public ActionResult Index()
            ViewBag.Host   = AuthorizeUser.IsHost() || AuthorizeUser.IsAction(Ultity.Constant.ViewEditAll);
            ViewBag.Add    = AuthorizeUser.IsAction(Ultity.Constant.Add);
            ViewBag.Edit   = AuthorizeUser.IsAction(Ultity.Constant.Edit);
            ViewBag.Delete = AuthorizeUser.IsAction(Ultity.Constant.Delete);

            var    objRef = new object[5];
            string sSort  = "a.CreatedDate DESC";

            objRef[0] = "";
            objRef[1] = sSort;
            objRef[2] = 0;
            objRef[3] = 100;
            objRef[4] = 0;
            var modelList = _sysGroupAction.List(ref objRef);

            ViewBag.ListGroup = modelList;
Exemple #2
        public ActionResult GetData(int?page, int?pageSize, string key, int?sort, string usedState)
            var list = new List <SysGroup>();

                var objRef           = new object[5];
                int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0;
                if (currentPageIndex < 0)
                    currentPageIndex = 0;
                pageSize = pageSize.HasValue ? pageSize : rowInPage;
                string sWhere = (AuthorizeUser.IsHost() || AuthorizeUser.IsAction(Ultity.Constant.ViewEditAll)) ? " 1=1 " : " a.CreatedBy =" + WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                    key            = key.Trim();
                    ViewBag.Search = key;
                    sWhere        += "and  ( a.Name like N'%" + key + "%' or dbo.ConvertToNoSigned(a.Name) like  dbo.ConvertToNoSigned(N'%" + key + "%')) ";

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(usedState))
                    if (!usedState.Equals(Ultity.Constant.All.ToString()))
                        ViewBag.UsedState = Ultity.TFunction.GetAllUsedStateSelected(CommonHelper.Convert.ConvertToInt32(usedState));
                        sWhere            = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sWhere) ? " a.UsedState=" + usedState + "" : (sWhere + " AND a.UsedState=" + usedState + " ");
                string sSort = "a.CreatedDate DESC";
                if (sort.HasValue)
                    switch (sort.Value)
                    case 0:
                        sSort            = "a.Name ASC";
                        ViewBag.SortName = "1";

                    case 1:
                        sSort            = "a.Name DESC";
                        ViewBag.SortName = "2";

                    case 2:
                        ViewBag.SortName = "0";
                        sSort            = "a.Orders ASC";
                    ViewBag.SortName = "0";
                objRef[0] = sWhere;
                objRef[1] = sSort;
                objRef[2] = currentPageIndex;
                objRef[3] = pageSize;
                objRef[4] = 0;
                var modelList = _sysAction.List(ref objRef);
                int totalRow  = CommonHelper.Convert.ConvertToInt32(objRef[4]);

                //Check after deleted last item in page . Redirect page close have value smaller
                if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    return(Json(new { status = "success", Message = Ultity.Constant.Ajax_Success, Data = modelList, TotalPage = totalRow, CurrentPage = currentPageIndex, PageSize = pageSize }));
            catch (Exception exception)
                return(Json(new { status = "fail", Message = Ultity.Constant.Ajax_Fail }));
            return(Json(new { status = "fail", Message = Ultity.Constant.Ajax_Fail }));