protected void btn_delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (SysFunc.IsExist("RefundPayment", txtRefundCode.Text, "PaymentReceiptMaster", Session["DealerCode"].ToString()))
                    SysFuncs.UserMsg(success_add_item, Color.Red, "You Can Not Delete it exist in PaymentReceipt");
                if (SysFunc.CheckVoucherPostFlag(Session["DealerCode"].ToString(), txtVoucherNo.Text))
                    SysFuncs.UserMsg(success_add_item, Color.Red, "Can't Edit or Delete the Voucher '" + txtVoucherNo.Text + "' is already Posted");

                SqlParameter[] PmtRecMaster_param = { /*0*/ new SqlParameter("@DealerCode",      SqlDbType.Char, 5),
                                                            /*1*/ new SqlParameter("@ReceiptNo", SqlDbType.Char, 8) };
                PmtRecMaster_param[0].Value = Session["DealerCode"].ToString();
                PmtRecMaster_param[1].Value = txtRefundCode.Text;
                if (SysFuncs.ExecuteSP_NonQuery("[sp_W2_PaymentRefund_Master_Delete]", PmtRecMaster_param))
                    SysFunc.UpdateJV(Session["DealerCode"].ToString(), txtVoucherNo.Text);
                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage", "Deletealert()", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                SysFuncs.UserMsg(success_add_item, Color.Red, ex.Message);
Exemple #2
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (myFunc.CodeExists("JobCardMaster", "EngineNo", txtEngNo.Text.Trim(), " And GatePass='' "))
                lblMSG.Text = "Can not update this Engine number use in Job Card " + txtEngNo.Text;
                PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                lblMasg.Text = "";
            if (myFunc.CodeExists("JobCardMaster", "ChassisNo", txtChassisNo.Text.Trim(), " And GatePass='' "))
                lblMSG.Text = "Can not update this Chassis number use in Job Card " + txtChassisNo.Text;
                PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                lblMasg.Text = "";
            //TextBox[] textBoxes = { txtCustomerCode, txtEndUser, txtRegDate, txtRegNo, txtEngineNo, txtChassisNo, txtProduct, txtInvoiceNo, txtInvoiceDate };
            if (txtCustomerName.Text.Trim() == "" || txtEndUserName.Text.Trim() == "" || txtChassisNo.Text.Trim() == "" || txtEngNo.Text.Trim() == "")
                /// Validate from SMIS Database of Engine number ///
                DataSet  dsValidate = new DataSet();
                DateTime InvDate    = dpInvoiceDate.Date;

                if (cmbBrand.Value.ToString().Trim() == "001")
                    //if (InvDate >= Convert.ToDateTime("2009-10-01"))
                    //    SqlParameter[] paramData = {
                    //                    new SqlParameter("@EngineNo",SqlDbType.VarChar,5),
                    //                    new SqlParameter ("@Chk" ,SqlDbType.Char,1)
                    //               };
                    //    paramData[0].Value = txtEngNo.Text;
                    //    paramData[1].Value = "Y";

                    //    dsValidate = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(GlobalVar.mCon, "sp_2W_Get_NewVehicleInfo_SDMS", paramData);

                    //    if (dsValidate.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    //    {
                    //        if (dsValidate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ChasisNo"].ToString() != txtChassisNo.Text.Trim())
                    //        {
                    //            lblMSG.Text = "Enter valid Chassis No."+ txtChassisNo.Text;
                    //            PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;

                    //            return;
                    //        }
                    //        if (dsValidate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProdCode"].ToString() != cmbProdCode.Text.Trim())
                    //        {
                    //            lblMSG.Text = "Enter valid Product Code." + cmbProdCode.Text;
                    //            PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                    //            return;
                    //        }
                    //        //if(txtInvoiceNo.Text .Trim () >
                    //        //if (dsValidate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["InvoiceNo"].ToString() != txtInvoiceNo.Text.Trim())
                    //        //{
                    //        //    grl.UserMsg(lblMasg, Color.Red, "Enter valid InvoiceNo.", txtInvoiceNo );
                    //        //    return;
                    //        //}
                    //        //if (Convert.ToDateTime (dsValidate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["InvoiceDate"].ToString ()).ToString ("dd/MM/yyyy") != InvDate.ToString ("dd/MM/yyyy"))
                    //        //{
                    //        //    grl.UserMsg(lblMasg, Color.Red, "Enter valid InvoiceDate.", txtInvoiceDate );
                    //        //    return;
                    //        //}

                    //        if (dsValidate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VersionCode"].ToString() != txtVersion.Text)
                    //        {
                    //            lblMSG.Text = "Enter valid Version Code" + txtVersion.Text;
                    //            PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                    //            return;
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        lblMSG.Text = "Enter valid Engine No." + txtEngNo.Text;
                    //        PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                    //        return;
                    //    }
                SqlParameter[] param =
                    new SqlParameter("@DealerCode",   SqlDbType.VarChar, 5),   //0
                    new SqlParameter("@CusCode",      SqlDbType.VarChar, 8),   //1
                    new SqlParameter("@EndUserCode",  SqlDbType.Char, 8),      //2
                    new SqlParameter("@CtdDate",      SqlDbType.DateTime),     //3
                    new SqlParameter("@RegNo",        SqlDbType.VarChar, 15),  //4
                    new SqlParameter("@ChassisNo",    SqlDbType.VarChar, 30),  //5
                    new SqlParameter("@EngineNo",     SqlDbType.VarChar, 30),  //6
                    new SqlParameter("@BrandCode",    SqlDbType.Char, 3),      //7
                    new SqlParameter("@ProdCode",     SqlDbType.VarChar, 10),  //8
                    new SqlParameter("@VersionCode",  SqlDbType.Char, 3),      //9
                    new SqlParameter("@ColorCode",    SqlDbType.Char, 5),      //10
                    new SqlParameter("@InvoiceNo",    SqlDbType.VarChar, 25),  //11
                    new SqlParameter("@InvoiceDate",  SqlDbType.DateTime),     //12
                    new SqlParameter("@InsCompCode",  SqlDbType.Char, 4),      //13
                    new SqlParameter("@InsPolicyNo",  SqlDbType.VarChar, 25),  //14
                    new SqlParameter("@LossNo",       SqlDbType.VarChar, 15),  //15
                    new SqlParameter("@MeterReading", SqlDbType.VarChar, 10),  //16
                    new SqlParameter("@MonthReading", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4),   //17
                    new SqlParameter("@Remarks",      SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), //18
                    new SqlParameter("@UpdUser",      SqlDbType.VarChar, 30),  //19
                    new SqlParameter("@UpdTerm",      SqlDbType.VarChar, 30)   //20
                // 101 = Not Available
                // 102 = Not Understand

                param[0].Value  = Session["DealerCode"].ToString();
                param[1].Value  = cmbCustomerCode.Text.Trim().ToUpper();
                param[2].Value  = cmbEndUser.Text.Trim().ToUpper();
                param[3].Value  = myFunc.SaveDate(dpRegDate.Text);
                param[4].Value  = txtRegNo.Text.Trim().ToUpper().ToUpper();
                param[5].Value  = txtChassisNo.Text.Trim().ToUpper();
                param[6].Value  = txtEngNo.Text.Trim().ToUpper();
                param[7].Value  = cmbBrand.Value.ToString().Trim();
                param[8].Value  = cmbProdCode.Text.Trim();
                param[9].Value  = txtVersion.Text.Trim();
                param[10].Value = cmbColorCode.Text.Trim();
                param[11].Value = txtInvoiceNo.Text.Trim();
                param[12].Value = myFunc.SaveDate(dpInvoiceDate.Text);
                param[13].Value = cmbInsCode.Text.Trim();
                param[14].Value = txtPolicyNo.Text.Trim();
                param[15].Value = "102"; // new SqlParameter("@LossNo",SqlDbType.VarChar,15),
                param[16].Value = "101"; // new SqlParameter("@MeterReading",SqlDbType.VarChar,10),
                param[17].Value = "101"; // new SqlParameter("@MonthReading",SqlDbType.VarChar,4),
                param[18].Value = "101"; // new SqlParameter("@Remarks",SqlDbType.VarChar,100),
                param[19].Value = Session["UserName"].ToString().ToUpper();
                param[20].Value = Environment.MachineName;

                //select * from brand where BrandCode=''
                //select * from version Where Version=''
                //select * from customer where CusCode=''

                //select * from vehicle where BrandCode=='' and ProdCode='' and VersionCode='' and ColorCode
                //select * from color where ColorCode = ''
                    if ((myFunc.IsExist("CusCode", cmbCustomerCode.Text, "Customer", Session["DealerCode"].ToString()) == true))
                        if ((myFunc.IsExist("BrandCode", cmbBrand.Value.ToString(), "Brand", Session["DealerCode"].ToString()) == true))
                            if ((myFunc.IsExist("VersionCode", txtVersion.Text, "Vehicle", Session["DealerCode"].ToString()) == true))
                                // apStr = " and  versioncode=" + txtVersion.Text + " and ProdCode='" + txtProduct.Text + "'";
                                if ((myFunc.IsExist("ColorCode", cmbColorCode.Text, "Vehicle", Session["DealerCode"].ToString()) == true))
                                    if (!myFunc.IsExist("RegNo", txtRegNo.Text, "CustomerVehicle", Session["DealerCode"].ToString())
                                        & !myFunc.IsExist("ChassisNo", txtChassisNo.Text, "CustomerVehicle", Session["DealerCode"].ToString())
                                        & !myFunc.IsExist("EngineNo", txtEngNo.Text, "CustomerVehicle", Session["DealerCode"].ToString()))
                                        if (myFunc.ExecuteSP_NonQuery("sp_CustomerVehicle_Insert", param))
                                            lblMSG.Text = "Record Saved!" + txtVersion.Text;
                                            PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                                            GetDataLoaded(true, false);
                                            btnDelete.Enabled = true;
                                            lblMSG.Text = "Record Not Saved!";
                                            PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                                        apStr = " and ChassisNo ='" + txtChassisNo.Text + "' and jobstatus = null and GatePass = null";
                                        if (myFunc.IsExist("ChassisNo", txtChassisNo.Text, "JobCardMaster", Session["DealerCode"].ToString())
                                            & myFunc.IsExist("EngineNo", txtEngNo.Text, "JobCardMaster", Session["DealerCode"].ToString()))
                                            if (myFunc.IsExist("ChassisNo", txtChassisNo.Text, "JobCardMaster", Session["DealerCode"].ToString(), apStr))
                                                lblMSG.Text = "Record can not be updated";
                                                PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                                                if (myFunc.ExecuteSP_NonQuery("sp_CustomerVehicle_Update", param))
                                                    // objMBLL.ShowMessageBox("Record Updated", txtCustomerCode);
                                                    lblMSG.Text = "Record Updated";
                                                    PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                                                    GetDataLoaded(true, false);
                                                    lblMSG.Text = "Record Not updated";
                                                    PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                                            if (myFunc.ExecuteSP_NonQuery("sp_CustomerVehicle_Update", param))
                                                //objMBLL.ShowMessageBox("Record Updated", txtCustomerCode);
                                                lblMSG.Text = "Record updated";
                                                PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;

                                                GetDataLoaded(true, false);
                                                lblMSG.Text = "Record can not be updated";
                                                PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                                //objMBLL.ShowMessageBox("'Version' not exist! ", txtCustomerCode);
                                lblMSG.Text = "Version not exist";
                                PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                            lblMSG.Text = "Product not exist!";
                            PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                        lblMSG.Text = "Brand not exist";
                        PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var LineNumber = new StackTrace(ex, true).GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber();
                    lblMSG.Text = "Error : " + ex.Message + "/" + ex.StackTrace.ToString() + "/" + LineNumber.ToString();
                    PopupControlMSG.ShowOnPageLoad = true;
Exemple #3
        protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //SqlTransaction Trans = null;
            if (ddlAppSt.SelectedValue == "Approved")
                lblMsg.Visible   = true;
                lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                lblMsg.Text      = "Cannot Delete Approved Status";

            bool Chek = false;

                //TextBox[] textBoxes = { txtPPRNo };
                //if (!MasterValidation(textBoxes))
                //	return;
                if (sysFuncs.IsPosted("PPRMaster", "PPRCode", ddlPRNo.SelectedValue, string.Empty))
                    sysFuncs.UserMsg(lblMsg, Color.Red, "Can not Delete PPR is posted", null);
                //if (ObjGenral.IsDelFlag("PPRMaster", "PPRCode", txtPPRNo.Text, string.Empty) == false)
                //    ObjGenral.UserMsg(lblMsg, Color.Red, "Record dose not exist", null);
                //    return;
                if (ddlPRNo.SelectedValue != "__/_____")
                    if (sysFuncs.IsExist("PPRCode", ddlPRNo.SelectedValue, "PPRMaster", string.Empty) == false)
                        lblMsg.Text = "Record dose not exist";
                        //sysFuncs.UserMsg(lblMsg, Color.Red, "Record dose not exist", ddlPRNo.SelectedValue);
                //if (ObjTrans.BeginTransaction(ref Trans) == false)
                //    return;
                SqlParameter[] param =
                    new SqlParameter("@DealerCode", SqlDbType.Char, 5),                                                        //0
                    new SqlParameter("@PPRCode",    SqlDbType.Char, 8),                                                        //1
                param[0].Value = Session["DealerCode"].ToString();
                param[1].Value = ddlPRNo.SelectedValue;
                if (sysFuncs.ExecuteSP_NonQuery("sp_2W_Service_DeletePPR", param))
                    sysFuncs.UserMsg(lblMsg, Color.Green, "Deleted Successfully", null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblMsg.Visible   = true;
                lblMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                lblMsg.Text      = ex.Message;
                //SendAlert("Error: " + ex.Message);