ba.acode = spae.acode; ba.aname = spae.aname; ba.amoney = spae.price; ba.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); ba.maker = iv.u.ename; lbpa.Add(ba); } bgpab.AddList(lbpa, gsid); } } if (invcate == "004") { bcpb.InvComputePrice(sid, Convert.ToInt32(wjgnum), iv.u.dcode, "gh"); r = "S"; } else { bcpb.InvComputePrice(sid, Convert.ToInt32(egnum), iv.u.dcode, "gh"); r = "S"; } bpib.SaveItemList(bistfb.CreateTranFormList(sid, Convert.ToInt32(gnum), iv.u.ename)); } else { r = "F"; } if (optype == "f") { r = gnum; } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string SaveProduction(string gnum, string pbz, string pcode, string pname, string pnum, string psize, string sid) { string r = ""; List <B_GroupProduction> lbgp = new List <B_GroupProduction>(); string invcate = pcode.Substring(8, 3); string egnum = "0"; SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { string gsid = CommonBll.GetSid(); pbz = pbz.Replace(",", " "); if (gnum == "" || gnum == "0") { egnum = bgpb.GetGnum(" and sid='" + sid + "' and gnum<1000").ToString(); } else { egnum = gnum; } B_GroupProduction wl = new B_GroupProduction(); #region//物料 if (pcode != "") { Sys_InventoryDetail iwl = sidb.Query(" and icode='" + pcode + "'"); wl.sid = sid; wl.tsid = ""; wl.gsid = gsid; wl.psid = CommonBll.GetSid(); wl.itype = invcate; wl.fix = ""; wl.direction = ""; = ""; wl.inum = Convert.ToDecimal(pnum); wl.gnum = Convert.ToInt32(egnum); wl.locktype = ""; wl.mname = ""; wl.icode = pcode; wl.iname = pname; wl.height = 0; wl.ptype = "wl"; wl.width = 0; wl.deep = 0; wl.fsize = 0; wl.isjc = ""; wl.allprice = 0; wl.serverprice = 0; wl.uname = iwl == null ? "" : iwl.iunit; wl.maker = iv.u.ename; wl.cdate = DateTime.Now.ToString(); if (pcode != "") { = srb.QueryGByIcode(pcode) + pbz; } wl.zjname = ""; wl.zjcode = ""; wl.zjmname = ""; wl.zsize = 0; wl.tbcz = ""; wl.lxcz = ""; wl.idiscount = 1; wl.floor = ""; wl.spec = psize; } #endregion lbgp.Add(wl); if (bgpb.SaveList(lbgp, sid, Convert.ToInt32(egnum)) > 0) { bcpb.InvComputePrice(sid, Convert.ToInt32(egnum), iv.u.dcode, "gh"); bpib.SaveItemList(bistfb.CreateTranFormList(sid, Convert.ToInt32(egnum), iv.u.ename)); r = "S"; } else { r = "F"; } } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }